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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/language/ind-util.el [emacs-unicode-

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/language/ind-util.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 08:55:32 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/language/ind-util.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/language/ind-util.el:
*** /dev/null   Mon Sep  8 08:55:32 2003
--- emacs/lisp/language/ind-util.el     Mon Sep  8 08:53:41 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1224 ----
+ ;;; ind-util.el --- Transliteration and Misc. Tools for Indian Languages -*- 
coding: iso-2022-7bit; -*-
+ ;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Maintainer:  KAWABATA, Taichi <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: multilingual, Indian, Devanagari
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; This file provides conversion between UCS and various
+ ;; transliteration schemes, such as ITRANS, kyoto-harvard and aiba
+ ;; methods.  It also provides conversion between IS 13194 and UCS.
+ ;; Finally, this program provides the compatibility support with
+ ;; old implementation of Devanagari script.
+ ;;; Code:
+ ;;; Transliteration
+ ;; The followings provide the various transliteration schemes (such as
+ ;; ITRANS, kyoto-harvard, and Aiba) of Indian scripts.  They are also
+ ;; used in quail/indian.el for typing Indian script in Emacs.
+ (eval-and-compile
+ (defun indian-regexp-of-hashtbl-keys (hashtbl)
+   "Returns the regular expression of hashtable keys."
+   (let (keys)
+     (maphash (lambda (key val) (push key keys)) hashtbl)
+     (regexp-opt keys)))
+ (defvar indian-dev-base-table
+   '(
+     (;; VOWELS  (18)
+      (?$,15E(B nil) (?$,15F(B ?$,15~(B) (?$,15G(B ?$,15(B) 
(?$,15H(B ?$,16 (B) (?$,15I(B ?$,16!(B) (?$,15J(B ?$,16"(B)
+      (?$,15K(B ?$,16#(B) (?$,15L(B ?$,16B(B) (?$,15M(B ?$,16%(B) 
(?$,15N(B ?$,16&(B) (?$,15O(B ?$,16'(B) (?$,15P(B ?$,16((B)
+      (?$,15Q(B ?$,16)(B) (?$,15R(B ?$,16*(B) (?$,15S(B ?$,16+(B) 
(?$,15T(B ?$,16,(B) (?$,address@hidden(B ?$,16$(B) (?$,16A(B 
+     (;; CONSONANTS (currently 42, including special cases)
+      ?$,15U(B ?$,15V(B ?$,15W(B ?$,15X(B ?$,15Y(B                  
+      ?$,15Z(B ?$,15[(B ?$,15\(B ?$,15](B ?$,15^(B                  
+      ?$,15_(B ?$,15`(B ?$,15a(B ?$,15b(B ?$,15c(B                  
+      ?$,15d(B ?$,15e(B ?$,15f(B ?$,15g(B ?$,15h(B ?$,15i(B        
      ;; DENTALS
+      ?$,15j(B ?$,15k(B ?$,15l(B ?$,15m(B ?$,15n(B                  
+      ?$,15o(B ?$,15p(B ?$,15q(B ?$,15r(B ?$,15s(B ?$,15t(B 
?$,15u(B          ;; SEMIVOWELS
+      ?$,15v(B ?$,15w(B ?$,15x(B ?$,15y(B                    ;; 
+      ?$,168(B ?$,169(B ?$,16:(B ?$,16;(B ?$,16<(B ?$,16=(B 
?$,16>(B ?$,16?(B      ;; NUKTAS
+      "$,15\6-5^(B" "$,15U6-5w(B")
+     (;; Misc Symbols (7)
+      ?$,15A(B ?$,15B(B ?$,15C(B ?$,15}(B ?$,16-(B ?$,160(B 
+     (;; Digits (10)
+      ?$,16F(B ?$,16G(B ?$,16H(B ?$,16I(B ?$,16J(B ?$,16K(B 
?$,16L(B ?$,16M(B ?$,16N(B ?$,16O(B)
+     (;; Inscript-extra (4)  (#, $, ^, *, ])
+      "$,16-5p(B" "$,15p6-(B" "$,15d6-5p(B" "$,15v6-5p(B" 
+ ;; Punjabi is also known as Gurmukhi.
+ (defvar indian-pnj-base-table
+   '(
+     (;; VOWELS
+      (?$,18%(B nil) (?$,18&(B ?$,18^(B) (?$,18'(B ?$,18_(B) 
(?$,18((B ?$,18`(B) (?$,18)(B ?$,18a(B) (?$,18*(B ?$,18b(B)
+      nil nil nil nil (?$,18/(B ?$,18g(B) (?$,180(B ?$,18h(B)
+      nil nil (?$,183(B ?$,18k(B) (?$,184(B ?$,18l(B) nil nil)
+     (;; CONSONANTS
+      ?$,185(B ?$,186(B ?$,187(B ?$,188(B ?$,189(B                  
+      ?$,18:(B ?$,18;(B ?$,18<(B ?$,18=(B ?$,18>(B                  
+      ?$,18?(B ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,18A(B ?$,18B(B ?$,18C(B         
         ;; CEREBRALS
+      ?$,18D(B ?$,18E(B ?$,18F(B ?$,18G(B ?$,18H(B nil              
+      ?$,18J(B ?$,18K(B ?$,18L(B ?$,18M(B ?$,18N(B                  
+      ?$,18O(B ?$,18P(B nil ?$,18R(B ?$,18S(B nil ?$,18U(B          
+      ?$,18V(B nil ?$,18X(B ?$,18Y(B                    ;; SIBILANTS
+      nil ?$,18y(B ?$,18z(B ?$,18{(B ?$,18|(B nil ?$,18~(B nil      
+      "$,18<8m8>(B" nil)
+     (;; Misc Symbols (7)
+      nil ?$,18"(B nil nil ?$,18m(B nil nil) ;; ek onkar, etc.
+     (;; Digits
+      ?$,19&(B ?$,19'(B ?$,19((B ?$,19)(B ?$,19*(B ?$,19+(B 
?$,19,(B ?$,19-(B ?$,19.(B ?$,19/(B)
+     (;; Inscript-extra (4)  (#, $, ^, *, ])
+      "$,18m8P(B" "$,18P8m(B" "$,18D8m8P(B" "$,18V8m8P(B" 
+ (defvar indian-gjr-base-table
+   '(
+     (;; VOWELS
+      (?$,19E(B nil) (?$,19F(B ?$,19~(B) (?$,19G(B ?$,19(B) 
(?$,19H(B ?$,1: (B) (?$,19I(B ?$,1:!(B) (?$,19J(B ?$,1:"(B)
+      (?$,19K(B ?$,1:#(B) nil (?$,19M(B ?$,1:%(B) nil (?$,19O(B 
?$,1:'(B) (?$,19P(B ?$,1:((B)
+      (?$,19Q(B ?$,1:)(B) nil (?$,19S(B ?$,1:+(B) (?$,19T(B 
?$,1:,(B) (?$,1:@(B ?$,1:$(B) nil)
+     (;; CONSONANTS
+      ?$,19U(B ?$,19V(B ?$,19W(B ?$,19X(B ?$,19Y(B                  
+      ?$,19Z(B ?$,19[(B ?$,19\(B ?$,19](B ?$,19^(B                  
+      ?$,19_(B ?$,19`(B ?$,19a(B ?$,19b(B ?$,19c(B                  
+      ?$,19d(B ?$,19e(B ?$,19f(B ?$,19g(B ?$,19h(B nil              
+      ?$,19j(B ?$,19k(B ?$,19l(B ?$,19m(B ?$,19n(B                  
+      ?$,19o(B ?$,19p(B nil ?$,19r(B ?$,19s(B nil ?$,19u(B          
+      ?$,19v(B ?$,19w(B ?$,19x(B ?$,19y(B                    ;; 
+      nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil      ;; NUKTAS
+      "$,19\:-9^(B" "$,19U:-9w(B")
+     (;; Misc Symbols (7)
+      ?$,19A(B ?$,19B(B ?$,19C(B ?$,19}(B ?$,1:-(B ?$,1:0(B nil)
+     (;; Digits
+      ?$,1:F(B ?$,1:G(B ?$,1:H(B ?$,1:I(B ?$,1:J(B ?$,1:K(B 
