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Adding a feature to ffap (find-file-at-point) in LaTeX-mode

From: Leo Stein
Subject: Adding a feature to ffap (find-file-at-point) in LaTeX-mode
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 22:09:03 -0600

Hi all,

I have a feature that I got working with my very rudimentary elisp, and would consider submitting it as a patch, but I suspect it needs some work before it can be accepted (as I said, my elisp is very basic). I would like ffap to parse some extra path info out of my LaTeX buffer, and use that extra path to search for a file within an \input{othertexfile} command. This extra path info is in a form like the \graphicspath command of graphicx, or equivalently the TeX internal macro \input@path.

But, there needs to be a separation between the duties of ffap and the duties of any AUCTeX style-specific code. Probably there is a better solution than the following, but here is what I thought of. AUCTeX is responsible for some LaTeX-parse-extra-path function, which can e.g. check the contents of TeX-active-styles and call style-specific functions. Meanwhile ffap-latex-mode needs to be generalized to potentially call such an AUCTeX function, if it exists. Example:

(defun ffap-latex-mode (name)
  "`ffap' function suitable for latex buffers.
This uses the program kpsewhich if available.  In this case, the
variable `ffap-latex-guess-rules' is used for building a filename
out of NAME."
  (let ((extra-path (if (fboundp 'LaTeX-parse-extra-path)
    (cond ((file-exists-p name)
          ((not (executable-find "kpsewhich"))
           (ffap-locate-file name '(".cls" ".sty" ".tex" "")
                             (append extra-path ffap-tex-path)))
           (let ((curbuf (current-buffer))
                 (guess-rules ffap-latex-guess-rules)
                 (preferred-suffix-rules '(("input" . ".tex")
                                           ("include" . ".tex")
                                           ("usepackage" . ".sty")
                                           ("RequirePackageWithOptions" . ".sty")
                                           ("RequirePackage" . ".sty")
                                           ("documentclass" . ".cls")
                                           ("documentstyle" . ".cls")
                                           ("LoadClass" . ".cls")
                                           ("LoadClassWithOptions" . ".cls")
                                           ("bibliography" . ".bib")
                                           ("addbibresource" . ""))))
             ;; We now add preferred suffix in front of suffixes.
                 ;; The condition is essentially:
                 ;; (assoc (TeX-current-macro)
                 ;;        (mapcar 'car preferred-suffix-rules))
                 ;; but (TeX-current-macro) can take time, so we just
                 ;; check if one of the `car' in preferred-suffix-rules
                 ;; is found before point on the current line.  It
                 ;; should cover most cases.
                   (re-search-backward (regexp-opt
                                        (mapcar 'car preferred-suffix-rules))
               (push (cons "" (cdr (assoc (match-string 0) ; i.e. "(TeX-current-macro)"
               (let ((process-environment (buffer-local-value
                                            'process-environment curbuf))
                      (exec-path (buffer-local-value 'exec-path curbuf))
                      (extra-path-string (mapconcat 'identity extra-path ":"))
                      (args (mapcar (lambda (rule)
                                      (concat (car rule) name (cdr rule)))
                 (apply #'call-process "kpsewhich" nil t nil args)
                 (if (not (string= "" extra-path-string))
                     (apply #'call-process "kpsewhich" nil t nil "-path" extra-path-string args)))
               (when (< (point-min) (point-max))
                 (buffer-substring (goto-char (point-min)) (line-end-position)))))))))

The function LaTeX-parse-extra-path returns a list of strings, which are used in the two possible search methods (without or with kpsewhich). If using kpsewhich, we have to call it once for searching system default paths (e.g. for installed style or class files), and a second time for searching user's extra paths as parsed out of the their buffer (the call-process is skipped if there are no extra paths).

My main question is how this should be made more idiomatic for potential inclusion in ffap.el; and if there is a better way for ffap.el and AUCTeX to cooperate with each other.

Thanks in advance,

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