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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el

From: Martin Stjernholm
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 20:35:39 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el:1.21 
*** emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el:1.21      Thu Apr 11 23:05:04 2002
--- emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el   Sun Apr 21 20:35:36 2002
*** 25,36 ****
  ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
  ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! ;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
  ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
  ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  ;;; Commentary:
  ;;; Code:
--- 25,46 ----
  ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
  ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
  ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
  ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
  ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; The functions which have docstring documentation can be considered
+ ;; part of an API which other packages can use in CC Mode buffers.
+ ;; Otoh, undocumented functions and functions with the documentation
+ ;; in comments are considered purely internal and can change semantics
+ ;; or even disappear in the future.
+ ;;
+ ;; (This policy applies to CC Mode as a whole, not just this file.  It
+ ;; probably also applies to many other Emacs packages, but here it's
+ ;; clearly spelled out.)
  ;;; Code:
*** 49,56 ****
  (cc-bytecomp-defun buffer-syntactic-context) ; XEmacs
! (defvar c-state-cache nil)
  (defvar c-in-literal-cache t)
  ;; KLUDGE ALERT: c-maybe-labelp is used to pass information between
  ;; c-crosses-statement-barrier-p and c-beginning-of-statement-1.  A
--- 59,76 ----
  (cc-bytecomp-defun buffer-syntactic-context) ; XEmacs
! (defun c-calculate-state (arg prevstate)
!   ;; Calculate the new state of PREVSTATE, t or nil, based on arg. If
!   ;; arg is nil or zero, toggle the state. If arg is negative, turn
!   ;; the state off, and if arg is positive, turn the state on
!   (if (or (not arg)
!         (zerop (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg))))
!       (not prevstate)
!     (> arg 0)))
  (defvar c-in-literal-cache t)
+ (defvar c-parsing-error nil)
  ;; KLUDGE ALERT: c-maybe-labelp is used to pass information between
  ;; c-crosses-statement-barrier-p and c-beginning-of-statement-1.  A
*** 58,342 ****
  ;; the byte compiler.
  (defvar c-maybe-labelp nil)
! ;;
! ;; Be *exceptionally* careful about modifications to this function!
! ;; Much of CC Mode depends on this Doing The Right Thing.  If you
! ;; break it you will be sorry.  If you think you know how this works,
! ;; you probably don't.  No human on Earth does! :-)
! ;;
! (defun c-beginning-of-statement-1 (&optional lim)
!   ;; move to the start of the current statement, or the previous
!   ;; statement if already at the beginning of one.
!   (let ((firstp t)
!       (substmt-p t)
!       donep c-in-literal-cache saved
!       (last-begin (point)))
!     ;; first check for bare semicolon
!     (if (and (progn (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
!                   (eq (char-before) ?\;))
!            (c-safe (progn (forward-char -1)
!                           (setq saved (point))
!                           t))
!            (progn (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
!                   (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?{ ?:)))
!            )
!       (setq last-begin saved)
!       (goto-char last-begin)
!       (while (not donep)
!       ;; stop at beginning of buffer
!       (if (bobp) (setq donep t)
!         ;; go backwards one balanced expression, but be careful of
!         ;; unbalanced paren being reached
!         (if (not (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t)))
!             (progn
!               (if firstp
!                   (backward-up-list 1)
!                 (goto-char last-begin))
!               ;; skip over any unary operators, or other special
!               ;; characters appearing at front of identifier
!               (save-excursion
!                 (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
!                 (skip-chars-backward "-+!*&:.~@ \t\n")
!                 (if (eq (char-before) ?\()
!                     (setq last-begin (point))))
!               (goto-char last-begin)
!               (setq donep t)))
!         (setq c-maybe-labelp nil)
!         ;; see if we're in a literal. if not, then this bufpos may be
!         ;; a candidate for stopping
!         (cond
!          ;; CASE 0: did we hit the error condition above?
!          (donep)
!          ;; CASE 1: are we in a literal?
!          ((eq (c-in-literal lim) 'pound)
!           (beginning-of-line))
!          ;; CASE 2: some other kind of literal?
!          ((c-in-literal lim))
!          ;; CASE 3: are we looking at a conditional keyword?
!          ((or (and c-conditional-key (looking-at c-conditional-key))
!               (and (eq (char-after) ?\()
!                    (save-excursion
!                      (c-forward-sexp 1)
!                      (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
!                      (not (eq (char-after) ?\;)))
!                    (let ((here (point))
!                          (foundp (progn
!                                    (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
!                                    (forward-word -1)
!                                    (and lim
!                                         (<= lim (point))
!                                         (not (c-in-literal lim))
!                                         (not (eq (char-before) ?_))
!                                         c-conditional-key
!                                         (looking-at c-conditional-key)
!                                         ))))
!                      ;; did we find a conditional?
!                      (if (not foundp)
!                          (goto-char here))
!                      foundp)))
!           ;; are we in the middle of an else-if clause?
!           (if (save-excursion
!                 (and (not substmt-p)
!                      (c-safe (progn (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
!                      (looking-at "\\<else\\>[ \t\n]+\\<if\\>")
!                      (not (c-in-literal lim))))
!               (progn
!                 (c-forward-sexp -1)
!                 (c-backward-to-start-of-if lim)))
!           ;; are we sitting at an else clause, that we are not a
!           ;; substatement of?
!           (if (and (not substmt-p)
!                    (looking-at "\\<else\\>[^_]"))
!               (c-backward-to-start-of-if lim))
!           ;; a finally or a series of catches?
!           (if (not substmt-p)
!               (while (looking-at "\\<\\(catch\\|finally\\)\\>[^_]")
!                 (c-safe (c-backward-sexp 2))
!                 (if (eq (char-after) ?\()
!                     (c-safe (c-backward-sexp)))))
!           ;; are we sitting at the while of a do-while?
!           (if (and (looking-at "\\<while\\>[^_]")
!                    (c-backward-to-start-of-do lim))
!               (setq substmt-p nil))
!           (setq last-begin (point)
!                 donep substmt-p))
!          ;; CASE 4: are we looking at a label?  (But we handle
!          ;; switch labels later.)
!          ((and (looking-at c-label-key)
!                (not (looking-at "default\\>"))
!                (not (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
!                          (save-excursion
!                            ;; Not inside a Pike type declaration?
!                            (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
!                                 (eq (char-after) ?\()))))))
!          ;; CASE 5: is this the first time we're checking?
!          (firstp (setq firstp nil
!                        substmt-p (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p
!                                        (point) last-begin))
!                        last-begin (point)))
!          ;; CASE 6: have we crossed a statement barrier?
!          ((save-excursion
!             ;; Move over in-expression blocks before checking the
!             ;; barrier
!             (if (or (memq (char-after) '(?\( ?\[))
!                     (and (eq (char-after) ?{)
!                          (c-looking-at-inexpr-block lim)))
!                 (c-forward-sexp 1))
!             (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (point) last-begin))
!           (setq donep t))
!          ;; CASE 7: ignore labels
!          ((and c-maybe-labelp
!                (or (and c-access-key (looking-at c-access-key))
!                    ;; with switch labels, we have to go back further
!                    ;; to try to pick up the case or default
!                    ;; keyword. Potential bogosity alert: we assume
!                    ;; `case' or `default' is first thing on line
!                    (let ((here (point)))
!                      (beginning-of-line)
!                      (c-forward-syntactic-ws here)
!                      (if (looking-at c-switch-label-key)
!                          t
!                        (goto-char here)
!                        nil)))))
!          ;; CASE 8: ObjC or Java method def
!          ((and c-method-key
!                (setq last-begin (c-in-method-def-p)))
!           (setq donep t))
!          ;; CASE 9: Normal token.  At bob, we can end up at ws or a
!          ;; comment, and last-begin shouldn't be updated then.
!          ((not (looking-at "\\s \\|/[/*]"))
!           (setq last-begin (point)))
!          ))))
!     (goto-char last-begin)
!     ;; We always want to skip over the non-whitespace modifier
!     ;; characters that can start a statement.
!     (let ((lim (point)))
!       (skip-chars-backward "-+!*&address@hidden \t\n" (c-point 'boi))
!       (skip-chars-forward " \t\n" lim))))
! (defun c-end-of-statement-1 ()
!   (condition-case nil
!       (let (beg end found)
!       (while (and (not (eobp))
!                     (setq beg (point))
!                     (c-forward-sexp 1)
!                     (setq end (point))
!                     (goto-char beg)
!                     (setq found nil)
!                     (while (and (not found)
!                                 (re-search-forward "[;{}]" end t))
!                       (if (not (c-in-literal beg))
!                           (setq found t)))
!                     (not found)))
!         (goto-char end))
!       (re-search-backward "[;{}]")
!       (forward-char 1))
!     (error
!      (let ((beg (point)))
!        (c-safe (backward-up-list -1))
!        (let ((end (point)))
!        (goto-char beg)
!        (search-forward ";" end 'move)))
!      )))
  (defun c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (from to)
!   ;; Does buffer positions FROM to TO cross a C statement boundary?
!   (let ((here (point))
!       (lim from)
!       crossedp)
!     (condition-case ()
!       (progn
!         (goto-char from)
!         (while (and (not crossedp)
                      (< (point) to))
!           (skip-chars-forward "^;{}:" (1- to))
!           (if (not (c-in-literal lim))
!               (progn
!                 (if (memq (char-after) '(?\; ?{ ?}))
!                     (setq crossedp t)
!                   (if (eq (char-after) ?:)
!                       (setq c-maybe-labelp t))
!                   (forward-char 1))
!                 (setq lim (point)))
!             (forward-char 1))))
!       (error (setq crossedp nil)))
!     (goto-char here)
!     crossedp))
  (defun c-beginning-of-macro (&optional lim)
!   ;; Go to the beginning of a cpp macro definition.  Leaves point at
!   ;; the beginning of the macro and returns t if in a cpp macro
!   ;; definition, otherwise returns nil and leaves point unchanged.
!   ;; `lim' is currently ignored, but the interface requires it.
    (let ((here (point)))
!     (beginning-of-line)
!     (while (eq (char-before (1- (point))) ?\\)
!       (forward-line -1))
!     (back-to-indentation)
!     (if (and (<= (point) here)
!            (eq (char-after) ?#))
!       t
!       (goto-char here)
!       nil)))
! ;; Skipping of "syntactic whitespace", defined as lexical whitespace,
! ;; C and C++ style comments, and preprocessor directives.  Search no
! ;; farther back or forward than optional LIM.  If LIM is omitted,
! ;; `beginning-of-defun' is used for backward skipping, point-max is
! ;; used for forward skipping.
  (defun c-forward-syntactic-ws (&optional lim)
!   ;; Forward skip of syntactic whitespace for Emacs 19.
!   (let* ((here (point-max))
!        (hugenum (point-max)))
      (while (/= here (point))
        (setq here (point))
!       (c-forward-comment hugenum)
!       ;; skip preprocessor directives
!       (when (and (eq (char-after) ?#)
!                (= (c-point 'boi) (point)))
!       (while (and (eq (char-before (c-point 'eol)) ?\\)
!                   (= (forward-line 1) 0)))
!       (end-of-line))
!       )
!     (if lim (goto-char (min (point) lim)))))
  (defun c-backward-syntactic-ws (&optional lim)
!   ;; Backward skip over syntactic whitespace for Emacs 19.
!   (let* ((here (point-min))
!        (hugenum (- (point-max))))
      (while (/= here (point))
        (setq here (point))
!       (c-forward-comment hugenum)
!       (c-beginning-of-macro))
!     (if lim (goto-char (max (point) lim)))))
! ;; Moving by tokens, where a token is defined as all symbols and
! ;; identifiers which aren't syntactic whitespace (note that "->" is
! ;; considered to be two tokens).  Point is always either left at the
! ;; beginning of a token or not moved at all.  COUNT specifies the
! ;; number of tokens to move; a negative COUNT moves in the opposite
! ;; direction.  A COUNT of 0 moves to the next token beginning only if
! ;; not already at one.  If BALANCED is true, move over balanced
! ;; parens, otherwise move into them.  Also, if BALANCED is true, never
! ;; move out of an enclosing paren.  LIM sets the limit for the
! ;; movement and defaults to the point limit.  Returns the number of
! ;; tokens left to move (positive or negative).  If BALANCED is true, a
! ;; move over a balanced paren counts as one.  Note that if COUNT is 0
! ;; and no appropriate token beginning is found, 1 will be returned.
! ;; Thus, a return value of 0 guarantees that point is at the requested
! ;; position and a return value less (without signs) than COUNT
! ;; guarantees that point is at the beginning of some token.
  (defun c-forward-token-1 (&optional count balanced lim)
    (or count (setq count 1))
    (if (< count 0)
        (- (c-backward-token-1 (- count) balanced lim))
--- 78,734 ----
  ;; the byte compiler.
  (defvar c-maybe-labelp nil)
! ;; Macros used internally in c-beginning-of-statement-1 for the
! ;; automaton actions.
! (defmacro c-bos-push-state ()
!   '(setq stack (cons (cons state saved-pos)
!                    stack)))
! (defmacro c-bos-pop-state (&optional do-if-done)
!   `(if (setq state (car (car stack))
!            saved-pos (cdr (car stack))
!            stack (cdr stack))
!        t
!      ,do-if-done
!      (throw 'loop nil)))
! (defmacro c-bos-pop-state-and-retry ()
!   '(throw 'loop (setq state (car (car stack))
!                     saved-pos (cdr (car stack))
!                     ;; Throw nil if stack is empty, else throw non-nil.
!                     stack (cdr stack))))
! (defmacro c-bos-save-pos ()
!   '(setq saved-pos (vector pos tok ptok pptok)))
! (defmacro c-bos-restore-pos ()
!   '(unless (eq (elt saved-pos 0) start)
!      (setq pos (elt saved-pos 0)
!          tok (elt saved-pos 1)
!          ptok (elt saved-pos 2)
!          pptok (elt saved-pos 3))
!      (goto-char pos)
!      (setq sym nil)))
! (defmacro c-bos-save-error-info (missing got)
!   `(setq saved-pos (vector pos ,missing ,got)))
! (defmacro c-bos-report-error ()
!   '(unless noerror
!      (setq c-parsing-error
!          (format "No matching `%s' found for `%s' on line %d"
!                  (elt saved-pos 1)
!                  (elt saved-pos 2)
!                  (1+ (count-lines (point-min)
!                                   (c-point 'bol (elt saved-pos 0))))))))
! (defun c-beginning-of-statement-1 (&optional lim ignore-labels
!                                            noerror comma-delim)
!   "Move to the start of the current statement or declaration, or to
! the previous one if already at the beginning of one.  Only
! statements/declarations on the same level are considered, i.e. don't
! move into or out of sexps (not even normal expression parentheses).
! Stop at statement continuations like \"else\", \"catch\", \"finally\"
! and the \"while\" in \"do ... while\" if the start point is within
! them.  If starting at such a continuation, move to the corresponding
! statement start.  If at the beginning of a statement, move to the
! closest containing statement if there is any.  This might also stop at
! a continuation clause.
! Labels are treated as separate statements if IGNORE-LABELS is non-nil.
! The function is not overly intelligent in telling labels from other
! uses of colons; if used outside a statement context it might trip up
! on e.g. inherit colons, so IGNORE-LABELS should be used then.  There
! should be no such mistakes in a statement context, however.
! Macros are ignored unless point is within one, in which case the
! content of the macro is treated as normal code.  Aside from any normal
! statement starts found in it, stop at the first token of the content
! in the macro, i.e. the expression of an \"#if\" or the start of the
! definition in a \"#define\".  Also stop at start of macros before
! leaving them.
! Return 'label if stopped at a label, 'same if stopped at the beginning
! of the current statement, 'up if stepped to a containing statement,
! 'previous if stepped to a preceding statement, 'beginning if stepped
! from a statement continuation clause to its start clause, or 'macro if
! stepped to a macro start.  Note that 'same and not 'label is returned
! if stopped at the same label without crossing the colon character.
! LIM may be given to limit the search.  If the search hits the limit,
! point will be left at the closest following token, or at the start
! position if that is less ('same is returned in this case).
! NOERROR turns off error logging to `c-parsing-error'.
! Normally only ';' is considered to delimit statements, but if
! COMMA-DELIM is non-nil then ',' is treated likewise."
!   ;; The bulk of this function is a pushdown automaton that looks at
!   ;; statement boundaries and the tokens in c-opt-block-stmt-key.
!   ;;
!   ;; Note: The position of a boundary is the following token.
!   ;;
!   ;; Begin with current token, stop when stack is empty and the
!   ;; position has been moved.
!   ;;
!   ;; Common state:
!   ;;   "else": Push state, goto state `else':
!   ;;     boundary: Goto state `else-boundary':
!   ;;       "if": Pop state.
!   ;;       boundary: Error, pop state.
!   ;;       other: See common state.
!   ;;     other: Error, pop state, retry token.
!   ;;   "while": Push state, goto state `while':
!   ;;     boundary: Save position, goto state `while-boundary':
!   ;;       "do": Pop state.
!   ;;       boundary: Restore position if it's not at start, pop state.
!   ;;       other: See common state.
!   ;;     other: Pop state, retry token.
!   ;;   "catch" or "finally": Push state, goto state `catch':
!   ;;     boundary: Goto state `catch-boundary':
!   ;;       "try": Pop state.
!   ;;       "catch": Goto state `catch'.
!   ;;       boundary: Error, pop state.
!   ;;       other: See common state.
!   ;;     other: Error, pop state, retry token.
!   ;;   other: Do nothing special.
!   ;;
!   ;; In addition to the above there is some special handling of labels
!   ;; and macros.
!   (let ((case-fold-search nil)
!       (start (point))
!       macro-start
!       (delims (if comma-delim '(?\; ?,) '(?\;)))
!       (c-stmt-delim-chars (if comma-delim
!                               c-stmt-delim-chars-with-comma
!                             c-stmt-delim-chars))
!       pos                             ; Current position.
!       boundary-pos                    ; Position of last boundary.
!       after-labels-pos                ; Value of tok after first found colon.
!       last-label-pos                  ; Value of tok after last found colon.
!       sym                             ; Current symbol in the alphabet.
!       state                           ; Current state in the automaton.
!       saved-pos                       ; Current saved positions.
!       stack                           ; Stack of conses (state . saved-pos).
!       (cond-key (or c-opt-block-stmt-key
!                     "\\<\\>"))        ; Matches nothing.
!       (ret 'same)
!       tok ptok pptok                  ; Pos of last three sexps or bounds.
!       c-in-literal-cache c-maybe-labelp saved)
!     (save-restriction
!       (if lim (narrow-to-region lim (point-max)))
!       (if (save-excursion
!           (and (c-beginning-of-macro)
!                (/= (point) start)))
!         (setq macro-start (point)))
!       ;; Try to skip over unary operator characters, to register
!       ;; that we've moved.
!       (while (progn
!              (setq pos (point))
!              (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!              (/= (skip-chars-backward "-+!*&address@hidden") 0)))
!       ;; First check for bare semicolon.  Later on we ignore the
!       ;; boundaries for statements that doesn't contain any sexp.
!       ;; The only thing that is affected is that the error checking
!       ;; is a little less strict, and we really don't bother.
!       (if (and (memq (char-before) delims)
!              (progn (forward-char -1)
!                     (setq saved (point))
!                     (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!                     (or (memq (char-before) delims)
!                         (memq (char-before) '(?: nil))
!                         (eq (char-syntax (char-before)) ?\())))
!         (setq ret 'previous
!               pos saved)
!       ;; Begin at start and not pos to detect macros if we stand
!       ;; directly after the #.
!       (goto-char start)
!       (if (looking-at "\\<\\|\\W")
!           ;; Record this as the first token if not starting inside it.
!           (setq tok start))
!       (while
!           (catch 'loop ;; Throw nil to break, non-nil to continue.
!             (cond
!              ;; Check for macro start.
!              ((save-excursion
!                 (and macro-start
!                      (looking-at "[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9!]")
!                      (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t")
!                             (eq (char-before) ?#))
!                      (progn (setq saved (1- (point)))
!                             (beginning-of-line)
!                             (not (eq (char-before (1- (point))) ?\\)))
!                      (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!                             (eq (point) saved))))
!               (goto-char saved)
!               (if (and (c-forward-to-cpp-define-body)
!                        (progn (c-forward-syntactic-ws start)
!                               (< (point) start)))
!                   ;; Stop at the first token in the content of the macro.
!                   (setq pos (point)
!                         ignore-labels t) ; Avoid the label check on exit.
!                 (setq pos saved
!                       ret 'macro
!                       ignore-labels t))
!               (throw 'loop nil))
!              ;; Do a round through the automaton if we found a
!              ;; boundary or if looking at a statement keyword.
!              ((or sym
!                   (and (looking-at cond-key)
!                        (setq sym (intern (match-string 1)))))
!               (when (and (< pos start) (null stack))
!                 (throw 'loop nil))
!               ;; The state handling.  Continue in the common state for
!               ;; unhandled cases.
!               (or (cond
!                    ((eq state 'else)
!                     (if (eq sym 'boundary)
!                         (setq state 'else-boundary)
!                       (c-bos-report-error)
!                       (c-bos-pop-state-and-retry)))
!                    ((eq state 'else-boundary)
!                     (cond ((eq sym 'if)
!                            (c-bos-pop-state (setq ret 'beginning)))
!                           ((eq sym 'boundary)
!                            (c-bos-report-error)
!                            (c-bos-pop-state))))
!                    ((eq state 'while)
!                     (if (and (eq sym 'boundary)
!                              ;; Since this can cause backtracking we do a
!                              ;; little more careful analysis to avoid it:
!                              ;; If there's a label in front of the while
!                              ;; it can't be part of a do-while.
!                              (not after-labels-pos))
!                         (progn (c-bos-save-pos)
!                                (setq state 'while-boundary))
!                       (c-bos-pop-state-and-retry)))
!                    ((eq state 'while-boundary)
!                     (cond ((eq sym 'do)
!                            (c-bos-pop-state (setq ret 'beginning)))
!                           ((eq sym 'boundary)
!                            (c-bos-restore-pos)
!                            (c-bos-pop-state))))
!                    ((eq state 'catch)
!                     (if (eq sym 'boundary)
!                         (setq state 'catch-boundary)
!                       (c-bos-report-error)
!                       (c-bos-pop-state-and-retry)))
!                    ((eq state 'catch-boundary)
!                     (cond
!                      ((eq sym 'try)
!                       (c-bos-pop-state (setq ret 'beginning)))
!                      ((eq sym 'catch)
!                       (setq state 'catch))
!                      ((eq sym 'boundary)
!                       (c-bos-report-error)
!                       (c-bos-pop-state)))))
!                   ;; This is state common.
!                   (cond ((eq sym 'boundary)
!                          (if (< pos start)
!                              (c-bos-pop-state)
!                            (c-bos-push-state)))
!                         ((eq sym 'else)
!                          (c-bos-push-state)
!                          (c-bos-save-error-info 'if 'else)
!                          (setq state 'else))
!                         ((eq sym 'while)
!                          (when (or (not pptok)
!                                    (memq (char-after pptok) delims))
!                            ;; Since this can cause backtracking we do a
!                            ;; little more careful analysis to avoid it: If
!                            ;; the while isn't followed by a semicolon it
!                            ;; can't be a do-while.
!                            (c-bos-push-state)
!                            (setq state 'while)))
!                         ((memq sym '(catch finally))
!                          (c-bos-push-state)
!                          (c-bos-save-error-info 'try sym)
!                          (setq state 'catch))))
!               (when c-maybe-labelp
!                 ;; We're either past a statement boundary or at the
!                 ;; start of a statement, so throw away any label data
!                 ;; for the previous one.
!                 (setq after-labels-pos nil
!                       last-label-pos nil
!                       c-maybe-labelp nil))))
!             ;; Step to next sexp, but not if we crossed a boundary, since
!             ;; that doesn't consume an sexp.
!             (if (eq sym 'boundary)
!                 (setq ret 'previous)
!               (while
!                     (or (c-safe (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) -1)) t)
!                         (throw 'loop nil))
!                     (cond ((looking-at "\\\\$")
!                            ;; Step again if we hit a line continuation.
!                            t)
!                           (macro-start
!                            ;; If we started inside a macro then this
!                            ;; sexp is always interesting.
!                            nil)
!                           (t
!                            ;; Otherwise check that we didn't step
!                            ;; into a macro from the end.
!                            (let ((macro-start
!                                   (save-excursion
!                                     (and (c-beginning-of-macro)
!                                          (point)))))
!                              (when macro-start
!                                (goto-char macro-start)
!                                t))))))
!               ;; Check for statement boundary.
!               (when (save-excursion
!                       (if (if (eq (char-after) ?{)
!                               (c-looking-at-inexpr-block lim nil)
!                             (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?\())
!                           ;; Need to move over parens and
!                           ;; in-expression blocks to get a good start
!                           ;; position for the boundary check.