?$,1:L(B ?$,1:M(B ?$,1:N(B ?$,1:O(B)
+     (;; Inscript-extra (4)  (#, $, ^, *, ])
+      "$,1:-9p(B" "$,19p:-(B" "$,19d:-9p(B" "$,19v:-9p(B" 
+ (defvar indian-ori-base-table
+   '(
+     (;; VOWELS
+      (?$,1:e(B nil) (?$,1:f(B ?$,1;>(B) (?$,1:g(B ?$,1;?(B) 
(?$,1:h(B ?$,1;@(B) (?$,1:i(B ?$,1;A(B) (?$,1:j(B ?$,1;B(B)
+      (?$,1:k(B ?$,1;C(B) (?$,1:l(B nil) nil nil (?$,1:o(B ?$,1;G(B) 
(?$,1:p(B ?$,1;H(B)
+      nil nil (?$,1:s(B ?$,1;K(B) (?$,1:t(B ?$,1;L(B) (?$,1;`(B nil) 
(?$,1;a(B nil))
+     (;; CONSONANTS
+      ?$,1:u(B ?$,1:v(B ?$,1:w(B ?$,1:x(B ?$,1:y(B                  
+      ?$,1:z(B ?$,1:{(B ?$,1:|(B ?$,1:}(B ?$,1:~(B                  
+      ?$,1:(B ?$,1; (B ?$,1;!(B ?$,1;"(B ?$,1;#(B                  
+      ?$,1;$(B ?$,1;%(B ?$,1;&(B ?$,1;'(B ?$,1;((B nil              
+      ?$,1;*(B ?$,1;+(B ?$,1;,(B ?$,1;-(B ?$,1;.(B                  
+      ?$,1;/(B ?$,1;0(B nil ?$,1;2(B ?$,1;3(B nil nil          ;; 
+      ?$,1;6(B ?$,1;7(B ?$,1;8(B ?$,1;9(B                    ;; 
+      nil nil nil nil ?$,1;\(B ?$,1;](B nil ?$,1;_(B      ;; NUKTAS
+      "$,1:|;M:~(B" "$,1:u;M;7(B")
+     (;; Misc Symbols
+      ?$,1:a(B ?$,1:b(B ?$,1:c(B ?$,1;=(B ?$,1;M(B nil nil)
+     (;; Digits
+      ?$,1;f(B ?$,1;g(B ?$,1;h(B ?$,1;i(B ?$,1;j(B ?$,1;k(B 
?$,1;l(B ?$,1;m(B ?$,1;n(B ?$,1;o(B)
+     (;; Inscript-extra (4)  (#, $, ^, *, ])
+      "$,1;M;0(B" "$,1;0;M(B" "$,1;$;M;0(B" "$,1;6;M;0(B" 
+ (defvar indian-bng-base-table
+   '(
+     (;; VOWELS
+      (?$,16e(B nil) (?$,16f(B ?$,17>(B) (?$,16g(B ?$,17?(B) 
(?$,16h(B ?$,address@hidden(B) (?$,16i(B ?$,17A(B) (?$,16j(B 
+      (?$,16k(B ?$,17C(B) (?$,16l(B ?$,17b(B) nil nil (?$,16o(B 
?$,17G(B) (?$,16p(B ?$,17H(B)
+      nil nil (?$,16s(B ?$,17K(B) (?$,16t(B ?$,17L(B) (?$,17`(B 
?$,17D(B) (?$,17a(B ?$,17c(B))
+     (;; CONSONANTS
+      ?$,16u(B ?$,16v(B ?$,16w(B ?$,16x(B ?$,16y(B                  
+      ?$,16z(B ?$,16{(B ?$,16|(B ?$,16}(B ?$,16~(B                  
+      ?$,16(B ?$,17 (B ?$,17!(B ?$,17"(B ?$,17#(B                  
+      ?$,17$(B ?$,17%(B ?$,17&(B ?$,17'(B ?$,17((B nil              
+      ?$,17*(B ?$,17+(B ?$,17,(B ?$,17-(B ?$,17.(B                  
+      ?$,17/(B ?$,170(B nil ?$,172(B nil nil nil          ;; SEMIVOWELS
+      ?$,176(B ?$,177(B ?$,178(B ?$,179(B                    ;; 
+      nil nil nil nil ?$,17\(B ?$,17](B nil ?$,17_(B      ;; NUKTAS
+      "$,16|7M6~(B" "$,16u7M77(B")
+     (;; Misc Symbols
+      ?$,16a(B ?$,16b(B ?$,16c(B nil ?$,17M(B nil nil)
+     (;; Digits
+      ?$,17f(B ?$,17g(B ?$,17h(B ?$,17i(B ?$,17j(B ?$,17k(B 
?$,17l(B ?$,17m(B ?$,17n(B ?$,17o(B)
+     (;; Inscript-extra (4)  (#, $, ^, *, ])
+      "$,17M70(B" "$,1707M(B" "$,17$7M70(B" "$,1767M70(B" 
+ (defvar indian-asm-base-table
+   '(
+     (;; VOWELS
+      (?$,16e(B nil) (?$,16f(B ?$,17>(B) (?$,16g(B ?$,17?(B) 
(?$,16h(B ?$,address@hidden(B) (?$,16i(B ?$,17A(B) (?$,16j(B 
+      (?$,16k(B ?$,17C(B) (?$,16l(B ?$,17b(B) nil nil (?$,16o(B 
?$,17G(B) (?$,16p(B ?$,17H(B)
+      nil nil (?$,16s(B ?$,17K(B) (?$,16t(B ?$,17L(B) (?$,17`(B 
?$,17D(B) (?$,17a(B ?$,17c(B))
+     (;; CONSONANTS
+      ?$,16u(B ?$,16v(B ?$,16w(B ?$,16x(B ?$,16y(B                  
+      ?$,16z(B ?$,16{(B ?$,16|(B ?$,16}(B ?$,16~(B                  
+      ?$,16(B ?$,17 (B ?$,17!(B ?$,17"(B ?$,17#(B                  
+      ?$,17$(B ?$,17%(B ?$,17&(B ?$,17'(B ?$,17((B nil              
+      ?$,17*(B ?$,17+(B ?$,17,(B ?$,17-(B ?$,17.(B                  
+      ?$,17/(B ?$,17p(B nil ?$,172(B nil nil ?$,17q(B          ;; 
+      ?$,176(B ?$,177(B ?$,178(B ?$,179(B                    ;; 
+      nil nil nil nil ?$,17\(B ?$,17](B nil ?$,17_(B      ;; NUKTAS
+      "$,16|7M6~(B" "$,16u7M77(B")
+     (;; Misc Symbols
+      ?$,16a(B ?$,16b(B ?$,16c(B nil ?$,17M(B nil nil)
+     (;; Digits
+      ?$,17f(B ?$,17g(B ?$,17h(B ?$,17i(B ?$,17j(B ?$,17k(B 
?$,17l(B ?$,17m(B ?$,17n(B ?$,17o(B)
+     (;; Inscript-extra (4)  (#, $, ^, *, ])
+      "$,17M7p(B" "$,17p7M(B" "$,17$7M7p(B" "$,1767M7p(B" 
+ (defvar indian-tlg-base-table
+   '(
+     (;; VOWELS
+      (?$,1=E(B nil) (?$,1=F(B ?$,1=~(B) (?$,1=G(B ?$,1=(B) 
(?$,1=H(B ?$,1> (B) (?$,1=I(B ?$,1>!(B) (?$,1=J(B ?$,1>"(B)
+      (?$,1=K(B ?$,1>#(B) (?$,1=L(B nil) nil (?$,1=O(B ?$,1>'(B) 
(?$,1=N(B ?$,1>&(B) (?$,1=P(B ?$,1>((B)
+      nil (?$,1=S(B ?$,1>+(B) (?$,1=R(B ?$,1>*(B) (?$,1=T(B 
?$,1>,(B) (?$,1>@(B ?$,1>$(B) (?$,1>A(B nil))
+     (;; CONSONANTS
+      ?$,1=U(B ?$,1=V(B ?$,1=W(B ?$,1=X(B ?$,1=Y(B                  
+      ?$,1=Z(B ?$,1=[(B ?$,1=\(B ?$,1=](B ?$,1=^(B                  
+      ?$,1=_(B ?$,1=`(B ?$,1=a(B ?$,1=b(B ?$,1=c(B                  
+      ?$,1=d(B ?$,1=e(B ?$,1=f(B ?$,1=g(B ?$,1=h(B nil              
+      ?$,1=j(B ?$,1=k(B ?$,1=l(B ?$,1=m(B ?$,1=n(B                  
+      ?$,1=o(B ?$,1=p(B ?$,1=q(B ?$,1=r(B ?$,1=s(B nil ?$,1=u(B    
+      ?$,1=v(B ?$,1=w(B ?$,1=x(B ?$,1=y(B                    ;; 
+      nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil      ;; NUKTAS
+      "$,1=\>-=^(B" "$,1=U>-=w(B")
+     (;; Misc Symbols
+      ?$,1=A(B ?$,1=B(B ?$,1=C(B nil ?$,1>-(B nil nil)
+     (;; Digits
+      ?$,1>F(B ?$,1>G(B ?$,1>H(B ?$,1>I(B ?$,1>J(B ?$,1>K(B 
?$,1>L(B ?$,1>M(B ?$,1>N(B ?$,1>O(B)
+     (;; Inscript-extra (4)  (#, $, ^, *, ])
+      "$,1>-=p(B" "$,1=p>-(B" "$,1=d>-=p(B" "$,1=v>-=p(B" nil)))
+ (defvar indian-knd-base-table
+   '(
+     (;; VOWELS
+      (?$,1>e(B nil) (?$,1>f(B ?$,1?>(B) (?$,1>g(B ?$,1??(B) 
(?$,1>h(B ?$,address@hidden(B) (?$,1>i(B ?$,1?A(B) (?$,1>j(B 
+      (?$,1>k(B ?$,1?C(B) (?$,1>l(B nil) nil (?$,1>o(B ?$,1?G(B) 
(?$,1>n(B ?$,1?F(B) (?$,1>p(B ?$,1?H(B)
+      nil (?$,1>s(B ?$,1?K(B) (?$,1>r(B ?$,1?J(B) (?$,1>t(B 
