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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/faces.el [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/faces.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 08:54:04 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/faces.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/faces.el:
*** /dev/null   Mon Sep  8 08:54:04 2003
--- emacs/lisp/faces.el Mon Sep  8 08:53:37 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,2218 ----
+ ;;; faces.el --- Lisp faces
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
+ ;;   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; Keywords: internal
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (require 'cl)
+   ;; Warning suppression -- can't require x-win in batch:
+   (autoload 'xw-defined-colors "x-win"))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Font selection.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defgroup font-selection nil
+   "Influencing face font selection."
+   :group 'faces)
+ (defcustom face-font-selection-order
+   '(:width :height :weight :slant)
+   "*A list specifying how face font selection chooses fonts.
+ Each of the four symbols `:width', `:height', `:weight', and `:slant'
+ must appear once in the list, and the list must not contain any other
+ elements.  Font selection tries to find a best matching font for
+ those face attributes first that appear first in the list.  For
+ example, if `:slant' appears before `:height', font selection first
+ tries to find a font with a suitable slant, even if this results in
+ a font height that isn't optimal."
+   :tag "Font selection order"
+   :type '(list symbol symbol symbol symbol)
+   :group 'font-selection
+   :set #'(lambda (symbol value)
+          (set-default symbol value)
+          (internal-set-font-selection-order value)))
+ ;; This is defined originally in xfaces.c.
+ (defcustom face-font-family-alternatives
+   '(("courier" "fixed")
+     ("helv" "helvetica" "arial" "fixed"))
+   "*Alist of alternative font family names.
+ Each element has the form (FAMILY ALTERNATIVE1 ALTERNATIVE2 ...).
+ If fonts of family FAMILY can't be loaded, try ALTERNATIVE1, then
+   :tag "Alternative font families to try"
+   :type '(repeat (repeat string))
+   :group 'font-selection
+   :set #'(lambda (symbol value)
+          (set-default symbol value)
+          (internal-set-alternative-font-family-alist value)))
+ ;; This is defined originally in xfaces.c.
+ (defcustom face-font-registry-alternatives
+   (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+       '(("iso8859-1" "ms-oemlatin")
+       ("gb2312.1980" "gb2312")
+       ("jisx0208.1990" "jisx0208.1983" "jisx0208.1978")
+       ("ksc5601.1989" "ksx1001.1992" "ksc5601.1987")
+       ("muletibetan-2" "muletibetan-0"))
+     '(("gb2312.1980" "gb2312.80&gb8565.88" "gbk*")
+       ("jisx0208.1990" "jisx0208.1983" "jisx0208.1978")
+       ("ksc5601.1989" "ksx1001.1992" "ksc5601.1987")
+       ("muletibetan-2" "muletibetan-0")))
+   "*Alist of alternative font registry names.
+ Each element has the form (REGISTRY ALTERNATIVE1 ALTERNATIVE2 ...).
+ If fonts of registry REGISTRY can be loaded, font selection
+ tries to find a best matching font among all fonts of registry
+   :tag "Alternative font registries to try"
+   :type '(repeat (repeat string))
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'font-selection
+   :set #'(lambda (symbol value)
+          (set-default symbol value)
+          (internal-set-alternative-font-registry-alist value)))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Creation, copying.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defun face-list ()
+   "Return a list of all defined face names."
+   (mapcar #'car face-new-frame-defaults))
+ ;;; ### If not frame-local initialize by what X resources?
+ (defun make-face (face &optional no-init-from-resources)
+   "Define a new face with name FACE, a symbol.
+ NO-INIT-FROM-RESOURCES non-nil means don't initialize frame-local
+ variants of FACE from X resources.  (X resources recognized are found
+ in the global variable `face-x-resources'.)  If FACE is already known
+ as a face, leave it unmodified.  Value is FACE."
+   (interactive "SMake face: ")
+   (unless (facep face)
+     ;; Make frame-local faces (this also makes the global one).