!                           (c-forward-sexp 1))
!                       (setq boundary-pos (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p
!                                           (point) pos)))
!                 (setq pptok ptok
!                       ptok tok
!                       tok boundary-pos
!                       sym 'boundary)
!                 (throw 'loop t)))
!             (when (and (numberp c-maybe-labelp) (not ignore-labels))
!               ;; c-crosses-statement-barrier-p has found a colon, so
!               ;; we might be in a label now.
!               (if (not after-labels-pos)
!                   (setq after-labels-pos tok))
!               (setq last-label-pos tok
!                     c-maybe-labelp t))
!             ;; ObjC method def?
!             (when (and c-opt-method-key
!                        (setq saved (c-in-method-def-p)))
!               (setq pos saved
!                     ignore-labels t)  ; Avoid the label check on exit.
!               (throw 'loop nil))
!             (setq sym nil
!                   pptok ptok
!                   ptok tok
!                   tok (point)
!                   pos tok)))          ; Not nil.
!       ;; If the stack isn't empty there might be errors to report.
!       (while stack
!         (if (and (vectorp saved-pos) (eq (length saved-pos) 3))
!             (c-bos-report-error))
!         (setq saved-pos (cdr (car stack))
!               stack (cdr stack)))
!       (when (and (eq ret 'same)
!                  (not (memq sym '(boundary ignore nil))))
!         ;; Need to investigate closer whether we've crossed
!         ;; between a substatement and its containing statement.
!         (if (setq saved (if (looking-at c-block-stmt-1-key)
!                             ptok
!                           pptok))
!             (cond ((> start saved) (setq pos saved))
!                   ((= start saved) (setq ret 'up)))))
!       (when (and c-maybe-labelp (not ignore-labels) after-labels-pos)
!         ;; We're in a label.  Maybe we should step to the statement
!         ;; after it.
!         (if (< after-labels-pos start)
!             (setq pos after-labels-pos)
!           (setq ret 'label)
!           (if (< last-label-pos start)
!               (setq pos last-label-pos)))))
!       ;; Skip over the unary operators that can start the statement.
!       (goto-char pos)
!       (while (progn
!              (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!              (/= (skip-chars-backward "-+!*&address@hidden") 0))
!       (setq pos (point)))
!       (goto-char pos)
!       ret)))
  (defun c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (from to)
!   "Return non-nil if buffer positions FROM to TO cross one or more
! statement or declaration boundaries.  The returned value is actually
! the position of the earliest boundary char.
! The variable `c-maybe-labelp' is set to the position of the first `:' that
! might start a label (i.e. not part of `::' and not preceded by `?').  If a
! single `?' is found, then `c-maybe-labelp' is cleared."
!   (let ((skip-chars c-stmt-delim-chars)
!       lit-range)
!     (save-excursion
!       (catch 'done
!       (goto-char from)
!       (while (progn (skip-chars-forward skip-chars to)
                      (< (point) to))
!         (if (setq lit-range (c-literal-limits from))
!             (goto-char (setq from (cdr lit-range)))
!           (cond ((eq (char-after) ?:)
!                  (forward-char)
!                  (if (and (eq (char-after) ?:)
!                           (< (point) to))
!                      ;; Ignore scope operators.
!                      (forward-char)
!                    (setq c-maybe-labelp (1- (point)))))
!                 ((eq (char-after) ??)
!                  ;; A question mark.  Can't be a label, so stop
!                  ;; looking for more : and ?.
!                  (setq c-maybe-labelp nil
!                        skip-chars (substring c-stmt-delim-chars 0 -2)))
!                 (t (throw 'done (point))))))
!       nil))))
+ ;; This is a dynamically bound cache used together with
+ ;; c-query-macro-start and c-query-and-set-macro-start.  It only works
+ ;; as long as point doesn't cross a macro boundary.
+ (defvar c-macro-start 'unknown)
+ (defsubst c-query-and-set-macro-start ()
+   (if (symbolp c-macro-start)
+       (setq c-macro-start (save-excursion
+                           (and (c-beginning-of-macro)
+                                (point))))
+     c-macro-start))
+ (defsubst c-query-macro-start ()
+   (if (symbolp c-macro-start)
+       (save-excursion
+       (and (c-beginning-of-macro)
+            (point)))
+     c-macro-start))
  (defun c-beginning-of-macro (&optional lim)
!   "Go to the beginning of a cpp macro definition.
! Leave point at the beginning of the macro and return t if in a cpp
! macro definition, otherwise return nil and leave point unchanged."
    (let ((here (point)))
!     (save-restriction
!       (if lim (narrow-to-region lim (point-max)))
!       (beginning-of-line)
!       (while (eq (char-before (1- (point))) ?\\)
!       (forward-line -1))
!       (back-to-indentation)
!       (if (and (<= (point) here)
!              (looking-at "#[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9!]"))
!         t
!       (goto-char here)
!       nil))))
! (defun c-end-of-macro ()
!   "Go to the end of a cpp macro definition.
! More accurately, move point to the end of the closest following line
! that doesn't end with a line continuation backslash."
!   (while (progn
!          (end-of-line)
!          (when (and (eq (char-before) ?\\)
!                     (not (eobp)))
!            (forward-char)
!            t))))
! (defun c-forward-comment (count)
!   ;; Insulation from various idiosyncrasies in implementations of
!   ;; `forward-comment'.
!   ;;
!   ;; Note: Some emacsen considers incorrectly that any line comment
!   ;; ending with a backslash continues to the next line.  I can't
!   ;; think of any way to work around that in a reliable way without
!   ;; changing the buffer, though.  Suggestions welcome. ;)  (No,
!   ;; temporarily changing the syntax for backslash doesn't work since
!   ;; we must treat escapes in string literals correctly.)
!   ;;
!   ;; Another note: When moving backwards over a block comment, there's
!   ;; a bug in forward-comment that can make it stop at "/*" inside a
!   ;; line comment.  Haven't yet found a reasonably cheap way to kludge
!   ;; around that one either. :\
!   (let ((here (point)))
!     (if (>= count 0)
!       (when (forward-comment count)
!         (if (eobp)
!             ;; Some emacsen (e.g. XEmacs 21) return t when moving
!             ;; forwards at eob.
!             nil
!           ;; Emacs includes the ending newline in a b-style (c++)
!           ;; comment, but XEmacs doesn't.  We depend on the Emacs
!           ;; behavior (which also is symmetric).
!           (if (and (eolp) (nth 7 (parse-partial-sexp here (point))))
!               (condition-case nil (forward-char 1)))
!           t))
!       ;; When we got newline terminated comments,
!       ;; forward-comment in all supported emacsen so far will
!       ;; stop at eol of each line not ending with a comment when
!       ;; moving backwards.  The following corrects for it when
!       ;; count is -1.  The other common case, when count is
!       ;; large and negative, works regardless.  It's too much
!       ;; work to correct for the rest of the cases.
!       (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\r\f")
!       (if (bobp)
!         ;; Some emacsen return t when moving backwards at bob.
!         nil
!       (re-search-forward "[\n\r]" here t)
!       (let* ((res (if (forward-comment count)
!                       (if (eolp) (forward-comment -1) t)))
!              (savepos (point)))
!         ;; XEmacs treats line continuations as whitespace (but only
!         ;; in the backward direction).
!         (while (and (progn (end-of-line) (< (point) here))
!                     (eq (char-before) ?\\))
!           (setq res nil
!                 savepos (point))
!           (forward-line))
!         (goto-char savepos)
!         res)))))
! (defun c-forward-comment-lc (count)
!   ;; Like `c-forward-comment', but treat line continuations as
!   ;; whitespace.
!   (catch 'done
!     (if (> count 0)
!       (while (if (c-forward-comment 1)
!                  (progn
!                    (setq count (1- count))
!                    (> count 0))
!                (if (looking-at "\\\\$")
!                    (progn
!                      (forward-char)
!                      t)
!                  (throw 'done nil))))
!       (while (if (c-forward-comment -1)
!                (progn
!                  (setq count (1+ count))
!                  (< count 0))
!              (if (and (eolp) (eq (char-before) ?\\))
!                  (progn
!                    (backward-char)
!                    t)
!                (throw 'done nil)))))
!     t))
  (defun c-forward-syntactic-ws (&optional lim)
!   "Forward skip of syntactic whitespace.
! Syntactic whitespace is defined as whitespace characters, comments,
! and preprocessor directives.  However if point starts inside a comment
! or preprocessor directive, the content of it is not treated as
! whitespace.  LIM sets an upper limit of the forward movement, if
! specified."
!   (let ((here (point-max)))
!     (or lim (setq lim here))
      (while (/= here (point))
+       ;; If forward-comment in at least XEmacs 21 is given a large
+       ;; positive value, it'll loop all the way through if it hits eob.
+       (while (c-forward-comment 5))
        (setq here (point))
!       (cond
!        ;; Skip line continuations.
!        ((looking-at "\\\\$")
!       (forward-char))
!        ;; Skip preprocessor directives.
!        ((and (looking-at "#[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9!]")
!            (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t")
!                   (bolp)))
!       (end-of-line)
!       (while (and (<= (point) lim)
!                   (eq (char-before) ?\\)
!                        (= (forward-line 1) 0))
!         (end-of-line))
!       (when (> (point) lim)
!         ;; Don't move past the macro if that'd take us past the limit.
!         (goto-char here)))
!        ;; Skip in-comment line continuations (used for Pike refdoc).
!        ((and c-opt-in-comment-lc (looking-at c-opt-in-comment-lc))
!       (goto-char (match-end 0)))))
!     (goto-char (min (point) lim))))
  (defun c-backward-syntactic-ws (&optional lim)
!   "Backward skip of syntactic whitespace.
! Syntactic whitespace is defined as whitespace characters, comments,
! and preprocessor directives.  However if point starts inside a comment
! or preprocessor directive, the content of it is not treated as
! whitespace.  LIM sets a lower limit of the backward movement, if
! specified."
!   (let ((start-line (c-point 'bol))
!       (here (point-min))
!       (line-cont 'maybe)
!       prev-pos)
!     (or lim (setq lim here))
      (while (/= here (point))
+       (setq prev-pos (point))
+       ;; If forward-comment in Emacs 19.34 is given a large negative
+       ;; value, it'll loop all the way through if it hits bob.
+       (while (c-forward-comment -5))
        (setq here (point))
!       (cond
!        ((and (eolp)
!            (eq (char-before) ?\\)
!            (if (<= prev-pos (c-point 'eonl))
!                t
!              ;; Passed a line continuation, but not from the line we
!              ;; started on.
!              (forward-char)
!              (setq line-cont nil)))
!       (backward-char)
!       (setq line-cont t))
!        ((progn
!         (when (eq line-cont 'maybe)
!           (save-excursion
!             (end-of-line)
!             (setq line-cont (eq (char-before) ?\\))))
!         (or line-cont
!             (and (< (point) start-line)
!                  (c-beginning-of-macro))))
!       (if (< (point) lim)
!           ;; Don't move past the macro if we began inside it or at
!           ;; the end of the same line, or if the move would take us
!           ;; past the limit.
!           (goto-char here))
!       (setq line-cont nil))
!        ;; Skip in-comment line continuations (used for Pike refdoc).
!        ((and c-opt-in-comment-lc
!            (save-excursion
!              (and (c-safe (beginning-of-line)
!                           (backward-char 2)
!                           t)
!                   (looking-at c-opt-in-comment-lc)
!                   (eq (match-end 0) here))))
!       (goto-char (match-beginning 0)))))
!     (goto-char (max (point) lim))))
  (defun c-forward-token-1 (&optional count balanced lim)
+   "Move forward by tokens.
+ A token is defined as all symbols and identifiers which aren't
+ syntactic whitespace \(note that e.g. \"->\" is considered to be two
+ tokens).  Point is always either left at the beginning of a token or
+ not moved at all.  COUNT specifies the number of tokens to move; a
+ negative COUNT moves in the opposite direction.  A COUNT of 0 moves to
+ the next token beginning only if not already at one.  If BALANCED is
+ true, move over balanced parens, otherwise move into them.  Also, if
+ BALANCED is true, never move out of an enclosing paren.  LIM sets the
+ limit for the movement and defaults to the point limit.
+ Return the number of tokens left to move \(positive or negative).  If
+ BALANCED is true, a move over a balanced paren counts as one.  Note
+ that if COUNT is 0 and no appropriate token beginning is found, 1 will
+ be returned.  Thus, a return value of 0 guarantees that point is at
+ the requested position and a return value less \(without signs) than
+ COUNT guarantees that point is at the beginning of some token."
    (or count (setq count 1))
    (if (< count 0)
        (- (c-backward-token-1 (- count) balanced lim))
*** 371,377 ****
                (if (memq (char-syntax (char-after)) jump-syntax)
                    (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) 1))
!               (c-forward-syntactic-ws lim)
                (setq count (1- count)))
            (error (goto-char last)))
          (when (eobp)
--- 763,769 ----
                (if (memq (char-syntax (char-after)) jump-syntax)
                    (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) 1))
!               (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
                (setq count (1- count)))
            (error (goto-char last)))
          (when (eobp)
*** 380,385 ****
--- 772,779 ----
  (defun c-backward-token-1 (&optional count balanced lim)
+   "Move backward by tokens.
+ See `c-forward-token-1' for details."
    (or count (setq count 1))
    (if (< count 0)
        (- (c-forward-token-1 (- count) balanced lim))
*** 391,397 ****
               (or (and (memq (char-syntax (or (char-after) ? )) '(?w ?_))
                        (memq (char-syntax (or (char-before) ? )) '(?w ?_)))
                   (/= (point)
!                      (save-excursion (c-forward-syntactic-ws) (point)))
          ;; If count is zero we should jump if in the middle of a
          ;; token or if there is whitespace between point and the
--- 785,793 ----
               (or (and (memq (char-syntax (or (char-after) ? )) '(?w ?_))
                        (memq (char-syntax (or (char-before) ? )) '(?w ?_)))
                   (/= (point)
!                      (save-excursion
!                        (c-forward-syntactic-ws (1+ lim))
!                        (point)))
          ;; If count is zero we should jump if in the middle of a
          ;; token or if there is whitespace between point and the
*** 406,412 ****
                  (while (progn
                           (setq last (point))
                           (> count 0))
!                   (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
                    (if (memq (char-syntax (char-before)) jump-syntax)
                        (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) -1))
--- 802,808 ----
                  (while (progn
                           (setq last (point))
                           (> count 0))
!                   (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
                    (if (memq (char-syntax (char-before)) jump-syntax)
                        (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) -1))
*** 415,430 ****
              (if (bobp) (goto-char last)))))
! ;; Return `c' if in a C-style comment, `c++' if in a C++ style
! ;; comment, `string' if in a string literal, `pound' if on a
! ;; preprocessor line, or nil if not in a comment at all.  Optional LIM
! ;; is used as the backward limit of the search.  If omitted, or nil,
! ;; `beginning-of-defun' is used."
! (defun c-in-literal (&optional lim)
!   ;; Determine if point is in a C++ literal. we cache the last point
!   ;; calculated if the cache is enabled
    (if (and (vectorp c-in-literal-cache)
           (= (point) (aref c-in-literal-cache 0)))
        (aref c-in-literal-cache 1)
--- 811,903 ----
              (if (bobp) (goto-char last)))))
+ (defun c-syntactic-re-search-forward (regexp &optional bound noerror count
+                                            paren-level)
+   ;; Like `re-search-forward', but only report matches that are found
+   ;; in syntactically significant text.  I.e. matches that begins in
+   ;; comments, macros or string literals are ignored.  The start point
+   ;; is assumed to be outside any comment, macro or string literal, or
+   ;; else the content of that region is taken as syntactically
+   ;; significant text.  If PAREN-LEVEL is non-nil, an additional
+   ;; restriction is added to ignore matches in nested paren sexps, and
+   ;; the search will also not go outside the current paren sexp.
+   (or bound (setq bound (point-max)))
+   (or count (setq count 1))
+   (if paren-level (setq paren-level -1))
+   (let ((start (point))
+       (pos (point))
+       match-pos state)
+     (condition-case err
+       (while (and (> count 0)
+                   (re-search-forward regexp bound noerror))
+         (setq match-pos (point)
+               state (parse-partial-sexp pos (match-beginning 0)
+                                         paren-level nil state)
+               pos (point))
+         (cond ((nth 3 state)
+                ;; Match inside a string.  Skip to the end of it
+                ;; before continuing.
+                (let ((ender (make-string 1 (nth 3 state))))
+                  (while (progn
+                           (search-forward ender bound noerror)
+                           (setq state (parse-partial-sexp pos (point)
+                                                           nil nil state)
+                                 pos (point))
+                           (nth 3 state)))))
+               ((nth 7 state)
+                ;; Match inside a line comment.  Skip to eol.  Use
+                ;; re-search-forward for it to get the right bound
+                ;; behavior.
+                (re-search-forward "[\n\r]" bound noerror))
+               ((nth 4 state)
+                ;; Match inside a block comment.  Skip to the '*/'.
+                (re-search-forward "\\*/" bound noerror))
+               ((save-excursion (c-beginning-of-macro start))
+                ;; Match inside a macro.  Skip to the end of it.
+                (c-end-of-macro))
+               ((and paren-level (/= (car state) 0))
+                (if (> (car state) 0)
+                    ;; Match inside a nested paren sexp.  Skip out of it.
+                    (setq state (parse-partial-sexp pos bound 0 nil state)
+                          pos (point))
+                  ;; Have exited the current paren sexp.  The
+                  ;; parse-partial-sexp above has left us just after
+                  ;; the closing paren in this case.  Just make
+                  ;; re-search-forward above fail in the appropriate
+                  ;; way; we'll adjust the leave off point below if
+                  ;; necessary.
+                  (setq bound (point))))
+               (t
+                ;; A real match.
+                (setq count (1- count)))))
+       (error
+        (goto-char start)
+        (signal (car err) (cdr err))))
+     (if (= count 0)
+       (progn
+         (goto-char match-pos)
+         match-pos)
+       ;; Search failed.  Set point as appropriate.
+       (cond ((eq noerror t)
+            (goto-char start))
+           (paren-level
+            (if (eq (car (parse-partial-sexp pos bound -1 nil state)) -1)
+                (backward-char)))
+           (t
+            (goto-char bound)))
+       nil)))
! (defun c-in-literal (&optional lim detect-cpp)
!   "Return the type of literal point is in, if any.
! The return value is `c' if in a C-style comment, `c++' if in a C++
! style comment, `string' if in a string literal, `pound' if DETECT-CPP
! is non-nil and on a preprocessor line, or nil if somewhere else.
! Optional LIM is used as the backward limit of the search.  If omitted,
! or nil, `c-beginning-of-defun' is used.
! The last point calculated is cached if the cache is enabled, i.e. if
! `c-in-literal-cache' is bound to a two element vector."
    (if (and (vectorp c-in-literal-cache)
           (= (point) (aref c-in-literal-cache 0)))
        (aref c-in-literal-cache 1)
*** 434,440 ****
                    ((nth 3 state) 'string)
                    ((nth 4 state) (if (nth 7 state) 'c++ 'c))
!                   ((c-beginning-of-macro lim) 'pound)
                    (t nil))))))
        ;; cache this result if the cache is enabled
        (if (not c-in-literal-cache)
--- 907,913 ----
                    ((nth 3 state) 'string)
                    ((nth 4 state) (if (nth 7 state) 'c++ 'c))
!                   ((and detect-cpp (c-beginning-of-macro lim)) 'pound)
                    (t nil))))))
        ;; cache this result if the cache is enabled
        (if (not c-in-literal-cache)
*** 443,472 ****
  ;; XEmacs has a built-in function that should make this much quicker.
  ;; I don't think we even need the cache, which makes our lives more
! ;; complicated anyway.  In this case, lim is ignored.
! (defun c-fast-in-literal (&optional lim)
    (let ((context (buffer-syntactic-context)))
       ((eq context 'string) 'string)
       ((eq context 'comment) 'c++)
       ((eq context 'block-comment) 'c)
!      ((save-excursion (c-beginning-of-macro lim)) 'pound))))
  (if (fboundp 'buffer-syntactic-context)
      (defalias 'c-in-literal 'c-fast-in-literal))
  (defun c-literal-limits (&optional lim near not-in-delimiter)
!   ;; Returns a cons of the beginning and end positions of the comment
!   ;; or string surrounding point (including both delimiters), or nil
!   ;; if point isn't in one.  If LIM is non-nil, it's used as the
!   ;; "safe" position to start parsing from.  If NEAR is non-nil, then
!   ;; the limits of any literal next to point is returned.  "Next to"
!   ;; means there's only [ \t] between point and the literal.  The
!   ;; search for such a literal is done first in forward direction.  If
!   ;; NOT-IN-DELIMITER is non-nil, the case when point is inside a
!   ;; starting delimiter won't be recognized.  This only has effect for
!   ;; comments, which have starting delimiters with more than one
!   ;; character.
      (let* ((pos (point))
           (lim (or lim (c-point 'bod)))
--- 916,945 ----
  ;; XEmacs has a built-in function that should make this much quicker.
  ;; I don't think we even need the cache, which makes our lives more
! ;; complicated anyway.  In this case, lim is only used to detect
! ;; cpp directives.
! (defun c-fast-in-literal (&optional lim detect-cpp)
    (let ((context (buffer-syntactic-context)))
       ((eq context 'string) 'string)
       ((eq context 'comment) 'c++)
       ((eq context 'block-comment) 'c)
!      ((and detect-cpp (save-excursion (c-beginning-of-macro lim))) 'pound))))
  (if (fboundp 'buffer-syntactic-context)
      (defalias 'c-in-literal 'c-fast-in-literal))
  (defun c-literal-limits (&optional lim near not-in-delimiter)
!   "Return a cons of the beginning and end positions of the comment or
! string surrounding point (including both delimiters), or nil if point
! isn't in one.  If LIM is non-nil, it's used as the \"safe\" position
! to start parsing from.  If NEAR is non-nil, then the limits of any
! literal next to point is returned.  \"Next to\" means there's only [
! \t] between point and the literal.  The search for such a literal is
! done first in forward direction.  If NOT-IN-DELIMITER is non-nil, the
! case when point is inside a starting delimiter won't be recognized.
! This only has effect for comments, which have starting delimiters with
! more than one character."
      (let* ((pos (point))
           (lim (or lim (c-point 'bod)))
*** 586,597 ****
      (defalias 'c-literal-limits 'c-literal-limits-fast))
  (defun c-collect-line-comments (range)
!   ;; If the argument is a cons of two buffer positions (such as
!   ;; returned by c-literal-limits), and that range contains a C++
!   ;; style line comment, then an extended range is returned that
!   ;; contains all adjacent line comments (i.e. all comments that
!   ;; starts in the same column with no empty lines or non-whitespace
!   ;; characters between them).  Otherwise the argument is returned.
      (condition-case nil
        (if (and (consp range) (progn
--- 1059,1070 ----
      (defalias 'c-literal-limits 'c-literal-limits-fast))
  (defun c-collect-line-comments (range)
!   "If the argument is a cons of two buffer positions (such as returned by
! `c-literal-limits'), and that range contains a C++ style line comment,
! then an extended range is returned that contains all adjacent line
! comments (i.e. all comments that starts in the same column with no
! empty lines or non-whitespace characters between them).  Otherwise the
! argument is returned."
      (condition-case nil
        (if (and (consp range) (progn
*** 620,629 ****
        (error range))))
  (defun c-literal-type (range)
!   ;; Convenience function that given the result of c-literal-limits,
!   ;; returns nil or the type of literal that the range surrounds.
!   ;; It's much faster than using c-in-literal and is intended to be
!   ;; used when you need both the type of a literal and its limits.
    (if (consp range)
        (goto-char (car range))
--- 1093,1102 ----
        (error range))))
  (defun c-literal-type (range)
!   "Convenience function that given the result of `c-literal-limits',
! returns nil or the type of literal that the range surrounds.  It's
! much faster than using `c-in-literal' and is intended to be used when
! you need both the type of a literal and its limits."
    (if (consp range)
        (goto-char (car range))
*** 635,849 ****
  ;; utilities for moving and querying around syntactic elements
! (defvar c-parsing-error nil)
  (defun c-parse-state ()
!   ;; Finds and records all open parens between some important point
!   ;; earlier in the file and point.
!   ;; if there's a state cache, return it
!   (if c-state-cache c-state-cache
!     (let* (at-bob
!          (pos (save-excursion
                  ;; go back 2 bods, but ignore any bogus positions
!                 ;; returned by beginning-of-defun (i.e. open paren
!                 ;; in column zero)
                  (let ((cnt 2))
!                   (while (not (or at-bob (zerop cnt)))
!                     (goto-char (c-point 'bod))
!                     (if (and
!                          (eq (char-after) ?\{)
!                          ;; The following catches an obscure special
!                          ;; case where the brace is preceded by an
!                          ;; open paren.  That can only legally occur
!                          ;; with blocks inside expressions and in
!                          ;; Pike special brace lists.  Even so, this
!                          ;; test is still bogus then, but hopefully
!                          ;; good enough.  (We don't want to use
!                          ;; up-list here since it might be slow.)
