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Re: [ELPA] New package: use-package

From: Payas Relekar
Subject: Re: [ELPA] New package: use-package
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 19:34:23 +0530
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.10; emacs 29.0.50

Daniel Martín <mardani29@yahoo.es> writes:

> Payas Relekar <relekarpayas@gmail.com> writes:
>> However, considering my personal time and elisp skills, not to mention
>> understanding of use-package codebase is less than perfect at the
>> moment, it might take me a while, and definitely will not be completed
>> before 29 branch-off. If someone else wants to pick up the pace, please
>> feel free to take over.
> If I'm not mistaken, proposing the package for GNU ELPA inclusion should
> not conflict with the Emacs 29 release branch cut.

Correct, hence the attempt to submit to ELPA.

Original mail meant inclusion to upstream emacs.git, just to set
expectations right, considering there is lot of excitement in the air
with eglot and tree-sitter.

> I don't know what was the final decision about use-package, I think it's
> a good package to have in Core, but I agree that it's a bit late to
> prepare all the manuals, etc. that should accompany it before Emacs 29.

Indeed. If I end up doing the work alone, it *will* take a lot of time,
but I hope nobody minds :)

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