+     (dolist (frame (frame-list))
+       (internal-make-lisp-face face frame))
+     ;; Add the face to the face menu.
+     (when (fboundp 'facemenu-add-new-face)
+       (facemenu-add-new-face face))
+     ;; Define frame-local faces for all frames from X resources.
+     (unless no-init-from-resources
+       (make-face-x-resource-internal face)))
+   face)
+ (defun make-empty-face (face)
+   "Define a new, empty face with name FACE.
+ If the face already exists, it is left unmodified.  Value is FACE."
+   (interactive "SMake empty face: ")
+   (make-face face 'no-init-from-resources))
+ (defun copy-face (old-face new-face &optional frame new-frame)
+   "Define a face just like OLD-FACE, with name NEW-FACE.
+ If NEW-FACE already exists as a face, it is modified to be like
+ OLD-FACE.  If it doesn't already exist, it is created.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given as a frame, NEW-FACE is
+ changed on FRAME only.
+ If FRAME is t, the frame-independent default specification for OLD-FACE
+ is copied to NEW-FACE.
+ If FRAME is nil, copying is done for the frame-independent defaults
+ and for each existing frame.
+ If the optional fourth argument NEW-FRAME is given,
+ copy the information from face OLD-FACE on frame FRAME
+ to NEW-FACE on frame NEW-FRAME."
+   (let ((inhibit-quit t))
+     (if (null frame)
+       (progn
+         (dolist (frame (frame-list))
+           (copy-face old-face new-face frame))
+         (copy-face old-face new-face t))
+       (internal-copy-lisp-face old-face new-face frame new-frame))
+     new-face))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Obsolete functions
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;; The functions in this section are defined because Lisp packages use
+ ;; them, despite the prefix `internal-' suggesting that they are
+ ;; private to the face implementation.
+ (defun internal-find-face (name &optional frame)
+   "Retrieve the face named NAME.
+ Return nil if there is no such face.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, this gets the face NAME for
+ that frame; otherwise, it uses the selected frame.
+ If FRAME is the symbol t, then the global, non-frame face is returned.
+ If NAME is already a face, it is simply returned.
+ This function is defined for compatibility with Emacs 20.2.  It
+ should not be used anymore."
+   (facep name))
+ (make-obsolete 'internal-find-face 'facep "21.1")
+ (defun internal-get-face (name &optional frame)
+   "Retrieve the face named NAME; error if there is none.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, this gets the face NAME for
+ that frame; otherwise, it uses the selected frame.
+ If FRAME is the symbol t, then the global, non-frame face is returned.
+ If NAME is already a face, it is simply returned."
+   (or (facep name)
+       (check-face name)))
+ (make-obsolete 'internal-get-face "see `facep' and `check-face'." "21.1")
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Predicates, type checks.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defun facep (face)
+   "Return non-nil if FACE is a face name."
+   (internal-lisp-face-p face))
+ (defun check-face (face)
+   "Signal an error if FACE doesn't name a face.
+ Value is FACE."
+   (unless (facep face)
+     (error "Not a face: %s" face))
+   face)
+ ;; The ID returned is not to be confused with the internally used IDs
+ ;; of realized faces.  The ID assigned to Lisp faces is used to
+ ;; support faces in display table entries.
+ (defun face-id (face &optional frame)
+   "Return the internal ID of face with name FACE.
+ If optional argument FRAME is nil or omitted, use the selected frame."
+   (check-face face)
+   (get face 'face))
+ (defun face-equal (face1 face2 &optional frame)
+   "Non-nil if faces FACE1 and FACE2 are equal.
+ Faces are considered equal if all their attributes are equal.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame."
+   (internal-lisp-face-equal-p face1 face2 frame))
+ (defun face-differs-from-default-p (face &optional frame)
+   "Non-nil if FACE displays differently from the default face.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
+ A face is considered to be ``the same'' as the default face if it is
+ actually specified in the same way (equal attributes) or if it is
+ fully-unspecified, and thus inherits the attributes of any face it
+ is displayed on top of."