!                          (save-excursion
!                            (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!                            (not (eq (char-before) ?\())))
!                         (setq cnt (1- cnt)))
!                     (if (bobp)
!                         (setq at-bob t))))
!                 (point)))
!          (here (save-excursion
!                  ;;(skip-chars-forward " \t}")
!                  (point)))
!          (last-bod here) (last-pos pos)
!          placeholder state sexp-end)
!       ;; cache last bod position
!       (while (catch 'backup-bod
!              (setq state nil)
!              (while (and pos (< pos here))
!                (setq last-pos pos)
!                (if (and (setq pos (c-safe (scan-lists pos 1 -1)))
!                         (<= pos here))
!                    (progn
!                      (setq sexp-end (c-safe (scan-sexps (1- pos) 1)))
!                      (if (and sexp-end
!                               (<= sexp-end here))
!                          ;; we want to record both the start and end
!                          ;; of this sexp, but we only want to record
!                          ;; the last-most of any of them before here
!                          (progn
!                            (if (eq (char-after (1- pos)) ?\{)
!                                (setq state (cons (cons (1- pos) sexp-end)
!                                                  (if (consp (car state))
!                                                      (cdr state)
!                                                    state))))
!                            (setq pos sexp-end))
!                        ;; we're contained in this sexp so put pos on
!                        ;; front of list
!                        (setq state (cons (1- pos) state))))
!                  ;; something bad happened. check to see if we
!                  ;; crossed an unbalanced close brace. if so, we
!                  ;; didn't really find the right `important bufpos'
!                  ;; so lets back up and try again
!                  (if (and (not pos) (not at-bob)
!                           (setq placeholder
!                                 (c-safe (scan-lists last-pos 1 1)))
!                           ;;(char-after (1- placeholder))
!                           (<= placeholder here)
!                           (eq (char-after (1- placeholder)) ?\}))
!                      (while t
!                        (setq last-bod (c-safe (scan-lists last-pos -1 1)))
!                        (if (not last-bod)
!                            (save-excursion
!                              ;; bogus, but what can we do here?
!                              (goto-char placeholder)
!                              (beginning-of-line)
!                              (setq c-parsing-error
!                                    (format "\
! Unbalanced close brace at line %d" (1+ (count-lines 1 (point)))))
!                              (throw 'backup-bod nil))
!                          (setq at-bob (= last-bod (point-min))
!                                pos last-bod)
!                          (if (= (char-after last-bod) ?\{)
!                              (throw 'backup-bod t)))
!                        ))             ;end-if
!                  ))                   ;end-while
!              nil))
!       state)))
! (defun c-whack-state (bufpos state)
!   ;; whack off any state information that appears on STATE which lies
!   ;; after the bounds of BUFPOS.
!   (let (newstate car)
!     (while state
!       (setq car (car state)
!           state (cdr state))
!       (if (consp car)
!         ;; just check the car, because in a balanced brace
!         ;; expression, it must be impossible for the corresponding
!         ;; close brace to be before point, but the open brace to be
!         ;; after.
!         (if (<= bufpos (car car))
              nil                       ; whack it off
!           ;; its possible that the open brace is before bufpos, but
!           ;; the close brace is after.  In that case, convert this
!           ;; to a non-cons element.
!           (if (<= bufpos (cdr car))
!               (setq newstate (append newstate (list (car car))))
!             ;; we know that both the open and close braces are
!             ;; before bufpos, so we also know that everything else
!             ;; on state is before bufpos, so we can glom up the
!             ;; whole thing and exit.
!             (setq newstate (append newstate (list car) state)
!                   state nil)))
!       (if (<= bufpos car)
!           nil                         ; whack it off
!         ;; it's before bufpos, so everything else should too
!         (setq newstate (append newstate (list car) state)
!               state nil))))
!     newstate))
! (defun c-hack-state (bufpos which state)
!   ;; Using BUFPOS buffer position, and WHICH (must be 'open or
!   ;; 'close), hack the c-parse-state STATE and return the results.
!   (if (eq which 'open)
!       (let ((car (car state)))
!       (if (or (null car)
!               (consp car)
!               (/= bufpos car))
!           (cons bufpos state)
!         state))
!     (if (not (eq which 'close))
!       (error "c-hack-state, bad argument: %s" which))
!     ;; 'close brace
!     (let ((car (car state))
!         (cdr (cdr state)))
!       (if (consp car)
!         (setq car (car cdr)
!               cdr (cdr cdr)))
!       ;; TBD: is this test relevant???
!       (if (consp car)
!         state                         ;on error, don't change
!       ;; watch out for balanced expr already on cdr of list
!       (cons (cons car bufpos)
!             (if (consp (car cdr))
!                 (cdr cdr) cdr))
!       ))))
! (defun c-adjust-state (from to shift state)
!   ;; Adjust all points in state that lie in the region FROM..TO by
!   ;; SHIFT amount.
!   (mapcar
!    (function
!     (lambda (e)
!       (if (consp e)
!         (let ((car (car e))
!               (cdr (cdr e)))
!           (if (and (<= from car) (< car to))
!               (setcar e (+ shift car)))
!           (if (and (<= from cdr) (< cdr to))
!               (setcdr e (+ shift cdr))))
!       (if (and (<= from e) (< e to))
!           (setq e (+ shift e))))
!       e))
!    state))
  (defun c-beginning-of-inheritance-list (&optional lim)
    ;; Go to the first non-whitespace after the colon that starts a
    ;; multiple inheritance introduction.  Optional LIM is the farthest
    ;; back we should search.
!   (let* ((lim (or lim (c-point 'bod)))
!        (placeholder (progn
!                       (back-to-indentation)
!                       (point)))
!        (chr (char-after)))
!     (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
!     (while (and (> (point) lim)
!               (or (eq chr ?,)
!                   (memq (char-before) '(?, ?:)))
!               (progn
!                 (beginning-of-line)
!                 (setq placeholder (point))
!                 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!                 (setq chr (char-after))
!                 (not (looking-at c-class-key))
!                 ))
!       (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim))
!     (goto-char placeholder)
!     (skip-chars-forward "^:" (c-point 'eol))))
  (defun c-in-method-def-p ()
    ;; Return nil if we aren't in a method definition, otherwise the
    ;; position of the initial [+-].
!     (and c-method-key
!        (looking-at c-method-key)
  (defun c-at-toplevel-p ()
    "Return a determination as to whether point is at the `top-level'.
  Being at the top-level means that point is either outside any
! enclosing block (such function definition), or inside a class
! definition, but outside any method blocks.
  If point is not at the top-level (e.g. it is inside a method
  definition), then nil is returned.  Otherwise, if point is at a
--- 1108,1408 ----
  ;; utilities for moving and querying around syntactic elements
! (defvar c-state-cache nil)
! (make-variable-buffer-local 'c-state-cache)
! ;; The state cache used by `c-parse-state' to cut down the amount of
! ;; searching.  It's the result from some earlier `c-parse-state' call.
! ;; The use of the cached info is more effective if the next
! ;; `c-parse-state' call is on a line close by the one the cached state
! ;; was made at; the cache can actually slow down a little if the
! ;; cached state was made very far back in the buffer.  The cache is
! ;; most effective if `c-parse-state' is used on each line while moving
! ;; forward.
! (defvar c-state-cache-start nil)
! ;; This (point-min) when `c-state-cache' was calculated, to detect
! ;; that the start point hasn't changed due to narrowing.
  (defun c-parse-state ()
!   ;; Finds and records all noteworthy parens between some good point
!   ;; earlier in the file and point.  That good point is at least the
!   ;; beginning of the top-level construct we are in, or the beginning
!   ;; of the preceding top-level construct if we aren't in one.
!   ;; The returned value is a list of the noteworthy parens with the
!   ;; last one first.  If an element in the list is an integer, it's
!   ;; the position of an open paren which has not been closed before
!   ;; point.  If an element is a cons, it gives the position of a
!   ;; closed brace paren pair; the car is the start paren position and
!   ;; the cdr is the position following the closing paren.  Only the
!   ;; last closed brace paren pair before each open paren is recorded,
!   ;; and thus the state never contains two cons elements in
!   ;; succession.
!   (save-restriction
!     (let* ((here (point))
!          (c-macro-start (c-query-macro-start))
!          (in-macro-start (or c-macro-start (point)))
!          old-state last-pos pairs pos)
!       ;; Somewhat ugly use of c-check-state-cache to get rid of the
!       ;; part of the state cache that is after point.  Can't use
!       ;; c-whack-state-after for the same reasons as in that function.
!       (c-check-state-cache (point) nil nil)
!       ;; Get the latest position we know are directly inside the
!       ;; closest containing paren of the cached state.
!       (setq last-pos (and c-state-cache
!                         (if (consp (car c-state-cache))
!                             (cdr (car c-state-cache))
!                           (1+ (car c-state-cache)))))
!       ;; Check if the found last-pos is in a macro.  If it is, and
!       ;; we're not in the same macro, we must discard everything on
!       ;; c-state-cache that is inside the macro before using it.
!       (when last-pos
!       (save-excursion
!         (goto-char last-pos)
!         (when (and (c-beginning-of-macro)
!                    (/= (point) in-macro-start))
!           (c-check-state-cache (point) nil nil)
!           ;; Set last-pos again, just like above.
!           (setq last-pos (and c-state-cache
!                               (if (consp (car c-state-cache))
!                                   (cdr (car c-state-cache))
!                                 (1+ (car c-state-cache))))))))
!       (setq pos
!           ;; Find the start position for the forward search.  (Can't
!           ;; search in the backward direction since point might be
!           ;; in some kind of literal.)
!           (or (when last-pos
!                 ;; There's a cached state with a containing paren.  Pop
!                 ;; off the stale containing sexps from it by going
!                 ;; forward out of parens as far as possible.
!                 (narrow-to-region (point-min) here)
!                 (let (placeholder pair-beg)
!                   (while (and c-state-cache
!                               (setq placeholder
!                                     (c-up-list-forward last-pos)))
!                     (setq last-pos placeholder)
!                     (if (consp (car c-state-cache))
!                         (setq pair-beg (car-safe (cdr c-state-cache))
!                               c-state-cache (cdr-safe (cdr c-state-cache)))
!                       (setq pair-beg (car c-state-cache)
!                             c-state-cache (cdr c-state-cache))))
!                   (when (and pair-beg (eq (char-after pair-beg) ?{))
!                     ;; The last paren pair we moved out from was a brace
!                     ;; pair.  Modify the state to record this as a closed
!                     ;; pair now.
!                     (if (consp (car-safe c-state-cache))
!                         (setq c-state-cache (cdr c-state-cache)))
!                     (setq c-state-cache (cons (cons pair-beg last-pos)
!                                               c-state-cache))))
!                 ;; Check if the preceding balanced paren is within a
!                 ;; macro; it should be ignored if we're outside the
!                 ;; macro.  There's no need to check any further upwards;
!                 ;; if the macro contains an unbalanced opening paren then
!                 ;; we're smoked anyway.
!                 (when (and (<= (point) in-macro-start)
!                            (consp (car c-state-cache)))
!                   (save-excursion
!                     (goto-char (car (car c-state-cache)))
!                     (when (c-beginning-of-macro)
!                       (setq here (point)
!                             c-state-cache (cdr c-state-cache)))))
!                 (when c-state-cache
!                   (setq old-state c-state-cache)
!                   last-pos))
!               (save-excursion
                  ;; go back 2 bods, but ignore any bogus positions
!                 ;; returned by beginning-of-defun (i.e. open paren in
!                 ;; column zero)
!                 (goto-char here)
                  (let ((cnt 2))
!                   (while (not (or (bobp) (zerop cnt)))
!                     (c-beginning-of-defun-1)
!                     (if (eq (char-after) ?\{)
!                         (setq cnt (1- cnt)))))
!                 (point))))
!       (narrow-to-region (point-min) here)
!       (while pos
!       ;; Find the balanced brace pairs.
!       (setq pairs nil)
!       (while (and (setq last-pos (c-down-list-forward pos))
!                   (setq pos (c-up-list-forward last-pos)))
!         (if (eq (char-before last-pos) ?{)
!             (setq pairs (cons (cons last-pos pos) pairs))))
!       ;; Should ignore any pairs that are in a macro, providing
!       ;; we're not in the same one.
!       (when (and pairs (< (car (car pairs)) in-macro-start))
!         (while (and (save-excursion
!                       (goto-char (car (car pairs)))
!                       (c-beginning-of-macro))
!                     (setq pairs (cdr pairs)))))
!       ;; Record the last brace pair.
!       (when pairs
!         (if (and (eq c-state-cache old-state)
!                  (consp (car-safe c-state-cache)))
!             ;; There's a closed pair on the cached state but we've
!             ;; found a later one, so remove it.
!             (setq c-state-cache (cdr c-state-cache)))
!         (setq pairs (car pairs))
!         (setcar pairs (1- (car pairs)))
!         (setq c-state-cache (cons pairs c-state-cache)))
!       (if last-pos
!           ;; Prepare to loop, but record the open paren only if it's
!           ;; outside a macro or within the same macro as point.
!           (progn
!             (setq pos last-pos)
!             (if (or (>= last-pos in-macro-start)
!                     (save-excursion
!                       (goto-char last-pos)
!                       (not (c-beginning-of-macro))))
!                 (setq c-state-cache (cons (1- pos) c-state-cache))))
!         (if (setq last-pos (c-up-list-forward pos))
!             ;; Found a close paren without a corresponding opening
!             ;; one.  Maybe we didn't go back far enough, so try to
!             ;; scan backward for the start paren and then start over.
!             (progn
!               (setq pos (c-up-list-backward pos)
!                     c-state-cache nil)
!               (unless pos
!                 (setq pos last-pos
!                       c-parsing-error
!                       (format "Unbalanced close paren at line %d"
!                               (1+ (count-lines (point-min)
!                                                (c-point 'bol last-pos)))))))
!           (setq pos nil))))
!       c-state-cache)))
! ;; Debug tool to catch cache inconsistencies.
! (defvar c-debug-parse-state nil)
! (unless (fboundp 'c-real-parse-state)
!   (fset 'c-real-parse-state (symbol-function 'c-parse-state)))
! (cc-bytecomp-defun c-real-parse-state)
! (defun c-debug-parse-state ()
!   (let ((res1 (c-real-parse-state)) res2)
!     (let ((c-state-cache nil))
!       (setq res2 (c-real-parse-state)))
!     (unless (equal res1 res2)
!       (error "c-parse-state inconsistency: using cache: %s, from scratch: %s"
!            res1 res2))
!     res1))
! (defun c-toggle-parse-state-debug (&optional arg)
!   (interactive "P")
!   (setq c-debug-parse-state (c-calculate-state arg c-debug-parse-state))
!   (fset 'c-parse-state (symbol-function (if c-debug-parse-state
!                                           'c-debug-parse-state
!                                         'c-real-parse-state)))
!   (c-keep-region-active))
! (defun c-check-state-cache (beg end old-length)
!   ;; Used on `after-change-functions' to adjust `c-state-cache'.
!   ;; Prefer speed to finesse here, since there will be many more calls
!   ;; to this function than times `c-state-cache' is used.
!   ;;
!   ;; This is much like `c-whack-state-after', but it never changes a
!   ;; paren pair element into an open paren element.  Doing that would
!   ;; mean that the new open paren wouldn't have the required preceding
!   ;; paren pair element.
!   (if (not (eq c-state-cache-start (point-min)))
!       (setq c-state-cache-start (point-min)
!           c-state-cache nil)
!     (while (and c-state-cache
!               (let ((elem (car c-state-cache)))
!                 (if (consp elem)
!                     (or (<= beg (car elem))
!                         (< beg (cdr elem)))
!                   (<= beg elem))))
!       (setq c-state-cache (cdr c-state-cache)))))
! (defun c-whack-state-before (bufpos paren-state)
!   ;; Whack off any state information from PAREN-STATE which lies
!   ;; before BUFPOS.  Not destructive on PAREN-STATE.
!   (let* ((newstate (list nil))
!        (ptr newstate)
!        car)
!     (while paren-state
!       (setq car (car paren-state)
!           paren-state (cdr paren-state))
!       (if (< (if (consp car) (car car) car) bufpos)
!         (setq paren-state nil)
!       (setcdr ptr (list car))
!       (setq ptr (cdr ptr))))
!     (cdr newstate)))
! (defun c-whack-state-after (bufpos paren-state)
!   ;; Whack off any state information from PAREN-STATE which lies at or
!   ;; after BUFPOS.  Not destructive on PAREN-STATE.
!   (catch 'done
!     (while paren-state
!       (let ((car (car paren-state)))
!       (if (consp car)
!           ;; just check the car, because in a balanced brace
!           ;; expression, it must be impossible for the corresponding
!           ;; close brace to be before point, but the open brace to
!           ;; be after.
!           (if (<= bufpos (car car))
!               nil                     ; whack it off
!             (if (< bufpos (cdr car))
!                 ;; its possible that the open brace is before
!                 ;; bufpos, but the close brace is after.  In that
!                 ;; case, convert this to a non-cons element.  The
!                 ;; rest of the state is before bufpos, so we're
!                 ;; done.
!                 (throw 'done (cons (car car) (cdr paren-state)))
!               ;; we know that both the open and close braces are
!               ;; before bufpos, so we also know that everything else
!               ;; on state is before bufpos.
!               (throw 'done paren-state)))
!         (if (<= bufpos car)
              nil                       ; whack it off
!           ;; it's before bufpos, so everything else should too.
!           (throw 'done paren-state)))
!       (setq paren-state (cdr paren-state)))
!       nil)))
  (defun c-beginning-of-inheritance-list (&optional lim)
    ;; Go to the first non-whitespace after the colon that starts a
    ;; multiple inheritance introduction.  Optional LIM is the farthest
    ;; back we should search.
!   (let* ((lim (or lim (c-point 'bod))))
!     (c-with-syntax-table c++-template-syntax-table
!       (c-backward-token-1 0 t lim)
!       (while (and (looking-at "[_a-zA-Z<,]")
!                 (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim) 0)))
!       (skip-chars-forward "^:"))))
  (defun c-in-method-def-p ()
    ;; Return nil if we aren't in a method definition, otherwise the
    ;; position of the initial [+-].
!     (and c-opt-method-key
!        (looking-at c-opt-method-key)
+ ;; Contributed by Kevin Ryde <address@hidden>.
+ (defun c-in-gcc-asm-p ()
+   ;; Return non-nil if point is within a gcc \"asm\" block.
+   ;;
+   ;; This should be called with point inside an argument list.
+   ;;
+   ;; Only one level of enclosing parentheses is considered, so for
+   ;; instance `nil' is returned when in a function call within an asm
+   ;; operand.
+   (and c-opt-asm-stmt-key
+        (save-excursion
+        (beginning-of-line)
+        (backward-up-list 1)
+        (c-beginning-of-statement-1 (point-min) nil t)
+        (looking-at c-opt-asm-stmt-key))))
  (defun c-at-toplevel-p ()
    "Return a determination as to whether point is at the `top-level'.
  Being at the top-level means that point is either outside any
! enclosing block (such function definition), or inside a class,
! namespace or extern definition, but outside any method blocks.
  If point is not at the top-level (e.g. it is inside a method
  definition), then nil is returned.  Otherwise, if point is at a
*** 852,876 ****
  buffer position of the start of the class declaration, and the first
  element is the buffer position of the enclosing class's opening
!   (let ((state (c-parse-state)))
!     (or (not (c-most-enclosing-brace state))
!       (c-search-uplist-for-classkey state))))
! (defun c-just-after-func-arglist-p (&optional containing)
    ;; Return t if we are between a function's argument list closing
    ;; paren and its opening brace.  Note that the list close brace
    ;; could be followed by a "const" specifier or a member init hanging
    ;; colon.  Optional CONTAINING is position of containing s-exp open
!   ;; brace.  If not supplied, point is used as search start.
!     (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
      (let ((checkpoint (or containing (point))))
        (goto-char checkpoint)
        ;; could be looking at const specifier
        (if (and (eq (char-before) ?t)
               (forward-word -1)
!              (looking-at "\\<const\\>"))
!         (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
        ;; otherwise, we could be looking at a hanging member init
        ;; colon
        (goto-char checkpoint)
--- 1411,1452 ----
  buffer position of the start of the class declaration, and the first
  element is the buffer position of the enclosing class's opening
!   (let ((paren-state (c-parse-state)))
!     (or (not (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state))
!       (c-search-uplist-for-classkey paren-state))))
! (defun c-forward-to-cpp-define-body ()
!   ;; Assuming point is at the "#" that introduces a preprocessor
!   ;; directive, it's moved forward to the start of the definition body
!   ;; if it's a "#define".  Non-nil is returned in this case, in all
!   ;; other cases nil is returned and point isn't moved.
!   (when (and (looking-at
!             (concat "#[ \t]*"
!                     "define[ \t]+\\(\\sw\\|_\\)+\\(\([^\)]*\)\\)?"
!                     "\\([ \t]\\|\\\\\n\\)*"))
!            (not (= (match-end 0) (c-point 'eol))))
!     (goto-char (match-end 0))))
! (defun c-just-after-func-arglist-p (&optional containing lim)
    ;; Return t if we are between a function's argument list closing
    ;; paren and its opening brace.  Note that the list close brace
    ;; could be followed by a "const" specifier or a member init hanging
    ;; colon.  Optional CONTAINING is position of containing s-exp open
!   ;; brace.  If not supplied, point is used as search start.  LIM is
!   ;; used as bound for some backward buffer searches; the search might
!   ;; continue past it.
!   ;;
!   ;; Note: This test is easily fooled.  It only works reasonably well
!   ;; in the situations where `c-guess-basic-syntax' uses it.
!     (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
      (let ((checkpoint (or containing (point))))
        (goto-char checkpoint)
        ;; could be looking at const specifier
        (if (and (eq (char-before) ?t)
               (forward-word -1)
!              (looking-at "\\<const\\>[^_]"))
!         (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
        ;; otherwise, we could be looking at a hanging member init
        ;; colon
        (goto-char checkpoint)
*** 882,903 ****
          (if (eq (char-before) ?\))
              (c-backward-sexp 2)
            (c-backward-sexp 1))
!         (c-backward-syntactic-ws))
        (if (and (eq (char-before) ?:)
                   (forward-char -1)
!                  (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!                  (looking-at "[ \t\n]*:\\([^:]+\\|$\\)")))
          (goto-char checkpoint))
        (and (eq (char-before) ?\))
!          ;; check if we are looking at a method def
!          (or (not c-method-key)
                 (c-forward-sexp -1)
                 (forward-char -1)
!                (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
                 (not (or (memq (char-before) '(?- ?+))
                          ;; or a class category
--- 1458,1487 ----
          (if (eq (char-before) ?\))
              (c-backward-sexp 2)
            (c-backward-sexp 1))
!         (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim))
        (if (and (eq (char-before) ?:)
                   (forward-char -1)
!                  (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
!                  (looking-at "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)*:\\([^:]+\\|$\\)")))
          (goto-char checkpoint))
+       (setq checkpoint (point))
        (and (eq (char-before) ?\))
!          ;; Check that it isn't a cpp expression, e.g. the
!          ;; expression of an #if directive or the "function header"
!          ;; of a #define.
!          (or (not (c-beginning-of-macro))
!              (and (c-forward-to-cpp-define-body)
!                   (< (point) checkpoint)))
!          ;; check if we are looking at an ObjC method def
!          (or (not c-opt-method-key)
+                (goto-char checkpoint)
                 (c-forward-sexp -1)
                 (forward-char -1)
!                (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
                 (not (or (memq (char-before) '(?- ?+))
                          ;; or a class category
*** 906,1023 ****
! ;; defuns to look backwards for things
! (defun c-backward-to-start-of-do (&optional lim)
!   ;; Move to the start of the last "unbalanced" do expression.
!   ;; Optional LIM is the farthest back to search.  If none is found,
!   ;; nil is returned and point is left unchanged, otherwise t is returned.
!   (let ((do-level 1)
!       (case-fold-search nil)
!       (lim (or lim (c-point 'bod)))
!       (here (point))
!       foundp)
!     (while (not (zerop do-level))
!       ;; we protect this call because trying to execute this when the
!       ;; while is not associated with a do will throw an error
!       (condition-case nil
!         (progn
!           (c-backward-sexp 1)
!           (cond
!            ;; break infloop for illegal C code
!            ((bobp) (setq do-level 0))
!            ((memq (c-in-literal lim) '(c c++)))
!            ((looking-at "while\\b[^_]")
!             (setq do-level (1+ do-level)))
!            ((looking-at "do\\b[^_]")
!             (if (zerop (setq do-level (1- do-level)))
!                 (setq foundp t)))
!            ((<= (point) lim)
!             (setq do-level 0)
!             (goto-char lim))))
!       (error
!        (goto-char lim)
!        (setq do-level 0))))
!     (if (not foundp)
!       (goto-char here))
!     foundp))
! (defun c-backward-to-start-of-if (&optional lim)
!   ;; Move to the start of the last "unbalanced" if and return t.  If
!   ;; none is found, and we are looking at an if clause, nil is
!   ;; returned.
