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Re: [NonGNU ELPA] New package: llm

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: [NonGNU ELPA] New package: llm
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:44:22 -0400

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

  > It wasn't about use, it's more about accepting significant code
  > contributions, which is less restricted with NonGNU ELPA, since I wouldn't
  > have to ask for FSF papers.

This problem does arise, but it isn't a big problem in practice.  We
get lots of significan code contributions for the Emacs core and GNU
ELPA.  It is only rarly that there is an obstacle.

Dr Richard Stallman (https://stallman.org)
Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project (https://gnu.org)
Founder, Free Software Foundation (https://fsf.org)
Internet Hall-of-Famer (https://internethalloffame.org)

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