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Re: Support fullscreen values fullheight and fullwidth on pgtk

From: Po Lu
Subject: Re: Support fullscreen values fullheight and fullwidth on pgtk
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2022 14:00:12 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.91 (gnu/linux)

Florian Rommel <mail@florommel.de> writes:

> This is a suggestion to support the values 'fullheight and 'fullwidth
> for the fullscreen frame parameter on pgtk.
> Background: I undecorate the frame when it is maximized or "tiled" (in
> Gnome) to the left or right (-> fullheight, currently not supported on
> pgtk - only with the X backend).
> The patch uses the GDK_WINDOW_STATE_*_TILED and
> GDK_WINDOW_STATE_*_RESIZABLE flags that are available since GTK
> 3.22.23.  A value of 'fullheight is set if the top and the bottom edges
> are marked as tiled and not resizable; 'fullwidth is set if the left
> and right edges are marked as tiled and not resizable.
> So, is the introduced behavior correct? I think it is consistent with
> the description in the Emacs manual: "a fullwidth frame is as wide as
> possible, a fullheight frame is as tall as possible".

It seems reasonable enough to me, though GTK sets those state flags in
situations in some situations that don't exactly correspond to
used by the X build.

> On Gnome, it works as expected. Other desktop environments, such as
> KDE, Xfce or tiling window managers don't seem to support the
> GTK_WINDOW_STATE_*_{TILED/RESIZABLE} flags, so fullheight and fullwidth
> will still never be set there (however, this also seems to be the case
> with the Emacs X backend).
> Regards,
> Flo

Thanks, some comments below.

> +  GdkWindowState new_state = event->window_state.new_window_state;
>    union buffered_input_event inev;

IMO it would look better to simply write:

  GdkWindowState new_state;

and then place

  new_state = event->window_state.new_window_state;

after all the variable declarations.

> +#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 22, 23)
> +  else if ((new_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_TOP_TILED) &&
> +        (new_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_BOTTOM_TILED) &&
> +        !(new_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_TOP_RESIZABLE) &&
> +        !(new_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_BOTTOM_RESIZABLE))
> +    store_frame_param (f, Qfullscreen, Qfullheight);
> +  else if ((new_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_LEFT_TILED) &&
> +        (new_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_RIGHT_TILED) &&
> +        !(new_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_LEFT_RESIZABLE) &&
> +        !(new_state & GDK_WINDOW_STATE_RIGHT_RESIZABLE))
> +    store_frame_param (f, Qfullscreen, Qfullwidth);
> +#endif

I think we should just bump the version of GTK required for PGTK to
3.22, since users of older versions can use the regular X build.

Our coding style is also to place the "&&" on the next line.  Here and
in other places, write:

  if (very_long_condition_here
      && other_very_long_condition_here)
    do_something ();

instead of:

  if (very_long_condition_here &&
    do_something ();

You also forgot to implement setting the `fullwidth' and `fullheight'
states.  It should be easy to implement in `set_fullscreen_state',
though I admit I haven't looked very closely at that.

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