!   (let ((if-level 1)
!       (here (c-point 'bol))
!       (case-fold-search nil)
!       (lim (or (and lim (>= (point) lim) lim)
!                (c-point 'bod)))
!       (at-if (looking-at "if\\b[^_]")))
!     (catch 'orphan-if
!       (while (and (not (bobp))
!                 (not (zerop if-level)))
!       (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!       (condition-case nil
!           (c-backward-sexp 1)
!         (error
!          (unless at-if
!            (goto-char here)
!            (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
!            (setq c-parsing-error
!                  (format "No matching `if' found for `else' on line %d"
!                          (1+ (count-lines (point-min) here))))
!            (throw 'orphan-if nil))))
!       (cond
!        ((looking-at "else\\b[^_]")
!         (setq if-level (1+ if-level)))
!        ((looking-at "if\\b[^_]")
!         ;; check for else if... skip over
!         (let ((here (point)))
!           (c-safe (c-forward-sexp -1))
!           (if (looking-at "\\<else\\>[ \t]+\\<if\\>[^_]")
!               nil
!             (setq if-level (1- if-level))
!             (goto-char here))))
!        ((< (point) lim)
!         (setq if-level 0)
!         (goto-char lim))
!        ))
!       t)))
  (defun c-skip-conditional ()
    ;; skip forward over conditional at point, including any predicate
    ;; statements in parentheses. No error checking is performed.
    (c-forward-sexp (cond
                   ;; else if()
!                  ((looking-at "\\<else\\>[ \t]+\\<if\\>\\([^_]\\|$\\)") 3)
                   ;; do, else, try, finally
!                  ((looking-at
!                    "\\<\\(do\\|else\\|try\\|finally\\)\\>\\([^_]\\|$\\)")
                   ;; for, if, while, switch, catch, synchronized, foreach
                   (t 2))))
! (defun c-beginning-of-closest-statement (&optional lim)
!   ;; Go back to the closest preceding statement start.
    (let ((start (point))
!       (label-re (concat c-label-key "\\|"
!                         c-switch-label-key))
!       stmtbeg)
!     (if c-access-key
!       (setq label-re (concat label-re "\\|" c-access-key)))
!     (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!     (while (and (when (<= (point) start)
!                 (setq stmtbeg (point)))
!               (cond
!                ((looking-at label-re)
!                 ;; Skip a label.
!                 (goto-char (match-end 0))
!                 t)
!                ((looking-at c-conditional-key)
!                 ;; Skip a conditional statement.
!                 (c-safe (c-skip-conditional) t))
!                (t nil)))
!       (c-forward-syntactic-ws start))
!     (if stmtbeg
!       (goto-char stmtbeg))))
  (defun c-beginning-of-member-init-list (&optional limit)
    ;; Goes to the beginning of a member init list (i.e. just after the
--- 1490,1723 ----
! (defun c-in-knr-argdecl (&optional lim)
!   ;; Return the position of the first argument declaration if point is
!   ;; inside a K&R style argument declaration list, nil otherwise.
!   ;; `c-recognize-knr-p' is not checked.  If LIM is non-nil, it's a
!   ;; position that bounds the backward search for the argument list.
!   ;;
!   ;; Note: A declaration level context is assumed; the test can return
!   ;; false positives for statements and #define headers.  This test is
!   ;; even more easily fooled than `c-just-after-func-arglist-p'.
!   (save-excursion
!     (save-restriction
!       ;; Go back to the closest preceding normal parenthesis sexp.  We
!       ;; take that as the argument list in the function header.  Then
!       ;; check that it's followed by some symbol before the next ';'
!       ;; or '{'.  If it does, it's the header of the K&R argdecl we're
!       ;; in.
!       (if lim (narrow-to-region lim (point)))
!       (let (paren-end)
!       (and (c-safe (setq paren-end (c-down-list-backward (point))))
!            (eq (char-after paren-end) ?\))
!            (progn
!              (goto-char (1+ paren-end))
!              (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
!              (looking-at "\\w\\|\\s_"))
!            (c-safe (c-up-list-backward paren-end))
!            (point))))))
  (defun c-skip-conditional ()
    ;; skip forward over conditional at point, including any predicate
    ;; statements in parentheses. No error checking is performed.
    (c-forward-sexp (cond
                   ;; else if()
!                  ((looking-at (concat "\\<else"
!                                       "\\([ \t\n]\\|\\\\\n\\)+"
!                                       "if\\>\\([^_]\\|$\\)"))
!                   3)
                   ;; do, else, try, finally
!                  ((looking-at (concat "\\<\\("
!                                       "do\\|else\\|try\\|finally"
!                                       "\\)\\>\\([^_]\\|$\\)"))
                   ;; for, if, while, switch, catch, synchronized, foreach
                   (t 2))))
! (defun c-after-conditional (&optional lim)
!   ;; If looking at the token after a conditional then return the
!   ;; position of its start, otherwise return nil.
!   (save-excursion
!     (and (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim) 0)
!        (or (looking-at c-block-stmt-1-key)
!            (and (eq (char-after) ?\()
!                 (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim) 0)
!                 (looking-at c-block-stmt-2-key)))
!        (point))))
! (defsubst c-backward-to-block-anchor (&optional lim)
!   ;; Assuming point is at a brace that opens a statement block of some
!   ;; kind, move to the proper anchor point for that block.  It might
!   ;; need to be adjusted further by c-add-stmt-syntax, but the
!   ;; position at return is suitable as start position for that
!   ;; function.
!   (unless (= (point) (c-point 'boi))
!     (let ((start (c-after-conditional lim)))
!       (if start
!         (goto-char start)))))
! (defun c-backward-to-decl-anchor (&optional lim)
!   ;; Assuming point is at a brace that opens the block of a top level
!   ;; declaration of some kind, move to the proper anchor point for
!   ;; that block.
!   (unless (= (point) (c-point 'boi))
!     ;; What we have below is actually an extremely stripped variant of
!     ;; c-beginning-of-statement-1.
!     (let ((pos (point)))
!       ;; Switch syntax table to avoid stopping at line continuations.
!       (save-restriction
!       (if lim (narrow-to-region lim (point-max)))
!       (while (and (progn
!                     (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!                     (c-safe (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) -1)) t))
!                   (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (point) pos)))
!         (setq pos (point)))
!       (goto-char pos)))))
! (defsubst c-search-decl-header-end ()
!   ;; Search forward for the end of the "header" of the current
!   ;; declaration.  That's the position where the definition body
!   ;; starts, or the first variable initializer, or the ending
!   ;; semicolon.  I.e. search forward for the closest following
!   ;; (syntactically relevant) '{', '=' or ';' token.  Point is left
!   ;; _after_ the first found token, or at point-max if none is found.
!   (c-with-syntax-table (if (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
!                          c++-template-syntax-table
!                        (syntax-table))
!     (while (and (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "[;{=]" nil 'move 1 t)
!               ;; In Pike it can be an operator identifier containing
!               ;; '='.
!               (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
!               (eq (char-before) ?=)
!               (c-on-identifier)))))
! (defun c-beginning-of-decl-1 (&optional lim)
!   ;; Go to the beginning of the current declaration, or the beginning
!   ;; of the previous one if already at the start of it.  Point won't
!   ;; be moved out of any surrounding paren.  Return a cons cell on the
!   ;; form (MOVE . KNR-POS).  MOVE is like the return value from
!   ;; `c-beginning-of-statement-1'.  If point skipped over some K&R
!   ;; style argument declarations (and they are to be recognized) then
!   ;; KNR-POS is set to the start of the first such argument
!   ;; declaration, otherwise KNR-POS is nil.  If LIM is non-nil, it's a
!   ;; position that bounds the backward search.
!   ;;
!   ;; NB: Cases where the declaration continues after the block, as in
!   ;; "struct foo { ... } bar;", are currently recognized as two
!   ;; declarations, e.g. "struct foo { ... }" and "bar;" in this case.
!   (catch 'return
!     (let* ((start (point))
!        (last-stmt-start (point))
!        (move (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim nil t)))
!     (while (and (/= last-stmt-start (point))
!               (save-excursion
!                 (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
!                 (not (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?} ?: nil)))))
!       ;; `c-beginning-of-statement-1' stops at a block start, but we
!       ;; want to continue if the block doesn't begin a top level
!       ;; construct, i.e. if it isn't preceded by ';', '}', ':', or bob.
!       (setq last-stmt-start (point)
!           move (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim nil t)))
!     (when c-recognize-knr-p
!       (let ((fallback-pos (point)) knr-argdecl-start)
!       ;; Handle K&R argdecls.  Back up after the "statement" jumped
!       ;; over by `c-beginning-of-statement-1', unless it was the
!       ;; function body, in which case we're sitting on the opening
!       ;; brace now.  Then test if we're in a K&R argdecl region and
!       ;; that we started at the other side of the first argdecl in
!       ;; it.
!       (unless (eq (char-after) ?{)
!         (goto-char last-stmt-start))
!       (if (and (setq knr-argdecl-start (c-in-knr-argdecl lim))
!                (< knr-argdecl-start start)
!                (progn
!                  (goto-char knr-argdecl-start)
!                  (not (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim nil t) 'macro))))
!           (throw 'return
!                  (cons (if (eq (char-after fallback-pos) ?{)
!                            'previous
!                          'same)
!                        knr-argdecl-start))
!         (goto-char fallback-pos))))
!     ;; `c-beginning-of-statement-1' counts each brace block as a
!     ;; separate statement, so the result will be 'previous if we've
!     ;; moved over any.  If they were brace list initializers we might
!     ;; not have moved over a declaration boundary though, so change it
!     ;; to 'same if we've moved past a '=' before '{', but not ';'.
!     ;; (This ought to be integrated into `c-beginning-of-statement-1',
!     ;; so we avoid this extra pass which potentially can search over a
!     ;; large amount of text.)
!     (if (and (eq move 'previous)
!            (c-with-syntax-table (if (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
!                                     c++-template-syntax-table
!                                   (syntax-table))
!              (save-excursion
!                (and (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "[;={]" start t 1 t)
!                     (eq (char-before) ?=)
!                     (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "[;{]" start t 1 t)
!                     (eq (char-before) ?{)
!                     (c-safe (goto-char (c-up-list-forward (point))) t)
!                     (not (c-syntactic-re-search-forward ";" start t 1 t))))))
!       (cons 'same nil)
!       (cons move nil)))))
! (defun c-end-of-decl-1 ()
!   ;; Assuming point is at the start of a declaration (as detected by
!   ;; e.g. `c-beginning-of-decl-1'), go to the end of it.  Unlike
!   ;; `c-beginning-of-decl-1', this function handles the case when a
!   ;; block is followed by identifiers in e.g. struct declarations in C
!   ;; or C++.  If a proper end was found then t is returned, otherwise
!   ;; point is moved as far as possible within the current sexp and nil
!   ;; is returned.  This function doesn't handle macros; use
!   ;; `c-end-of-macro' instead in those cases.
    (let ((start (point))
!       (decl-syntax-table (if (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
!                              c++-template-syntax-table
!                            (syntax-table))))
!     (catch 'return
!       (c-search-decl-header-end)
!       (when (and c-recognize-knr-p
!                (eq (char-before) ?\;)
!                (c-in-knr-argdecl start))
!       ;; Stopped at the ';' in a K&R argdecl section which is
!       ;; detected using the same criteria as in
!       ;; `c-beginning-of-decl-1'.  Move to the following block
!       ;; start.
!       (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "{" nil 'move 1 t))
!       (when (eq (char-before) ?{)
!       ;; Encountered a block in the declaration.  Jump over it.
!       (condition-case nil
!           (goto-char (c-up-list-forward (point)))
!         (goto-char (point-max))
!         (throw 'return nil))
!       (if (or (not c-opt-block-decls-with-vars-key)
!               (save-excursion
!                 (c-with-syntax-table decl-syntax-table
!                   (let ((lim (point)))
!                     (goto-char start)
!                     (not (and (c-syntactic-re-search-forward
!                                (concat "[;=\(\[{]\\|\\<\\("
!                                        c-opt-block-decls-with-vars-key
!                                        "\\)")
!                                lim t 1 t)
!                               (match-beginning 1)
!                               (not (eq (char-before) ?_))))))))
!           ;; The declaration doesn't have any of the
!           ;; `c-opt-block-decls-with-vars' keywords in the
!           ;; beginning, so it ends here at the end of the block.
!           (throw 'return t)))
!       (c-with-syntax-table decl-syntax-table
!       (while (progn
!                (if (eq (char-before) ?\;)
!                    (throw 'return t))
!                (c-syntactic-re-search-forward ";" nil 'move 1 t))))
!       nil)))
  (defun c-beginning-of-member-init-list (&optional limit)
    ;; Goes to the beginning of a member init list (i.e. just after the
*** 1055,1115 ****
    (and (< limit (point))
         (eq (char-before) ?:)))
! (defun c-skip-case-statement-forward (state &optional lim)
!   ;; skip forward over case/default bodies, with optional maximal
!   ;; limit. if no next case body is found, nil is returned and point
!   ;; is not moved
!   (let ((lim (or lim (point-max)))
!       (here (point))
!       donep foundp bufpos
!       (safepos (point))
!       (balanced (car state)))
!     ;; search until we've passed the limit, or we've found our match
!     (while (and (< (point) lim)
!               (not donep))
!       (setq safepos (point))
!       ;; see if we can find a case statement, not in a literal
!       (if (and (re-search-forward c-switch-label-key lim 'move)
!              (setq bufpos (match-beginning 0))
!              (not (c-in-literal safepos))
!              (/= bufpos here))
!         ;; if we crossed into a balanced sexp, we know the case is
!         ;; not part of our switch statement, so just bound over the
!         ;; sexp and keep looking.
!         (if (and (consp balanced)
!                  (> bufpos (car balanced))
!                  (< bufpos (cdr balanced)))
!             (goto-char (cdr balanced))
!           (goto-char bufpos)
!           (setq donep t
!                 foundp t))))
!     (if (not foundp)
!       (goto-char here))
!     foundp))
! (defun c-search-uplist-for-classkey (brace-state)
    ;; search for the containing class, returning a 2 element vector if
    ;; found. aref 0 contains the bufpos of the boi of the class key
    ;; line, and aref 1 contains the bufpos of the open brace.
!   (if (null brace-state)
!       ;; no brace-state means we cannot be inside a class
!     (let ((carcache (car brace-state))
          search-start search-end)
        (if (consp carcache)
          ;; a cons cell in the first element means that there is some
          ;; balanced sexp before the current bufpos. this we can
          ;; ignore. the nth 1 and nth 2 elements define for us the
          ;; search boundaries
!         (setq search-start (nth 2 brace-state)
!               search-end (nth 1 brace-state))
        ;; if the car was not a cons cell then nth 0 and nth 1 define
        ;; for us the search boundaries
!       (setq search-start (nth 1 brace-state)
!             search-end (nth 0 brace-state)))
!       ;; search-end cannot be a cons cell
!       (and (consp search-end)
!          (error "consp search-end: %s" search-end))
        ;; if search-end is nil, or if the search-end character isn't an
        ;; open brace, we are definitely not in a class
        (if (or (not search-end)
--- 1755,1780 ----
    (and (< limit (point))
         (eq (char-before) ?:)))
! (defun c-search-uplist-for-classkey (paren-state)
    ;; search for the containing class, returning a 2 element vector if
    ;; found. aref 0 contains the bufpos of the boi of the class key
    ;; line, and aref 1 contains the bufpos of the open brace.
!   (if (null paren-state)
!       ;; no paren-state means we cannot be inside a class
!     (let ((carcache (car paren-state))
          search-start search-end)
        (if (consp carcache)
          ;; a cons cell in the first element means that there is some
          ;; balanced sexp before the current bufpos. this we can
          ;; ignore. the nth 1 and nth 2 elements define for us the
          ;; search boundaries
!         (setq search-start (nth 2 paren-state)
!               search-end (nth 1 paren-state))
        ;; if the car was not a cons cell then nth 0 and nth 1 define
        ;; for us the search boundaries
!       (setq search-start (nth 1 paren-state)
!             search-end (nth 0 paren-state)))
        ;; if search-end is nil, or if the search-end character isn't an
        ;; open brace, we are definitely not in a class
        (if (or (not search-end)
*** 1132,1153 ****
            (goto-char search-start)
!           (let ((search-key (concat c-class-key "\\|" c-extra-toplevel-key))
!                 foundp class match-end)
!             (if c-inexpr-class-key
!                 (setq search-key (concat search-key "\\|"
!                                          c-inexpr-class-key)))
              (while (and (not foundp)
!                           (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
                            (> search-end (point)))
!                         (re-search-forward search-key search-end t))
                (setq class (match-beginning 0)
                      match-end (match-end 0))
                (if (c-in-literal search-start)
!                   nil                 ; its in a comment or string, ignore
!                 (goto-char class)
!                 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
                  (setq foundp (vector (c-point 'boi) search-end))
                   ;; check for embedded keywords
--- 1797,1814 ----
            (goto-char search-start)
!           (let (foundp class match-end)
              (while (and (not foundp)
!                           (c-forward-syntactic-ws search-end)
                            (> search-end (point)))
!                         (re-search-forward c-decl-block-key search-end t))
                (setq class (match-beginning 0)
                      match-end (match-end 0))
+               (goto-char class)
                (if (c-in-literal search-start)
!                   (goto-char match-end) ; its in a comment or string, ignore
!                 (c-skip-ws-forward)
                  (setq foundp (vector (c-point 'boi) search-end))
                   ;; check for embedded keywords
*** 1157,1171 ****
                    (goto-char match-end)
                    (setq foundp nil))
                   ;; make sure we're really looking at the start of a
!                  ;; class definition, and not a forward decl, return
!                  ;; arg, template arg list, or an ObjC or Java method.
!                  ((and c-method-key
!                        (re-search-forward c-method-key search-end t)
                         (not (c-in-literal class)))
                    (setq foundp nil))
                   ;; Check if this is an anonymous inner class.
!                  ((and c-inexpr-class-key
!                        (looking-at c-inexpr-class-key))
                    (while (and (= (c-forward-token-1 1 t) 0)
                                (looking-at "(\\|\\w\\|\\s_\\|\\.")))
                    (if (eq (point) search-end)
--- 1818,1831 ----
                    (goto-char match-end)
                    (setq foundp nil))
                   ;; make sure we're really looking at the start of a
!                  ;; class definition, and not an ObjC method.
!                  ((and c-opt-method-key
!                        (re-search-forward c-opt-method-key search-end t)
                         (not (c-in-literal class)))
                    (setq foundp nil))
                   ;; Check if this is an anonymous inner class.
!                  ((and c-opt-inexpr-class-key
!                        (looking-at c-opt-inexpr-class-key))
                    (while (and (= (c-forward-token-1 1 t) 0)
                                (looking-at "(\\|\\w\\|\\s_\\|\\.")))
                    (if (eq (point) search-end)
*** 1198,1204 ****
! (defun c-inside-bracelist-p (containing-sexp brace-state)
    ;; return the buffer position of the beginning of the brace list
    ;; statement if we're inside a brace list, otherwise return nil.
    ;; CONTAINING-SEXP is the buffer pos of the innermost containing
--- 1858,1864 ----
! (defun c-inside-bracelist-p (containing-sexp paren-state)
    ;; return the buffer position of the beginning of the brace list
    ;; statement if we're inside a brace list, otherwise return nil.
    ;; CONTAINING-SEXP is the buffer pos of the innermost containing
*** 1215,1224 ****
        (goto-char containing-sexp)
        (c-forward-sexp -1)
        (let (bracepos)
!       (if (and (or (looking-at "enum[\t\n ]+")
                     (progn (c-forward-sexp -1)
!                           (looking-at "enum[\t\n ]+")))
!                (setq bracepos (c-safe (scan-lists (point) 1 -1)))
                 (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (point)
                                                     (- bracepos 2))))
--- 1875,1884 ----
        (goto-char containing-sexp)
        (c-forward-sexp -1)
        (let (bracepos)
!       (if (and (or (looking-at "enum\\>[^_]")
                     (progn (c-forward-sexp -1)
!                           (looking-at "enum\\>[^_]")))
!                (setq bracepos (c-down-list-forward (point)))
                 (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p (point)
                                                     (- bracepos 2))))
*** 1228,1251 ****
            ;; Pike can have class definitions anywhere, so we must
            ;; check for the class key here.
            (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
!                (concat c-class-key "\\|" c-extra-toplevel-key)))
!          bufpos lim braceassignp)
         (while (and (not bufpos)
!        (if (consp containing-sexp)
!            (setq containing-sexp (car brace-state)
!                  brace-state (cdr brace-state))
           (goto-char containing-sexp)
!          (if (c-looking-at-inexpr-block)
!              ;; We're in an in-expression block of some kind.  Do
!              ;; not check nesting.
               (setq containing-sexp nil)
             ;; see if the open brace is preceded by = or [...] in
             ;; this statement, but watch out for operator=
!            (setq lim (if (consp (car brace-state))
!                          (cdr (car brace-state))
!                        (car brace-state))
!                  braceassignp 'dontknow)
             (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim)
             ;; Checks to do only on the first sexp before the brace.
             (when (and (c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
--- 1888,1915 ----
            ;; Pike can have class definitions anywhere, so we must
            ;; check for the class key here.
            (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
!                c-decl-block-key))
!          bufpos braceassignp lim next-containing)
         (while (and (not bufpos)
!          (when paren-state
!            (if (consp (car paren-state))
!                (setq lim (cdr (car paren-state))
!                      paren-state (cdr paren-state))
!              (setq lim (car paren-state)))
!            (when paren-state
!              (setq next-containing (car paren-state)
!                    paren-state (cdr paren-state))))
           (goto-char containing-sexp)
!          (if (c-looking-at-inexpr-block next-containing next-containing)
!              ;; We're in an in-expression block of some kind.  Do not
!              ;; check nesting.  We deliberately set the limit to the
!              ;; containing sexp, so that c-looking-at-inexpr-block
!              ;; doesn't check for an identifier before it.
               (setq containing-sexp nil)
             ;; see if the open brace is preceded by = or [...] in
             ;; this statement, but watch out for operator=
!            (setq braceassignp 'dontknow)
             (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim)
             ;; Checks to do only on the first sexp before the brace.
             (when (and (c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
*** 1280,1286 ****
                        (setq braceassignp
                               ;; Check for operator =
!                              ((looking-at "operator\\>") nil)
                               ;; Check for `<opchar>= in Pike.
                               ((and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
                                     (or (eq (char-after) ?`)
--- 1944,1950 ----
                        (setq braceassignp
                               ;; Check for operator =
!                              ((looking-at "operator\\>[^_]") nil)
                               ;; Check for `<opchar>= in Pike.
                               ((and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
                                     (or (eq (char-after) ?`)
*** 1293,1309 ****
                               ((looking-at "\\s.") 'maybe)
                               ;; make sure we're not in a C++ template
                               ;; argument assignment
!                              ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
!                                    (save-excursion
!                                      (let ((here (point))
!                                            (pos< (progn
!                                                    (skip-chars-backward "^<>")
!                                                    (point))))
!                                        (and (eq (char-before) ?<)
!                                             (not 
!                                                   pos< here))
!                                             (not (c-in-literal))
!                                             ))))
                               (t t))))))
               (if (and (eq braceassignp 'dontknow)
--- 1957,1974 ----
                               ((looking-at "\\s.") 'maybe)
                               ;; make sure we're not in a C++ template
                               ;; argument assignment
!                              ((and
!                                (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
!                                (save-excursion
!                                  (let ((here (point))
!                                        (pos< (progn
!                                                (skip-chars-backward "^<>")
!                                                (point))))
!                                    (and (eq (char-before) ?<)
!                                         (not (c-crosses-statement-barrier-p
!                                               pos< here))
!                                         (not (c-in-literal))
!                                         ))))
                               (t t))))))
               (if (and (eq braceassignp 'dontknow)
*** 1313,1327 ****
                 (if (eq (char-after) ?\;)
                     ;; Brace lists can't contain a semicolon, so we're done.
                     (setq containing-sexp nil)
!                  ;; lets see if we're nested. find the most nested
!                  ;; containing brace
!                  (setq containing-sexp (car brace-state)
!                        brace-state (cdr brace-state)))
               ;; we've hit the beginning of the aggregate list
!               (c-most-enclosing-brace brace-state))
               (setq bufpos (point))))
!          ))
--- 1978,1992 ----
                 (if (eq (char-after) ?\;)
                     ;; Brace lists can't contain a semicolon, so we're done.