?$,1?L(B) (?$,1?`(B ?$,1?D(B) (?$,1?a(B nil))
+     (;; CONSONANTS
+      ?$,1>u(B ?$,1>v(B ?$,1>w(B ?$,1>x(B ?$,1>y(B                  
+      ?$,1>z(B ?$,1>{(B ?$,1>|(B ?$,1>}(B ?$,1>~(B                  
+      ?$,1>(B ?$,1? (B ?$,1?!(B ?$,1?"(B ?$,1?#(B                  
+      ?$,1?$(B ?$,1?%(B ?$,1?&(B ?$,1?'(B ?$,1?((B nil              
+      ?$,1?*(B ?$,1?+(B ?$,1?,(B ?$,1?-(B ?$,1?.(B                  
+      ?$,1?/(B ?$,1?0(B ?$,1?1(B ?$,1?2(B ?$,1?3(B nil ?$,1?5(B    
+      ?$,1?6(B ?$,1?7(B ?$,1?8(B ?$,1?9(B                    ;; 
+      nil nil nil nil nil nil ?$,1?^(B nil      ;; NUKTAS
+      "$,1>|?M>~(B" "$,1>u?M?7(B")
+     (;; Misc Symbols
+      nil ?$,1>b(B ?$,1>c(B nil ?$,1?M(B nil nil)
+     (;; Digits
+      ?$,1?f(B ?$,1?g(B ?$,1?h(B ?$,1?i(B ?$,1?j(B ?$,1?k(B 
?$,1?l(B ?$,1?m(B ?$,1?n(B ?$,1?o(B)
+     (;; Inscript-extra (4)  (#, $, ^, *, ])
+      "$,1?M?0(B" "$,1?0?M(B" "$,1?$?M?0(B" "$,1?6?M?0(B" nil)))
+ (defvar indian-mlm-base-table
+   '(
+     (;; VOWELS
+      (?$,address@hidden(B nil) (?$,1@&(B ?$,address@hidden(B) (?$,1@'(B 
?$,address@hidden(B) (?$,1@((B ?$,address@hidden(B) (?$,1@)(B 
?$,address@hidden(B) (?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B)
+      (?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B) (?$,1@,(B nil) nil 
(?$,1@/(B ?$,address@hidden(B) (?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B) 
(?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B)
+      nil (?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B) (?$,address@hidden(B 
?$,address@hidden(B) (?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B) nil nil)
+     (;; CONSONANTS
+      ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B 
?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B                  ;; GUTTRULS
+      ?$,1@:(B ?$,1@;(B ?$,1@<(B ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,1@>(B         
         ;; PALATALS
+      ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,1@@(B ?$,address@hidden(B 
?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B                  ;; CEREBRALS
+      ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B 
?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B nil              ;; DENTALS
+      ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B 
?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B                  ;; LABIALS
+      ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B 
?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B 
?$,address@hidden(B          ;; SEMIVOWELS
+      ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B ?$,address@hidden(B 
?$,address@hidden(B                    ;; SIBILANTS
+      nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil      ;; NUKTAS
+      "$,1@<@m@>(B" "$,address@hidden@address@hidden(B")
+     (;; Misc Symbols
+      nil ?$,1@"(B ?$,address@hidden(B nil ?$,address@hidden(B nil nil)
+     (;; Digits
+      ?$,1A&(B ?$,1A'(B ?$,1A((B ?$,1A)(B ?$,1A*(B ?$,1A+(B 
?$,1A,(B ?$,1A-(B ?$,1A.(B ?$,1A/(B)
+     (;; Inscript-extra (4)  (#, $, ^, *, ])
+      "$,address@hidden@P(B" "$,address@hidden@m(B" 
"$,address@hidden@address@hidden(B" "$,address@hidden@address@hidden(B" nil)))
+ (defvar indian-tml-base-table
+   '(
+     (;; VOWELS
+      (?$,1<%(B nil) (?$,1<&(B ?$,1<^(B) (?$,1<'(B ?$,1<_(B) 
(?$,1<((B ?$,1<`(B) (?$,1<)(B ?$,1<a(B) (?$,1<*(B ?$,1<b(B)
+      nil nil nil (?$,1</(B ?$,1<g(B) (?$,1<.(B ?$,1<f(B) (?$,1<0(B 
+      nil (?$,1<3(B ?$,1<k(B) (?$,1<2(B ?$,1<j(B) (?$,1<4(B 
?$,1<l(B) nil nil)
+     (;; CONSONANTS
+      ?$,1<5(B nil nil nil ?$,1<9(B                  ;; GUTTRULS
+      ?$,1<:(B nil ?$,1<<(B nil ?$,1<>(B                  ;; PALATALS
+      ?$,1<?(B nil nil nil ?$,1<C(B                  ;; CEREBRALS
+      ?$,1<D(B nil nil nil ?$,1<H(B ?$,1<I(B              ;; DENTALS
+      ?$,1<J(B nil nil nil ?$,1<N(B                  ;; LABIALS
+      ?$,1<O(B ?$,1<P(B ?$,1<Q(B ?$,1<R(B ?$,1<S(B ?$,1<T(B 
?$,1<U(B          ;; SEMIVOWELS
+      nil ?$,1<W(B ?$,1<X(B ?$,1<Y(B                    ;; SIBILANTS
+      nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil      ;; NUKTAS
+      "$,1<<<m<>(B" "$,1<5<m<W(B")
+     (;; Misc Symbols
+      nil ?$,1<"(B ?$,1<#(B nil ?$,1<m(B nil nil)
+     (;; Digits
+      nil ?$,1='(B ?$,1=((B ?$,1=)(B ?$,1=*(B ?$,1=+(B ?$,1=,(B 
?$,1=-(B ?$,1=.(B ?$,1=/(B)
+     (;; Inscript-extra (4)  (#, $, ^, *, ])
+      "$,1<m<P(B" "$,1<P<m(B" "$,1<D<m<P(B" nil nil)))
+ (defvar indian-base-table-to-language-alist
+   '((indian-dev-base-table . "Devanagari")
+     (indian-pnj-base-table . "Punjabi")
+     (indian-ori-base-table . "Oriya")
+     (indian-bng-base-table . "Bengali")
+     (indian-asm-base-table . "Assamese")
+     (indian-tlg-base-table . "Telugu")
+     (indian-knd-base-table . "Kannada")
+     (indian-mlm-base-table . "Malayalam")
+     (indian-tml-base-table . "Tamil")))
+ (defvar indian-itrans-v5-table
+   '(;; for encode/decode
+     (;; vowels -- 18
+      "a" ("aa" "A") "i" ("ii" "I") "u" ("uu" "U")
+      ("RRi" "R^i") ("LLi" "L^i") (".c" "e.c") "E" "e" "ai"
+      "o.c"  "O"   "o"   "au"  ("RRI" "R^I") ("LLI" "L^I"))
+     (;; consonants -- 40
+      "k"   "kh"  "g"   "gh"  ("~N" "N^")
+      "ch" ("Ch" "chh") "j" "jh" ("~n" "JN")
+      "T"   "Th"  "D"   "Dh"  "N"
+      "t"   "th"  "d"   "dh"  "n"   "nh"
+      "p"   "ph"  "b"   "bh"  "m"
+      "y"   "r"   "rh"  "l"   ("L" "ld") nil  ("v" "w")
+      "sh" ("Sh" "shh") "s" "h"
+      "q" "K" "G" ("J" "z") ".D" ".Dh" "f" ("Y" "yh")
+      ("GY" "dny") "x")
+     (;; misc -- 7
+      ".N" (".n" "M") "H" ".a" ".h" ("AUM" "OM") "..")))
