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Re: But then what are namespaces ?

From: Gregory Heytings
Subject: Re: But then what are namespaces ?
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2021 21:47:50 +0000

(I'm not sure what you mean by "many/most", I at least don't know languages with namespaces that use a different strategy.)

Some languages take extra steps to try and avoid relying on a unique global namespace, and rely instead exclusively on relative names.

See https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/325478.325518 for instance. Whether that can be considered as having a unique global namespace or not is somewhat philosophical, admittedly (and the abstract itself suggests the authors aren't sure either ;-)

Thanks for the pointer! It'll take me some time to digest that rather long paper. From what I've understood after glancing through it, what they discuss is more an make-like utility that automatically renames the identifiers exported by individual modules to avoid name clashes than a new namespace strategy at the programming language level.

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