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Simple key guide package

From: dalanicolai
Subject: Simple key guide package
Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 08:56:05 +0200

I would like to inform you about some small project, named key-guide.
It is another 'key guide' package, with functionality in between
(pretty-)hydra (or transient) and which-key, but much quicker to use
(which has its advantages and disadvantages).

So the package prints a simple key guide (providing which-key and hydra
style formatting options).

It is similar to hydra in the sense that it organizes key bindings by categories
(but without using a separate keymap).
It is similar to which-key, because it includes functionality to infer from a function name
which key to print  (and the other way around).

It is strongly inspired by the pretty hydra package, but when trying to use that package (for 'documenting the 'ebib' package), I found it too much work to once more define another complete keymap for it.

The package is especially handy for non-text-editing modes (like Info, ebib modes or sketch mode).

I am not planning to put much more work in it, but just wanted to inform you about its existence,
so you can use/extend it or contibute when interested.

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