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Re: Tree-sitter api

From: Yuan Fu
Subject: Re: Tree-sitter api
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2021 18:48:02 -0800

> On Dec 18, 2021, at 5:39 AM, Daniel Martín <mardani29@yahoo.es> wrote:
> Yuan Fu <casouri@gmail.com> writes:
>> It’s been a while and no one provided further comments on the indent
>> and font-lock integration of tree-sitter, so I finished the manuals
>> for indent and font-lock integration. They are under 24.6 Font Lock
>> Mode and 24.7 Automatic Indentation of code. Once the author of
>> tree-sitter allow tree-sitter to change malloc implementation at
>> runtime, tree-sitter integration will be ready. (Though I suspect that
>> won’t come soon. The author is still actively developing tree-sitter
>> but he didn’t reply to my request.)
>> As before, the code is at https://github.com/casouri/emacs on ts branch.
>> Yuan
> Thank you for your work.  I had some troubles getting the latest code to
> compile, so I've sent you a pull request with potential fixes:
> https://github.com/casouri/emacs/pull/4  I have signed the FSF papers.

Yes, sorry, I forgot to push fixes after merging. I included your fix for the 
switch case. Thanks.

> I have a general question about the major modes.  I see there's a couple
> of sample major modes, one for C and another for JSON, but they are in
> tree-sitter.el.  How would those new major modes be included with Emacs?
> Will there be a c-ts mode, separate from cc-mode, which will implement
> font lock and indentation in terms of tree-sitter (when Emacs is
> compiled with tree-sitter support)?  Or the plan is to extend the core
> language modes to offer an option to support tree-sitter? (I'm not sure
> how complicated and clean that would be.)

They are just my experiments and I included them in tree-sitter.el as examples 
for anyone want to try out tree-sitter. They will be removed when tree-sitter 
integration merges into master. Each major mode should optionally take 
advantage of tree-sitter features according to tree-sitter-enable-p. (At least 
that’s my plan, no one has objected to this approach so far.)


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