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Re: No NEWS entry for doc-view-mupdf-use-svg (Emacs 30.0.91 feedback)

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: No NEWS entry for doc-view-mupdf-use-svg (Emacs 30.0.91 feedback)
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 10:45:23 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.6; emacs 31.0.50

Manuel Giraud <manuel@ledu-giraud.fr> writes:

Hi Manuel,

> When I introduced doc-view-svg-face to inherit from the default face,
> I thought it was right for reading long papers to match the user's
> preference.

Did you read that when NOT inheriting from the default face and
therefore having all face properties nil also styles according to the
currently active theme?  But yes, you replaced the old variables
doc-view-svg-background/foreground with the new face, and the old
variables where "white"/"black" by default.

> Now, for invoices or other more complex documents, it may be better to
> default to "black on white".

Seems so.

> But I think we should explain that one could inherit from the default
> face to have its theme used into the doc-view-svg-face's docstring.

Certainly.  Would you like to do that?


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