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Re: Atom backend for Gnus (nnatom)

From: Daniel Semyonov
Subject: Re: Atom backend for Gnus (nnatom)
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2023 00:02:34 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

>>>>> Thomas Fitzsimmons writes:

    > For comparison, the convenience function,
    > gnus-group-make-rss-group, asks for the blog title, with a
    > reasonable default suggestion, and the resulting line in *Group*
    > for my blog is:

    > nnrss:fitzsim's development log

    > With the procedure you suggested, I end up with:

    > nnatom+www.fitzsim.org/blog/?feed=atom:fitzsim's development log

    > FWIW, I prefer the former.  I think the +.. part is necessary for
    > stuff like email where the field after the ":" is frequently the
    > same (e.g., nnimap+mail.host1:INBOX, nnimap+mail.host2:INBOX)
    > whereas blog titles are usually unique, so the host/url designator
    > becomes redundant.

The procedure I suggested is pretty much the standard way to subscribe
to groups through Gnus.
Also, the '+...' part is necessary, nnrss doesn't need it for the same
reason it requires a special function to add groups.  If it really
bothers you customize the group line format.

    > Have you considered defining a `gnus-group-make-atom-group'
    > convenience function in nnatom.el (even though that's sort of a
    > namespace violation), and install a hook that binds that function
    > to a key in the *Group* buffer ("G A" seems to be available).

As I said before I have considered it, but not before fixing remaining
issues.  Honestly even then I don't really see why its so much more
convenient, other than it being familiar.
If you compare the two methods directly (G R <url> RET RET vs
B <url> RET u) they're very similar really.

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