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Re: Comments on TUTORIAL (was: [PATCH] updates to TUTORIAL.cn)

From: Ruijie Yu
Subject: Re: Comments on TUTORIAL (was: [PATCH] updates to TUTORIAL.cn)
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 16:26:44 +0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.9.22; emacs 30.0.50

>> In my mind, being "discussed separately" means sending a separate email
>> about it, which I did.  I sent two emails at the same time: one is this
>> email (concerning the English version), and the other is purely about
>> the quality of the Chinese translation.
>> From your wording, it seems that you also want to have this discussion
>> in an unrelated, separate thread instead, correct?  If so, I will do
>> that in a few hours when I am free again.
> Yes.  I would like to install the updated Chinese translation of the
> tutorial when there are no more comments about the translation and the
> changes you are suggesting.  The more general issue of what should the
> original English text of the tutorial say should be a subject of a
> separate thread.
> If there are no more issues related to the translation itself, would
> you please post an updated patch for TUTORIAL.cn, so that I could
> install that?  TIA

Will do.  So the plan is that I will await further comments from the
other email I posted, and drive the translation to completion.

Then, *only after* the translation is installed, I will start a new
thread which pretty much duplicates what I have sent up-thread regarding
the English tutorial.



[Please note that this mail might go to spam due to some
misconfiguration in my mail server -- still investigating.]

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