+   (cond ((eq frame t) (setq frame nil))
+       ((null frame) (setq frame (selected-frame))))
+   (let* ((v1 (internal-lisp-face-p face frame))
+        (n (if v1 (length v1) 0))
+        (v2 (internal-lisp-face-p 'default frame))
+        (i 1))
+     (unless v1
+       (error "Not a face: %S" face))
+     (while (and (< i n)
+               (or (eq 'unspecified (aref v1 i))
+                   (equal (aref v1 i) (aref v2 i))))
+       (setq i (1+ i)))
+     (< i n)))
+ (defun face-nontrivial-p (face &optional frame)
+   "True if face FACE has some non-nil attribute.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame."
+   (not (internal-lisp-face-empty-p face frame)))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Setting face attributes from X resources.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defcustom face-x-resources
+   '((:family (".attributeFamily" . "Face.AttributeFamily"))
+     (:width (".attributeWidth" . "Face.AttributeWidth"))
+     (:height (".attributeHeight" . "Face.AttributeHeight"))
+     (:weight (".attributeWeight" . "Face.AttributeWeight"))
+     (:slant (".attributeSlant" . "Face.AttributeSlant"))
+     (:foreground (".attributeForeground" . "Face.AttributeForeground"))
+     (:background (".attributeBackground" . "Face.AttributeBackground"))
+     (:overline (".attributeOverline" . "Face.AttributeOverline"))
+     (:strike-through (".attributeStrikeThrough" . 
+     (:box (".attributeBox" . "Face.AttributeBox"))
+     (:underline (".attributeUnderline" . "Face.AttributeUnderline"))
+     (:inverse-video (".attributeInverse" . "Face.AttributeInverse"))
+     (:stipple
+      (".attributeStipple" . "Face.AttributeStipple")
+      (".attributeBackgroundPixmap" . "Face.AttributeBackgroundPixmap"))
+     (:bold (".attributeBold" . "Face.AttributeBold"))
+     (:italic (".attributeItalic" . "Face.AttributeItalic"))
+     (:font (".attributeFont" . "Face.AttributeFont"))
+     (:inherit (".attributeInherit" . "Face.AttributeInherit")))
+   "*List of X resources and classes for face attributes.
+ Each element has the form (ATTRIBUTE ENTRY1 ENTRY2...) where ATTRIBUTE is
+ the name of a face attribute, and each ENTRY is a cons of the form
+ \(RESOURCE . CLASS) with RESOURCE being the resource and CLASS being the
+ X resource class for the attribute."
+   :type '(repeat (cons symbol (repeat (cons string string))))
+   :group 'faces)
+ (defun set-face-attribute-from-resource (face attribute resource class frame)
+   "Set FACE's ATTRIBUTE from X resource RESOURCE, class CLASS on FRAME.
+ Value is the attribute value specified by the resource, or nil
+ if not present.  This function displays a message if the resource
+ specifies an invalid attribute."
+   (let* ((face-name (face-name face))
+        (value (internal-face-x-get-resource (concat face-name resource)
+                                             class frame)))
+     (when value
+       (condition-case ()
+         (internal-set-lisp-face-attribute-from-resource
+          face attribute (downcase value) frame)
+       (error
+        (message "Face %s, frame %s: invalid attribute %s %s from X resource"
+                 face-name frame attribute value))))
+     value))
+ (defun set-face-attributes-from-resources (face frame)
+   "Set attributes of FACE from X resources for FRAME."
+   (when (memq (framep frame) '(x w32 mac))
+     (dolist (definition face-x-resources)
+       (let ((attribute (car definition)))
+       (dolist (entry (cdr definition))
+         (set-face-attribute-from-resource face attribute (car entry)
+                                           (cdr entry) frame))))))
+ (defun make-face-x-resource-internal (face &optional frame)
+   "Fill frame-local FACE on FRAME from X resources.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means do it for all frames."
