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Re: Emacs [scratch/igc 6682d0e6c96] crash on Linux 6.6.41 KDE 6.0.5, wa

From: Eval EXEC
Subject: Re: Emacs [scratch/igc 6682d0e6c96] crash on Linux 6.6.41 KDE 6.0.5, wayland
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 11:33:14 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

When I M-x `menu-bar-mode` to enable menu-bar, the long gc lag (> 10 seconds) happened too.

Then I try `Ctrl + right clock`, then there is no long gc lag (> 10 seconds).

On 9/3/24 09:10, execvy@gmail.com wrote:

After I change `mps_gen_param_s gens[] = { { 128000, 0.8 }, { 5 * 128000, 0.4 } };` to `mps_gen_param_s gens[] = { { 12800000, 0.8 }, { 5 * 12800000, 0.4 } };`, the Emacs never crash again. And it's RES mem is 2661M, I think it's good, I'm editing 2000 rust files in Emacs with rust-analyzer lsp server. 99% of time I don't feel GC's lag. But, When I hit `Ctrl + right click`, I feel a very long GC lag ( > 10 seconds). It's reproducible. So I profiler-start, then `Ctrl + right click`, then `profiler-stop`, got:
      14726  58%   Automatic GC
      10528  41% - help-command-error-confusable-suggestions
      10528  41%  - debug
      10528  41%   - recursive-edit
        391   1%    - substitute-command-keys
        134   0%     - #<byte-code-function 6991>
        134   0%      - kill-buffer
        102   0%         tabspaces--local-buffer-p
          6   0%       - replace-buffer-in-windows
          3   0%        - unrecord-window-buffer
          1   0%           window-normalize-window
          1   0%          window-normalize-buffer
         19   0%       generate-new-buffer
         16   0%       text-quoting-style
        332   1%    - redisplay_internal (C function)
         18   0%     - eval
         11   0%      - mode--line-format-right-align
          6   0%         string-pixel-width
          1   0%       - eval
          1   0%        - minions--prominent-modes
          1   0%         - cl-remove-if-not
          1   0%            cl-remove
          5   0%      - breadcrumb--header-line
          4   0%       - funcall
          2   0%        - breadcrumb-imenu-crumbs
          2   0%         - let
          2   0%          - which-function
          2   0%           - add-log-current-defun
          2   0%            - treesit-add-log-current-defun
          1   0%             - treesit-defun-at-point
          1   0%              - treesit-thing-at-point
          1   0%                 treesit-thing-at
          1   0%             - treesit-defun-name
          1   0%                rust-ts-mode--defun-name
          2   0%        - breadcrumb-project-crumbs
          2   0%         - breadcrumb--project-crumbs-1
          1   0%          - file-relative-name
          1   0%           - apply
          1   0%            - #<interpreted-function 782>
          1   0%             - my-cacheable-file-relative-name
          1   0%                let
          1   0%            breadcrumb--format-project-node
          1   0%      - minions--prominent-modes
          1   0%       - cl-remove-if-not
          1   0%        - cl-remove
          1   0%           #<native-comp-function F616e6f6e796d6f75732d6c616d626461_anonymous_lambda_8>
          1   0%      - if
          1   0%         frame-parameter
          2   0%     - tab-bar-make-keymap
          2   0%      - tab-bar-make-keymap-1
          2   0%       - tab-bar-format-list
          2   0%        - #<byte-code-function 18B>
          1   0%         - tab-bar-format-tabs
          1   0%          - #<byte-code-function 11D>
          1   0%             tab-bar--format-tab
          1   0%         - tab-bar-format-align-right
          1   0%          - tab-bar-format-list
          1   0%           - #<byte-code-function 118B>
          1   0%            - keycast-tab-bar
          1   0%             - keycast--format
          1   0%                format-spec
          1   0%     - redisplay--pre-redisplay-functions
          1   0%      - run-hook-with-args
          1   0%       - redisplay--update-region-highlight
          1   0%          #<advice 250>
         84   0%      keymap-canonicalize
         69   0%    - #<byte-code-function 9CC>
         68   0%     - easy-menu-filter-return
         68   0%      - easy-menu-create-menu
         67   0%         easy-menu-convert-item
          1   0%     - recentf-make-menu-items
          1   0%      - mapcar
          1   0%         recentf-make-default-menu-element
         16   0%    - timer-event-handler
         14   0%     - apply
          8   0%      - #<native-comp-function F616e6f6e796d6f75732d6c616d626461_anonymous_lambda_9>
          8   0%         jit-lock-context-fontify
          3   0%      - diff-hl-flydiff-update
          1   0%       - diff-hl-update
          1   0%        - diff-hl--update
          1   0%           diff-hl-remove-overlays
          2   0%      - which-key--update
          2   0%       - which-key--create-buffer-and-show
          1   0%        - apply
          1   0%         - message
          1   0%          - apply
          1   0%           - ad-Advice-message
          1   0%            - apply
          1   0%               #<primitive-function message>
          1   0%        - which-key--get-bindings
          1   0%         - which-key--get-current-bindings
