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Re: yank-media: allow users to limit image types that can be inserted

From: Robert Pluim
Subject: Re: yank-media: allow users to limit image types that can be inserted
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 17:20:38 +0200

>>>>> On Mon, 23 Sep 2024 20:44:19 +0530, Visuwesh <visuweshm@gmail.com> said:

    Visuwesh> [திங்கள் செப்டம்பர் 23, 2024] Robert Pluim wrote:
    Eli> The issue at hand here, AFAIU, is not the UI, but how Lisp programs
    Eli> (and Org in particular) can control this.  If the issue is the user
    Eli> interface, then I honestly don't understand what issue is being
    Eli> brought up, because in that case we already have the correct and
    Eli> comprehensive solution, similar to what other advanced apps do in
    Eli> these cases.
    >> You have to register the yank-media-handler before the yank-media
    >> call, so org canʼt control this: it has to register for "image/.*"
    >> because it canʼt know what formats will be presented to it. I guess it
    >> could have a user option to filter the results from inside its
    >> yank-media-handler, but then *every* package that wants to support
    >> image yanking will have to implement something similar: we should just
    >> implement such handling in the yank-media code.

    Visuwesh> AFAIR the yank-media code, there's no way for the handlers to 
reject a
    Visuwesh> specific format.  yank-media, the command, asks the user the type 
    Visuwesh> wants, _then_ calls the handler specific to that type.  The 
    Visuwesh> cannot influence anything during this interaction.

Youʼre right. So even more reason to put such filtering in the
yank-media code.


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