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Re: [PATCH] Project out of sources compilation

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Project out of sources compilation
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 03:47:28 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hi Mohsin,

On 23/04/2024 00:20, Mohsin Kaleem wrote:
Lastly, just a general point (sorry for writing so much), I think any
feature for this shouldn't assume only a single project type is valid.
There should be a concept of a primary type just to make commands like
configure or build make sense relative to each other, but nothing stops
a project from matching two types at once and at least IME that's the
more natural state of things. I commonly work on C++ projects but we
also have a package.json in those projects file so we can depend on
prettier and other non-C++ specific linters. The way projection gets
around this is by always matching all defined project types. Users can
add to the list of matched types for the current project and can cycle
the primary project type. Certain interfaces that aren't single project
specific like the aforementioned projection-multi-compile will source
compilation targets from all applicable project types. This provides an
extremely rich interface for interacting with projects (at least IMO).

That's a great point.

And your project looks very nice. I wonder how we could advertise it better, so users could have a quicker access to build tool integration.

As a next step for this discussion, I'm curious what's missing in "projection" (nice name, though not very discoverable, alas) from Ergus's POV. I.e. how far is it from supporting his workflows.

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