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Re: ChangeLog and commit messages

From: Konstantin Kharlamov
Subject: Re: ChangeLog and commit messages
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 09:25:35 +0300
User-agent: Evolution 3.48.3

On Mon, 2023-06-19 at 08:48 +0800, Po Lu wrote:
> Konstantin Kharlamov <hi-angel@yandex.ru> writes:
> > Could you please describe some example of when this happens? As
> > someone who has contributed to dozens of projects, I can say there's
> > likely something odd in your workflow. If you provide details on where
> > and why you have problems, I think I could give suggestions for how to
> > avoid that.
> When I'm working on a file, I lock (using the VCS) the files which I
> need to edit.  Then, as I work, I type C-x 4 a and describe the changes
> being made to each function.  Finally, I check in the changes made to
> those locked files, and update ChangeLog.
> Typically, those check-ins are made at the end of the workday, but
> sometimes sooner if another developer complains that a file he wishes to
> edit is locked.

Hmm, it seems it's an SVN workflow, because in git or Mercurial you can't lock
file. I didn't have experience of working with SVN (fortunately, from what I can
tell), but I think if I had to work with it I would use `git-svn`.

Anyway, I kind of wanted to see a commit you have troubles adding a title for.
Judging by your first message here it's the same situation with commits to
Emacs, so you can drop some commit hash for example. I kind of can speculate
based on the general description of this SVN workflow, but it may be more
productive to look at specific cases where such problem arises.

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