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Re: Unicode confusables and reordering characters considered harmful, a

From: Benjamin Riefenstahl
Subject: Re: Unicode confusables and reordering characters considered harmful, a simple solution
Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2021 14:58:31 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.2 (gnu/linux)

Eli Zaretskii writes:
> The Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (UBA) mandates
> (https://unicode.org/reports/tr9/#X8):
>   X8. All explicit directional embeddings, overrides and isolates are
>   completely terminated at the end of each paragraph.
> [...]
> So when the UBA says "at the end of each paragraph", it means in
> practice at EOL, since all the other paragraph separators are rarely
> if ever used in human-readable text.  (And Emacs, of course,
> implements that rule.)

Should the end of a comment or string in source code then also qualify
as the end of a paragraph in this sense?

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