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Re: Storing sensitive data indefinitely in variables or buffers: Whether

From: Jens Schmidt
Subject: Re: Storing sensitive data indefinitely in variables or buffers: Whether and how to fix?
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 21:37:50 +0200
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On 2023-05-31  18:39, Adam Porter wrote:

I think Emacs needs a new library to store Lisp data securely. Ideally the API would simply return a Lisp object which could be
used with common functions like alist-get, gethash, etc. to read
data. For writing, perhaps some kind of simple macro or function
wrapper that would store the data securely, as-configured, without
the application needing to know the details.

Er, that's what I thought plstore.el is about: Persisting sensitive and non-sensitive data in a structured way, securely, with on-demand decryption. It certainly has rough edges, and almost no UI at all, but I liked the basic idea. See so far




Even more ideally, such a feature would be part of `persist' and/or `multisession', or at least be built on top of them, to avoid having yet-another data-persistence library.

That would make three persistence solutions, then, which is still less than 15 (https://xkcd.com/927). I haven't checked 'persist' nor 'multisession' yet, TBH.

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