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Request: Please add a prompt to read-event

From: T.V Raman
Subject: Request: Please add a prompt to read-event
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 08:30:15 -0800

Emacspeak advices read-event and read-char to speak their
prompt. There are a few places in Emacs where read-event and/or
read-char  are called without a prompt; e.g. disabled-command-function

Could we perhaps fix this?

(defun disabled-command-function (&optional cmd keys)
  (unless cmd (setq cmd this-command))
  (unless keys (setq keys (this-command-keys)))
  (let (char)
      (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Disabled Command*" ;; (help-buffer)
         (if (or (eq (aref keys 0)
                     (if (stringp keys)
                         (aref "\M-x" 0)
                 (and (>= (length keys) 2)
                      (eq (aref keys 0) meta-prefix-char)
                      (eq (aref keys 1) ?x)))
            (princ (format "You have invoked the disabled command %s.\n" cmd))
           (princ (format "You have typed %s, invoking disabled command %s.\n"
                         (key-description keys) cmd)))
       ;; Print any special message saying why the command is disabled.
        (if (stringp (get cmd 'disabled))
            (princ (get cmd 'disabled))
         (princ "It is disabled because new users often find it confusing.\n")
         (princ (substitute-command-keys
                 "Here's the first part of its description:\n\n"))
         ;; Keep only the first paragraph of the documentation.
          (with-current-buffer "*Disabled Command*" ;; standard-output
           (goto-char (point-max))
           (let ((start (point)))
               (princ (or (condition-case ()
                               (documentation cmd)
                            (error nil))
                          "<< not documented >>")))
             (if (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
                 (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (point-max)))
             (goto-char (point-max))
             (indent-rigidly start (point) 3))))
       (princ "\n\nDo you want to use this command anyway?\n\n")
       (princ (substitute-command-keys "You can now type
y   to try it and enable it (no questions if you use it again).
n   to cancel--don't try the command, and it remains disabled.
SPC to try the command just this once, but leave it disabled.
!   to try it, and enable all disabled commands for this session only."))
        ;; Redundant since with-output-to-temp-buffer will do it anyway.
        ;; (with-current-buffer standard-output
        ;;   (help-mode))
     (fit-window-to-buffer (get-buffer-window "*Disabled Command*"))
     (message "Type y, n, ! or SPC (the space bar): ")
     (let ((cursor-in-echo-area t))
       (while (progn (setq char (read-event))
                     (or (not (numberp char))
                         (not (memq (downcase char)
                                    '(?! ?y ?n ?\s ?\C-g)))))
         (message "Please type y, n, ! or SPC (the space bar): "))))
    (setq char (downcase char))
    (pcase char
     (?\C-g (setq quit-flag t))
     (?! (setq disabled-command-function nil))
        (if (and user-init-file
                 (not (string= "" user-init-file))
                 (y-or-n-p "Enable command for future editing sessions also? "))
          (enable-command cmd)
        (put cmd 'disabled nil))))
    (or (char-equal char ?n)
        (call-interactively cmd))))



--Raman(I Search, I Find, I Misplace, I Research)
♉ Id: kg:/m/0285kf1  🦮



--Raman(I Search, I Find, I Misplace, I Research)
♉ Id: kg:/m/0285kf1  🦮

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