+ (defvar indian-kyoto-harvard-table
+   '(;; for encode/decode
+     (;; vowel
+      "a"   ("A" "aa")  "i"   ("I" "ii")  "u"   ("U" "uu")
+      "R"   ("L" "lR")  nil   nil   "e"   "ai"
+      nil   nil   "o"   "au"  ("q" "RR" "Q")   ("E" "LL" "lRR"))
+     (;; consonant
+      "k"   "kh"  "g"   "gh"  "G"
+      "c"   "ch"  "j"   "jh"  "J"
+      "T"   "Th"  "D"   "Dh"  "N"
+      "t"   "th"  "d"   "dh"  "n"   nil
+      "p"   "ph"  "b"   "bh"  "m"
+      "y"   "r"   nil   "l"   "L"   nil   "v"
+      ("z" "Z")   "S"   "s"   "h"
+      nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil
+      nil   nil)
+     (;; misc
+      nil   "M"   "H"   "'"   nil   "." nil)))
+ (defvar indian-harvard-table
+   '(;; for encode/decode
+     (;; vowel
+      "a"   ("A" "aa")  "i"   ("I" "ii")  "u"   ("U" "uu")
+      "R"   ("L" "lR")  nil   nil   "e"   "ai"
+      nil   nil   "o"   "au"  ("RR" "q" "Q")   ("LL" "E" "lRR"))
+     (;; consonant
+      "k"   "kh"  "g"   "gh"  "G"
+      "c"   "ch"  "j"   "jh"  "J"
+      "T"   "Th"  "D"   "Dh"  "N"
+      "t"   "th"  "d"   "dh"  "n"   nil
+      "p"   "ph"  "b"   "bh"  "m"
+      "y"   "r"   nil   "l"   "L"   nil   "v"
+      ("z" "Z")   "S"   "s"   "h"
+      nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil
+      nil   nil)
+     (;; misc
+      nil   "M"   "H"   "'"   nil   "." nil)))
+ (defvar indian-tokyo-table
+   '(;; for encode/decode
+     (;; vowel
+      "a"   ("A" "aa")  "i"   ("I" "ii")  "u"   ("U" "uu")
+      "R"   ("L" "lR")  nil   nil   "e"   "ai"
+      nil   nil   "o"   "au"  ("Q" "RR" "q")   ("E" "LL" "lRR"))
+     (;; consonant
+      "k"   "kh"  "g"   "gh"  "G"
+      "c"   "ch"  "j"   "jh"  "J"
+      "T"   "Th"  "D"   "Dh"  "N"
+      "t"   "th"  "d"   "dh"  "n"   nil
+      "p"   "ph"  "b"   "bh"  "m"
+      "y"   "r"   nil   "l"   "L"   nil   "v"
+      ("Z" "z")   "S"   "s"   "h"
+      nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil
+      nil   nil)
+     (;; misc
+      nil   "M"   "H"   "'"   nil   "." nil)))
+ (defvar indian-aiba-table
+   '(;; for encode/decode
+     (;; vowel
+      "a"   "aa"  "i"   "ii"  "u"   "uu"
+      ".r"  ".l"   nil   nil  "e"   "ai"
+      nil   nil   "o"   "au"  "~r"  "~l")
+     (;; consonant
+      "k"   "kh"  "g"   "gh"  "^n"
+      "c"   "ch"  "j"   "jh"  "~n"
+      ".t"  ".th" ".d"  ".dh" ".n"
+      "t"   "th"  "d"   "dh"  "n"   nil
+      "p"   "ph"  "b"   "bh"  "m"
+      "y"   "r"   nil   "l"   nil  nil  "v"
+      "^s"  ".s"  "s"   "h"
+      nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil   nil
+      nil   nil)
+     (;; misc
+      nil   ".m"  ".h"  "'"   nil   "." nil)))
+ (defun mapthread (function seq1 &rest seqrest)
+   "Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQ1 and return result list.
+ If there are several SEQRESTs, FUNCTION is called with that many
+ arguments, with all possible combinations of these multiple SEQUENCES.
+ Thus, if SEQ1 contains 3 elements and SEQ2 contains 5 elements, then
+ FUNCTION will be called 15 times."
+   (if seqrest
+       (mapcar
+        (lambda (x)
+          (apply
+           'mapthread
+           `(lambda (&rest y) (apply ',function x y))
+           seqrest))
+        seq1)
+   (mapcar function seq1)))
+ (defun indian--puthash-char (char trans-char hashtbls)
+   (let ((encode-hash (car hashtbls))  ;; char -> trans
+       (decode-hash (cdr hashtbls))  ;; trans -> char
+       )
+     ;; char -- nil / char / string (/ list of vowel & matra)
+     ;; trans-char -- nil / string / list of strings
+     (when (and char trans-char)
+       (if (stringp trans-char) (setq trans-char (list trans-char)))
+       (if (characterp char) (setq char (char-to-string char)))
+       (puthash char (car trans-char) encode-hash)
+       (dolist (trans trans-char)
+        (puthash trans char decode-hash)))))
+ (defun indian--map (f l1 l2)
+   (while l1
+     (funcall f (pop l1) (pop l2))))
+ (defun indian--puthash-v (v trans-v hashtbls)
+   (indian--map
+    (lambda (v trans-v)
+      (indian--puthash-char (car v) trans-v hashtbls))
+    v trans-v))
+ (defun indian--puthash-c (c trans-c halant hashtbls)
+   (indian--map
+    (lambda (c trans-c)
+      (if (characterp c) (setq c (char-to-string c)))
+      (indian--puthash-char (concat c halant) trans-c hashtbls))
+    c trans-c))
+ (defun indian--puthash-m (m trans-m hashtbls)
+   (indian--map
+    (lambda (m trans-m)
+      (indian--puthash-char m trans-m hashtbls))
+    m trans-m))
+ (defun indian--puthash-cv (c trans-c v trans-v hashtbls)
+   (indian--map
+    (lambda (c trans-c)
+      (indian--map
+       (lambda (v trans-v)
+       (when (and c trans-c  v trans-v)
+         (if (characterp c) (setq c (char-to-string c)))
+         (setq v (if (characterp (cadr v)) (char-to-string (cadr v)) ""))
+         (if (stringp trans-c) (setq trans-c (list trans-c)))
+         (if (stringp trans-v) (setq trans-v (list trans-v)))
+         (indian--puthash-char
+          (concat c v)
+          (apply 'append
+                 (mapthread 'concat trans-c trans-v))
+          hashtbls)))
+       v trans-v))
+    c trans-c))
+ (defun indian-make-hash (table trans-table)
+   "Indian Transliteration Hash for decode/encode"
+   (let* ((encode-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+        (decode-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+        (hashtbls (cons encode-hash decode-hash))
+        (vowels     (elt table 0))
+        (consonants (elt table 1))
+        (misc       (elt table 2))
+        (digits     (elt table 3))
+        (halant     (char-to-string (elt misc  4)))
+        (trans-vowels     (elt trans-table 0))
+        (trans-consonants (elt trans-table 1))
+        (trans-misc       (elt trans-table 2))
+        (trans-digits  '("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9")))
+     (indian--puthash-v vowels trans-vowels hashtbls)
+     (indian--puthash-c consonants trans-consonants halant hashtbls)
+     (indian--puthash-cv consonants trans-consonants
+                             vowels trans-vowels hashtbls)
+     (indian--puthash-m misc trans-misc hashtbls)
+     (indian--puthash-m digits trans-digits hashtbls)
+     hashtbls))
+ (defvar indian-dev-itrans-v5-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-dev-base-table
+                         indian-itrans-v5-table))
+ (defvar indian-dev-kyoto-harvard-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-dev-base-table
+                         indian-kyoto-harvard-table))
+ (defvar indian-dev-aiba-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-dev-base-table
