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Re: Subject: Explain a bit more on how to configure language server in E

From: Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
Subject: Re: Subject: Explain a bit more on how to configure language server in Eglot's manual
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2023 09:58:47 +0100

That would be really helpful. The most confusing point for some
'non-experts' is to configure things in ".emacs.d/init.el" (Hyphens
because it is not the actual file but the notion of it) vs. I
configure in ".dir-locals.el"

As a result of "some years" using Emacs, I tend to have a config which
is 'valid in most situations' in init.el and only 'special configs for
special purposes' and that's what I show people how to do.

Thx, /PA

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