                     (setq containing-sexp nil)
!                  ;; Go up one level.
!                  (setq containing-sexp next-containing
!                        lim nil
!                        next-containing nil))
               ;; we've hit the beginning of the aggregate list
!               (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state))
               (setq bufpos (point))))
!          )
*** 1375,1456 ****
                    (cons (list beg) type)))))
        (error nil))))
! (defun c-looking-at-bos ()
!   ;; Returns nil if inside a statement or declaration.
!     (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
      (or (bobp)
!       (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?}))
        (and (eq (char-before) ?{)
             (not (and c-special-brace-lists
                       (progn (backward-char)
! (defun c-looking-at-inexpr-block (&optional lim)
    ;; Returns non-nil if we're looking at the beginning of a block
    ;; inside an expression.  The value returned is actually a cons of
    ;; either 'inlambda, 'inexpr-statement or 'inexpr-class and the
    ;; position of the beginning of the construct.  LIM limits the
!   ;; backward search.
!     (or lim (setq lim (point-min)))
!     (let ((block-follows (eq (char-after) ?{)))
!       ;; Look at the character after point only as a last resort when
!       ;; we can't disambiguate.
!       (if (and block-follows
!              (progn (c-backward-syntactic-ws) (> (point) lim))
!              (eq (char-before) ?\()
!              (not (and c-special-brace-lists
!                        (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))))
!         (cons 'inexpr-statement (point))
!       (let (res)
!         (while (and (not res)
!                     (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim) 0)
!                     (>= (point) lim)
!                     (looking-at "(\\|\\w\\|\\s_\\|\\."))
!           (setq res
!                 (cond ((and block-follows
!                             c-inexpr-class-key
!                             (looking-at c-inexpr-class-key)
!                             (or (not (looking-at c-class-key))
!                                 (let ((prev (point)))
!                                   (while (and (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim)
!                                                  0)
!                                               (>= (point) lim)
!                                               (eq (char-syntax (char-after))
!                                                   ?w))
!                                     (setq prev (point)))
!                                   (goto-char prev)
!                                   (not (c-looking-at-bos)))))
!                        (cons 'inexpr-class (point)))
!                       ((and c-inexpr-block-key
!                             (looking-at c-inexpr-block-key))
!                        (cons 'inexpr-statement (point)))
!                       ((and c-lambda-key
!                             (looking-at c-lambda-key))
!                        (cons 'inlambda (point))))))
!         res)))))
! (defun c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward (&optional lim)
    ;; Returns non-nil if we're looking at the end of an in-expression
    ;; block, otherwise the same as `c-looking-at-inexpr-block'.
!     (let ((lim (or lim (c-point 'bod))))
!       (c-safe
!        (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
!        (if (eq (char-before) ?})      ; Recognize only a block currently.
!          (progn
!            (c-forward-sexp -1)
!            (if (>= (point) lim)
!                (c-looking-at-inexpr-block lim))))))))
  (defun c-on-identifier ()
!   ;; Returns non-nil if we're on or directly after an identifier.
    (if (or (memq (char-syntax (or (char-after) ? )) '(?w ?_))
          (memq (char-syntax (or (char-before) ? )) '(?w ?_)))
        (skip-syntax-backward "w_")
!       (not (looking-at c-keywords)))
      (if (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
        ;; Handle the `<operator> syntax in Pike.
--- 2040,2165 ----
                    (cons (list beg) type)))))
        (error nil))))
! (defun c-looking-at-bos (&optional lim)
!   ;; Return non-nil if between two statements or declarations, assuming
!   ;; point is not inside a literal or comment.
!     (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
      (or (bobp)
!       ;; Return t if at the start inside some parenthesis expression
!       ;; too, to catch macros that have statements as arguments.
!       (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?} ?\())
        (and (eq (char-before) ?{)
             (not (and c-special-brace-lists
                       (progn (backward-char)
! (defun c-looking-at-inexpr-block (lim containing-sexp)
    ;; Returns non-nil if we're looking at the beginning of a block
    ;; inside an expression.  The value returned is actually a cons of
    ;; either 'inlambda, 'inexpr-statement or 'inexpr-class and the
    ;; position of the beginning of the construct.  LIM limits the
!   ;; backward search.  CONTAINING-SEXP is the start position of the
!   ;; closest containing list.  If it's nil, the containing paren isn't
!   ;; used to decide whether we're inside an expression or not.  If
!   ;; both LIM and CONTAINING-SEXP is used, LIM needs to be farther
!   ;; back.
!     (let ((res 'maybe) passed-bracket
!         (closest-lim (or containing-sexp lim (point-min)))
!         ;; Look at the character after point only as a last resort
!         ;; when we can't disambiguate.
!         (block-follows (and (eq (char-after) ?{) (point))))
!       (while (and (eq res 'maybe)
!                 (progn (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!                        (> (point) closest-lim))
!                 (not (bobp))
!                 (progn (backward-char)
!                        (looking-at "[\]\).]\\|\\w\\|\\s_"))
!                 (progn (forward-char)
!                        (goto-char (scan-sexps (point) -1))))
!       (setq res
!             (cond
!              ((and block-follows
!                    c-opt-inexpr-class-key
!                    (looking-at c-opt-inexpr-class-key))
!               (and (not passed-bracket)
!                    (or (not (looking-at c-class-key))
!                        ;; If the class definition is at the start of
!                        ;; a statement, we don't consider it an
!                        ;; in-expression class.
!                        (let ((prev (point)))
!                          (while (and
!                                  (= (c-backward-token-1 1 nil closest-lim) 0)
!                                  (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?w))
!                            (setq prev (point)))
!                          (goto-char prev)
!                          (not (c-looking-at-bos)))
!                        ;; Also, in Pike we treat it as an
!                        ;; in-expression class if it's used in an
!                        ;; object clone expression.
!                        (save-excursion
!                          (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
!                               (progn (goto-char block-follows)
!                                      (= (c-forward-token-1 1 t) 0))
!                               (eq (char-after) ?\())))
!                    (cons 'inexpr-class (point))))
!              ((and c-opt-inexpr-block-key
!                    (looking-at c-opt-inexpr-block-key))
!               (cons 'inexpr-statement (point)))
!              ((and c-opt-lambda-key
!                    (looking-at c-opt-lambda-key))
!               (cons 'inlambda (point)))
!              ((and c-opt-block-stmt-key
!                    (looking-at c-opt-block-stmt-key))
!               nil)
!              (t
!               (if (eq (char-after) ?\[)
!                   (setq passed-bracket t))
!               'maybe))))
!       (if (eq res 'maybe)
!         (when (and block-follows
!                    containing-sexp
!                    (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\())
!           (goto-char containing-sexp)
!           (if (or (save-excursion
!                     (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
!                     (and (> (point) (or lim (point-min)))
!                          (c-on-identifier)))
!                   (and c-special-brace-lists
!                        (c-looking-at-special-brace-list)))
!               nil
!             (cons 'inexpr-statement (point))))
!       res))))
! (defun c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward (paren-state)
    ;; Returns non-nil if we're looking at the end of an in-expression
    ;; block, otherwise the same as `c-looking-at-inexpr-block'.
+   ;; PAREN-STATE is the paren state relevant at the current position.
!     ;; We currently only recognize a block.
!     (let ((here (point))
!         (elem (car-safe paren-state))
!         containing-sexp)
!       (when (and (consp elem)
!                (progn (goto-char (cdr elem))
!                       (c-forward-syntactic-ws here)
!                       (= (point) here)))
!       (goto-char (car elem))
!       (if (setq paren-state (cdr paren-state))
!           (setq containing-sexp (car-safe paren-state)))
!       (c-looking-at-inexpr-block (c-safe-position containing-sexp
!                                                   paren-state)
!                                  containing-sexp)))))
  (defun c-on-identifier ()
!   "Return non-nil if we're on or directly after an identifier.
! Keywords are recognized and not considered identifiers."
    (if (or (memq (char-syntax (or (char-after) ? )) '(?w ?_))
          (memq (char-syntax (or (char-before) ? )) '(?w ?_)))
        (skip-syntax-backward "w_")
!       (not (looking-at c-keywords-regexp)))
      (if (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
        ;; Handle the `<operator> syntax in Pike.
*** 1467,1515 ****
               (looking-at "[-!%&*+/<=>^|~]\\|()\\|\\[]"))))))
! (defun c-most-enclosing-brace (state)
!   ;; return the bufpos of the most enclosing brace that hasn't been
!   ;; narrowed out by any enclosing class, or nil if none was found
    (let (enclosingp)
!     (while (and state (not enclosingp))
!       (setq enclosingp (car state)
!           state (cdr state))
!       (if (consp enclosingp)
          (setq enclosingp nil)
!       (if (> (point-min) enclosingp)
            (setq enclosingp nil))
!       (setq state nil)))
! (defun c-least-enclosing-brace (state)
!   ;; return the bufpos of the least (highest) enclosing brace that
!   ;; hasn't been narrowed out by any enclosing class, or nil if none
!   ;; was found.
!   (c-most-enclosing-brace (nreverse state)))
! (defun c-safe-position (bufpos state)
!   ;; return the closest known safe position higher up than point
!   (let ((safepos nil))
!     (while state
!       (setq safepos
!           (if (consp (car state))
!               (cdr (car state))
!             (car state)))
!       (if (< safepos bufpos)
!         (setq state nil)
!       (setq state (cdr state))))
!     safepos))
! (defun c-narrow-out-enclosing-class (state lim)
!   ;; narrow the buffer so that the enclosing class is hidden
!   (setq state (c-whack-state (point) state))
    (let (inclass-p)
!     (and state
!        (setq inclass-p (c-search-uplist-for-classkey state))
            (goto-char (1+ (aref inclass-p 1)))
!           (skip-chars-forward " \t\n" lim)
            ;; if point is now left of the class opening brace, we're
            ;; hosed, so try a different tact
            (if (<= (point) (aref inclass-p 1))
--- 2176,2248 ----
               (looking-at "[-!%&*+/<=>^|~]\\|()\\|\\[]"))))))
! (defun c-most-enclosing-brace (paren-state &optional bufpos)
!   ;; Return the bufpos of the innermost enclosing brace before bufpos
!   ;; that hasn't been narrowed out, or nil if none was found.
    (let (enclosingp)
!     (or bufpos (setq bufpos 134217727))
!     (while paren-state
!       (setq enclosingp (car paren-state)
!           paren-state (cdr paren-state))
!       (if (or (consp enclosingp)
!             (>= enclosingp bufpos))
          (setq enclosingp nil)
!       (if (< enclosingp (point-min))
            (setq enclosingp nil))
!       (setq paren-state nil)))
! (defun c-least-enclosing-brace (paren-state &optional bufpos)
!   ;; Return the bufpos of the outermost enclosing brace before bufpos
!   ;; that hasn't been narrowed out, or nil if none was found.
!   (let (pos elem)
!     (or bufpos (setq bufpos 134217727))
!     (while paren-state
!       (setq elem (car paren-state)
!           paren-state (cdr paren-state))
!       (unless (or (consp elem)
!                 (>= elem bufpos))
!       (if (>= elem (point-min))
!           (setq pos elem))))
!     pos))
! (defun c-safe-position (bufpos paren-state)
!   ;; Return the closest known safe position higher up than BUFPOS, or
!   ;; nil if PAREN-STATE doesn't contain one.  Return nil if BUFPOS is
!   ;; nil, which is useful to find the closest limit before a given
!   ;; limit that might be nil.
!   (when bufpos
!     (let ((c-macro-start (c-query-macro-start)) safepos)
!       (if (and c-macro-start
!              (< c-macro-start bufpos))
!         ;; Make sure bufpos is outside the macro we might be in.
!         (setq bufpos c-macro-start))
!       (catch 'done
!       (while paren-state
!         (setq safepos
!               (if (consp (car paren-state))
!                   (cdr (car paren-state))
!                 (car paren-state)))
!         (if (< safepos bufpos)
!             (throw 'done safepos)
!           (setq paren-state (cdr paren-state))))
!       (if (eq c-macro-start bufpos)
!           ;; Backed up bufpos to the macro start and got outside the
!           ;; state.  We know the macro is at the top level in this case,
!           ;; so we can use the macro start as the safe position.
!           c-macro-start)))))
! (defun c-narrow-out-enclosing-class (paren-state lim)
!   ;; Narrow the buffer so that the enclosing class is hidden.  Uses
!   ;; and returns the value from c-search-uplist-for-classkey.
!   (setq paren-state (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
    (let (inclass-p)
!     (and paren-state
!        (setq inclass-p (c-search-uplist-for-classkey paren-state))
            (goto-char (1+ (aref inclass-p 1)))
!           (c-skip-ws-forward lim)
            ;; if point is now left of the class opening brace, we're
            ;; hosed, so try a different tact
            (if (<= (point) (aref inclass-p 1))
*** 1525,1548 ****
! ;; This function implements the main decision tree for determining the
! ;; syntactic analysis of the current line of code.  Yes, it's huge and
! ;; bloated!
  (defun c-guess-basic-syntax ()
        (let* ((indent-point (point))
             (case-fold-search nil)
!            (fullstate (c-parse-state))
!            (state fullstate)
             literal containing-sexp char-before-ip char-after-ip lim
!            syntax placeholder c-in-literal-cache inswitch-p
             tmpsymbol keyword injava-inher special-brace-list
             ;; narrow out any enclosing class or extern "C" block
!            (inclass-p (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class state indent-point))
!            inenclosing-p)
        ;; check for meta top-level enclosing constructs, possible
        ;; extern language definitions, possibly (in C++) namespace
        ;; definitions.
--- 2258,2562 ----
! ;; c-guess-basic-syntax implements the main decision tree for
! ;; determining the syntactic analysis of the current line of code.
! ;; Yes, it's huge and bloated!
! ;; It's useful to break out some parts of the decision tree to
! ;; separate functions, which are all collected below.  Use dynamic
! ;; binding to propagate back the syntax results from them.
! (defvar syntax)
! (defvar syntactic-relpos)
! (defun c-add-stmt-syntax (syntax-symbol
!                         stop-at-boi-only
!                         containing-sexp
!                         paren-state
!                         &optional at-block-start)
!   ;; Do the generic processing to anchor the given syntax symbol on
!   ;; the preceding statement: Skip over any labels and containing
!   ;; statements on the same line, and then search backward until we
!   ;; find a statement or block start that begins at boi without a
!   ;; label or comment.
!   ;;
!   ;; Point is assumed to be at the prospective anchor point for the
!   ;; given SYNTAX-SYMBOL.  More syntax entries are added if we need to
!   ;; skip past block opens and containing statement.  All the added
!   ;; syntax elements will get the same anchor point.
!   ;;
!   ;; If STOP-AT-BOI-ONLY is nil, we might stop in the middle of the
!   ;; line if another statement precedes the current one on this line.
!   ;;
!   ;; If AT-BLOCK-START is non-nil, point is taken to be at the
!   ;; beginning of a block or brace list, which then might be nested
!   ;; inside an expression.  If AT-BLOCK-START is nil, this is found
!   ;; out by checking whether the character at point is "{" or not.
!   (if (= (point) (c-point 'boi))
!       ;; This is by far the most common case, so let's give it special
!       ;; treatment.
!       (c-add-syntax syntax-symbol (point))
!     (let* ((savepos (point))
!          (syms (list syntax-symbol))
!          (syms-tail syms)
!          (boi (c-point 'boi))
!          (prev-paren (if at-block-start ?{ (char-after)))
!          step-type step-tmp at-comment add-inexpr-stmt)
!       ;; Begin by skipping any labels and containing statements that
!       ;; are on the same line.
!       (while (and (/= (point) boi)
!                 (if (memq (setq step-tmp
!                                 (c-beginning-of-statement-1 boi nil t))
!                           '(up label))
!                     t
!                   (goto-char savepos)
!                   nil)
!                 (/= (point) savepos))
!       (setq savepos (point)
!             step-type step-tmp))
!       ;; Skip over any comments that stands between the statement and
!       ;; boi.  If stop-at-boi-only is nil and we're not at boi after
!       ;; this, then we're done.
!       (while (and (/= (setq savepos (point)) boi)
!                 (c-forward-comment -1))
!       (setq at-comment t
!             boi (c-point 'boi)))
!       (goto-char savepos)
!       (when (or stop-at-boi-only
!               (= (point) boi))
!       (catch 'done
!         ;; Loop if we have to back out of the containing block.
!         (while
!           (progn
!             ;; Loop if we have to back up another statement.
!             (while
!                 (progn
!                   ;; Always start by skipping over any comments that
!                   ;; stands between the statement and boi.
!                   (while (and (/= (setq savepos (point)) boi)
!                               (c-forward-comment -1))
!                     (setq at-comment t
!                           boi (c-point 'boi)))
!                   (goto-char savepos)
!                   (and (or at-comment
!                            (eq step-type 'label)
!                            (/= savepos boi))
!                        (progn
!                          ;; Current position not good enough; skip
!                          ;; backward another statement.
!                          (setq stop-at-boi-only t
!                                step-type (c-beginning-of-statement-1
!                                           containing-sexp))
!                          ;; Record this a substatement if we skipped
!                          ;; up one level, but not if we're still on
!                          ;; the same line.  This so e.g. a sequence
!                          ;; of "else if" clauses won't indent deeper
!                          ;; and deeper.
!                          (when (and (eq step-type 'up)
!                                     (< (point) boi))
!                            (setcdr syms-tail (list 'substatement))
!                            (setq syms-tail (cdr syms-tail)))
!                          (setq boi (c-point 'boi))
!                          (/= (point) savepos))))
!               (setq savepos (point)
!                     at-comment nil))
!             (setq at-comment nil)
!             (when (and (eq step-type 'same)
!                        containing-sexp)
!               (goto-char containing-sexp)
!               (setq paren-state (c-whack-state-after containing-sexp
!                                                      paren-state)
!                     containing-sexp (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state))
!               (when (and (prog1
!                              (eq prev-paren ?{)
!                            (setq prev-paren (char-after)))
!                          (eq prev-paren ?\())
!                 (c-backward-syntactic-ws containing-sexp)
!                 (when (c-on-identifier)
!                   ;; Arrived at a function arglist start.  Exit with
!                   ;; the position of the first argument inside it.
!                   (goto-char savepos)
!                   (throw 'done t))
!                 ;; We're in an in-expression statement.  Remember
!                 ;; this.  We'll iterate below, but won't add any
!                 ;; syntax element.
!                 (setq add-inexpr-stmt t))
!               (setq savepos (point)
!                     boi (c-point 'boi)
!                     step-type (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp))
!               (let ((at-bod (and (eq step-type 'same)
!                                  (/= savepos (point))
!                                  (eq prev-paren ?{))))
!                 (when (= savepos boi)
!                   ;; If the open brace was at boi, we're always
!                   ;; done.  The c-beginning-of-statement-1 call
!                   ;; above is necessary anyway, to decide the type
!                   ;; of block-intro to add.
!                   (goto-char savepos)
!                   (setq savepos nil))
!                 (when (eq prev-paren ?{)
!                   (setcdr syms-tail (list (if at-bod
!                                               'defun-block-intro
!                                             'statement-block-intro)))
!                   (setq syms-tail (cdr syms-tail)))
!                 (when (and (not at-bod) savepos)
!                   ;; Loop if the brace wasn't at boi, and we didn't
!                   ;; arrive at a defun block.
!                   (if (eq step-type 'same)
!                       ;; Avoid backing up another sexp if the point
!                       ;; we're at now is found to be good enough in
!                       ;; the loop above.
!                       (setq step-type nil))
!                   (setq stop-at-boi-only t
!                         boi (c-point 'boi)))))
!             ))))
!       (while syms
!       (c-add-syntax (car syms) (point))
!       (setq syms (cdr syms)))
!       (if add-inexpr-stmt
!         (c-add-syntax 'inexpr-statement))
!       )))
! (defun c-add-class-syntax (symbol classkey paren-state)
!   ;; The inclass and class-close syntactic symbols are added in
!   ;; several places and some work is needed to fix everything.
!   ;; Therefore it's collected here.
!   (save-restriction
!     (widen)
!     (let (inexpr anchor containing-sexp)
!       (goto-char (aref classkey 1))
!       (if (and (eq symbol 'inclass) (= (point) (c-point 'boi)))
!         (c-add-syntax symbol (setq anchor (point)))
!       (c-add-syntax symbol (setq anchor (aref classkey 0)))
!       (if (and c-opt-inexpr-class-key
!                (setq containing-sexp (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state
!                                                              (point))
!                      inexpr (cdr (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
!                                   (c-safe-position containing-sexp
!                                                    paren-state)
!                                   containing-sexp)))
!                (/= inexpr (c-point 'boi inexpr)))
!           (c-add-syntax 'inexpr-class)))
!       anchor)))
! (defun c-guess-continued-construct (indent-point
!                                   char-after-ip
!                                   beg-of-same-or-containing-stmt
!                                   containing-sexp
!                                   paren-state)
!   ;; This function contains the decision tree reached through both
!   ;; cases 18 and 10.  It's a continued statement or top level
!   ;; construct of some kind.
!   (let (special-brace-list)
!     (goto-char indent-point)
!     (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!     (cond
!      ;; (CASE A removed.)
!      ;; CASE B: open braces for class or brace-lists
!      ((setq special-brace-list
!           (or (and c-special-brace-lists
!                    (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))
!               (eq char-after-ip ?{)))
!       (cond
!        ;; CASE B.1: class-open
!        ((save-excursion
!         (goto-char indent-point)
!         (skip-chars-forward " \t{")
!         (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
!           (and decl
!                (setq beg-of-same-or-containing-stmt (aref decl 0)))
!           ))
!       (c-add-syntax 'class-open beg-of-same-or-containing-stmt))
!        ;; CASE B.2: brace-list-open
!        ((or (consp special-brace-list)
!           (save-excursion
!             (goto-char beg-of-same-or-containing-stmt)
!             (looking-at "enum\\>[^_]"))
!           (save-excursion
!             (goto-char indent-point)
!             (while (and (> (point) beg-of-same-or-containing-stmt)
!                         (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t) 0)
!                         (/= (char-after) ?=)))
!             (eq (char-after) ?=)))
!       ;; The most semantically accurate symbol here is
!       ;; brace-list-open, but we report it simply as a statement-cont.
!       ;; The reason is that one normally adjusts brace-list-open for
!       ;; brace lists as top-level constructs, and brace lists inside
!       ;; statements is a completely different context.
!       (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
!       (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-cont nil containing-sexp paren-state))
!        ;; CASE B.3: The body of a function declared inside a normal
!        ;; block.  Can occur e.g. in Pike and when using gcc
!        ;; extensions.  Might also trigger it with some macros followed
!        ;; by blocks, and this gives sane indentation then too.
!        ;; C.f. cases 16F and 17G.
!        ((progn
!         (goto-char indent-point)
!         (and (not (c-looking-at-bos))
!              (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp nil nil t)
!                  'same)))
!       (c-add-stmt-syntax 'defun-open t containing-sexp paren-state))
!        ;; CASE B.4: Continued statement with block open.
!        (t
!       (goto-char beg-of-same-or-containing-stmt)
!       (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-cont nil containing-sexp paren-state)
!       (c-add-syntax 'block-open))
!        ))
!      ;; CASE C: iostream insertion or extraction operator
!      ((and (looking-at "<<\\|>>")
!          (save-excursion
!            (goto-char beg-of-same-or-containing-stmt)
!            (while (and (re-search-forward "<<\\|>>" indent-point 'move)
!                        (c-in-literal beg-of-same-or-containing-stmt)))
!            ;; if we ended up at indent-point, then the first streamop is on a
!            ;; separate line. Indent the line like a statement-cont instead
!            (when (/= (point) indent-point)
!              (c-add-syntax 'stream-op (c-point 'boi))
!              t))))
!      ;; CASE D: continued statement.
!      (t
!       (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
!       (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-cont nil containing-sexp paren-state))
!      )))
  (defun c-guess-basic-syntax ()
+   "Return the syntactic context of the current line."
        (let* ((indent-point (point))
             (case-fold-search nil)
!            (paren-state (c-parse-state))
             literal containing-sexp char-before-ip char-after-ip lim
!            syntax placeholder c-in-literal-cache step-type
             tmpsymbol keyword injava-inher special-brace-list
             ;; narrow out any enclosing class or extern "C" block
!            (inclass-p (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class paren-state
!                                                     indent-point))
!            ;; c-state-cache is shadowed here.  That means we must
!            ;; not do any changes during the execution of this
!            ;; function, since c-check-state-cache then would change
!            ;; this local variable and leave a bogus value in the
!            ;; global one.
!            (c-state-cache (if inclass-p
!                               (c-whack-state-before (point-min) paren-state)
!                             paren-state))
!            (c-state-cache-start (point-min))
!            inenclosing-p macro-start in-macro-expr
!            ;; There's always at most one syntactic element which got
!            ;; a relpos.  It's stored in syntactic-relpos.
