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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/tex-mode.el

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/tex-mode.el
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 21:29:53 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/textmodes/tex-mode.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/textmodes/tex-mode.el:1.131 
*** emacs/lisp/textmodes/tex-mode.el:1.131      Sat May 10 14:54:13 2003
--- emacs/lisp/textmodes/tex-mode.el    Wed May 14 21:29:53 2003
*** 693,698 ****
--- 693,699 ----
      (define-key map "\C-c\C-r" 'tex-region)
      (define-key map "\C-c\C-b" 'tex-buffer)
      (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'tex-file)
+     (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'tex-compile)
      (define-key map "\C-c\C-i" 'tex-bibtex-file)
      (define-key map "\C-c\C-o" 'latex-insert-block)
      (define-key map "\C-c\C-e" 'latex-close-block)
*** 1524,1529 ****
--- 1525,1577 ----
  (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'tex-delete-last-temp-files)
+ ;;
+ ;; Machinery to guess the command that the user wants to execute.
+ ;;
+ (defvar tex-compile-history nil)
+ (defvar tex-input-files-re
+   (eval-when-compile
+     (concat "\\." (regexp-opt '("tex" "texi" "texinfo"
+                               "bbl" "ind" "sty" "cls") t)
+           ;; Include files with no dots (for directories).
+           "\\'\\|\\`[^.]+\\'")))
+ (defcustom tex-use-reftex t
+   "If non-nil, use RefTeX's list of files to determine what command to use."
+   :type 'boolean)
+ (defvar tex-compile-commands
+   '(((concat "pdf" tex-command
+            " " (shell-quote-argument tex-start-commands) " %f")
+      t "%r.pdf")
+     ((concat tex-command
+            " " (shell-quote-argument tex-start-commands) " %f")
+      t "%r.dvi")
+     ("xdvi %r &" "%r.dvi")
+     ("advi %r &" "%r.dvi")
+     ("bibtex %r" "%r.aux" "%r.bbl")
+     ("makeindex %r" "%r.idx" "%r.ind")
+     ("texindex %r.??")
+     ("dvipdfm %r" "%r.dvi" "%r.pdf")
+     ("dvipdf %r" "%r.dvi" "%r.pdf")
+     ("dvips %r" "%r.dvi" "%r.ps")
+     ("gv %r.ps &" "%r.ps")
+     ("gv %r.pdf &" "%r.pdf")
+     ("xpdf %r.pdf &" "%r.pdf")
+     ("lpr %r.ps" "%r.ps"))
+   "List of commands for `tex-compile'.
+ Each element should be of the form (FORMAT IN OUT) where
+ FORMAT is an expression that evaluates to a string that can contain
+   - `%r' the main file name without extension.
+   - `%f' the main file name.
+ IN can be either a string (with the same % escapes in it) indicating
+   the name of the input file, or t to indicate that the input is all
+   the TeX files of the document, or nil if we don't know.
+ OUT describes the output file and is either a %-escaped string
+   or nil to indicate that there is no output file.")
  (defun tex-guess-main-file (&optional all)
    "Find a likely `tex-main-file'.
  Looks for hints in other buffers in the same directory or in
*** 1574,1579 ****
--- 1622,1786 ----
      (if (file-exists-p file) file (concat file ".tex"))))
+ (defun tex-summarize-command (cmd)
+   (if (not (stringp cmd)) ""
+     (mapconcat 'identity
+              (mapcar (lambda (s) (car (split-string s)))
+                      (split-string cmd "\\s-*\\(?:;\\|&&\\)\\s-*"))
+              "&")))
+ (defun tex-uptodate-p (file)
+   "Return non-nil if FILE is not uptodate w.r.t the document source files.
+ FILE is typically the output DVI or PDF file."
+   ;; We should check all the files included !!!
+   (and
+    ;; Clearly, the target must exist.
+    (file-exists-p file)
+    ;; And the last run must not have asked for a rerun.
+    ;; FIXME: this should check that the last run was done on the same file.
+    (let ((buf (condition-case nil (tex-shell-buf) (error nil))))
+      (when buf
+        (with-current-buffer buf
+        (save-excursion
+          (goto-char (point-max))
+          (and (re-search-backward
+                "(see the transcript file for additional information)" nil t)
+               (> (save-excursion
+                    (or (re-search-backward "\\[[0-9]+\\]" nil t)
+                        (point-min)))
+                  (save-excursion
+                    (or (re-search-backward "Rerun" nil t)
+                        (point-min)))))))))
+    ;; And the input files must not have been changed in the meantime.
+    (let ((files (if (and tex-use-reftex
+                        (fboundp 'reftex-scanning-info-available-p)
+                        (reftex-scanning-info-available-p))
+                   (reftex-all-document-files)
+                 (list (file-name-directory (expand-file-name file)))))
+        (ignored-dirs-re
+         (concat
+          (regexp-opt
+           (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (s) (if (eq (aref s (1- (length s))) ?/)
+                                        (substring s 0 (1- (length s)))))
+                             completion-ignored-extensions))
+           t) "\\'"))
+        (uptodate t))
+      (while (and files uptodate)
+        (let ((f (pop files)))
+        (if (file-directory-p f)
+            (unless (string-match ignored-dirs-re f)
+              (setq files (nconc
+                           (directory-files f t tex-input-files-re)
+                           files)))
+          (when (file-newer-than-file-p f file)
+            (setq uptodate nil)))))
+      uptodate)))
+ (autoload 'format-spec "format-spec")
+ (defvar tex-executable-cache nil)
+ (defun tex-executable-exists-p (name)
+   "Like `executable-find' but with a cache."