+                         indian-aiba-table))
+ (defvar indian-pnj-itrans-v5-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-pnj-base-table
+                         indian-itrans-v5-table))
+ (defvar indian-gjr-itrans-v5-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-gjr-base-table
+                         indian-itrans-v5-table))
+ (defvar indian-ori-itrans-v5-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-ori-base-table
+                         indian-itrans-v5-table))
+ (defvar indian-bng-itrans-v5-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-bng-base-table
+                         indian-itrans-v5-table))
+ (defvar indian-asm-itrans-v5-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-asm-base-table
+                         indian-itrans-v5-table))
+ (defvar indian-tlg-itrans-v5-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-tlg-base-table
+                         indian-itrans-v5-table))
+ (defvar indian-knd-itrans-v5-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-knd-base-table
+                         indian-itrans-v5-table))
+ (defvar indian-mlm-itrans-v5-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-mlm-base-table
+                         indian-itrans-v5-table))
+ (defvar indian-tml-itrans-v5-hash
+   (indian-make-hash indian-tml-base-table
+                         indian-itrans-v5-table))
+ )
+ (defmacro indian-translate-region (from to hashtable encode-p)
+   `(save-excursion
+      (save-restriction
+        (let ((regexp ,(indian-regexp-of-hashtbl-keys
+                      (if encode-p (car (eval hashtable))
+                        (cdr (eval hashtable))))))
+        (narrow-to-region from to)
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
+          (let ((matchstr (gethash (match-string 0)
+                                   (if ,encode-p
+                                       (car ,hashtable)
+                                     (cdr ,hashtable)))))
+            (if matchstr (replace-match matchstr))))))))
+ ;;;
+ (defun indian-dev-itrans-v5-encode-region (from to)
+   (interactive "r")
+   (indian-translate-region
+    from to indian-dev-itrans-v5-hash t))
+ (defun indian-dev-itrans-v5-decode-region (from to)
+   (interactive "r")
+   (indian-translate-region
+    from to indian-dev-itrans-v5-hash nil))
+ (defun indian-dev-kyoto-harvard-encode-region (from to)
+   (interactive "r")
+   (indian-translate-region
+    from to indian-dev-kyoto-harvard-hash t))
+ (defun indian-dev-kyoto-harvard-decode-region (from to)
+   (interactive "r")
+   (indian-translate-region
+    from to indian-dev-kyoto-harvard-hash nil))
+ (defun indian-dev-aiba-encode-region (from to)
+   (interactive "r")
+   (indian-translate-region
+    from to indian-dev-aiba-hash t))
+ (defun indian-dev-aiba-decode-region (from to)
+   (interactive "r")
+   (indian-translate-region
+    from to indian-dev-aiba-hash nil))
+ ;;; IS 13194 utilities
+ ;; The followings provide conversion between IS 13194 (ISCII) and UCS.
+ (let
+     ;;Unicode vs IS13194  ;; only Devanagari is supported now.
+     ((ucs-devanagari-to-is13194-alist
+       '((?\x0900 . "[U+0900]")
+       (?\x0901 . "(5!(B")
+       (?\x0902 . "(5"(B")
+       (?\x0903 . "(5#(B")
+       (?\x0904 . "[U+0904]")
+       (?\x0905 . "(5$(B")
+       (?\x0906 . "(5%(B")
+       (?\x0907 . "(5&(B")
+       (?\x0908 . "(5'(B")
+       (?\x0909 . "(5((B")
+       (?\x090a . "(5)(B")
+       (?\x090b . "(5*(B")
+       (?\x090c . "(5&i(B")
+       (?\x090d . "(5.(B")
+       (?\x090e . "(5+(B")
+       (?\x090f . "(5,(B")
+       (?\x0910 . "(5-(B")
+       (?\x0911 . "(52(B")
+       (?\x0912 . "(5/(B")
+       (?\x0913 . "(50(B")
+       (?\x0914 . "(51(B")
+       (?\x0915 . "(53(B")
+       (?\x0916 . "(54(B")
+       (?\x0917 . "(55(B")
+       (?\x0918 . "(56(B")
+       (?\x0919 . "(57(B")
+       (?\x091a . "(58(B")
+       (?\x091b . "(59(B")
+       (?\x091c . "(5:(B")
+       (?\x091d . "(5;(B")
+       (?\x091e . "(5<(B")
+       (?\x091f . "(5=(B")
+       (?\x0920 . "(5>(B")
+       (?\x0921 . "(5?(B")
+       (?\x0922 . "(address@hidden(B")
+       (?\x0923 . "(5A(B")
+       (?\x0924 . "(5B(B")
+       (?\x0925 . "(5C(B")
+       (?\x0926 . "(5D(B")
+       (?\x0927 . "(5E(B")
+       (?\x0928 . "(5F(B")
+       (?\x0929 . "(5G(B")
+       (?\x092a . "(5H(B")
+       (?\x092b . "(5I(B")
+       (?\x092c . "(5J(B")
+       (?\x092d . "(5K(B")
+       (?\x092e . "(5L(B")
+       (?\x092f . "(5M(B")
+       (?\x0930 . "(5O(B")
+       (?\x0931 . "(5P(B")
+       (?\x0932 . "(5Q(B")
+       (?\x0933 . "(5R(B")
+       (?\x0934 . "(5S(B")
+       (?\x0935 . "(5T(B")
+       (?\x0936 . "(5U(B")
+       (?\x0937 . "(5V(B")
+       (?\x0938 . "(5W(B")
+       (?\x0939 . "(5X(B")
+       (?\x093a . "[U+093a]")
+       (?\x093b . "[U+093b]")
+       (?\x093c . "(5i(B")
+       (?\x093d . "(5ji(B")
+       (?\x093e . "(5Z(B")
+       (?\x093f . "(5[(B")
+       (?\x0940 . "(5\(B")
+       (?\x0941 . "(5](B")
+       (?\x0942 . "(5^(B")
+       (?\x0943 . "(5_(B")
+       (?\x0944 . "(5_i(B")
+       (?\x0945 . "(5c(B")
+       (?\x0946 . "(5`(B")
+       (?\x0947 . "(5a(B")
+       (?\x0948 . "(5b(B")
+       (?\x0949 . "(5g(B")
+       (?\x094a . "(5d(B")
+       (?\x094b . "(5e(B")
+       (?\x094c . "(5f(B")
+       (?\x094d . "(5h(B")
+       (?\x094e . "[U+094e]")
+       (?\x094f . "[U+094f]")
+       (?\x0950 . "(5!i(B")
+       (?\x0951 . "(5p5(B")
+       (?\x0952 . "(5p8(B")
+       (?\x0953 . "[DEVANAGARI GRAVE ACCENT]")
+       (?\x0954 . "[DEVANAGARI ACUTE ACCENT]")
+       (?\x0955 . "[U+0955]")
+       (?\x0956 . "[U+0956]")
+       (?\x0957 . "[U+0957]")
+       (?\x0958 . "(53i(B")
+       (?\x0959 . "(54i(B")
+       (?\x095a . "(55i(B")
+       (?\x095b . "(5:i(B")
+       (?\x095c . "(5?i(B")
+       (?\x095d . "(address@hidden(B")
+       (?\x095e . "(5Ii(B")
+       (?\x095f . "(5N(B")
+       (?\x0960 . "(5*i(B")
+       (?\x0961 . "(5'i(B")
+       (?\x0962 . "(5[i(B")
+       (?\x0963 . "(5ei(B")
+       (?\x0964 . "(5j(B")
+       (?\x0965 . "(5jj(B")
+       (?\x0966 . "(5q(B")
+       (?\x0967 . "(5r(B")
+       (?\x0968 . "(5s(B")
+       (?\x0969 . "(5t(B")
+       (?\x096a . "(5u(B")
+       (?\x096b . "(5v(B")
+       (?\x096c . "(5w(B")
+       (?\x096d . "(5x(B")
+       (?\x096e . "(5y(B")
+       (?\x096f . "(5z(B")
+       (?\x0970 . "[U+0970]")
+       (?\x0971 . "[U+0971]")
+       (?\x0972 . "[U+0972]")
+       (?\x0973 . "[U+0973]")
+       (?\x0974 . "[U+0974]")
