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Re: [PATCH] New major-mode: bicep-ts-mode

From: Daniel Mendler
Subject: Re: [PATCH] New major-mode: bicep-ts-mode
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2024 19:04:37 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Jostein Kjønigsen <jostein@secure.kjonigsen.net> writes:
> Currently if one works with Microsoft-oriented solutions (C#, .NET, 
> TypeScript,
> Azure, etc) one often also has to work with Bicep. Bicep is a programming
> language used to describe Infrastructure-as-Code used for deploying services 
> in
> Microsoft Azure cloud.
> Unfortunately the only editor currently available with useful Bicep-support is
> Microsoft VSCode. Working with Bicep in Emacs currently is not really 
> feasible.
> The Bicep language itself is a type-safe language with an associated 
> open-source
> toolchain, which in turn gets compiled to JSON-formatted Azure Resource
> Manager (ARM) templates, which can actually provision resources in Azure.
> With appropriate editor-support, working with Bicep is superior to working 
> with
> the untyped JSON for ARM template purposes. As such, adding support for Bicep
> to Emacs, would mean most Azure-developers can still stay 100% within Emacs
> to do their job :)

Stefan Kangas <stefankangas@gmail.com> writes:
> Daniel Mendler via "Emacs development discussions." writes:
>> Also, recently there has also been a
>> discussion to add a `bicep-ts-mode' to Emacs core, with the argument
>> being that VSCode supports it. Makes sense, it is a Microsoft product to
>> help using Microsoft products. The description of Bicep on Github
>> (https://github.com/Azure/bicep) is "Bicep is a declarative language for
>> describing and deploying Azure resources". Does Bicep really need to be
>> part of Emacs core? Couldn't it be added to ELPA instead?
> I think we should be sympathetic to arguments such as the above, yes,
> but why not ask this question in the Bicep thread instead?  :-)

Agree, the question if `bicep-ts-mode' should be added to ELPA instead
of core should be discussed in the Bicep thread.

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