!            syntactic-relpos
!            (c-stmt-delim-chars c-stmt-delim-chars))
        ;; check for meta top-level enclosing constructs, possible
        ;; extern language definitions, possibly (in C++) namespace
        ;; definitions.
*** 1552,1558 ****
            (if (and inclass-p
                       (goto-char (aref inclass-p 0))
!                      (looking-at (concat c-extra-toplevel-key "[^_]"))))
                (let ((enclosing (match-string 1)))
                   ((string-equal enclosing "extern")
--- 2566,2572 ----
            (if (and inclass-p
                       (goto-char (aref inclass-p 0))
!                      (looking-at c-other-decl-block-key)))
                (let ((enclosing (match-string 1)))
                   ((string-equal enclosing "extern")
*** 1560,1604 ****
                   ((string-equal enclosing "namespace")
                    (setq inenclosing-p 'namespace))
!       ;; get the buffer position of the most nested opening brace,
!       ;; if there is one, and it hasn't been narrowed out
!       (save-excursion
!         (goto-char indent-point)
!         (skip-chars-forward " \t}")
!         (skip-chars-backward " \t")
!         (while (and state
!                     (not containing-sexp))
!           (setq containing-sexp (car state)
!                 state (cdr state))
!           (if (consp containing-sexp)
!               ;; if cdr == point, then containing sexp is the brace
!               ;; that opens the sexp we close
!               (if (= (cdr containing-sexp) (point))
!                   (setq containing-sexp (car containing-sexp))
!                 ;; otherwise, ignore this element
!                 (setq containing-sexp nil))
!             ;; ignore the bufpos if its been narrowed out by the
!             ;; containing class or does not contain the indent point
!             (if (or (<= containing-sexp (point-min))
!                     (>= containing-sexp indent-point))
!                 (setq containing-sexp nil)))))
!       ;; set the limit on the farthest back we need to search
!       (setq lim (or containing-sexp
!                     (if (consp (car fullstate))
!                         (cdr (car fullstate))
!                       nil)
!                     (point-min)))
        ;; cache char before and after indent point, and move point to
        ;; the most likely position to perform the majority of tests
        (goto-char indent-point)
-       (skip-chars-forward " \t")
-       (setq char-after-ip (char-after))
        (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
        (setq char-before-ip (char-before))
        (goto-char indent-point)
        (skip-chars-forward " \t")
        ;; are we in a literal?
        (setq literal (c-in-literal lim))
--- 2574,2635 ----
                   ((string-equal enclosing "namespace")
                    (setq inenclosing-p 'namespace))
!       ;; Init some position variables:
!       ;;
!       ;; containing-sexp is the open paren of the closest
!       ;; surrounding sexp or nil if there is none that hasn't been
!       ;; narrowed out.
!       ;;
!       ;; lim is the position after the closest preceding brace sexp
!       ;; (nested sexps are ignored), or the position after
!       ;; containing-sexp if there is none, or (point-min) if
!       ;; containing-sexp is nil.
!       ;;
!       ;; c-state-cache is the state from c-parse-state at
!       ;; indent-point, without any parens outside the region
!       ;; narrowed by c-narrow-out-enclosing-class.
!       ;;
!       ;; paren-state is the state from c-parse-state outside
!       ;; containing-sexp, or at indent-point if containing-sexp is
!       ;; nil.  paren-state is not limited to the narrowed region, as
!       ;; opposed to c-state-cache.
!       (if c-state-cache
!           (progn
!             (setq containing-sexp (car paren-state)
!                   paren-state (cdr paren-state))
!             (if (consp containing-sexp)
!                 (progn
!                   (setq lim (cdr containing-sexp))
!                   (if (cdr c-state-cache)
!                       ;; Ignore balanced paren.  The next entry
!                       ;; can't be another one.
!                       (setq containing-sexp (car (cdr c-state-cache))
!                             paren-state (cdr paren-state))
!                     ;; If there is no surrounding open paren then
!                     ;; put the last balanced pair back on paren-state.
!                     (setq paren-state (cons containing-sexp paren-state)
!                           containing-sexp nil)))
!               (setq lim (1+ containing-sexp))))
!         (setq lim (point-min)))
!       ;; If we're in a parenthesis list then ',' delimits the
!       ;; "statements" rather than being an operator (with the
!       ;; exception of the "for" clause).  This difference is
!       ;; typically only noticeable when statements are used in macro
!       ;; arglists.
!       (when (and containing-sexp
!                  (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\())
!         (setq c-stmt-delim-chars c-stmt-delim-chars-with-comma))
        ;; cache char before and after indent point, and move point to
        ;; the most likely position to perform the majority of tests
        (goto-char indent-point)
        (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
        (setq char-before-ip (char-before))
        (goto-char indent-point)
        (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+       (setq char-after-ip (char-after))
        ;; are we in a literal?
        (setq literal (c-in-literal lim))
*** 1606,1626 ****
        ;; now figure out syntactic qualities of the current line
         ;; CASE 1: in a string.
!        ((memq literal '(string))
          (c-add-syntax 'string (c-point 'bopl)))
         ;; CASE 2: in a C or C++ style comment.
         ((memq literal '(c c++))
          (c-add-syntax literal (car (c-literal-limits lim))))
         ;; CASE 3: in a cpp preprocessor macro continuation.
!        ((and (eq literal 'pound)
!              (/= (save-excursion
!                    (c-beginning-of-macro lim)
!                    (setq placeholder (point)))
!                  (c-point 'boi)))
!         (c-add-syntax 'cpp-macro-cont placeholder))
!        ;; CASE 4: In-expression statement.
!        ((and (or c-inexpr-class-key c-inexpr-block-key c-lambda-key)
!              (setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block)))
          (setq tmpsymbol (assq (car placeholder)
                                '((inexpr-class . class-open)
                                  (inexpr-statement . block-open))))
--- 2637,2778 ----
        ;; now figure out syntactic qualities of the current line
         ;; CASE 1: in a string.
!        ((eq literal 'string)
          (c-add-syntax 'string (c-point 'bopl)))
         ;; CASE 2: in a C or C++ style comment.
         ((memq literal '(c c++))
          (c-add-syntax literal (car (c-literal-limits lim))))
         ;; CASE 3: in a cpp preprocessor macro continuation.
!        ((and (save-excursion
!                (when (c-beginning-of-macro)
!                  (setq macro-start (point))))
!              (/= macro-start (c-point 'boi))
!              (progn
!                (setq tmpsymbol 'cpp-macro-cont)
!                (or (not c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros)
!                    (save-excursion
!                      (goto-char macro-start)
!                      ;; If at the beginning of the body of a #define
!                      ;; directive then analyze as cpp-define-intro
!                      ;; only.  Go on with the syntactic analysis
!                      ;; otherwise.  in-macro-expr is set if we're in a
!                      ;; cpp expression, i.e. before the #define body
!                      ;; or anywhere in a non-#define directive.
!                      (if (c-forward-to-cpp-define-body)
!                          (let ((indent-boi (c-point 'boi indent-point)))
!                            (setq in-macro-expr (> (point) indent-boi)
!                                  tmpsymbol 'cpp-define-intro)
!                            (= (point) indent-boi))
!                        (setq in-macro-expr t)
!                        nil)))))
!         (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol macro-start)
!         (setq macro-start nil))
!        ;; CASE 11: an else clause?
!        ((looking-at "else\\>[^_]")
!         (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
!         (c-add-stmt-syntax 'else-clause t containing-sexp paren-state))
!        ;; CASE 12: while closure of a do/while construct?
!        ((and (looking-at "while\\>[^_]")
!              (save-excursion
!                (prog1 (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
!                           'beginning)
!                  (setq placeholder (point)))))
!         (goto-char placeholder)
!         (c-add-stmt-syntax 'do-while-closure t containing-sexp paren-state))
!        ;; CASE 13: A catch or finally clause?  This case is simpler
!        ;; than if-else and do-while, because a block is required
!        ;; after every try, catch and finally.
!        ((save-excursion
!           (and (cond ((c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
!                       (looking-at "catch\\>[^_]"))
!                      ((c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
!                       (looking-at "\\(catch\\|finally\\)\\>[^_]")))
!                (and (c-safe (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!                             (c-backward-sexp)
!                             t)
!                     (eq (char-after) ?{)
!                     (c-safe (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!                             (c-backward-sexp)
!                             t)
!                     (if (eq (char-after) ?\()
!                         (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
!                       t))
!                (looking-at "\\(try\\|catch\\)\\>[^_]")
!                (setq placeholder (point))))
!         (goto-char placeholder)
!         (c-add-stmt-syntax 'catch-clause t containing-sexp paren-state))
!        ;; CASE 18: A substatement we can recognize by keyword.
!        ((save-excursion
!           (and c-opt-block-stmt-key
!                (not (eq char-before-ip ?\;))
!                (not (memq char-after-ip '(?\) ?\] ?,)))
!                (or (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
!                    (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward c-state-cache))
!                (> (point)
!                   (progn
!                     ;; Ought to cache the result from the
!                     ;; c-beginning-of-statement-1 calls here.
!                     (setq placeholder (point))
!                     (while (eq (setq step-type
!                                      (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim))
!                                'label))
!                     (if (eq step-type 'previous)
!                         (goto-char placeholder)
!                       (setq placeholder (point))
!                       (if (and (eq step-type 'same)
!                                (not (looking-at c-opt-block-stmt-key)))
!                           ;; Step up to the containing statement if we
!                           ;; stayed in the same one.
!                           (let (step)
!                             (while (eq
!                                     (setq step
!                                           (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim))
!                                     'label))
!                             (if (eq step 'up)
!                                 (setq placeholder (point))
!                               ;; There was no containing statement afterall.
!                               (goto-char placeholder)))))
!                     placeholder))
!                (if (looking-at c-block-stmt-2-key)
!                    ;; Require a parenthesis after these keywords.
!                    ;; Necessary to catch e.g. synchronized in Java,
!                    ;; which can be used both as statement and
!                    ;; modifier.
!                    (and (= (c-forward-token-1 1 nil) 0)
!                         (eq (char-after) ?\())
!                  (looking-at c-opt-block-stmt-key))))
!         (if (eq step-type 'up)
!             ;; CASE 18A: Simple substatement.
!             (progn
!               (goto-char placeholder)
!               (cond
!                ((eq char-after-ip ?{)
!                 (c-add-stmt-syntax 'substatement-open nil
!                                    containing-sexp paren-state))
!                ((save-excursion
!                   (goto-char indent-point)
!                   (back-to-indentation)
!                   (looking-at c-label-key))
!                 (c-add-stmt-syntax 'substatement-label nil
!                                    containing-sexp paren-state))
!                (t
!                 (c-add-stmt-syntax 'substatement nil
!                                    containing-sexp paren-state))))
!           ;; CASE 18B: Some other substatement.  This is shared
!           ;; with case 10.
!           (c-guess-continued-construct indent-point
!                                        char-after-ip
!                                        placeholder
!                                        lim
!                                        paren-state)))
!        ;; CASE 4: In-expression statement.  C.f. cases 7B, 16A and
!        ;; 17E.
!        ((and (or c-opt-inexpr-class-key
!                  c-opt-inexpr-block-key
!                  c-opt-lambda-key)
!              (setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
!                                 (c-safe-position containing-sexp paren-state)
!                                 containing-sexp)))
          (setq tmpsymbol (assq (car placeholder)
                                '((inexpr-class . class-open)
                                  (inexpr-statement . block-open))))
*** 1635,1641 ****
          (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
!         (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
          (unless (eq (point) (cdr placeholder))
            (c-add-syntax (car placeholder))))
         ;; CASE 5: Line is at top level.
--- 2787,2795 ----
          (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
!         (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol t
!                            (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point))
!                            (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
          (unless (eq (point) (cdr placeholder))
            (c-add-syntax (car placeholder))))
         ;; CASE 5: Line is at top level.
*** 1653,1659 ****
                (goto-char indent-point)
                (skip-chars-forward " \t")
                (and (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 2) t))
!                    (looking-at (concat c-extra-toplevel-key "[^_]"))
                     (setq keyword (match-string 1)
                           placeholder (point))
                     (or (and (string-equal keyword "namespace")
--- 2807,2813 ----
                (goto-char indent-point)
                (skip-chars-forward " \t")
                (and (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 2) t))
!                    (looking-at c-other-decl-block-key)
                     (setq keyword (match-string 1)
                           placeholder (point))
                     (or (and (string-equal keyword "namespace")
*** 1671,1695 ****
                (goto-char indent-point)
                (skip-chars-forward " \t{")
!               ;; TBD: watch out! there could be a bogus
!               ;; c-state-cache in place when we get here.  we have
!               ;; to go through much chicanery to ignore the cache.
!               ;; But of course, there may not be!  BLECH!  BOGUS!
!               (let ((decl
!                      (let ((c-state-cache nil))
!                        (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))
!                        )))
                  (and decl
                       (setq placeholder (aref decl 0)))
              (c-add-syntax 'class-open placeholder))
             ;; CASE 5A.3: brace list open
!               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!               ;; c-b-o-s could have left us at point-min
!               (and (bobp)
!                    (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point))
!               (if (looking-at "typedef[^_]")
                    (progn (c-forward-sexp 1)
                           (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)))
                (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
--- 2825,2839 ----
                (goto-char indent-point)
                (skip-chars-forward " \t{")
!               (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
                  (and decl
                       (setq placeholder (aref decl 0)))
              (c-add-syntax 'class-open placeholder))
             ;; CASE 5A.3: brace list open
!               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim t)
!               (if (looking-at "typedef\\>[^_]")
                    (progn (c-forward-sexp 1)
                           (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)))
                (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
*** 1704,1710 ****
                                          (looking-at "new\\>[^_]"))
                                     (setq tmpsymbol 'topmost-intro-cont)))
                               (eq (char-after) ?=))
!                            (looking-at "enum[ \t\n]+"))
                           (while (and (< (point) indent-point)
                                       (= (c-forward-token-1 1 t) 0)
--- 2848,2854 ----
                                          (looking-at "new\\>[^_]"))
                                     (setq tmpsymbol 'topmost-intro-cont)))
                               (eq (char-after) ?=))
!                            (looking-at "enum\\>[^_]"))
                           (while (and (< (point) indent-point)
                                       (= (c-forward-token-1 1 t) 0)
*** 1723,1744 ****
                  ;; case 10B.2.
                    (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
-                   (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
                    (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi)))
                (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open placeholder)))
             ;; CASE 5A.4: inline defun open
             ((and inclass-p (not inenclosing-p))
              (c-add-syntax 'inline-open)
!             (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p))
             ;; CASE 5A.5: ordinary defun open
              (goto-char placeholder)
!             (if inclass-p
                  (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'boi))
                (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'bol)))
           ;; CASE 5B: first K&R arg decl or member init
!          ((c-just-after-func-arglist-p)
             ;; CASE 5B.1: a member init
             ((or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
--- 2867,2888 ----
                  ;; case 10B.2.
                    (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
                    (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi)))
                (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open placeholder)))
             ;; CASE 5A.4: inline defun open
             ((and inclass-p (not inenclosing-p))
              (c-add-syntax 'inline-open)
!             (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state))
             ;; CASE 5A.5: ordinary defun open
              (goto-char placeholder)
!             (if (or inclass-p macro-start)
                  (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'boi))
+               ;; Bogus to use bol here, but it's the legacy.
                (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'bol)))
           ;; CASE 5B: first K&R arg decl or member init
!          ((c-just-after-func-arglist-p nil lim)
             ;; CASE 5B.1: a member init
             ((or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
*** 1769,1776 ****
             ;; CASE 5B.2: K&R arg decl intro
              (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl-intro (c-point 'boi))
!             (if inclass-p (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p)))
             ;; CASE 5B.3: Inside a member init list.
             ((c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim)
--- 2913,2922 ----
             ;; CASE 5B.2: K&R arg decl intro
+             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
              (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl-intro (c-point 'boi))
!             (if inclass-p
!                 (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state)))
             ;; CASE 5B.3: Inside a member init list.
             ((c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim)
*** 1783,1794 ****
           ;; CASE 5C: inheritance line. could be first inheritance
           ;; line, or continuation of a multiple inheritance
!          ((or (and c-baseclass-key
                       (when (eq char-after-ip ?,)
                         (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!                      (looking-at c-baseclass-key)))
                (and (or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
                         ;; watch out for scope operator
--- 2929,2940 ----
           ;; CASE 5C: inheritance line. could be first inheritance
           ;; line, or continuation of a multiple inheritance
!          ((or (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
                       (when (eq char-after-ip ?,)
                         (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!                      (looking-at c-opt-decl-spec-key)))
                (and (or (eq char-before-ip ?:)
                         ;; watch out for scope operator
*** 1812,1818 ****
                           cont done)
                         (while (not done)
!                          (cond ((looking-at c-Java-special-key)
                                  (setq injava-inher (cons cont (point))
                                        done t))
                                 ((or (not (c-safe (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
--- 2958,2964 ----
                           cont done)
                         (while (not done)
!                          (cond ((looking-at c-opt-decl-spec-key)
                                  (setq injava-inher (cons cont (point))
                                        done t))
                                 ((or (not (c-safe (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
*** 1827,1847 ****
             ;; CASE 5C.1: non-hanging colon on an inher intro
             ((eq char-after-ip ?:)
!             (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
              (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
              ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
              ;; contains any class offset
             ;; CASE 5C.2: hanging colon on an inher intro
             ((eq char-before-ip ?:)
              (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
!             (if inclass-p (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p)))
             ;; CASE 5C.3: in a Java implements/extends
              (let ((where (cdr injava-inher))
                    (cont (car injava-inher)))
                (goto-char where)
!               (cond ((looking-at "throws[ \t\n]")
                       (c-add-syntax 'func-decl-cont
                                     (progn (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
                                            (c-point 'boi))))
--- 2973,2995 ----
             ;; CASE 5C.1: non-hanging colon on an inher intro
             ((eq char-after-ip ?:)
!             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
              (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
              ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
              ;; contains any class offset
             ;; CASE 5C.2: hanging colon on an inher intro
             ((eq char-before-ip ?:)
+             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
              (c-add-syntax 'inher-intro (c-point 'boi))
!             (if inclass-p
!                 (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state)))
             ;; CASE 5C.3: in a Java implements/extends
              (let ((where (cdr injava-inher))
                    (cont (car injava-inher)))
                (goto-char where)
!               (cond ((looking-at "throws\\>[^_]")
                       (c-add-syntax 'func-decl-cont
                                     (progn (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
                                            (c-point 'boi))))
*** 1858,1873 ****
              ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
              ;; contains any class offset
!          ;; CASE 5D: this could be a top-level compound statement, a
           ;; member init list continuation, or a template argument
           ;; list continuation.
           ((c-with-syntax-table (if (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
                (while (and (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim) 0)
!                           (not (looking-at "[;{<,]"))))
!               (eq (char-after) ?,)))
            (goto-char indent-point)
            (c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim)
--- 3006,3026 ----
              ;; don't add inclass symbol since relative point already
              ;; contains any class offset
!          ;; CASE 5D: this could be a top-level initialization, a
           ;; member init list continuation, or a template argument
           ;; list continuation.
           ((c-with-syntax-table (if (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+               ;; Note: We use the fact that lim is always after any
+               ;; preceding brace sexp.
                (while (and (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t lim) 0)
!                           (not (looking-at "[;<,=]"))))
!               (or (memq (char-after) '(?, ?=))
!                   (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
!                        (= (c-backward-token-1 1 nil lim) 0)
!                        (eq (char-after) ?<)))))
            (goto-char indent-point)
            (c-beginning-of-member-init-list lim)
*** 1886,1894 ****
                                 (parse-partial-sexp (point) placeholder)))
!                      (if c-access-key (not (looking-at c-access-key)) t)
                       (not (looking-at c-class-key))
!                      (if c-bitfield-key (not (looking-at c-bitfield-key)) t))
              (goto-char placeholder)
--- 3039,3049 ----
                                 (parse-partial-sexp (point) placeholder)))
!                      (if c-opt-access-key
!                          (not (looking-at c-opt-access-key)) t)
                       (not (looking-at c-class-key))
!                      (if c-opt-bitfield-key
!                          (not (looking-at c-opt-bitfield-key)) t))
              (goto-char placeholder)
*** 1902,1944 ****
                (eq (char-after) ?:))
              (skip-chars-forward " \t:")
              (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point)))
!            ;; CASE 5D.3: perhaps a multiple inheritance line?
!            ((save-excursion
!               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!               (setq placeholder (point))
!               (looking-at c-inher-key))
!             (goto-char placeholder)
!             (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (c-point 'boi)))
!            ;; CASE 5D.4: perhaps a template list continuation?
!            ((save-excursion
!               (goto-char indent-point)
!               (skip-chars-backward "^<" lim)
!               ;; not sure if this is the right test, but it should
!               ;; be fast and mostly accurate.
!               (setq placeholder (point))
!               (and (eq (char-before) ?<)
!                    (not (c-in-literal lim))))
              ;; we can probably indent it just like an arglist-cont
              (goto-char placeholder)
!             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
              (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
!            ;; CASE 5D.5: perhaps a top-level statement-cont
!             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!             ;; skip over any access-specifiers
!             (and inclass-p c-access-key
!                  (while (looking-at c-access-key)
!                    (forward-line 1)))
!             ;; skip over comments, whitespace
!             (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
!             (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
           ;; CASE 5E: we are looking at a access specifier
           ((and inclass-p
!                c-access-key
!                (looking-at c-access-key))
!           (c-add-syntax 'access-label (c-point 'bonl))
!           (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p))
           ;; CASE 5F: extern-lang-close or namespace-close?
           ((and inenclosing-p
                 (eq char-after-ip ?}))
--- 3057,3117 ----
                (eq (char-after) ?:))
              (skip-chars-forward " \t:")
              (c-add-syntax 'member-init-cont (point)))
!            ;; CASE 5D.3: perhaps a template list continuation?
!            ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
!                  (save-excursion
!                    (save-restriction
!                      (c-with-syntax-table c++-template-syntax-table
!                        (goto-char indent-point)
!                        (setq placeholder (c-up-list-backward (point)))
!                        (and placeholder
!                             (eq (char-after placeholder) ?<))))))
              ;; we can probably indent it just like an arglist-cont
              (goto-char placeholder)
!             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim t)
              (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
!            ;; CASE 5D.4: perhaps a multiple inheritance line?
!            ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
!                  (save-excursion
!                    (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!                    (setq placeholder (point))
!                    (if (looking-at "static\\>[^_]")
!                        (c-forward-token-1 1 nil indent-point))
!                    (and (looking-at c-class-key)
!                         (= (c-forward-token-1 2 nil indent-point) 0)
!                         (if (eq (char-after) ?<)
!                             (c-with-syntax-table c++-template-syntax-table
!                               (= (c-forward-token-1 1 t indent-point) 0))
!                           t)
!                         (eq (char-after) ?:))))
!             (goto-char placeholder)
!             (c-add-syntax 'inher-cont (c-point 'boi)))
!            ;; CASE 5D.5: Continuation of the "expression part" of a
!            ;; top level construct.
!             (while (and (eq (car (c-beginning-of-decl-1 containing-sexp))
!                             'same)
!                         (save-excursion
!                           (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!                           (eq (char-before) ?}))))
!             (c-add-stmt-syntax
!              (if (eq char-before-ip ?,)
!                  ;; A preceding comma at the top level means that a
!                  ;; new variable declaration starts here.  Use
!                  ;; topmost-intro-cont for it, for consistency with
!                  ;; the first variable declaration.  C.f. case 5N.
!                  'topmost-intro-cont
!                'statement-cont)
!              nil containing-sexp paren-state))
           ;; CASE 5E: we are looking at a access specifier
           ((and inclass-p
!                c-opt-access-key
!                (looking-at c-opt-access-key))
!           (setq placeholder (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p
!                                                 paren-state))
!           ;; Append access-label with the same anchor point as inclass gets.
!           (nconc syntax (list (cons 'access-label placeholder))))
           ;; CASE 5F: extern-lang-close or namespace-close?
           ((and inenclosing-p
                 (eq char-after-ip ?}))
*** 1957,2022 ****
                     (and (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t))
                          (= (point) (aref inclass-p 1))
!           (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close inclass-p))
           ;; CASE 5H: we could be looking at subsequent knr-argdecls
           ((and c-recognize-knr-p
!                ;; here we essentially use the hack that is used in
!                ;; Emacs' c-mode.el to limit how far back we should
!                ;; look.  The assumption is made that argdecls are
!                ;; indented at least one space and that function
!                ;; headers are not indented.
