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Re: No NEWS entry for doc-view-mupdf-use-svg (Emacs 30.0.91 feedback)

From: Manuel Giraud
Subject: Re: No NEWS entry for doc-view-mupdf-use-svg (Emacs 30.0.91 feedback)
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 13:34:27 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Tassilo Horn <tsdh@gnu.org> writes:

> Manuel Giraud <manuel@ledu-giraud.fr> writes:
> Hi Manuel,

Hi Tassilo,

>> When I introduced doc-view-svg-face to inherit from the default face,
>> I thought it was right for reading long papers to match the user's
>> preference.
> Did you read that when NOT inheriting from the default face and
> therefore having all face properties nil also styles according to the
> currently active theme?  But yes, you replaced the old variables
> doc-view-svg-background/foreground with the new face, and the old
> variables where "white"/"black" by default.

Yes.  It seems that inherinting from default or having all properties to
nil does the same thing.  FWIW, I think we should still use the former
which is more explicit.

>> Now, for invoices or other more complex documents, it may be better to
>> default to "black on white".
> Seems so.
>> But I think we should explain that one could inherit from the default
>> face to have its theme used into the doc-view-svg-face's docstring.
> Certainly.  Would you like to do that?

Yes, I could file a bug report with both changes (face colors and
docstring) but I'd like to hear Eli inputs first.
Manuel Giraud

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