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Re: Is this a bug in while-let or do I missunderstand it?

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: Re: Is this a bug in while-let or do I missunderstand it?
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 19:23:14 +0000

arthur miller <arthur.miller@live.com> writes:

> (progn
>   (while-let ((run t))
>     (message "Running")
>     (setf run nil))
>   (message "out of loop"))
> It ends in infinite recursion. setf/setq have no effect on the lexical 
> variable.
> I tooka look, but I don't understand why is it necessary to build while-let  
> on
> if-let. This simplified version did it for me:
> (defmacro while-let (spec &rest body)
>   "Bind variables according to SPEC and conditionally evaluate BODY.
> Evaluate each binding in turn, stopping if a binding value is nil.
> If all bindings are non-nil, eval BODY and repeat.
> The variable list SPEC is the same as in `if-let*'."
>   (declare (indent 1) (debug if-let))
>   (let* ((bindings (if (and (consp spec) (symbolp (car spec)))
>                            (list spec)
>                          spec))
>          (variables (mapcar #'car bindings)))
>     `(let* ,bindings
>        (while (and ,@variables)
>          ,@body))))

With `if-let*' or `while-let' you want to have a sequence of
computations that are evaluated in order (either once for `if-let*' or
for every iteration in the case of `while-let'), until at least one
evaluates to nil.  All subsequent bindings shouldn't be evaluated, as
would be the case with your version of the macro.

> (progn
>   (while-let ((run t))
>     (message "Running")
>     (setf run nil))
>   (message "out of loop"))  => "out of loop"
> Or did I missunderstood how to use while-let in subr.el?

        Philip Kaludercic on siskin

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