+   (if (null frame)
+       (dolist (frame (frame-list))
+       (set-face-attributes-from-resources face frame))
+     (set-face-attributes-from-resources face frame)))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Retrieving face attributes.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defun face-name (face)
+   "Return the name of face FACE."
+   (symbol-name (check-face face)))
+ (defun face-attribute (face attribute &optional frame inherit)
+   "Return the value of FACE's ATTRIBUTE on FRAME.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
+ If INHERIT is nil, only attributes directly defined by FACE are considered,
+   so the return value may be `unspecified', or a relative value.
+ If INHERIT is non-nil, FACE's definition of ATTRIBUTE is merged with the
+   faces specified by its `:inherit' attribute; however the return value
+   may still be `unspecified' or relative.
+ If INHERIT is a face or a list of faces, then the result is further merged
+   with that face (or faces), until it becomes specified and absolute.
+ To ensure that the return value is always specified and absolute, use a
+ value of `default' for INHERIT; this will resolve any unspecified or
+ relative values by merging with the `default' face (which is always
+ completely specified)."
+   (let ((value (internal-get-lisp-face-attribute face attribute frame)))
+     (when (and inherit (face-attribute-relative-p attribute value))
+       ;; VALUE is relative, so merge with inherited faces
+       (let ((inh-from (face-attribute face :inherit frame)))
+       (unless (or (null inh-from) (eq inh-from 'unspecified))
+         (setq value
+               (face-attribute-merged-with attribute value inh-from frame)))))
+     (when (and inherit
+              (not (eq inherit t))
+              (face-attribute-relative-p attribute value))
+       ;; We should merge with INHERIT as well
+       (setq value (face-attribute-merged-with attribute value inherit frame)))
+     value))
+ (defun face-attribute-merged-with (attribute value faces &optional frame)
+   "Merges ATTRIBUTE, initially VALUE, with faces from FACES until absolute.
+ FACES may be either a single face or a list of faces.
+ \[This is an internal function]"
+   (cond ((not (face-attribute-relative-p attribute value))
+        value)
+       ((null faces)
+        value)
+       ((consp faces)
+        (face-attribute-merged-with
+         attribute
+         (face-attribute-merged-with attribute value (car faces) frame)
+         (cdr faces)
+         frame))
+       (t
+        (merge-face-attribute attribute
+                              value
+                              (face-attribute faces attribute frame t)))))
+ (defmacro face-attribute-specified-or (value &rest body)
+   "Return VALUE, unless it's `unspecified', in which case evaluate BODY and 
return the result."
+   (let ((temp (make-symbol "value")))
+     `(let ((,temp ,value))
+        (if (not (eq ,temp 'unspecified))
+          ,temp
+        ,@body))))
+ (defun face-foreground (face &optional frame inherit)
+   "Return the foreground color name of FACE, or nil if unspecified.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
+ If INHERIT is nil, only a foreground color directly defined by FACE is
+   considered, so the return value may be nil.
+ If INHERIT is t, and FACE doesn't define a foreground color, then any
+   foreground color that FACE inherits through its `:inherit' attribute
+   is considered as well; however the return value may still be nil.
+ If INHERIT is a face or a list of faces, then it is used to try to
+   resolve an unspecified foreground color.
+ To ensure that a valid color is always returned, use a value of
+ `default' for INHERIT; this will resolve any unspecified values by
+ merging with the `default' face (which is always completely specified)."
+   (face-attribute-specified-or (face-attribute face :foreground frame inherit)
+                              nil))
+ (defun face-background (face &optional frame inherit)
+   "Return the background color name of FACE, or nil if unspecified.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
+ If INHERIT is nil, only a background color directly defined by FACE is
+   considered, so the return value may be nil.
+ If INHERIT is t, and FACE doesn't define a background color, then any
+   background color that FACE inherits through its `:inherit' attribute
+   is considered as well; however the return value may still be nil.
+ If INHERIT is a face or a list of faces, then it is used to try to
+   resolve an unspecified background color.