          1   0%          - which-key--get-keymap-bindings
          1   0%           - which-key--get-keymap-bindings-1
          1   0%            - #<byte-code-function 515>
          1   0%               string-match
          1   0%      - activities-save-all
          1   0%       - activities--persist
          1   0%          persist-save
          2   0%     - timer-inc-time
          2   0%        timer-relative-time
          6   0%    - #<interpreted-function 1D9>
          6   0%     - let
          6   0%      - while
          6   0%       - if
          6   0%        - let*
          6   0%         - if
          6   0%          - progn
          5   0%           - funcall
          4   0%            - #<interpreted-function 202>
          4   0%             - funcall
          4   0%              - #<interpreted-function F7F>
          4   0%               - if
          4   0%                - progn
          4   0%                 - funcall
          4   0%                  - #<interpreted-function CCB>
          4   0%                   - save-current-buffer
          4   0%                    - apply
          4   0%                     - #<interpreted-function 4AE>
          4   0%                      - let
          3   0%                       - while
          3   0%                        - let
          3   0%                         - let*
          1   0%                            plist-get
          1   0%                          - lsp--position-to-point
          1   0%                           - let*
          1   0% lsp--line-character-to-point
          1   0%                          - lsp--label-from-inlay-hints-response
          1   0%                           - cond
          1   0%                            - string-join
          1   0%                             - mapcar
          1   0%                              - function
          1   0%                               - cconv-make-interpreted-closure
          1   0%                                - macroexpand-all
          1   0%                                 - macroexp--expand-all
          1   0%                                  - macroexp--all-forms
          1   0% macroexp--expand-all
          1   0%                       - let
          1   0%                        - if
          1   0%                         - let
          1   0%                          - let*
          1   0%                           - -filter
          1   0%                            - #<byte-code-function D73>
          1   0%                             - apply
          1   0%                              - lsp--workspace-method-supported?
          1   0%                               - let
          1   0%                                - if
          1   0%                                 - or
          1   0%                                  - if
          1   0%                                   - progn
          1   0%                                    - lsp--capability
          1   0%                                       if
          1   0%            - #<interpreted-function 867>
          1   0%             - funcall
          1   0%              - #<interpreted-function F0B>
          1   0%               - if
          1   0%                - progn
          1   0%                 - funcall
          1   0%                  - #<interpreted-function E7E>
          1   0%                   - save-current-buffer
          1   0%                    - apply
          1   0%                     - #<interpreted-function 4AE>
          1   0%                      - lsp--remove-overlays
          1   0%                       - save-restriction
          1   0%                          remove-overlays
          1   0%           - condition-case
          1   0%            - let
          1   0%             - save-current-buffer
          1   0%              - unwind-protect
          1   0%               - and
          1   0%                - kill-buffer
          1   0%                 - replace-buffer-in-windows
          1   0%                    unrecord-window-buffer
          1   0%    - or
          1   0%     - and
          1   0%      - or
          1   0%       - not
          1   0%          verify-visited-file-modtime
          1   0%    - frame-monitor-workarea
          1   0%     - frame-monitor-attribute
          1   0%        display-monitor-attributes-list
          1   0%      display-line-numbers-update-width
          1   0%    - winner-save-old-configurations
          1   0%       winner-remember
          1   0%    - #:evil-activate-visual-state
          1   0%     - apply
          1   0%      - #<native-comp-function F616e6f6e796d6f75732d6c616d626461_anonymous_lambda_10>
          1   0%       - evil-visual-state
          1   0%        - evil-normalize-keymaps
          1   0%         - evil-state-keymaps
          1   0%          - evil-state-keymaps
          1   0%           - evil-state-intercept-keymaps
          1   0%              evil-intercept-keymap-p
          0   0%   ...

Automatic GC take too much times, do you think this is expected?

On 9/3/24 12:41 AM, Pip Cet <pipcet@protonmail.com> wrote:
"Eval Exec" <execvy@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I'm helping to test scratch/igc branch on my local environment:

Thank you!