+       (?\x0975 . "[U+0975]")
+       (?\x0976 . "[U+0976]")
+       (?\x0977 . "[U+0977]")
+       (?\x0978 . "[U+0978]")
+       (?\x0979 . "[U+0979]")
+       (?\x097a . "[U+097a]")
+       (?\x097b . "[U+097b]")
+       (?\x097c . "[U+097c]")
+       (?\x097d . "[U+097d]")
+       (?\x097e . "[U+097e]")
+       (?\x097f . "[U+097f]")))
+      (ucs-bengali-to-is13194-alist nil)
+      (ucs-assamese-to-is13194-alist nil)
+      (ucs-gurmukhi-to-is13194-alist nil)
+      (ucs-gujarati-to-is13194-alist nil)
+      (ucs-oriya-to-is13194-alist nil)
+      (ucs-tamil-to-is13194-alist nil)
+      (ucs-telugu-to-is13194-alist nil)
+      (ucs-malayalam-to-is13194-alist nil))
+   (dolist (script '(devanagari bengali assamese gurmukhi gujarati
+                   oriya tamil telugu malayalam))
+    (let ((hashtable (intern (concat "is13194-to-ucs-"
+                                   (symbol-name script) "-hashtbl" )))
+        (regexp    (intern (concat "is13194-to-ucs-"
+                                   (symbol-name script) "-regexp"))))
+      (set hashtable (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size 128))
+      (dolist (x (eval (intern (concat "ucs-" (symbol-name script)
+                                     "-to-is13194-alist"))))
+        (put-char-code-property (car x) 'script script)
+        (put-char-code-property (car x) 'iscii (cdr x))
+        (puthash (cdr x) (char-to-string (car x)) (eval hashtable)))
+       (set regexp (indian-regexp-of-hashtbl-keys (eval hashtable))))))
+ (defvar is13194-default-repertory 'devanagari)
+ (defvar is13194-repertory-to-ucs-script
+   `((DEF ?\x40 ,is13194-default-repertory)
+     (RMN ?\x41 ,is13194-default-repertory)
+     (DEV ?\x42 devanagari)
+     (BNG ?\x43 bengali)
+     (TML ?\x44 tamil)
+     (TLG ?\x45 telugu)
+     (ASM ?\x46 bengali)
+     (ORI ?\x47 oriya)
+     (KND ?\x48 kannada)
+     (MLM ?\x49 malayalam)
+     (GJR ?\x4a gujarati)
+     (PNJ ?\x4b gurmukhi)))
+ ;; for guiding find-variable function.
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-devanagari-hashtbl nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-devanagari-regexp nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-bengali-hashtbl nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-bengali-regexp nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-assamese-hashtbl nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-assamese-regexp nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-gurmukhi-hashtbl nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-gurmukhi-regexp nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-gujarati-hashtbl nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-gujarati-regexp nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-oriya-hashtbl nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-oriya-regexp nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-tamil-hashtbl nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-tamil-regexp nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-telugu-hashtbl nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-telugu-regexp nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-malayalam-hashtbl nil)
+ (defvar is13194-to-ucs-malayalam-regexp nil)
+ (defvar ucs-to-is13194-regexp
+   ;; only Devanagari is supported now.
+   (concat "[" (char-to-string #x0900)
+           "-" (char-to-string #x097f) "]")
+   "Regexp that matches to conversion")
+ (defun ucs-to-iscii-region (from to)
+   "Converts the indian UCS characters in the region to ISCII.
+ Returns new end position."
+   (interactive "r")
+   ;; only Devanagari is supported now.
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (narrow-to-region from to)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (let* ((current-repertory is13194-default-repertory))
+       (while (re-search-forward ucs-to-is13194-regexp nil t)
+         (replace-match
+          (get-char-code-property (string-to-char (match-string 0))
+                                  'iscii))))
+       (point-max))))
+ (defun iscii-to-ucs-region (from to)
+   "Converts the ISCII characters in the region to UCS.
+ Returns new end position."
+   (interactive "r")
+   ;; only Devanagari is supported now.
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (narrow-to-region from to)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (let* ((current-repertory is13194-default-repertory)
+            (current-hashtable
+             (intern (concat "is13194-to-ucs-"
+                             (symbol-name current-repertory) "-hashtbl")))
+            (current-regexp
+             (intern (concat "is13194-to-ucs-"
+                             (symbol-name current-repertory) "-regexp")))
+            (re (eval current-regexp))
+            (hash (eval current-hashtable)))
+       (while (re-search-forward re nil t)
+         (replace-match (gethash (match-string 0) hash ""))))
+       (point-max))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun indian-compose-region (from to)
+   "Compose the region according to `composition-function-table'."
+   (interactive "r")
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (let ((pos from) newpos func (max to))
+       (narrow-to-region from to)
+       (while (< pos max)
+         (setq func (aref composition-function-table (char-after pos)))
+         (if (fboundp func)
+             (setq newpos (funcall func pos nil)
+                   pos (if (and (integerp newpos) (> newpos pos))
+                           newpos (1+ pos)))
+           (setq pos (1+ pos))))))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun indian-compose-string (string)
+   (with-temp-buffer
+     (insert string)
+     (indian-compose-region (point-min) (point-max))
+     (buffer-string)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun in-is13194-post-read-conversion (len)
+   (let ((pos (point)) endpos)
+     (setq endpos (iscii-to-ucs-region pos (+ pos len)))
+     (indian-compose-region pos endpos)
+     (- endpos pos)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun in-is13194-pre-write-conversion (from to)
+   (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
+     (set-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*"))
+     (if (stringp from)
+       (insert from)
+       (insert-buffer-substring buf from to))
+     (ucs-to-iscii-region (point-min) (point-max))
+     nil))
+ ;;; Backward Compatibility support programs
+ ;; The following provides the conversion from old-implementation of
+ ;; Emacs Devanagari script to UCS.
