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Re: Why tree-sitter instead of Semantic? (was Re: CC Mode with font-lock

From: Eric Ludlam
Subject: Re: Why tree-sitter instead of Semantic? (was Re: CC Mode with font-lock-maximum-decoration 2)
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2022 21:41:09 -0400
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On 8/16/22 1:40 PM, Lynn Winebarger wrote:
On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 1:19 PM Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:

I'm only saying there's a disconnect between Jostein's report and Po's
response.  It's probably a UI issue.  There's a checkbox in a dropdown
menu that says "Source Code Parsers (Semantic)".

FWIW, I've used (semantic-mode 1) to enable CEDET in Emacs's C source
files and that was all that was needed to get TAB completion of struct
field's names working.
I haven't used it for much more than that, admittedly.

It also works for me, but I also have been mostly looking at Emacs
source with it, and Semantic knows how to use the TAGS file for
context-sensitive completion in C.  And something is working
gangbusters in Elisp, but unfortunately I can't really identify which
package is doing the work.

*  "${" and "{" could both open a block closed by "}"

Why do you think it's a problem?
If you want the lexer to tokenize the ${ as a symbol while still
recognizing the text in between as delimited, it seems like a problem.
   I mean, I already deal with that in ordinary font-lock, I was hoping
the parser/lexer generation would address the issue independently of
syntax tables.

Lexers are built per-language from a set of analyzers. Thus, you call (define-lex ...) and list a bunch of analyzers, which are created with `define-lex-analyzer' or one of the variants.

The analyzers mostly use regular expressions, and when possible, uses expressions that use the syntax table because they are quite fast. If you restrict yourself to the built-in named lexer analyzers, like 'semantic-lex-whitespace', then that is what they are, but you can use `define-lex-analyzer' or `define-lex-regex-analyzer' and write any code you want to do a match, push a token, and find the end point. The C lexer/parser does this a lot.

For a very simple case like matching ${:
(define-lex-simple-regex-analyzer my-dollar-curly
 "doc string"
 "\\$\\{" 'dollar-curly)

and then put this in front of the { } block analyzer when you build up your lexer.


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