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Re: : Re: Moving point after character when clicking latter half of it

From: Benjamin Riefenstahl
Subject: Re: : Re: Moving point after character when clicking latter half of it
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 20:21:35 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Hi all,

benny writes:
>> Interesting, I never tested that before.  It explains why I am so
>> often missing the first character when I try to copy text with the
>> mouse.  IOW I personally find this an anti-feature.

Drew Adams writes:
> I can imagine editing text with a very large font
> (I use larger fonts as time goes by...),

I think, displays have higher resolutions than they used to, so smaller
fonts become more readable, which means more use of smaller fonts.  I
guess I'm clumsy, but I often have a hard time hitting the right
character at all, now it seems I am expected to hit the correct half of
the character?  And no, aiming at the previous character or "between
them" is not intuitive for me, I want the character I see before me, I
click on that one.  Also often there is no character before the one I am
aiming at.  Of course things get even worse with touchpads or touch
screens like on the phone.

There seems to be a tension, like Eli alluded to, between placing the
cursor, where this behaviour may sound useful, and starting to mark a
selection, where it is problematic for me.  These two should in theory
behave the same (because every drag starts as a downclick), but as
explained I find the usability doubtful.  Add to that that it is usually
simple to correct the cursor position with the keyboard, but that does
not go for correcting the selection.  Or maybe I just do not know how.

I am not opposed to people to have the option of course.  Just wondering


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