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Re: About tab-line-mode

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: Re: About tab-line-mode
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 21:43:28 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

>> Thanks for suggestions! I added this to the init file, an it seems to work
>> ;; Native buffer tabs setup
>> (global-tab-line-mode 1)
>> (setq tab-line-tabs-function 'tab-line-tabs-buffer-groups)
>> (setq tab-line-close-tab-function 'kill-buffer)
>> (set-face-attribute 'tab-line nil :height 1.0)
>> Is that what you had in mind?


> I have a few more questions.
> a. When I am in a mode with more tabs, selecting one tab it becomes the
> most left tab, near the mode button. Is there a setting to left the tab at
> its position? How are the tabs ordered? When I have multiple tabs open in
> a browser they remain there, don't move to the most left position just
> because I have selected one of them..

There is a variable for sorting tabs too, so you could set it to e.g.:

(setq tab-line-tabs-buffer-group-sort-function
      (lambda (a b)
        (string< (buffer-name a) (buffer-name b))))

> b. When a buffer is modified and not saved, one expects the tab
> changes some of its elements, usually a "star" shows up or the buffer
> name change color.  Is there a setting to have this?

There is a setting for this as well.  When the list in
'tab-line-tab-face-functions' contains the function
'tab-line-tab-face-modified' then the modified file buffer is
highlighted with the face 'tab-line-tab-modified'.

This is enabled by default.  But I noticed that this is
not supported when 'tab-line-tabs-function' is customized to
'tab-line-tabs-buffer-groups'.  Now this is fixed in master,
so you can have the cake and eat it too.

> I am afraid of all this questions but I'm almost done..

Thanks for the questions.

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