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Re: broken (or missing) packages after 'error in process sentinel: async

From: Thomas Klausner
Subject: Re: broken (or missing) packages after 'error in process sentinel: async-handle-result: End of file during parsing'
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 11:27:52 +0100

On Tue, Mar 07, 2023 at 03:57:24PM -0500, chad wrote:
> This used to happen to me pretty often when I would update emacs, relaunch
> it, and then immediately update packages. What I saw was that async native
> compile would schedule/start a file, package.el would update that elpa
> package with new code, and then async-jit-native-compile would try to
> compile the since-replaced file.
> It went away when I started giving the new emacs a little time to catch up
> before running package-list-packages; I would sometimes manually work
> around the problem with package-recompile-all.
> I started a bug report and then stopped, because it was very closely tied
> to the developer-centric behavior -- I didn't see it if I let the new emacs
> "settle" for a few minutes of normal use.

Thanks for the suggestion. I just tried:
start emacs
(wait 10 minutes)
M-x list-packages

and I still got the failure:

Importing package-keyring.gpg...done
Package refresh done
Packages that can be upgraded: 2; type ‘U’ to mark for upgrading.
Packages marked for upgrading: 2
Packages to upgrade: 2 (cmake-mode-20230308.1904 helm-core-20230308.857).  
Proceed? (y or n) y
Operation [ Upgrade 2 ] started
Contacting host: melpa.org:443 [2 times]
Parsing tar file...done
  INFO     Scraping files for loaddefs...
Note: standard-indent adjusted to 2
Note: indent-tabs-mode adjusted to nil [5 times]
  INFO     Scraping files for loaddefs...done
  GEN      helm-core-autoloads.el
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Package ‘helm-core’ installed.
Contacting host: melpa.org:443
  INFO     Scraping files for loaddefs...
Note: standard-indent adjusted to 2
Note: indent-tabs-mode adjusted to nil
  INFO     Scraping files for loaddefs...done
  GEN      cmake-mode-autoloads.el
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Package ‘cmake-mode’ installed.
Package ‘cmake-mode-20230301.1443’ deleted.
Package ‘helm-core-20230227.649’ deleted.
Package ‘helm-core-20230308.857’ deleted.
Operation finished.  Packages that are no longer needed: 1.  Type ‘M-x 
package-autoremove’ to remove them
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/recentf...done

So just waiting after startup does not work around this for me.

I also tried package-recompile-all, but that doesn't seem to work at
all, I found the following in the message buffer:

Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async-bytecomp.el 
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
Loading /home/wiz/.emacs.d/elpa/async-20230216.559/async.el (source)...done
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: if: End of file during parsing
error in process sentinel: End of file during parsing

Yes, repeated this many times for one call of the recompile.

Does the async package, or my installation of it, have problems?

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