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Re: [PATCH] improving ses-jump for accepting cell names as lowercase

From: andrés ramírez
Subject: Re: [PATCH] improving ses-jump for accepting cell names as lowercase
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2022 13:32:07 +0000

Hi. Vincent. My comments below.

>>>>> "Vincent" == Vincent Belaïche <vincent.b.1@hotmail.fr> writes:

    Vincent> Hello,

    Vincent> Please note that cells can be renamed and you have auto-completion 
on renamed cells.


    Vincent> Concerning the letters case, maybe it would be even more flexible 
if the user had some
    Vincent> sort of hook function to pre-process cell names that are not in 
the renamed cell list,
    Vincent> then you could set this function to upcase, but some other setting 
could allow to enter
    Vincent> some coordinate.

    Vincent> Rahter than applying your patch, I can update the code in this 
way.  V.

It sounds good.

Best Regards

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