> ```
> ❯ uname -a
> Linux Matrix 6.6.41 #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Jul 18 11:21:27
> UTC 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> ```
> I get the source code of scratch/igc, commit hash: 6682d0e6c96 .
> And I append a new commit:
> ```
> diff --git a/src/igc.c b/src/igc.c
> index f069a2becc9..4d792da75c8 100644
> --- a/src/igc.c
> +++ b/src/igc.c
> @@ -4459,7 +4459,7 @@ make_arena (struct igc *gc)
>     MPS_ARGS_END (args);
>     IGC_CHECK_RES (res);
> -  mps_gen_param_s gens[] = { { 128000, 0.8 }, { 5 * 128000, 0.4 } };
> +  mps_gen_param_s gens[] = { { 128000000, 0.8 }, { 5 * 128000000, 0.4 } }; >     res = mps_chain_create (&gc->chain, gc->arena, ARRAYELTS (gens), gens);
>     IGC_CHECK_RES (res);
>   }
> ```

Those numbers are in kilobytes, so that requests 640 gigabytes of memory
before it'll even start collecting in earnest.  In theory, that should
work given enough RAM or swap, but I doubt anyone's tested MPS with such
extreme settings.

> Then, I compile it by:
> ```
> make extraclean
> ./autogen.sh \
>    && ./configure \
>    --prefix=$(realpath ../emacs-build/$(git branch --show-current | sed
> 's/\//_/g'))\
>    --with-mps=yes \
>    --with-imagemagick  \
>    --with-modules --with-x-toolkit=gtk3 --without-compress-install \
>    --without-toolkit-scroll-bars --with-native-compilation --with-mailutils\
>    --enable-link-time-optimization \
>    --with-tree-sitter --with-xinput2  \
>    --with-dbus  --with-native-compilation=aot \
>    --with-file-notification=inotify\
>    && make -j30 install
> ```
> When I launch the emacs, editing rust files, emacs crashed. the
> backtrace is:

How much memory was it using at the time?  To me it looks conceivable
the crash happened because we failed to get enough memory for a new
stack frame, but if it's reproducible or happens again after reducing
the generation sizes, we need to investigate it further.

> ```
> (gdb) source /home/exec/Projects/git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/src/.gdbinit
> warning: /home/exec/Projects/git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/../lwlib:
> No such file or directory
> SIGINT is used by the debugger.
> Are you sure you want to change it? (y or n) [answered Y; input not
> from terminal]
> DISPLAY = :0
> TERM = tmux-256color
> Breakpoint 1 at 0x428ca7: file
> /home/exec/Projects/git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/src/emacs.c, line
> 432.
> Breakpoint 2 at 0x52db40: file
> /home/exec/Projects/git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/src/xterm.c, line
> 27126.
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x00007f36826a2efc in __pthread_kill_implementation () from
> /nix/store/dbcw19dshdwnxdv5q2g6wldj6syyvq7l-glibc-2.39-52/lib/libc.so.6
> #1  0x00007f3682652e86 in raise () from
> /nix/store/dbcw19dshdwnxdv5q2g6wldj6syyvq7l-glibc-2.39-52/lib/libc.so.6
> #2  0x0000000000428d5a in terminate_due_to_signal (sig=11,
> backtrace_limit=<optimized out>) at
> /home/exec/Projects/git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/src/emacs.c:470
> #3  0x0000000000429579 in handle_fatal_signal (sig=<optimized out>) at
> /home/exec/Projects/git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/src/sysdep.c:1800
> #4  0x00000000006c5a68 in deliver_thread_signal.constprop.0 (sig=11,
> handler=<optimized out>) at
> /home/exec/Projects/git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/src/sysdep.c:1792
> #5  <signal handler called>
> #6  0x00007f368265316b in kill () from
> /nix/store/dbcw19dshdwnxdv5q2g6wldj6syyvq7l-glibc-2.39-52/lib/libc.so.6
> #7  0x00000000007551e9 in sigHandle ()
> #8  <signal handler called>
> #9  indirect_function (object=XIL(0)) at
> /home/exec/Projects/git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/src/lisp.h:1198

It would be good to know whether 'object' is actually nil in this case
(in which case lisp.h:1198 is wrong) or whether the nil is wrong (and
the lisp.h:1198, possibly, correct), but I suspect the best bet is to
reduce the generation chain sizes and try again.

> What information should I provide to help investigating this crash?

Trying again with a more moderate generation size would be ideal, but
you might want to run Emacs in GDB and keep it connected after a crash
so we can investigate further.

Thanks again

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