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Re: Inferred function types in the *Help* buffer

From: Andrea Corallo
Subject: Re: Inferred function types in the *Help* buffer
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 08:19:31 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Andrea Corallo <acorallo@gnu.org> writes:

> Mattias EngdegÄrd <mattias.engdegard@gmail.com> writes:
>> 30 maj 2023 kl. 18.46 skrev Andrea Corallo <acorallo@gnu.org>:
>>> Ideally I think we should have a declare syntax and maybe an extention
>>> to the DEFUN macro to cover for primitives as well, in order to have
>>> these declaration where each function is defined.
>> That would probably be a good thing in the long run, yes. There are other 
>> declarations we would like to be able to attach to DEFUN as well.
> Hi Mattias,
> thanks for your feedback.
> yep agree, I think we should convey on a syntax for everything we want
> to express (type and other properties), so we have something to
> implement on the long run both for the Lisp both for the C side.
>>>  But probably for now
>>> something like the attached patch is sufficient and considerably less
>>> invasive?
>> Actually it sort of increases coupling; I'd rather it stayed in
>> comp.el for the time being. You could write a function (in comp.el)
>> for access.
> The main reason why I'd like to move them out is not to require the load
> of comp.el for a simple C-h f.  Secondary yeah I think that if it's in
> use outside the compilation functionality should just not live there.

Thinking about more I can't see why we should force people to load
comp.el for a simple C-h f.  If this data is consumed by both comp.el
and help-fns.el it should stay in a commonly available place.

Moreover this functionality would be available to non native compiled
Emacsen as well, so forcing the load of comp.el feels to me even more


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