+ (defconst indian-2-colum-to-ucs
+   '(
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2120   $(6!!!"!#!$!%!&!'!(!)!*!+!,!-!.!/(B
+   ("$(6!!(B" . "$,15A(B")
+   ("$(6!"(B" . "$,15B(B")
+   ("$(6!#(B" . "$,15C(B")
+   ("$(6!$(B" . "$,15E(B")
+   ("$(6!%(B" . "$,15F(B")
+   ("$(6!&(B" . "$,15G(B")
+   ("$(6!'(B" . "$,15H(B")
+   ("$(6!((B" . "$,15I(B")
+   ("$(6!)(B" . "$,15J(B")
+   ("$(6!*(B" . "$,15K(B")
+   ("$(6!*"p(B" . "$,15p6#(B")
+   ("$(6!+(B" . "$,15N(B")
+   ("$(6!,(B" . "$,15O(B")
+   ("$(6!-(B" . "$,15P(B")
+   ("$(6!.(B" . "$,15M(B")
+   ("$(6!/(B" . "$,15R(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2130 $(6!0!1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8!9!:!;!<!=!>!?(B
+   ("$(6!0(B" . "$,15S(B")
+   ("$(6!1(B" . "$,15T(B")
+   ("$(6!2(B" . "$,15Q(B")
+   ("$(6!3(B" . "$,15U(B")
+   ("$(6!4(B" . "$,15V(B")
+   ("$(6!5(B" . "$,15W(B")
+   ("$(6!6(B" . "$,15X(B")
+   ("$(6!7(B" . "$,15Y(B")
+   ("$(6!8(B" . "$,15Z(B")
+   ("$(6!9(B" . "$,15[(B")
+   ("$(6!:(B" . "$,15\(B")
+   ("$(6!;(B" . "$,15](B")
+   ("$(6!<(B" . "$,15^(B")
+   ("$(6!=(B" . "$,15_(B")
+   ("$(6!>(B" . "$,15`(B")
+   ("$(6!?(B" . "$,15a(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2140 $(address@hidden(B
+   ("$(address@hidden(B" . "$,15b(B")
+   ("$(6!A(B" . "$,15c(B")
+   ("$(6!B(B" . "$,15d(B")
+   ("$(6!C(B" . "$,15e(B")
+   ("$(6!D(B" . "$,15f(B")
+   ("$(6!E(B" . "$,15g(B")
+   ("$(6!F(B" . "$,15h(B")
+   ("$(6!G(B" . "$,15i(B")
+   ("$(6!H(B" . "$,15j(B")
+   ("$(6!I(B" . "$,15k(B")
+   ("$(6!J(B" . "$,15l(B")
+   ("$(6!K(B" . "$,15m(B")
+   ("$(6!L(B" . "$,15n(B")
+   ("$(6!M(B" . "$,15o(B")
+   ("$(6!N(B" . "$,16?(B")
+   ("$(6!O(B" . "$,15p(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2150 $(6!P!Q!R!S!T!U!V!W!X!Y!Z![!\!]!^!_(B
+   ("$(6!P(B" . "$,15q(B")
+   ("$(6!Q(B" . "$,15r(B")
+   ("$(6!R(B" . "$,15s(B")
+   ("$(6!S(B" . "$,15t(B")
+   ("$(6!T(B" . "$,15u(B")
+   ("$(6!U(B" . "$,15v(B")
+   ("$(6!V(B" . "$,15w(B")
+   ("$(6!W(B" . "$,15x(B")
+   ("$(6!X(B" . "$,15y(B")
+   ("$(6!Z(B" . "$,15~(B")
+   ("$(6![(B" . "$,15(B")
+   ("$(6!\(B" . "$,16 (B")
+   ("$(6!](B" . "$,16!(B")
+   ("$(6!^(B" . "$,16"(B")
+   ("$(6!_(B" . "$,16#(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2160 $(6!`!a!b!c!d!e!f!g!h!i!j!k!l!m!n!o(B
+   ("$(6!`(B" . "$,16&(B")
+   ("$(6!a(B" . "$,16'(B")
+   ("$(6!b(B" . "$,16((B")
+   ("$(6!c(B" . "$,16%(B")
+   ("$(6!d(B" . "$,16*(B")
+   ("$(6!e(B" . "$,16+(B")
+   ("$(6!f(B" . "$,16,(B")
+   ("$(6!g(B" . "$,16)(B")
+   ("$(6!h(B" . "$,16-(B")
+   ("$(6!i(B" . "$,15|(B")
+   ("$(6!j(B" . "$,16D(B")
+   ("$(6!j!j(B" . "$,16E(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2170 $(6!p!q!r!s!t!u!v!w!x!y!z!{!|!}!~(B
+   ("$(6!q(B" . "$,16F(B")
+   ("$(6!r(B" . "$,16G(B")
+   ("$(6!s(B" . "$,16H(B")
+   ("$(6!t(B" . "$,16I(B")
+   ("$(6!u(B" . "$,16J(B")
+   ("$(6!v(B" . "$,16K(B")
+   ("$(6!w(B" . "$,16L(B")
+   ("$(6!x(B" . "$,16M(B")
+   ("$(6!y(B" . "$,16N(B")
+   ("$(6!z(B" . "$,16O(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2220   $(6"!"""#"$"%"&"'"(")"*"+","-"."/(B
+   ("$(6"!(B" . "$,16;6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6""(B" . "$,16>6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6"#(B" . "$,15U6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6"$(B" . "$,15W6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6"%(B" . "$,15d6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6"&(B" . "$,15j6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6"'(B" . "$,15k6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6")(B" . "$,15v6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6",(B" . "$,15p6!(B")
+   ("$(6"-(B" . "$,15p6"(B")
+   ("$(6".(B" . "$,15q6!(B")
+   ("$(6"/(B" . "$,15q6"(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2230 $(6"0"1"2"3"4"5"6"7"8"9":";"<"=">"?(B
+   ("$(6"3(B" . "$,15U6-(B")
+   ("$(6"4(B" . "$,15V6-(B")
+   ("$(6"5(B" . "$,15W6-(B")
+   ("$(6"6(B" . "$,15X6-(B")
+   ("$(6"8(B" . "$,15Z6-(B")
+   ("$(6"8"q(B" . "$,15Z6-5p6-(B")
+   ("$(6":(B" . "$,15\6-(B")
+   ("$(6";(B" . "$,15]6-(B")
+   ("$(6"<(B" . "$,15^6-(B")
+   ("$(6"<(B" . "$,15^6-(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2240 $(6"@"A"B"C"D"E"F"G"H"I"J"K"L"M"N"O(B
+   ("$(6"A(B" . "$,15c6-(B")
+   ("$(6"B(B" . "$,15d6-(B")
+   ("$(6"C(B" . "$,15e6-(B")
+   ("$(6"E(B" . "$,15g6-(B")
+   ("$(6"F(B" . "$,15h6-(B")
+   ("$(6"G(B" . "$,15i6-(B")
+   ("$(6"H(B" . "$,15j6-(B")
+   ("$(6"I(B" . "$,15k6-(B")
+   ("$(6"J(B" . "$,15l6-(B")
+   ("$(6"J(B" . "$,15l6-(B")
+   ("$(6"K(B" . "$,15m6-(B")
+   ("$(6"L(B" . "$,15n6-(B")
+   ("$(6"M(B" . "$,15o6-(B")
+   ("$(6"N(B" . "$,16?6-(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2250 $(6"P"Q"R"S"T"U"V"W"X"Y"Z"["\"]"^"_(B
+   ("$(6"Q(B" . "$,15r6-(B")
+   ("$(6"R(B" . "$,15s6-(B")
+   ("$(6"S(B" . "$,15t6-(B")
+   ("$(6"T(B" . "$,15u6-(B")
+   ("$(6"U(B" . "$,15v6-(B")
+   ("$(6"V(B" . "$,15w6-(B")
+   ("$(6"W(B" . "$,15x6-(B")
+   ("$(6"](B" . "$,16-5o(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2260 $(6"`"a"b"c"d"e"f"g"h"i"j"k"l"m"n"o(B
+   ("$(6"`(B" . "$,15W6-5p6-(B")
+   ("$(6"a(B" . "$,15X6-5h6-(B")
+   ("$(6"c(B" . "$,15d6-5d6-(B")
+   ("$(6"d(B" . "$,15d6-5p6-(B")
+   ("$(6"e(B" . "$,15g6-5h6-(B")
+   ("$(6"f(B" . "$,15g6-5p6-(B")
+   ("$(6"g(B" . "$,15j6-5d6-(B")
+   ("$(6"h(B" . "$,15v6-5Z6-(B")
+   ("$(6"i(B" . "$,15v6-5p6-(B")
+   ("$(6"j(B" . "$,15v6-5u6-(B")
+   ("$(6"k(B" . "$,15h6-5h6-(B")
+   ("$(6"l(B" . "$,15U6-5w6-(B")
+   ("$(6"m(B" . "$,15\6-5^6-(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2270 $(6"p"q"r"s"t"u"v"w"x"y"z"{"|"}"~(B
+   ("$(6"p(B" . "$,15p6-(B")
+   ("$(6"q(B" . "$,16-5p(B")
+   ("$(6"r(B" . "$,16-5p(B")
+   ("$(6"s(B" . "$,1686-(B")
+   ("$(6"t(B" . "$,1696-(B")
+   ("$(6"u(B" . "$,16:6-(B")
+   ("$(6"y(B" . "$,16>6-(B")
+   ("$(6"z(B" . "$,16;6-(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2320   $(6#!#"###$#%#&#'#(#)#*#+#,#-#.#/(B
+   ("$(6#!(B" . "$,160(B")
+   ("$(6#&(B" . "$,15L(B")
+   ("$(6#&"p(B" . "$,15p6$(B")
+   ("$(6#'(B" . "$,16A(B")
+   ("$(6#'"p(B" . "$,15p6C(B")
+   ("$(6#*(B" . "$,address@hidden(B")
+   ("$(6#*"p(B" . "$,15p6B(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2330 $(6#0#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#:#;#<#=#>#?(B
+   ("$(6#3(B" . "$,168(B")
+   ("$(6#4(B" . "$,169(B")
+   ("$(6#5(B" . "$,16:(B")
+   ("$(6#:(B" . "$,16;(B")
+   ("$(6#?(B" . "$,16<(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2340 $(address@hidden(B
+   ("$(address@hidden(B" . "$,16=(B")
+   ("$(6#I(B" . "$,16>(B")
+   ("$(6#J(B" . "$,15}(B")
+   ("$(6#K(B" . "$,16$(B")
+   ("$(6#L(B" . "$,16B(B")
+   ("$(6#M(B" . "$,16C(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2350 $(6#P#Q#R#S#T#U#V#W#X#Y#Z#[#\#]#^#_(B
+   ("$(6#P(B" . "$,15n6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6#Q(B" . "$,15n6-5r(B")
+   ("$(6#R(B" . "$,15y6#(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2360 $(6#`#a#b#c#d#e#f#g#h#i#j#k#l#m#n#o(B
+   ("$(6#`(B" . "$,15r6-5r(B")
+   ("$(6#a(B" . "$,15u6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6#b(B" . "$,15u6-5u(B")
