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Re: Proposal for 'package-isolate' command

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: Proposal for 'package-isolate' command
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2023 20:28:47 +0000

Thierry Volpiatto <thievol@posteo.net> writes:

> Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:
>> An issue I see here, is that a required version might not be satisfied
>> by the version of the package returned by `package-get-descriptor'.  Or
>> am I mistaken?
> So I guess we need a function that get the dependencies from installed
> packages and one from all to fit with what we previously had.
> If one wants to have all the dependencies for a given package not
> already installed, there is actually nothing available.
> Also `package-menu--list-to-prompt` is now wrong when used as prompt for
> package-install.

I think a sufficient solution might be just to extend
`package-get-descriptor' with an optional MIN-VERSION argument.

>> "Not easy" in the sense that you are not familiar with how it works, or
>> thin k it shouldn't be used?  All in all, `named-let' just compiles down
>> to a cl-labels call, similar to the one you propose.
> Not familiar.


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