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Re: Comments on TUTORIAL (was: [PATCH] updates to TUTORIAL.cn)

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Comments on TUTORIAL (was: [PATCH] updates to TUTORIAL.cn)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 10:17:30 +0300

> From: Ruijie Yu <ruijie@netyu.xyz>
> Cc: xfq.free@gmail.com, lx@shellcodes.org, emacs-devel@gnu.org
> Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 15:01:30 +0800
> > Think about what, exactly?  If the Chinese text is simply a
> > translation of the English text, then the above comment seems to be
> > about the original English text, not about the translation, in which
> > case it should be discussed separately, not as part of improving the
> > Chinese translation of the tutorial.  If the Chinese text added some
> > explanations to the original English text, and the comment is about
> > those additions, then please tell in English what was added, and we
> > can then ask for opinions on those additions.
> In my mind, being "discussed separately" means sending a separate email
> about it, which I did.  I sent two emails at the same time: one is this
> email (concerning the English version), and the other is purely about
> the quality of the Chinese translation.
> From your wording, it seems that you also want to have this discussion
> in an unrelated, separate thread instead, correct?  If so, I will do
> that in a few hours when I am free again.

Yes.  I would like to install the updated Chinese translation of the
tutorial when there are no more comments about the translation and the
changes you are suggesting.  The more general issue of what should the
original English text of the tutorial say should be a subject of a
separate thread.

If there are no more issues related to the translation itself, would
you please post an updated patch for TUTORIAL.cn, so that I could
install that?  TIA

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