+   ("$(6#c(B" . "$,15v6-5Z(B")
+   ("$(6#d(B" . "$,15v6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6#e(B" . "$,15v6-5l(B")
+   ("$(6#f(B" . "$,15v6-5r(B")
+   ("$(6#g(B" . "$,15v6-5u(B")
+   ("$(6#h(B" . "$,15w6-5_6-5p6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6#i(B" . "$,15w6-5_6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6#j(B" . "$,15w6-5_6-5u(B")
+   ("$(6#k(B" . "$,15w6-5_(B")
+   ("$(6#l(B" . "$,15w6-5`(B")
+   ("$(6#m(B" . "$,15x6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6#n(B" . "$,15x6-5p(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2370 $(6#p#q#r#s#t#u#v#w#x#y#z#{#|#}#~(B
+   ("$(6#p(B" . "$,15y6-5c(B")
+   ("$(6#q(B" . "$,15y6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6#r(B" . "$,15y6-5n(B")
+   ("$(6#s(B" . "$,15y6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6#t(B" . "$,15y6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6#u(B" . "$,15y6-5r(B")
+   ("$(6#v(B" . "$,15y6-5u(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2420   $(6$!$"$#$$$%$&$'$($)$*$+$,$-$.$/(B
+   ("$(6$!(B" . "$,15U6-5d6-5p6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$"(B" . "$,15U6-5d6-5u(B")
+   ("$(6$#(B" . "$,15U6-5d6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$$(B" . "$,15U6-5h6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$%(B" . "$,15U6-5p6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$&(B" . "$,15U6-5u6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$'(B" . "$,15U6-5U(B")
+   ("$(6$((B" . "$,15U6-5d(B")
+   ("$(6$)(B" . "$,15U6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6$*(B" . "$,15U6-5n(B")
+   ("$(6$+(B" . "$,15U6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$,(B" . "$,15U6-5r(B")
+   ("$(6$-(B" . "$,15U6-5u(B")
+   ("$(6$.(B" . "$,15U6-5w(B")
+   ("$(6$/(B" . "$,15X6-5h(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2430 $(6$0$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$:$;$<$=$>$?(B
+   ("$(6$0(B" . "$,15Y6-5U6-5d6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$1(B" . "$,15Y6-5U6-5w6-5u(B")
+   ("$(6$2(B" . "$,15Y6-5U6-5d(B")
+   ("$(6$3(B" . "$,15Y6-5U6-5w(B")
+   ("$(6$4(B" . "$,15Y6-5X6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6$5(B" . "$,15Y6-5U6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$6(B" . "$,15Y6-5V6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$7(B" . "$,15Y6-5W6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$8(B" . "$,15Y6-5X6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$9(B" . "$,15Y6-5U(B")
+   ("$(6$:(B" . "$,15Y6-5V(B")
+   ("$(6$;(B" . "$,15Y6-5W(B")
+   ("$(6$<(B" . "$,15Y6-5X(B")
+   ("$(6$=(B" . "$,15Y6-5Y(B")
+   ("$(6$>(B" . "$,15Y6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6$?(B" . "$,15Y6-5n(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2440 $(address@hidden(B
+   ("$(address@hidden(B" . "$,15Y6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$A(B" . "$,15Z6-5Z(B")
+   ("$(6$B(B" . "$,15Z6-5^(B")
+   ("$(6$C(B" . "$,15[6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$D(B" . "$,15\6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6$E(B" . "$,15\6-5^(B")
+   ("$(6$F(B" . "$,15^6-5Z(B")
+   ("$(6$G(B" . "$,15^6-5\(B")
+   ("$(6$H(B" . "$,15_6-5U(B")
+   ("$(6$I(B" . "$,15_6-5_(B")
+   ("$(6$J(B" . "$,15_6-5`(B")
+   ("$(6$K(B" . "$,15_6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$L(B" . "$,15`6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$M(B" . "$,15a6-5W6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$N(B" . "$,15a6-5X6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6$O(B" . "$,15a6-5p6-5o(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2450 $(6$P$Q$R$S$T$U$V$W$X$Y$Z$[$\$]$^$_(B
+   ("$(6$P(B" . "$,15a6-5W(B")
+   ("$(6$Q(B" . "$,15a6-5X(B")
+   ("$(6$R(B" . "$,15a6-5a(B")
+   ("$(6$S(B" . "$,15a6-5n(B")
+   ("$(6$T(B" . "$,15a6-5o(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2460 $(6$`$a$b$c$d$e$f$g$h$i$j$k$l$m$n$o(B
+   ("$(6$`(B" . "$,15b6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$a(B" . "$,15d6-5d(B")
+   ("$(6$b(B" . "$,15d6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6$c(B" . "$,15f6-5f6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$d(B" . "$,15f6-5g6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$e(B" . "$,15f6-5m6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$f(B" . "$,15f6-5p6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$g(B" . "$,15f6-5u6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$h(B" . "$,15f6-5W6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6$i(B" . "$,15f6-5X6-5p(B")
+   ("$(6$j(B" . "$,15f6-5f6-5u(B")
+   ("$(6$k(B" . "$,15f6-5g6-5u(B")
+   ("$(6$l(B" . "$,15f6-5W(B")
+   ("$(6$m(B" . "$,15f6-5X(B")
+   ("$(6$n(B" . "$,15f6-5f(B")
+   ("$(6$o(B" . "$,15f6-5g(B")
+   ;;      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
+   ;;2470 $(6$p$q$r$s$t$u$v$w$x$y$z${$|$}$~(B
+   ("$(6$p(B" . "$,15f6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6$q(B" . "$,15f6-5l(B")
+   ("$(6$r(B" . "$,15f6-5m(B")
+   ("$(6$s(B" . "$,15f6-5n(B")
+   ("$(6$t(B" . "$,15f6-5o(B")
+   ("$(6$u(B" . "$,15f6-5u(B")
+   ("$(6$v(B" . "$,15g6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6$w(B" . "$,15h6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6$x(B" . "$,15j6-5d(B")
+   ("$(6$y(B" . "$,15j6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6$z(B" . "$,15j6-5r(B")
+   ("$(6${(B" . "$,15l6-5h(B")
+   ("$(6$|(B" . "$,15l6-5l(B")
+   ("$(6$}(B" . "$,15l6-5u(B")
+   ("$(6$~(B" . "$,15m6-5h(B")))
+ (defconst indian-2-column-to-ucs-regexp
+ (put 'indian-2-column-to-ucs-chartable 'char-table-extra-slots 1)
+ (defconst indian-2-column-to-ucs-chartable
+   (let ((table (make-char-table 'indian-2-column-to-ucs-chartable))
+       (alist nil))
+     (dolist (elt indian-2-colum-to-ucs)
+       (if (= (length (car elt)) 1)
+         (aset table (aref (car elt) 0) (cdr elt))
+       (setq alist (cons elt alist))))
+     (set-char-table-extra-slot table 0 alist)
+     table))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun indian-2-column-to-ucs-region (from to)
+   "Convert old Emacs Devanagari characters to UCS."
+   (interactive "r")
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (let ((pos from)
+           (alist (char-table-extra-slot indian-2-column-to-ucs-chartable 0)))
+       (narrow-to-region from to)
+       (decompose-region from to)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (re-search-forward indian-2-column-to-ucs-regexp nil t)
+         (let ((len (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)))
+               subst)
+           (if (= len 1)
+               (setq subst (aref indian-2-column-to-ucs-chartable
+                                 (char-after (match-beginning 0))))
+             (setq subst (cdr (assoc (match-string 0) alist))))
+           (replace-match (if subst subst "?"))))
+       (indian-compose-region (point-min) (point-max))))))
+ (provide 'ind-util)
+ ;;; ind-util.el ends here

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