+ To ensure that a valid color is always returned, use a value of
+ `default' for INHERIT; this will resolve any unspecified values by
+ merging with the `default' face (which is always completely specified)."
+   (face-attribute-specified-or (face-attribute face :background frame inherit)
+                              nil))
+ (defun face-stipple (face &optional frame inherit)
+  "Return the stipple pixmap name of FACE, or nil if unspecified.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
+ If INHERIT is nil, only a stipple directly defined by FACE is
+   considered, so the return value may be nil.
+ If INHERIT is t, and FACE doesn't define a stipple, then any stipple
+   that FACE inherits through its `:inherit' attribute is considered as
+   well; however the return value may still be nil.
+ If INHERIT is a face or a list of faces, then it is used to try to
+   resolve an unspecified stipple.
+ To ensure that a valid stipple or nil is always returned, use a value of
+ `default' for INHERIT; this will resolve any unspecified values by merging
+ with the `default' face (which is always completely specified)."
+   (face-attribute-specified-or (face-attribute face :stipple frame inherit)
+                              nil))
+ (defalias 'face-background-pixmap 'face-stipple)
+ (defun face-underline-p (face &optional frame)
+  "Return non-nil if FACE is underlined.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame."
+  (eq (face-attribute face :underline frame) t))
+ (defun face-inverse-video-p (face &optional frame)
+  "Return non-nil if FACE is in inverse video on FRAME.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame."
+  (eq (face-attribute face :inverse-video frame) t))
+ (defun face-bold-p (face &optional frame)
+   "Return non-nil if the font of FACE is bold on FRAME.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
+ Use `face-attribute' for finer control."
+   (let ((bold (face-attribute face :weight frame)))
+     (memq bold '(semi-bold bold extra-bold ultra-bold))))
+ (defun face-italic-p (face &optional frame)
+   "Return non-nil if the font of FACE is italic on FRAME.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
+ Use `face-attribute' for finer control."
+   (let ((italic (face-attribute face :slant frame)))
+     (memq italic '(italic oblique))))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Face documentation.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defun face-documentation (face)
+   "Get the documentation string for FACE."
+   (get face 'face-documentation))
+ (defun set-face-documentation (face string)
+   "Set the documentation string for FACE to STRING."
+   ;; Perhaps the text should go in DOC.
+   (put face 'face-documentation (purecopy string)))
+ (defalias 'face-doc-string 'face-documentation)
+ (defalias 'set-face-doc-string 'set-face-documentation)
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;; Setting face attributes.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defun set-face-attribute (face frame &rest args)
+   "Set attributes of FACE on FRAME from ARGS.
+ FRAME nil means change attributes on all frames.  FRAME t means change
+ the default for new frames (this is done automatically each time an
+ attribute is changed on all frames).
+ ARGS must come in pairs ATTRIBUTE VALUE.  ATTRIBUTE must be a valid
+ face attribute name.  All attributes can be set to `unspecified';
+ this fact is not further mentioned below.
+ The following attributes are recognized:
+ `:family'
+ VALUE must be a string specifying the font family, e.g. ``courier'',
+ or a fontset alias name.  If a font family is specified, wild-cards `*'
+ and `?' are allowed.
+ `:width'
+ VALUE specifies the relative proportionate width of the font to use.
+ It must be one of the symbols `ultra-condensed', `extra-condensed',
+ `condensed', `semi-condensed', `normal', `semi-expanded', `expanded',
+ `extra-expanded', or `ultra-expanded'.
+ `:height'
+ VALUE must be either an integer specifying the height of the font to use
+ in 1/10 pt, a floating point number specifying the amount by which to
+ scale any underlying face, or a function, which is called with the old
+ height (from the underlying face), and should return the new height.
+ `:weight'
+ VALUE specifies the weight of the font to use.  It must be one of the
+ symbols `ultra-bold', `extra-bold', `bold', `semi-bold', `normal',
+ `semi-light', `light', `extra-light', `ultra-light'.