+   (let ((cache (assoc name tex-executable-cache)))
+     (if cache (cdr cache)
+       (let ((executable (executable-find name)))
+       (push (cons name executable) tex-executable-cache)
+       executable))))
+ (defun tex-command-executable (cmd)
+   (let ((s (if (stringp cmd) cmd (eval (car cmd)))))
+     (substring s 0 (string-match "[ \t]\\|\\'" s))))
+ (defun tex-command-active-p (cmd fspec)
+   "Return non-nil if the CMD spec might need to be run."
+   (let ((in (nth 1 cmd))
+       (out (nth 2 cmd)))
+     (if (stringp in)
+       (let ((file (format-spec in fspec)))
+         (when (file-exists-p file)
+           (or (not out)
+               (file-newer-than-file-p
+                file (format-spec out fspec)))))
+       (when (and (eq in t) (stringp out))
+       (not (tex-uptodate-p (format-spec out fspec)))))))
+ (defun tex-compile-default (dir fspec)
+   "Guess a default command in DIR given the format-spec FSPEC."
+   ;; TODO: Learn to do latex+dvips!
+   (let ((cmds nil)
+       (unchanged-in nil))
+     ;; Only consider active commands.
+     (dolist (cmd tex-compile-commands)
+       (when (tex-executable-exists-p (tex-command-executable cmd))
+       (if (tex-command-active-p cmd fspec)
+           (push cmd cmds)
+         (push (nth 1 cmd) unchanged-in))))
+     ;; Remove those commands whose input was considered stable for
+     ;; some other command (typically if (t . "%.pdf") is inactive
+     ;; then we're using pdflatex and the fact that the dvi file
+     ;; is inexistent doesn't matter).
+     (let ((tmp nil))
+       (dolist (cmd cmds)
+       (unless (member (nth 1 cmd) unchanged-in)
+         (push cmd tmp)))
+       (if tmp (setq cmds tmp)))
+     ;; remove commands whose input is not uptodate either.
+     (let ((outs (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (x) (nth 2 x)) cmds))))
+       (dolist (cmd (prog1 cmds (setq cmds nil)))
+       (unless (member (nth 1 cmd) outs)
+         (push cmd cmds))))
+     ;; Select which file we're going to operate on (the latest).
+     (let ((latest (nth 1 (car cmds))))
+       (dolist (cmd (prog1 (cdr cmds) (setq cmds (list (car cmds)))))
+       (if (equal latest (nth 1 cmd))
+           (push cmd cmds)
+         (unless (eq latest t)         ;Can't beat that!
+           (if (or (not (stringp latest))
+                   (eq (nth 1 cmd) t)
+                   (and (stringp (nth 1 cmd))
+                        (file-newer-than-file-p
+                         (format-spec (nth 1 cmd) fspec)
+                         (format-spec latest fspec))))
+               (setq latest (nth 1 cmd) cmds (list cmd)))))))
+     ;; Expand the command spec into the actual text.
+     (dolist (cmd (prog1 cmds (setq cmds nil)))
+       (push (cons (eval (car cmd)) (cdr cmd)) cmds))
+     ;; Select the favorite command from the history.
+     (let ((hist tex-compile-history)
+         re)
+       (while hist
+       (setq re (concat "\\`"
+                        (regexp-quote (tex-command-executable (pop hist)))
+                        "\\([ \t]\\|\\'\\)"))
+       (dolist (cmd cmds)
+         (if (string-match re (car cmd))
+             (setq hist nil cmds (list cmd))))))
+     ;; Substitute and return.
+     (format-spec (caar cmds) fspec)))
+ (defun tex-compile (dir cmd)
+   "Run a command CMD on current TeX buffer's file in DIR."
+   ;; FIXME: Use time-stamps on files to decide the next op.
+   (interactive
+    (let* ((file (tex-main-file))
+         (root (file-name-sans-extension file))
+         (dir (file-name-directory (expand-file-name file)))
+         (fspec (list (cons ?r (comint-quote-filename root))
+                      (cons ?f (comint-quote-filename file))))
+         (default (tex-compile-default dir fspec)))
+      (list dir
+          (completing-read
+           (format "Command [%s]: " (tex-summarize-command default))
+           (mapcar (lambda (x)
+                     (list (format-spec (eval (car x)) fspec)))
+                   tex-compile-commands)
+           nil nil nil 'tex-compile-history default))))
+   (save-some-buffers (not compilation-ask-about-save) nil)
+   (if (tex-shell-running)
+       (tex-kill-job)
+     (tex-start-shell))
+   (tex-send-tex-command cmd dir))
  (defun tex-start-tex (command file &optional dir)
    "Start a TeX run, using COMMAND on FILE."

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