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Re: About zcomplete

From: Ergus
Subject: Re: About zcomplete
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2022 14:27:08 +0100

On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 11:11:00AM +0000, Philip Kaludercic wrote:
Ergus <spacibba@aol.com> writes:

Hi recently I have been trying to move back to default completion. As
I had many issues with fido and icomplete.

The default completion system received a nice improvement recently with
the completion-autoselect... and I am wondering a simple mode like
this may be added to vanilla (or at least it gives an idea to a better
lisper to implement something better, this is just a proof of concept.)

(require 'simple)
(require 'minibuffer)

(defvar-keymap zcomplete-map
   :doc "Keymap used in *Completions* on zcomplete"
   :parent completion-list-mode-map
   "z" nil
   "n" nil
   "p" nil
   "q" nil
   "g" nil
   "h" nil
   "DEL" nil

When completion-auto-select was first added, there was a discussion
about adding automatic narrowing in the *Completions* buffer.  Given a
mode like zcomplete, that decides to unbind all single-character
bindings, this might be possible (as an alternative to what you do in

Whether or not this should be coupled to removing the mode line of the
completion buffer is a different question.

Actually a more `urgent` thing in my opinion may be to allow
*Completions* to update without needing to narrow first. Then I could
add a post-command-hook in the minibuffer to update *Completions* when
it is visible.

With that we only need a highlight and the zsh experience may be almost
done with minimal changes.

(defun zcomplete--try-on-minibuffer ()
   "Try to execute the binding on minibuffer."
   (if-let ((command (lookup-key (current-active-maps)
         (call-interactively command)
     ;; back to completions

(defun zcomplete--completions-pre-hook ()
   "Try on minibuffer when the command is not in *Completions* map."
   (when (eq this-command 'undefined)

(defun zcomplete--hack (data context signal)
   "Alternative to command-error-default-function.
This will try to execute on minibuffer, else emits the error"
   (unless (and (string= (buffer-name) "*Completions*")
     (command-error-default-function data context signal)))

(defun zcomplete--completions-setup-hook ()
   "To call on completions setup."
   (add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'zcomplete--completions-pre-hook nil t)

   (setq-local command-error-function #'zcomplete--hack)
   (setq-local mode-line-format nil)
   (use-local-map zcomplete-map))

(define-minor-mode zcomplete-mode
   "Completion highlight mode to enable candidates highlight in the minibuffer."
   :global t
   :group 'minibuffer

   (if zcomplete-mode
         (setq completion-auto-select t)

This should probably be reverted when zcomplete-mode is disabled.

Agree. But we need to cache the original value tho... I have been
thinking to implement a general solution for that issue similar to
connection-local-variables, because it is a general issue many packages
need to deal with.

         ;; (overlay-put zcomplete-overlay 'face 'zcomplete)
        (add-hook 'completion-setup-hook #'zcomplete--completions-setup-hook t))

     (remove-hook 'completion-setup-hook #'zcomplete--completions-setup-hook)))

(provide 'zcomplete)

It lacks some features (like highlight the current candidate or
automatically update completion buffers when visible) to be really a
zsh-like feature, but at least we don't need to press C-g every time we
want to edit the minibuffer.

With this a tab shows the completions and goes there, and any attempt to
edit or not defined command tries to execute on the minibuffer...

Parts of this could be implemented with advises, but I know we try to
avoid those on vanilla code.

If something like this would be added to the core, it would be better to
patch the relevant sections directly.


        Philip Kaludercic

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