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Re: [PATCH] src/comp.c: Use constructor expressions when possible.

From: Vibhav Pant
Subject: Re: [PATCH] src/comp.c: Use constructor expressions when possible.
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2022 18:49:57 +0530
User-agent: Evolution 3.44.4

On Sat, 2022-10-15 at 15:59 +0000, Andrea Corallo wrote:
> Hi Vibhav,
> could you please produce the same without your patch an report it here?
> Also, do you see any difference in geenrated asm code?

Hi Andrea,

I've attached the code generated generated with the current codebase below,
alongside the source-accompanied disassembly of both versions of the compiler.
The main difference that I noticed is the lack of `Lisp_Object` variables
emitted by `emit_coerce` in the new file. As far as the generated assembly goes,
luckily, there doesn't seem to be any difference between the two yet, as gcc is
optimizing those variables away.


Vibhav Pant
GPG: 7ED1 D48C 513C A024 BE3A  785F E3FB 28CB 6AB5 9598

Attachment: abbrev-old.c
Description: Psuedo C code generated by libgccjit

Attachment: old_disasm
Description: Text document

Attachment: new_disasm
Description: Text document

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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