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Re: MPS: Win64 testers?

From: Quang Kien Nguyen
Subject: Re: MPS: Win64 testers?
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 11:26:11 -0700

> Did you run the MPS test suite, and if you did, did all the tests
> succeed?

Yes, all succeeded except the forktest, which I guess doesn't work on Windows
anyway.  I've tried it with both mingw64-i686, mingw64-x86_64 msvcrt and ucrt
version, the 32bit Emacs build doesn't crash.

> > It is not recommended to try the MPS build of Emacs as long as the MPS
> > library doesn't pass the tests with flying colors.  The patch to
> > mpstd.h is the first place to look for possible issues.  E.g., why is
> > MPS_PF_ALIGN 8 and not 16?
> I don't believe we use that macro anywhere (scratch/igc uses 8 byte alignment 
> on
> all platforms) but yes, MPS_PF_ALIGN should be 16.

Both 8 and 16 passed the mps's test suite and both crash Emacs at
temacs bootstrap
in my case.  I'm using this to run the test suite btw
    ../tool/testrun.sh -s testrun w3i6gc/cool

> That's probably the setjmp thing, worked around in my tree at
> https://codeberg.org/pipcet/emacs-android (sorry about the repository
> name, it's no longer accurate).  Note that there are "Actions" available
> which have artifacts that you can download and test, if you are so
> inclined.  Right now, for me, the ucrt64 build doesn't work but the
> 64-bit mingw32 build does.
> If you're interested in testing this, please let me know which tree you
> use so I can provide a patch that applies there and just contains the
> setjmp fix.

It would be great, I'm using the tip of scratch/igc branch merge with
master.  The
tree is here https://github.com/kiennq/emacs/tree/scratch/igc

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