!                (let ((limit (save-excursion
!                               (re-search-backward "^[^ \^L\t\n#]" nil 'move)
!                               (point))))
!                  (save-excursion
!                    (c-backward-syntactic-ws limit)
!                    (setq placeholder (point))
!                    (while (and (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?,))
!                                (> (point) limit))
!                      (beginning-of-line)
!                      (setq placeholder (point))
!                      (c-backward-syntactic-ws limit))
!                    (and (eq (char-before) ?\))
!                         (or (not c-method-key)
!                             (progn
!                               (c-forward-sexp -1)
!                               (forward-char -1)
!                               (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!                               (not (or (memq (char-before) '(?- ?+))
!                                        ;; or a class category
!                                        (progn
!                                          (c-forward-sexp -2)
!                                          (looking-at c-class-key))
!                                        )))))
!                    ))
!                  (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
!                  (not (looking-at "typedef[ \t\n]+"))))
            (goto-char placeholder)
!           (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl (c-point 'boi)))
           ;; CASE 5I: ObjC method definition.
!          ((and c-method-key
!                (looking-at c-method-key))
            (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-intro (c-point 'boi)))
!          ;; CASE 5J: we are at the topmost level, make sure we skip
!          ;; back past any access specifiers
              (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
              (while (and inclass-p
!                         c-access-key
                          (not (bobp))
                            (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t))
!                           (looking-at c-access-key)))
                (c-backward-sexp 1)
                (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim))
              (or (bobp)
!                 (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?\}))))
            ;; real beginning-of-line could be narrowed out due to
            ;; enclosure in a class block
              (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro (c-point 'bol))
              (if inclass-p
                    (goto-char (aref inclass-p 1))
--- 3130,3201 ----
                     (and (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t))
                          (= (point) (aref inclass-p 1))
!           (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close inclass-p paren-state))
           ;; CASE 5H: we could be looking at subsequent knr-argdecls
           ((and c-recognize-knr-p
!                (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
!                  (setq placeholder (cdr (c-beginning-of-decl-1 lim)))
!                  (and placeholder
!                       ;; Do an extra check to avoid tripping up on
!                       ;; statements that occur in invalid contexts
!                       ;; (e.g. in macro bodies where we don't really
!                       ;; know the context of what we're looking at).
!                       (not (and c-opt-block-stmt-key
!                                 (looking-at c-opt-block-stmt-key)))))
!                (< placeholder indent-point))
            (goto-char placeholder)
!           (c-add-syntax 'knr-argdecl (point)))
           ;; CASE 5I: ObjC method definition.
!          ((and c-opt-method-key
!                (looking-at c-opt-method-key))
!           (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
            (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-intro (c-point 'boi)))
!          ;; CASE 5N: At a variable declaration that follows a class
!          ;; definition or some other block declaration that doesn't
!          ;; end at the closing '}'.  C.f. case 5D.5.
              (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
+             (and (eq (char-before) ?})
+                  (save-excursion
+                    (let ((start (point)))
+                      (if paren-state
+                          ;; Speed up the backward search a bit.
+                          (goto-char (car (car paren-state))))
+                      (c-beginning-of-decl-1 containing-sexp)
+                      (setq placeholder (point))
+                      (if (= start (point))
+                          ;; The '}' is unbalanced.
+                          nil
+                        (c-end-of-decl-1)
+                        (> (point) indent-point))))))
+           (goto-char placeholder)
+           (c-add-stmt-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont nil
+                              containing-sexp paren-state))
+          ;; CASE 5J: we are at the topmost level, make
+          ;; sure we skip back past any access specifiers
+          ((progn
              (while (and inclass-p
!                         c-opt-access-key
                          (not (bobp))
                            (c-safe (progn (c-backward-sexp 1) t))
!                           (looking-at c-opt-access-key)))
                (c-backward-sexp 1)
                (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim))
              (or (bobp)
!                 (memq (char-before) '(?\; ?}))
!                 (and (c-major-mode-is 'objc-mode)
!                      (progn
!                        (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!                        (eq (char-after) ?@)))))
            ;; real beginning-of-line could be narrowed out due to
            ;; enclosure in a class block
              (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro (c-point 'bol))
+             ;; Using bol instead of boi above is highly bogus, and
+             ;; it makes our lives hard to remain compatible. :P
              (if inclass-p
                    (goto-char (aref inclass-p 1))
*** 2027,2055 ****
                      (c-add-syntax 'inextern-lang (c-point 'boi)))
                     ((eq inenclosing-p 'namespace)
                      (c-add-syntax 'innamespace (c-point 'boi)))
!                    (t (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p)))
!          ;; CASE 5K: we are at an ObjC or Java method definition
           ;; continuation line.
!          ((and c-method-key
                   (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!                  (looking-at c-method-key)))
            (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-args-cont (point)))
           ;; CASE 5L: we are at the first argument of a template
           ;; arglist that begins on the previous line.
           ((eq (char-before) ?<)
!           (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!           (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
            (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
           ;; CASE 5M: we are at a topmost continuation line
!           (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!           (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
            (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi)))
!          ))                           ; end CASE 5
         ;; (CASE 6 has been removed.)
         ;; CASE 7: line is an expression, not a statement.  Most
         ;; likely we are either in a function prototype or a function
--- 3206,3237 ----
                      (c-add-syntax 'inextern-lang (c-point 'boi)))
                     ((eq inenclosing-p 'namespace)
                      (c-add-syntax 'innamespace (c-point 'boi)))
!                    (t (c-add-class-syntax 'inclass inclass-p paren-state)))
+             (when (and c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros
+                        macro-start
+                        (/= macro-start (c-point 'boi indent-point)))
+               (c-add-syntax 'cpp-define-intro)
+               (setq macro-start nil))
!          ;; CASE 5K: we are at an ObjC method definition
           ;; continuation line.
!          ((and c-opt-method-key
                   (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!                  (looking-at c-opt-method-key)))
            (c-add-syntax 'objc-method-args-cont (point)))
           ;; CASE 5L: we are at the first argument of a template
           ;; arglist that begins on the previous line.
           ((eq (char-before) ?<)
!           (c-beginning-of-statement-1 (c-safe-position (point) paren-state))
            (c-add-syntax 'template-args-cont (c-point 'boi)))
           ;; CASE 5M: we are at a topmost continuation line
!           (c-beginning-of-statement-1 (c-safe-position (point) paren-state))
            (c-add-syntax 'topmost-intro-cont (c-point 'boi)))
!          ))
         ;; (CASE 6 has been removed.)
         ;; CASE 7: line is an expression, not a statement.  Most
         ;; likely we are either in a function prototype or a function
*** 2059,2072 ****
                          (goto-char containing-sexp)
                   (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?{)))
-         (c-backward-syntactic-ws containing-sexp)
           ;; CASE 7A: we are looking at the arglist closing paren
!          ((and (or (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
!                    ;; Don't check this in Pike since it allows a
!                    ;; comma after the last arg.
!                    (not (eq char-before-ip ?,)))
!                (memq char-after-ip '(?\) ?\])))
            (goto-char containing-sexp)
            (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
            (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
--- 3241,3249 ----
                          (goto-char containing-sexp)
                   (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?{)))
           ;; CASE 7A: we are looking at the arglist closing paren
!          ((memq char-after-ip '(?\) ?\]))
            (goto-char containing-sexp)
            (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
            (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
*** 2076,2093 ****
              (setq placeholder (point)))
            (c-add-syntax 'arglist-close placeholder))
           ;; CASE 7B: Looking at the opening brace of an
!          ;; in-expression block or brace list.
!          ((eq char-after-ip ?{)
!           (goto-char indent-point)
!           (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
!           (goto-char containing-sexp)
!           (if (c-inside-bracelist-p placeholder
!                                     (cons containing-sexp state))
!               (progn
!                 (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open (c-point 'boi))
!                 (c-add-syntax 'inexpr-class))
!             (c-add-syntax 'block-open (c-point 'boi))
!             (c-add-syntax 'inexpr-statement)))
           ;; CASE 7C: we are looking at the first argument in an empty
           ;; argument list. Use arglist-close if we're actually
           ;; looking at a close paren or bracket.
--- 3253,3283 ----
              (setq placeholder (point)))
            (c-add-syntax 'arglist-close placeholder))
           ;; CASE 7B: Looking at the opening brace of an
!          ;; in-expression block or brace list.  C.f. cases 4, 16A
!          ;; and 17E.
!          ((and (eq char-after-ip ?{)
!                (progn
!                  (setq placeholder (c-inside-bracelist-p (point)
!                                                          c-state-cache))
!                  (if placeholder
!                      (setq tmpsymbol '(brace-list-open . inexpr-class))
!                    (setq tmpsymbol '(block-open . inexpr-statement)
!                          placeholder
!                          (cdr-safe (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
!                                     (c-safe-position containing-sexp
!                                                      paren-state)
!                                     containing-sexp)))
!                    ;; placeholder is nil if it's a block directly in
!                    ;; a function arglist.  That makes us skip out of
!                    ;; this case.
!                    )))
!           (goto-char placeholder)
!           (back-to-indentation)
!           (c-add-stmt-syntax (car tmpsymbol) t
!                              (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state (point))
!                              (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
!           (if (/= (point) placeholder)
!               (c-add-syntax (cdr tmpsymbol))))
           ;; CASE 7C: we are looking at the first argument in an empty
           ;; argument list. Use arglist-close if we're actually
           ;; looking at a close paren or bracket.
*** 2102,2124 ****
            (c-add-syntax 'arglist-intro placeholder))
           ;; CASE 7D: we are inside a conditional test clause. treat
           ;; these things as statements
!          ((save-excursion
              (goto-char containing-sexp)
              (and (c-safe (progn (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
                   (looking-at "\\<for\\>[^_]")))
            (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
            (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
-           (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
            (if (eq char-before-ip ?\;)
                (c-add-syntax 'statement (point))
              (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (point))
!          ;; CASE 7E: maybe a continued method call. This is the case
!          ;; when we are inside a [] bracketed exp, and what precede
!          ;; the opening bracket is not an identifier.
!          ((and c-method-key
                 (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\[)
!                (save-excursion
                   (goto-char (1- containing-sexp))
                   (c-backward-syntactic-ws (c-point 'bod))
                   (if (not (looking-at c-symbol-key))
--- 3292,3313 ----
            (c-add-syntax 'arglist-intro placeholder))
           ;; CASE 7D: we are inside a conditional test clause. treat
           ;; these things as statements
!          ((progn
              (goto-char containing-sexp)
              (and (c-safe (progn (c-forward-sexp -1) t))
                   (looking-at "\\<for\\>[^_]")))
            (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
            (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
            (if (eq char-before-ip ?\;)
                (c-add-syntax 'statement (point))
              (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (point))
!          ;; CASE 7E: maybe a continued ObjC method call. This is the
!          ;; case when we are inside a [] bracketed exp, and what
!          ;; precede the opening bracket is not an identifier.
!          ((and c-opt-method-key
                 (eq (char-after containing-sexp) ?\[)
!                (progn
                   (goto-char (1- containing-sexp))
                   (c-backward-syntactic-ws (c-point 'bod))
                   (if (not (looking-at c-symbol-key))
*** 2129,2138 ****
           ;; opening paren.  This case includes multi-line
           ;; mathematical paren groupings, but we could be on a
           ;; for-list continuation line
!          ((save-excursion
              (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
              (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!             (not (eolp)))
            (goto-char containing-sexp)
            (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
            (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
--- 3318,3328 ----
           ;; opening paren.  This case includes multi-line
           ;; mathematical paren groupings, but we could be on a
           ;; for-list continuation line
!          ((progn
              (goto-char (1+ containing-sexp))
              (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!             (and (not (eolp))
!                  (not (looking-at "\\\\$"))))
            (goto-char containing-sexp)
            (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))
            (when (and (c-safe (backward-up-list 1) t)
*** 2143,2159 ****
            (c-add-syntax 'arglist-cont-nonempty placeholder))
           ;; CASE 7G: we are looking at just a normal arglist
           ;; continuation line
!          (t (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
!             (forward-char 1)
!             (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
              (c-add-syntax 'arglist-cont (c-point 'boi)))
         ;; CASE 8: func-local multi-inheritance line
!        ((and c-baseclass-key
                 (goto-char indent-point)
                 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!                (looking-at c-baseclass-key)))
          (goto-char indent-point)
          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
--- 3333,3347 ----
            (c-add-syntax 'arglist-cont-nonempty placeholder))
           ;; CASE 7G: we are looking at just a normal arglist
           ;; continuation line
!          (t (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
              (c-add-syntax 'arglist-cont (c-point 'boi)))
         ;; CASE 8: func-local multi-inheritance line
!        ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
                 (goto-char indent-point)
                 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!                (looking-at c-opt-decl-spec-key)))
          (goto-char indent-point)
          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
*** 2175,2181 ****
                           (goto-char containing-sexp)
!                   (c-inside-bracelist-p containing-sexp state)))
           ;; CASE 9A: In the middle of a special brace list opener.
           ((and (consp special-brace-list)
--- 3363,3369 ----
                           (goto-char containing-sexp)
!                   (c-inside-bracelist-p containing-sexp paren-state)))
           ;; CASE 9A: In the middle of a special brace list opener.
           ((and (consp special-brace-list)
*** 2189,2197 ****
                     (assoc 'statement-cont
                            (setq placeholder (c-guess-basic-syntax))))
                (setq syntax placeholder)
!             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
              (c-forward-token-1 0)
!             (if (looking-at "typedef\\>") (c-forward-token-1 1))
              (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open (c-point 'boi))))
           ;; CASE 9B: brace-list-close brace
           ((if (consp special-brace-list)
--- 3377,3386 ----
                     (assoc 'statement-cont
                            (setq placeholder (c-guess-basic-syntax))))
                (setq syntax placeholder)
!             (c-beginning-of-statement-1
!              (c-safe-position (1- containing-sexp) paren-state))
              (c-forward-token-1 0)
!             (if (looking-at "typedef\\>[^_]") (c-forward-token-1 1))
              (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-open (c-point 'boi))))
           ;; CASE 9B: brace-list-close brace
           ((if (consp special-brace-list)
*** 2211,2221 ****
                          (eq (1+ (point)) (cdr (car special-brace-list)))))))
              ;; Normal brace list check.
              (and (eq char-after-ip ?})
!                  (c-safe (progn (forward-char 1)
!                                 (c-backward-sexp 1)
                   (= (point) containing-sexp)))
!           (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-close (c-point 'boi)))
            ;; Prepare for the rest of the cases below by going to the
            ;; token following the opening brace
--- 3400,3414 ----
                          (eq (1+ (point)) (cdr (car special-brace-list)))))))
              ;; Normal brace list check.
              (and (eq char-after-ip ?})
!                  (c-safe (progn (goto-char (c-up-list-backward (point)))
                   (= (point) containing-sexp)))
!           (if (eq (point) (c-point 'boi))
!               (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-close (point))
!             (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point)))
!             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!             (c-add-stmt-syntax 'brace-list-close t lim
!                                (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state) t)))
            ;; Prepare for the rest of the cases below by going to the
            ;; token following the opening brace
*** 2228,2240 ****
            (let ((start (point)))
              (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
              (goto-char (max start (c-point 'bol))))
!           (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r" indent-point)
             ;; CASE 9C: we're looking at the first line in a brace-list
             ((= (point) indent-point)
!             (goto-char containing-sexp)
!             (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-intro (c-point 'boi))
!             )                         ; end CASE 9C
             ;; CASE 9D: this is just a later brace-list-entry or
             ;; brace-entry-open
             (t (if (or (eq char-after-ip ?{)
--- 3421,3440 ----
            (let ((start (point)))
              (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
              (goto-char (max start (c-point 'bol))))
!           (c-skip-ws-forward indent-point)
             ;; CASE 9C: we're looking at the first line in a brace-list
             ((= (point) indent-point)
!             (if (consp special-brace-list)
!                 (goto-char (car (car special-brace-list)))
!               (goto-char containing-sexp))
!             (if (eq (point) (c-point 'boi))
!                 (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-intro (point))
!               (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point)))
!               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim)
!               (c-add-stmt-syntax 'brace-list-intro t lim
!                                  (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state)
!                                  t)))
             ;; CASE 9D: this is just a later brace-list-entry or
             ;; brace-entry-open
             (t (if (or (eq char-after-ip ?{)
*** 2245,2428 ****
                               (c-looking-at-special-brace-list (point)))))
                    (c-add-syntax 'brace-entry-open (point))
                  (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-entry (point))
!                 ))                    ; end CASE 9D
!            ))))                       ; end CASE 9
!        ;; CASE 10: A continued statement
         ((and (not (memq char-before-ip '(?\; ?:)))
               (or (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
!                  (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward containing-sexp))
               (> (point)
                    (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
-                   (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
                    (setq placeholder (point))))
               (/= placeholder containing-sexp))
!         (goto-char indent-point)
!         (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!         (let ((after-cond-placeholder
!                (save-excursion
!                  (goto-char placeholder)
!                  (if (and c-conditional-key (looking-at c-conditional-key))
!                      (progn
!                        (c-safe (c-skip-conditional))
!                        (c-forward-syntactic-ws)
!                        (if (eq (char-after) ?\;)
!                            (progn
!                              (forward-char 1)
!                              (c-forward-syntactic-ws)))
!                        (point))
!                    nil))))
!           (cond
!            ;; CASE 10A: substatement
!            ((and after-cond-placeholder
!                  (>= after-cond-placeholder indent-point))
!             (goto-char placeholder)
!             (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
!                 (c-add-syntax 'substatement-open (c-point 'boi))
!               (c-add-syntax 'substatement (c-point 'boi))))
!            ;; CASE 10B: open braces for class or brace-lists
!            ((setq special-brace-list
!                   (or (and c-special-brace-lists
!                            (c-looking-at-special-brace-list))
!                       (eq char-after-ip ?{)))
!             (cond
!              ;; CASE 10B.1: class-open
!              ((save-excursion
!                 (goto-char indent-point)
!                 (skip-chars-forward " \t{")
!                 (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
!                   (and decl
!                        (setq placeholder (aref decl 0)))
!                   ))
!               (c-add-syntax 'class-open placeholder))
!              ;; CASE 10B.2: brace-list-open
!              ((or (consp special-brace-list)
!                   (save-excursion
!                     (goto-char placeholder)
!                     (looking-at "\\<enum\\>"))
!                   (save-excursion
!                     (goto-char indent-point)
!                     (while (and (> (point) placeholder)
!                                 (= (c-backward-token-1 1 t) 0)
!                                 (/= (char-after) ?=)))
!                     (eq (char-after) ?=)))
!               ;; The most semantically accurate symbol here is
!               ;; brace-list-open, but we report it simply as a
!               ;; statement-cont.  The reason is that one normally
!               ;; adjusts brace-list-open for brace lists as
!               ;; top-level constructs, and brace lists inside
!               ;; statements is a completely different context.
!               (goto-char indent-point)
!               (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
!               (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
!              ;; CASE 10B.3: The body of a function declared inside a
!              ;; normal block.  This can only occur in Pike.
!              ((and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
!                    (progn
!                      (goto-char indent-point)
!                      (not (c-looking-at-bos))))
!               (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
!               (c-add-syntax 'defun-open (c-point 'boi)))
!              ;; CASE 10B.4: catch-all for unknown construct.
!              (t
!               ;; Can and should I add an extensibility hook here?
!               ;; Something like c-recognize-hook so support for
!               ;; unknown constructs could be added.  It's probably a
!               ;; losing proposition, so I dunno.
!               (goto-char placeholder)
!               (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi))
!               (c-add-syntax 'block-open))
!              ))
!            ;; CASE 10C: iostream insertion or extraction operator
!            ((looking-at "<<\\|>>")
!             (goto-char placeholder)
!             (and after-cond-placeholder
!                  (goto-char after-cond-placeholder))
!             (while (and (re-search-forward "<<\\|>>" indent-point 'move)
!                         (c-in-literal placeholder)))
!             ;; if we ended up at indent-point, then the first
!             ;; streamop is on a separate line. Indent the line like
!             ;; a statement-cont instead
!             (if (/= (point) indent-point)
!                 (c-add-syntax 'stream-op (c-point 'boi))
!               (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
!               (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi))))
!            ;; CASE 10D: continued statement. find the accurate
!            ;; beginning of statement or substatement
!            (t
!             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 after-cond-placeholder)
!             ;; KLUDGE ALERT!  c-beginning-of-statement-1 can leave
!             ;; us before the lim we're passing in.  It should be
!             ;; fixed, but I'm worried about side-effects at this
!             ;; late date.  Fix for v5.
!             (goto-char (or (and after-cond-placeholder
!                                 (max after-cond-placeholder (point)))
!                            (point)))
!             (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (point)))
!            )))
!        ;; CASE 11: an else clause?
!        ((looking-at "\\<else\\>[^_]")
!         (c-backward-to-start-of-if containing-sexp)
!         (c-add-syntax 'else-clause (c-point 'boi)))
!        ;; CASE 12: Statement. But what kind?  Lets see if its a
!        ;; while closure of a do/while construct
!        ((progn
!           (goto-char indent-point)
!           (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!           (and (looking-at "while\\b[^_]")
!                (save-excursion
!                  (c-backward-to-start-of-do containing-sexp)
!                  (setq placeholder (point))
!                  (looking-at "do\\b[^_]"))
!                ))
!         (goto-char placeholder)
!         (c-add-syntax 'do-while-closure (c-point 'boi)))
!        ;; CASE 13: A catch or finally clause?  This case is simpler
!        ;; than if-else and do-while, because a block is required
!        ;; after every try, catch and finally.
!        ((save-excursion
!           (and (cond ((c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
!                       (looking-at "\\<catch\\>[^_]"))
!                      ((c-major-mode-is 'java-mode)
!                       (looking-at "\\<\\(catch\\|finally\\)\\>[^_]")))
!                (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
!                (eq (char-after) ?{)
!                (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
!                (if (eq (char-after) ?\()
!                    (c-safe (c-backward-sexp) t)
!                  t)
!                (looking-at "\\<\\(try\\|catch\\)\\>[^_]")
!                (setq placeholder (c-point 'boi))))
!         (c-add-syntax 'catch-clause placeholder))
         ;; CASE 14: A case or default label
!        ((looking-at c-switch-label-key)
          (goto-char containing-sexp)
!         ;; check for hanging braces
!         (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
!             (c-forward-sexp -1))
!         (c-add-syntax 'case-label (c-point 'boi)))
         ;; CASE 15: any other label
         ((looking-at c-label-key)
          (goto-char containing-sexp)
!         ;; check for hanging braces
!         (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
!             (c-forward-sexp -1))
!         (c-add-syntax 'label (c-point 'boi)))
         ;; CASE 16: block close brace, possibly closing the defun or
         ;; the class
         ((eq char-after-ip ?})
!         (let* ((lim (c-safe-position containing-sexp fullstate))
!                (relpos (save-excursion
!                          (goto-char containing-sexp)
!                          (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
!                              (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim))
!                          (c-point 'boi))))
             ;; CASE 16A: closing a lambda defun or an in-expression
!            ;; block?
!            ((save-excursion
!               (goto-char containing-sexp)
!               (setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block)))
              (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
--- 3445,3507 ----
                               (c-looking-at-special-brace-list (point)))))
                    (c-add-syntax 'brace-entry-open (point))
                  (c-add-syntax 'brace-list-entry (point))
!                 ))
!            ))))
!        ;; CASE 10: A continued statement or top level construct.
         ((and (not (memq char-before-ip '(?\; ?:)))
               (or (not (eq char-before-ip ?}))
!                  (c-looking-at-inexpr-block-backward c-state-cache))
               (> (point)
                    (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
                    (setq placeholder (point))))
               (/= placeholder containing-sexp))
!         ;; This is shared with case 18.
!         (c-guess-continued-construct indent-point
!                                      char-after-ip
!                                      placeholder
!                                      containing-sexp
!                                      paren-state))
         ;; CASE 14: A case or default label
!        ((looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)
          (goto-char containing-sexp)
!         (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache containing-sexp))
!         (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
!         (c-add-stmt-syntax 'case-label t lim paren-state))
         ;; CASE 15: any other label
         ((looking-at c-label-key)
          (goto-char containing-sexp)
!         (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache containing-sexp))
!         (save-excursion
!           (setq tmpsymbol
!                 (if (and (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim) 'up)
!                          (looking-at "switch\\>[^_]"))
!                     ;; If the surrounding statement is a switch then
!                     ;; let's analyze all labels as switch labels, so
!                     ;; that they get lined up consistently.
!                     'case-label
!                   'label)))
!         (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
!         (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol t lim paren-state))
         ;; CASE 16: block close brace, possibly closing the defun or
         ;; the class
         ((eq char-after-ip ?})
!         ;; From here on we have the next containing sexp in lim.
!         (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state))
!         (goto-char containing-sexp)
+            ;; CASE 16E: Closing a statement block?  This catches
+            ;; cases where it's preceded by a statement keyword,
+            ;; which works even when used in an "invalid" context,
+            ;; e.g. a macro argument.
+            ((c-after-conditional)
+             (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
+             (c-add-stmt-syntax 'block-close t lim paren-state))
             ;; CASE 16A: closing a lambda defun or an in-expression
!            ;; block?  C.f. cases 4, 7B and 17E.