+ `:slant'
+ VALUE specifies the slant of the font to use.  It must be one of the
+ symbols `italic', `oblique', `normal', `reverse-italic', or
+ `reverse-oblique'.
+ `:foreground', `:background'
+ VALUE must be a color name, a string.
+ `:underline'
+ VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be underlined.  If
+ VALUE is t, underline with foreground color of the face.  If VALUE is
+ a string, underline with that color.  If VALUE is nil, explicitly
+ don't underline.
+ `:overline'
+ VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be overlined.  If
+ VALUE is t, overline with foreground color of the face.  If VALUE is a
+ string, overline with that color.  If VALUE is nil, explicitly don't
+ overline.
+ `:strike-through'
+ VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be drawn with a line
+ striking through them.  If VALUE is t, use the foreground color of the
+ face.  If VALUE is a string, strike-through with that color.  If VALUE
+ is nil, explicitly don't strike through.
+ `:box'
+ VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should have a box drawn
+ around them.  If VALUE is nil, explicitly don't draw boxes.  If
+ VALUE is t, draw a box with lines of width 1 in the foreground color
+ of the face.  If VALUE is a string, the string must be a color name,
+ and the box is drawn in that color with a line width of 1.  Otherwise,
+ VALUE must be a property list of the form `(:line-width WIDTH
+ :color COLOR :style STYLE)'.  If a keyword/value pair is missing from
+ the property list, a default value will be used for the value, as
+ specified below.  WIDTH specifies the width of the lines to draw; it
+ defaults to 1.  If WIDTH is negative, the absolute value is the width
+ of the lines, and draw top/bottom lines inside the characters area,
+ not around it.  COLOR is the name of the color to draw in, default is
+ the foreground color of the face for simple boxes, and the background
+ color of the face for 3D boxes.  STYLE specifies whether a 3D box
+ should be draw.  If STYLE is `released-button', draw a box looking
+ like a released 3D button.  If STYLE is `pressed-button' draw a box
+ that appears like a pressed button.  If STYLE is nil, the default if
+ the property list doesn't contain a style specification, draw a 2D
+ box.
+ `:inverse-video'
+ VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be displayed in
+ inverse video.  VALUE must be one of t or nil.
+ `:stipple'
+ If VALUE is a string, it must be the name of a file of pixmap data.
+ The directories listed in the `x-bitmap-file-path' variable are
+ searched.  Alternatively, VALUE may be a list of the form (WIDTH
+ HEIGHT DATA) where WIDTH and HEIGHT are the size in pixels, and DATA
+ is a string containing the raw bits of the bitmap.  VALUE nil means
+ explicitly don't use a stipple pattern.
+ For convenience, attributes `:family', `:width', `:height', `:weight',
+ and `:slant' may also be set in one step from an X font name:
+ `:font'
+ Set font-related face attributes from VALUE.  VALUE must be a valid
+ XLFD font name.  If it is a font name pattern, the first matching font
+ will be used.
+ For compatibility with Emacs 20, keywords `:bold' and `:italic' can
+ be used to specify that a bold or italic font should be used.  VALUE
+ must be t or nil in that case.  A value of `unspecified' is not allowed.
+ `:inherit'
+ VALUE is the name of a face from which to inherit attributes, or a list
+ of face names.  Attributes from inherited faces are merged into the face
+ like an underlying face would be, with higher priority than underlying faces."
+   (let ((where (if (null frame) 0 frame)))
+     (setq args (purecopy args))
+     ;; If we set the new-frame defaults, this face is modified outside Custom.
+     (if (memq where '(0 t))
+       (put face 'face-modified t))
+     (while args
+       (internal-set-lisp-face-attribute face (car args)
+                                       (purecopy (cadr args))
+                                       where)
+       (setq args (cdr (cdr args))))))
+ (defun make-face-bold (face &optional frame noerror)
+   "Make the font of FACE be bold, if possible.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ Argument NOERROR is ignored and retained for compatibility.
