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Re: [scratch/igc] 985247b6bee crash on Linux, KDE, Wayland

From: Pip Cet
Subject: Re: [scratch/igc] 985247b6bee crash on Linux, KDE, Wayland
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2024 11:19:35 +0000

"Eval EXEC" <execvy@gmail.com> writes:

> Pip Cet <pipcet@protonmail.com> writes:
>> "Eval EXEC" <execvy@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm helping to test scratch/igc branch, commit: 985247b6bee
>> Thanks for the reports!
>>> I build emacs by:
>>> ```
>>> make extraclean
>>> ./autogen.sh \
>>>   && ./configure CFLAGS='-O3 -mtune=native -march=native' \
>>>   --prefix=$(realpath ../emacs-build/$(git branch --show-current | sed 
>>> 's/\//_/g'))\
>>>   --with-mps=yes \
>>>   --with-imagemagick  \
>>>   --with-modules \
>>>   --without-compress-install \
>>>   --with-native-compilation  --with-mailutils\
>>>   --enable-link-time-optimization \
>>>   --with-tree-sitter --with-xinput2  \
>>>   --with-dbus  --with-native-compilation=aot \
>>>   --with-file-notification=inotify\
>>>   && make -j30 install
>>> ```
>> What's your CPU, and which compiler is in use?  "-march=native" means
>> "optimize for the current CPU", so it's difficult to reproduce crashes
>> without that knowledge.
> I'm useing CPU: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900H (20) @ 5.40 GHz

Thanks!  Which gcc version are you using?  Does anyone know how to
translate -march=native on that machine to an explicit
-march=... argument?

>> I'd recommend these CFLAGS:
>> -g3 -ggdb -fno-omit-frame-pointer
>> in addition to what you have.
> Thank you, now I'm going to compile scratch/igc branch by these CFLAGS.
>> Can you disassemble 'copy_font_spec' and 'Flist' by running:
>> $ gdb /path/to/emacs
>> (gdb) disass copy_font_spec
>> (gdb) disass Flist
> Sorry, I have deleted the core dump file and the emacs binary.

Can you disassemble them in the new emacs binary, that you're building
now?  I realize it's possible the code will be different due to the
different CFLAGS, but as the crash happened with -fno-omit-frame-pointer
there might be something else going on...

> Thank you, now I'm going to recompile emacs by:
> make extraclean
> ./autogen.sh \
>   && ./configure CFLAGS='-g3 -ggdb -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mtune=native 
> -march=native' \
>   --prefix=$(realpath ../emacs-build/$(git branch --show-current | sed 
> 's/\//_/g'))\
>   --with-mps=yes \
>   --with-imagemagick  \
>   --with-modules \
>   --without-compress-install \
>   --with-native-compilation  --with-mailutils\
>   --enable-link-time-optimization \
>   --with-tree-sitter --with-xinput2  \
>   --with-dbus  --with-native-compilation=aot \
>   --with-file-notification=inotify\
>   && make -j30 install
> Do you think it's right?

That looks good to me!


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