!            ((setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
!                                (c-safe-position containing-sexp paren-state)
!                                nil))
              (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
*** 2432,2463 ****
                  (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
                (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
!               (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
                (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
                    (c-add-syntax (car placeholder)))))
             ;; CASE 16B: does this close an inline or a function in
             ;; an extern block or namespace?
!            ((progn
!               (goto-char containing-sexp)
!               (setq placeholder (c-search-uplist-for-classkey state)))
!             (goto-char (aref placeholder 0))
!             (if (looking-at (concat c-extra-toplevel-key "[^_]"))
!                 (c-add-syntax 'defun-close relpos)
!               (c-add-syntax 'inline-close relpos)))
             ;; CASE 16C: if there an enclosing brace that hasn't
             ;; been narrowed out by a class, then this is a
!            ;; block-close
!            ((and (not inenclosing-p)
!                  (c-most-enclosing-brace state)
!                  (or (not (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode))
!                      ;; In Pike it can be a defun-close of a
!                      ;; function declared in a statement block.  Let
!                      ;; it through to be handled below.
!                      (or (c-looking-at-bos)
!                          (progn
!                            (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
!                            (looking-at c-conditional-key)))))
!             (c-add-syntax 'block-close relpos))
             ;; CASE 16D: find out whether we're closing a top-level
             ;; class or a defun
--- 3511,3566 ----
                  (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
                (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
!               (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol t
!                                  (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state (point))
!                                  (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
                (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
                    (c-add-syntax (car placeholder)))))
             ;; CASE 16B: does this close an inline or a function in
             ;; an extern block or namespace?
!            ((setq placeholder (c-search-uplist-for-classkey paren-state))
!             (c-backward-to-decl-anchor lim)
!             (back-to-indentation)
!             (if (save-excursion
!                   (goto-char (aref placeholder 0))
!                   (looking-at c-other-decl-block-key))
!                 (c-add-syntax 'defun-close (point))
!               (c-add-syntax 'inline-close (point))))
!            ;; CASE 16F: Can be a defun-close of a function declared
!            ;; in a statement block, e.g. in Pike or when using gcc
!            ;; extensions.  Might also trigger it with some macros
!            ;; followed by blocks, and this gives sane indentation
!            ;; then too.  Let it through to be handled below.
!            ;; C.f. cases B.3 and 17G.
!            ((and (not inenclosing-p)
!                  lim
!                  (save-excursion
!                    (and (not (c-looking-at-bos))
!                         (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim nil nil t) 'same)
!                         (setq placeholder (point)))))
!             (back-to-indentation)
!             (if (/= (point) containing-sexp)
!                 (goto-char placeholder))
!             (c-add-stmt-syntax 'defun-close t lim paren-state))
             ;; CASE 16C: if there an enclosing brace that hasn't
             ;; been narrowed out by a class, then this is a
!            ;; block-close.  C.f. case 17H.
!            ((and (not inenclosing-p) lim)
!             ;; If the block is preceded by a case/switch label on
!             ;; the same line, we anchor at the first preceding label
!             ;; at boi.  The default handling in c-add-stmt-syntax is
!             ;; really fixes it better, but we do like this to keep
!             ;; the indentation compatible with version 5.28 and
!             ;; earlier.
!             (while (and (/= (setq placeholder (point)) (c-point 'boi))
!                         (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim) 'label)))
!             (goto-char placeholder)
!             (if (looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)
!                 (c-add-syntax 'block-close (point))
!               (goto-char containing-sexp)
!               ;; c-backward-to-block-anchor not necessary here; those
!               ;; situations are handled in case 16E above.
!               (c-add-stmt-syntax 'block-close t lim paren-state)))
             ;; CASE 16D: find out whether we're closing a top-level
             ;; class or a defun
*** 2465,2668 ****
                (narrow-to-region (point-min) indent-point)
                (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
                  (if decl
!                     (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close decl)
!                   (c-add-syntax 'defun-close relpos)))))
!            )))
!        ;; CASE 17: statement catchall
!         ;; we know its a statement, but we need to find out if it is
!         ;; the first statement in a block
!         (goto-char containing-sexp)
!         (forward-char 1)
!         (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point)
!         ;; now skip forward past any case/default clauses we might find.
!         (while (or (c-skip-case-statement-forward fullstate indent-point)
!                    (and (looking-at c-switch-label-key)
!                         (not inswitch-p)))
!           (setq inswitch-p t))
!         ;; we want to ignore non-case labels when skipping forward
!         (while (and (looking-at c-label-key)
!                     (goto-char (match-end 0)))
!           (c-forward-syntactic-ws indent-point))
-          ;; CASE 17A: we are inside a case/default clause inside a
-          ;; switch statement.  find out if we are at the statement
-          ;; just after the case/default label.
-          ((and inswitch-p
-                (progn
-                  (goto-char indent-point)
-                  (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)
-                  (setq placeholder (point))
-                  (beginning-of-line)
-                  (when (re-search-forward c-switch-label-key
-                                           (max placeholder (c-point 'eol)) t)
-                    (setq placeholder (match-beginning 0)))))
-           (goto-char indent-point)
-           (skip-chars-forward " \t")
-           (if (eq (char-after) ?{)
-               (c-add-syntax 'statement-case-open placeholder)
-             (c-add-syntax 'statement-case-intro placeholder)))
           ;; CASE 17B: continued statement
!          ((eq char-before-ip ?,)
!           (goto-char indent-point)
!           (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
!           (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
!          ;; CASE 17C: a question/colon construct?  But make sure
!          ;; what came before was not a label, and what comes after
!          ;; is not a globally scoped function call!
!          ((or (and (memq char-before-ip '(?: ??))
!                    (save-excursion
!                      (goto-char indent-point)
!                      (c-backward-syntactic-ws lim)
!                      (back-to-indentation)
!                      (not (looking-at c-label-key))))
!               (and (memq char-after-ip '(?: ??))
!                    (save-excursion
!                      (goto-char indent-point)
!                      (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!                      ;; watch out for scope operator
!                      (not (looking-at "::")))))
!           (goto-char indent-point)
!           (c-beginning-of-closest-statement)
!           (c-add-syntax 'statement-cont (c-point 'boi)))
           ;; CASE 17D: any old statement
!          ((< (point) indent-point)
!           (let ((safepos (c-most-enclosing-brace fullstate))
!                 relpos done)
!             (goto-char indent-point)
!             (c-beginning-of-statement-1 safepos)
!             ;; It is possible we're on the brace that opens a nested
!             ;; function.
!             (if (and (eq (char-after) ?{)
!                      (save-excursion
!                        (c-backward-syntactic-ws safepos)
!                        (not (eq (char-before) ?\;))))
!                 (c-beginning-of-statement-1 safepos))
!             (if (and inswitch-p
!                      (looking-at c-switch-label-key))
!                 (progn
!                   (goto-char (match-end 0))
!                   (c-forward-syntactic-ws)))
!             (setq relpos (c-point 'boi))
!             (while (and (not done)
!                         (<= safepos (point))
!                         (/= relpos (point)))
!               (c-beginning-of-statement-1 safepos)
!               (if (= relpos (c-point 'boi))
!                   (setq done t))
!               (setq relpos (c-point 'boi)))
!             (c-add-syntax 'statement relpos)
!             (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
!                 (c-add-syntax 'block-open))))
!          ;; CASE 17E: first statement in an in-expression block
!          ((setq placeholder
!                 (save-excursion
!                   (goto-char containing-sexp)
!                   (c-looking-at-inexpr-block)))
!           (goto-char containing-sexp)
!           (let ((block-intro (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
!                                  'defun-block-intro
!                                'statement-block-intro)))
!             (if (= containing-sexp (point))
!                 (c-add-syntax block-intro (point))
!               (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
!               (back-to-indentation)
!               (c-add-syntax block-intro (point))
!               (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
!                   (c-add-syntax (car placeholder)))))
            (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
                (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
           ;; CASE 17F: first statement in an inline, or first
           ;; statement in a top-level defun. we can tell this is it
           ;; if there are no enclosing braces that haven't been
!          ;; narrowed out by a class (i.e. don't use bod here!)
!               (goto-char containing-sexp)
!               (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class state containing-sexp)
!               (not (c-most-enclosing-brace state))))
!           (goto-char containing-sexp)
!           ;; if not at boi, then defun-opening braces are hung on
!           ;; right side, so we need a different relpos
!           (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
!               (progn
!                 (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
!                 (c-safe (c-forward-sexp (if (eq (char-before) ?\))
!                                             -1 -2)))
!                 ;; looking at a Java throws clause following a
!                 ;; method's parameter list
!                 (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
!                 ))
!           (c-add-syntax 'defun-block-intro (c-point 'boi)))
           ;; CASE 17G: First statement in a function declared inside
!          ;; a normal block.  This can only occur in Pike.
!          ((and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
!                (progn
!                  (goto-char containing-sexp)
!                  (and (not (c-looking-at-bos))
!                       (progn
!                         (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
!                         (not (looking-at c-conditional-key))))))
!           (c-add-syntax 'defun-block-intro (c-point 'boi)))
!          ;; CASE 17H: first statement in a block
!          (t (goto-char containing-sexp)
!             (if (/= (point) (c-point 'boi))
!                 (c-beginning-of-statement-1
!                  (if (= (point) lim)
!                      (c-safe-position (point) state) lim)))
!             (c-add-syntax 'statement-block-intro (c-point 'boi))
!             (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
!                 (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
        ;; now we need to look at any modifiers
        (goto-char indent-point)
        (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!       (cond
!        ;; are we looking at a comment only line?
!        ((and (looking-at c-comment-start-regexp)
!              (/= (c-forward-token-1 0 nil (c-point 'eol)) 0))
          (c-add-syntax 'comment-intro))
!        ;; we might want to give additional offset to friends (in C++).
!        ((and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
!              (looking-at c-C++-friend-key))
          (c-add-syntax 'friend))
!        ;; Start of a preprocessor directive?
!        ((and (eq literal 'pound)
!              (= (save-excursion
!                   (c-beginning-of-macro lim)
!                   (setq placeholder (point)))
!                 (c-point 'boi))
!              (not (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
!                        (eq (char-after (1+ placeholder)) ?\"))))
!         (c-add-syntax 'cpp-macro)))
        ;; return the syntax
  (defun c-echo-parsing-error (&optional quiet)
!   (when (and c-parsing-error (not quiet))
!     (message "%s" c-parsing-error)
!     (ding))
- (defun c-shift-line-indentation (shift-amt)
-   (let ((pos (- (point-max) (point)))
-       (col (current-indentation)))
-     (if (zerop shift-amt)
-       nil
-       (delete-region (c-point 'bol) (c-point 'boi))
-       (beginning-of-line)
-       (indent-to (+ col shift-amt)))
-     (if (< (point) (c-point 'boi))
-       (back-to-indentation)
-       ;; If initial point was within line's indentation, position after
-       ;; the indentation.  Else stay at same point in text.
-       (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
-         (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))))))
  (defun c-evaluate-offset (offset langelem symbol)
    ;; offset can be a number, a function, a variable, a list, or one of
    ;; the symbols + or -
--- 3568,3749 ----
                (narrow-to-region (point-min) indent-point)
                (let ((decl (c-search-uplist-for-classkey (c-parse-state))))
                  (if decl
!                     (c-add-class-syntax 'class-close decl paren-state)
!                   (goto-char containing-sexp)
!                   (c-backward-to-decl-anchor lim)
!                   (back-to-indentation)
!                   (c-add-syntax 'defun-close (point)))))
!             )))
!        ;; CASE 17: Statement or defun catchall.
!         (goto-char indent-point)
!         ;; Back up statements until we find one that starts at boi.
!         (while (let* ((prev-point (point))
!                       (last-step-type (c-beginning-of-statement-1
!                                        containing-sexp)))
!                  (if (= (point) prev-point)
!                      (progn
!                        (setq step-type (or step-type last-step-type))
!                        nil)
!                    (setq step-type last-step-type)
!                    (/= (point) (c-point 'boi)))))
           ;; CASE 17B: continued statement
!          ((and (eq step-type 'same)
!                (/= (point) indent-point))
!           (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-cont nil
!                              containing-sexp paren-state))
!          ;; CASE 17A: After a case/default label?
!          ((progn
!             (while (and (eq step-type 'label)
!                         (not (looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)))
!               (setq step-type
!                     (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)))
!             (eq step-type 'label))
!           (c-add-stmt-syntax (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
!                                  'statement-case-open
!                                'statement-case-intro)
!                              t containing-sexp paren-state))
           ;; CASE 17D: any old statement
!          ((progn
!             (while (eq step-type 'label)
!               (setq step-type
!                     (c-beginning-of-statement-1 containing-sexp)))
!             (eq step-type 'previous))
!           (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement t containing-sexp paren-state)
!           (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
!               (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
!          ;; CASE 17I: Inside a substatement block.
!          ((progn
!             ;; The following tests are all based on containing-sexp.
!             (goto-char containing-sexp)
!             ;; From here on we have the next containing sexp in lim.
!             (setq lim (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state containing-sexp))
!             (c-after-conditional))
!           (c-backward-to-block-anchor lim)
!           (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-block-intro t lim paren-state)
!           (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
!               (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
!          ;; CASE 17E: first statement in an in-expression block.
!          ;; C.f. cases 4, 7B and 16A.
!          ((setq placeholder (c-looking-at-inexpr-block
!                              (c-safe-position containing-sexp paren-state)
!                              nil))
!           (setq tmpsymbol (if (eq (car placeholder) 'inlambda)
!                               'defun-block-intro
!                             'statement-block-intro))
!           (if (= containing-sexp (point))
!               (c-add-syntax tmpsymbol (point))
!             (goto-char (cdr placeholder))
!             (back-to-indentation)
!             (c-add-stmt-syntax tmpsymbol t
!                                (c-most-enclosing-brace c-state-cache (point))
!                                (c-whack-state-after (point) paren-state))
!             (if (/= (point) (cdr placeholder))
!                 (c-add-syntax (car placeholder))))
            (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
                (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
           ;; CASE 17F: first statement in an inline, or first
           ;; statement in a top-level defun. we can tell this is it
           ;; if there are no enclosing braces that haven't been
!          ;; narrowed out by a class (i.e. don't use bod here).
!          ;; However, we first check for statements that we can
!          ;; recognize by keywords.  That increases the robustness in
!          ;; cases where statements are used on the top level,
!          ;; e.g. in macro definitions.
!               (c-narrow-out-enclosing-class paren-state containing-sexp)
!               (not (c-most-enclosing-brace paren-state))))
!           (c-backward-to-decl-anchor lim)
!           (back-to-indentation)
!           (c-add-syntax 'defun-block-intro (point)))
           ;; CASE 17G: First statement in a function declared inside
!          ;; a normal block.  This can occur in Pike and with
!          ;; e.g. the gcc extensions.  Might also trigger it with
!          ;; some macros followed by blocks, and this gives sane
!          ;; indentation then too.  C.f. cases B.3 and 16F.
!          ((save-excursion
!             (and (not (c-looking-at-bos))
!                  (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim nil nil t) 'same)
!                  (setq placeholder (point))))
!           (back-to-indentation)
!           (if (/= (point) containing-sexp)
!               (goto-char placeholder))
!           (c-add-stmt-syntax 'defun-block-intro t lim paren-state))
!          ;; CASE 17H: First statement in a block.  C.f. case 16C.
!          (t
!           ;; If the block is preceded by a case/switch label on the
!           ;; same line, we anchor at the first preceding label at
!           ;; boi.  The default handling in c-add-stmt-syntax is
!           ;; really fixes it better, but we do like this to keep the
!           ;; indentation compatible with version 5.28 and earlier.
!           (while (and (/= (setq placeholder (point)) (c-point 'boi))
!                       (eq (c-beginning-of-statement-1 lim) 'label)))
!           (goto-char placeholder)
!           (if (looking-at c-label-kwds-regexp)
!               (c-add-syntax 'statement-block-intro (point))
!             (goto-char containing-sexp)
!             ;; c-backward-to-block-anchor not necessary here; those
!             ;; situations are handled in case 17I above.
!             (c-add-stmt-syntax 'statement-block-intro t lim paren-state))
!           (if (eq char-after-ip ?{)
!               (c-add-syntax 'block-open)))
        ;; now we need to look at any modifiers
        (goto-char indent-point)
        (skip-chars-forward " \t")
!       ;; are we looking at a comment only line?
!       (when (and (looking-at c-comment-start-regexp)
!                  (/= (c-forward-token-1 0 nil (c-point 'eol)) 0))
          (c-add-syntax 'comment-intro))
!       ;; we might want to give additional offset to friends (in C++).
!       (when (and c-opt-friend-key
!                  (looking-at c-opt-friend-key))
          (c-add-syntax 'friend))
!       ;; Start of or a continuation of a preprocessor directive?
!       (if (and macro-start
!                (eq macro-start (c-point 'boi))
!                (not (and (c-major-mode-is 'pike-mode)
!                          (eq (char-after (1+ macro-start)) ?\"))))
!           (c-add-syntax 'cpp-macro)
!         (when (and c-syntactic-indentation-in-macros macro-start)
!           (if in-macro-expr
!               (when (or (< syntactic-relpos macro-start)
!                         (not (or (assq 'arglist-intro syntax)
!                                  (assq 'arglist-cont syntax)
!                                  (assq 'arglist-cont-nonempty syntax)
!                                  (assq 'arglist-close syntax))))
!                 ;; If inside a cpp expression, i.e. anywhere in a
!                 ;; cpp directive except a #define body, we only let
!                 ;; through the syntactic analysis that is internal
!                 ;; in the expression.  That means the arglist
!                 ;; elements, if they are anchored inside the cpp
!                 ;; expression.
!                 (setq syntax `((cpp-macro-cont . ,macro-start))))
!             (when (and (eq macro-start syntactic-relpos)
!                        (not (assq 'cpp-define-intro syntax))
!                        (save-excursion
!                          (goto-char macro-start)
!                          (or (not (c-forward-to-cpp-define-body))
!                              (<= (point) (c-point 'boi indent-point)))))
!               ;; Inside a #define body and the syntactic analysis is
!               ;; anchored on the start of the #define.  In this case
!               ;; we add cpp-define-intro to get the extra
!               ;; indentation of the #define body.
!               (c-add-syntax 'cpp-define-intro)))))
        ;; return the syntax
  (defun c-echo-parsing-error (&optional quiet)
!   (when (and c-report-syntactic-errors c-parsing-error (not quiet))
!     (c-benign-error "%s" c-parsing-error))
  (defun c-evaluate-offset (offset langelem symbol)
    ;; offset can be a number, a function, a variable, a list, or one of
    ;; the symbols + or -
*** 2683,2795 ****
        (while (and (not done) offset)
        (setq done (c-evaluate-offset (car offset) langelem symbol)
              offset (cdr offset)))
!       (if (not done)
!         (if c-strict-syntax-p
!             (error "No offset found for syntactic symbol %s" symbol))
!       done)))
     (t (symbol-value offset))
  (defun c-get-offset (langelem)
!   ;; Get offset from LANGELEM which is a cons cell of the form:
!   ;; (SYMBOL . RELPOS).  The symbol is matched against
!   ;; c-offsets-alist and the offset found there is either returned,
!   ;; or added to the indentation at RELPOS.  If RELPOS is nil, then
!   ;; the offset is simply returned.
    (let* ((symbol (car langelem))
-        (relpos (cdr langelem))
         (match  (assq symbol c-offsets-alist))
         (offset (cdr-safe match)))
!     (if (not match)
!       (if c-strict-syntax-p
!           (error "No offset found for syntactic symbol %s" symbol)
!         (setq offset 0
!               relpos 0))
!       (setq offset (c-evaluate-offset offset langelem symbol)))
      (if (vectorp offset)
!       (+ (if (and relpos
!                 (< relpos (c-point 'bol)))
!            (save-excursion
!              (goto-char relpos)
!              (current-column))
!          0)
!        (or (and (numberp offset) offset)
!            (and (symbolp offset) (symbol-value offset))
!            0)))
  (defun c-get-syntactic-indentation (langelems)
!   ;; Apply c-get-offset to a list of langelem cells to get the total
!   ;; syntactic indentation.  Special treatment is needed for vectors
!   ;; containing absolute columns.
!   (let ((indent 0))
      (catch 'done
        (while langelems
        (let ((res (c-get-offset (car langelems))))
          (if (vectorp res)
              (throw 'done (elt res 0))
            (setq indent (+ indent res)
                  langelems (cdr langelems)))))
!       indent)))
! (defun c-indent-line (&optional syntax quiet)
!   ;; Indent the current line according to the syntactic context, if
!   ;; c-syntactic-indentation is non-nil.  Optional SYNTAX is the
!   ;; syntactic information for the current line.  Be silent about
!   ;; syntactic errors if the optional argument QUIET is non-nil.
!   ;; Returns the amount of indentation change (in columns).
!   (let (shift-amt)
!     (if c-syntactic-indentation
!       (setq c-parsing-error
!             (or (let* ((c-parsing-error nil)
!                        (c-syntactic-context (or syntax
!                                                 c-syntactic-context
!                                                 (c-guess-basic-syntax)))
!                        (indent (c-get-syntactic-indentation 
!                   (and (not (c-echo-parsing-error quiet))
!                        c-echo-syntactic-information-p
!                        (message "syntax: %s, indent: %d"
!                                 c-syntactic-context indent))
!                   (setq shift-amt (- indent (current-indentation)))
!                   (c-shift-line-indentation shift-amt)
!                   (run-hooks 'c-special-indent-hook)
!                   c-parsing-error)
!                 c-parsing-error))
!       (let ((indent 0))
!       (save-excursion
!         (while (and (= (forward-line -1) 0)
!                     (if (looking-at "\\s-*$")
!                         t
!                       (back-to-indentation)
!                       (setq indent (current-indentation))
!                       nil))))
!       (setq shift-amt (- indent (current-indentation)))
!       (c-shift-line-indentation shift-amt)))
!     shift-amt))
! (defun c-show-syntactic-information (arg)
!   "Show syntactic information for current line.
! With universal argument, inserts the analysis as a comment on that line."
!   (interactive "P")
!   (let ((syntax (c-guess-basic-syntax)))
!     (if (not (consp arg))
!       (message "syntactic analysis: %s" syntax)
!       (indent-for-comment)
!       (insert (format "%s" syntax))
!       ))
!   (c-keep-region-active))
! (defun c-syntactic-information-on-region (from to)
!   "Inserts a comment with the syntactic analysis on every line in the region."
!   (interactive "*r")
!   (save-excursion
!     (save-restriction
!       (narrow-to-region from to)
!       (goto-char (point-min))
!       (while (not (eobp))
!       (c-show-syntactic-information '(0))
!       (forward-line)))))
  (cc-provide 'cc-engine)
--- 3764,3822 ----
        (while (and (not done) offset)
        (setq done (c-evaluate-offset (car offset) langelem symbol)
              offset (cdr offset)))
!       (if (and c-strict-syntax-p (not done))
!         (c-benign-error "No offset found for syntactic symbol %s" symbol))
!       done))
     (t (symbol-value offset))
  (defun c-get-offset (langelem)
!   "Get offset from LANGELEM which is a cons cell of the form:
! \(SYMBOL . RELPOS).  The symbol is matched against `c-offsets-alist'
! and the offset found there is returned."
    (let* ((symbol (car langelem))
         (match  (assq symbol c-offsets-alist))
         (offset (cdr-safe match)))
!     (if match
!       (setq offset (c-evaluate-offset offset langelem symbol))
!       (if c-strict-syntax-p
!         (c-benign-error "No offset found for syntactic symbol %s" symbol))
!       (setq offset 0))
      (if (vectorp offset)
!       (or (and (numberp offset) offset)
!         (and (symbolp offset) (symbol-value offset))
!         0))
  (defun c-get-syntactic-indentation (langelems)
!   "Apply `c-get-offset' to a list of langelem cells to get the total
! syntactic indentation.  The anchor position, whose column is used as a
! base for all the collected offsets, is taken from the first element
! with a relpos."
!   ;; Note that topmost-intro always has a relpos at bol, for
!   ;; historical reasons.  It's often used together with other symbols
!   ;; that has more sane positions.  Since we always use the first
!   ;; found relpos, we rely on that these other symbols always precede
!   ;; topmost-intro in the LANGELEMS list.
!   (let ((indent 0) anchor)
      (catch 'done
        (while langelems
        (let ((res (c-get-offset (car langelems))))
          (if (vectorp res)
              (throw 'done (elt res 0))
+           (unless anchor
+             (let ((relpos (cdr (car langelems))))
+               (if relpos
+                   (setq anchor relpos))))
            (setq indent (+ indent res)
                  langelems (cdr langelems)))))
!       (+ indent
!        (if anchor
!            (save-excursion
!              (goto-char anchor)
!              (current-column))
!          0)))))
  (cc-provide 'cc-engine)

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