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Re: [ELPA] New package: calibre.el

From: Kjartan Óli Águstsson
Subject: Re: [ELPA] New package: calibre.el
Date: Tue, 09 May 2023 12:50:36 +0000
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.2; emacs 30.0.50

Kjartan Óli Águstsson <kjartanoli@outlook.com> writes:

>> This means you should copy the metadata to calibre.el.  Especially the
>> dependency list.  (Also, why do you depend on "29.1.0", a version which
>> is unreleased and has an additional ".0" at the end?  I guess you need
>> Emacs 29 because of SQLite?  Have you taken a look at emacsql?)
> I'll definitely fix the .0 thing.  You are correct that the dependency
> on Emacs 29 is for SQLite.  Emacsql would not work, since I am
> interacting with an existing database maintained by Calibre.  If you
> want to wait until Emacs 29 is released to add it I would definitely
> agree to that.

I've done some more work on this.  The most significant one being the
addition of a backend/database interface that uses the calibredb
executable instead of parsing the SQLite database directly.  Combined
with compat this should lower the minimum required Emacs version to 27.
Are there any other things that would block calibre.el's inclusion in

Kjartan Oli Agustsson
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