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Re: CVE-2024-53920 Emacs arbitrary code execution via unsafe macro-expan

From: Eshel Yaron
Subject: Re: CVE-2024-53920 Emacs arbitrary code execution via unsafe macro-expansion
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 09:40:30 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Hi Daniel,

Daniel Radetsky <dradetsky@gmail.com> writes:

> On Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 08:02:35AM +0100, Eshel Yaron wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've just published an advisory regarding an arbitrary code execution
>> vulnerability in Emacs, which has been assigned CVE-2024-53920:
>> https://eshelyaron.com/posts/2024-11-27-emacs-aritrary-code-execution-and-how-to-avoid-it.html
> Slight correction: you wrote:
>> In some Emacs “distributions”, such as the popular Doom
>> Emacs and Prelude, either Flymake or Flycheck are enabled
>> by default in ELisp mode.
> This is not true of Doom, which I use. I had to modify my
> init form (which is the same as the current default in this
> respect) from
>        :checkers
>        syntax              ; tasing you for every semicolon you forget
> to
>        :checkers
>        (syntax +flymake)              ; tasing you for every semicolon you 
> forget
> in order to get your rx poc to create /tmp/owned simply by
> visiting the file. This is the only doom module which can
> activate flymake.
> Is the same true of flycheck? It's harder to tell, but I
> think the answer is also no. In any case, while I didn't
> intentionally test this on the literal default
> configuration, I also never explicitly disabled flycheck and
> it isn't running and I had to make the above-mentioned
> change to get your poc to work.

Thanks for the heads up.  I have little experience with Doom, but here
with the default Doom configuration I see that Flycheck is enabled and
the POC works, so maybe it does have something to do with your config?

If you or someone else can confirm that Doom is not vulnerable by
default I'll gladly amend the text accordingly (and try to figure out
why here it does reproduce).



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