+ Use `set-face-attribute' for finer control of the font weight."
+   (interactive (list (read-face-name "Make which face bold")))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :weight 'bold))
+ (defun make-face-unbold (face &optional frame noerror)
+   "Make the font of FACE be non-bold, if possible.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ Argument NOERROR is ignored and retained for compatibility."
+   (interactive (list (read-face-name "Make which face non-bold")))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :weight 'normal))
+ (defun make-face-italic (face &optional frame noerror)
+   "Make the font of FACE be italic, if possible.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ Argument NOERROR is ignored and retained for compatibility.
+ Use `set-face-attribute' for finer control of the font slant."
+   (interactive (list (read-face-name "Make which face italic")))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :slant 'italic))
+ (defun make-face-unitalic (face &optional frame noerror)
+   "Make the font of FACE be non-italic, if possible.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ Argument NOERROR is ignored and retained for compatibility."
+   (interactive (list (read-face-name "Make which face non-italic")))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :slant 'normal))
+ (defun make-face-bold-italic (face &optional frame noerror)
+   "Make the font of FACE be bold and italic, if possible.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ Argument NOERROR is ignored and retained for compatibility.
+ Use `set-face-attribute' for finer control of font weight and slant."
+   (interactive (list (read-face-name "Make which face bold-italic")))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :weight 'bold :slant 'italic))
+ (defun set-face-font (face font &optional frame)
+   "Change font-related attributes of FACE to those of FONT (a string).
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ This sets the attributes `:family', `:width', `:height', `:weight',
+ and `:slant'.  When called interactively, prompt for the face and font."
+   (interactive (read-face-and-attribute :font))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :font font))
+ ;; Implementation note: Emulating gray background colors with a
+ ;; stipple pattern is now part of the face realization process, and is
+ ;; done in C depending on the frame on which the face is realized.
+ (defun set-face-background (face color &optional frame)
+   "Change the background color of face FACE to COLOR (a string).
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ When called interactively, prompt for the face and color."
+   (interactive (read-face-and-attribute :background))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :background (or color 'unspecified)))
+ (defun set-face-foreground (face color &optional frame)
+   "Change the foreground color of face FACE to COLOR (a string).
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ When called interactively, prompt for the face and color."
+   (interactive (read-face-and-attribute :foreground))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :foreground (or color 'unspecified)))
+ (defun set-face-stipple (face stipple &optional frame)
+   "Change the stipple pixmap of face FACE to STIPPLE.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ STIPPLE should be a string, the name of a file of pixmap data.
+ The directories listed in the `x-bitmap-file-path' variable are searched.
+ Alternatively, STIPPLE may be a list of the form (WIDTH HEIGHT DATA)
+ where WIDTH and HEIGHT are the size in pixels,
+ and DATA is a string, containing the raw bits of the bitmap."
+   (interactive (read-face-and-attribute :stipple))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :stipple (or stipple 'unspecified)))
+ (defun set-face-underline (face underline &optional frame)
+   "Specify whether face FACE is underlined.
+ UNDERLINE nil means FACE explicitly doesn't underline.
+ UNDERLINE non-nil means FACE explicitly does underlining
+ with the same of the foreground color.
+ If UNDERLINE is a string, underline with the color named UNDERLINE.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ Use `set-face-attribute' to ``unspecify'' underlining."
+   (interactive
+    (let ((list (read-face-and-attribute :underline)))
+      (list (car list) (eq (car (cdr list)) t))))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :underline underline))
+ (defun set-face-underline-p (face underline-p &optional frame)
+   "Specify whether face FACE is underlined.
+ UNDERLINE-P nil means FACE explicitly doesn't underline.
+ UNDERLINE-P non-nil means FACE explicitly does underlining.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ Use `set-face-attribute' to ``unspecify'' underlining."
+   (interactive
+    (let ((list (read-face-and-attribute :underline)))
+      (list (car list) (eq (car (cdr list)) t))))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :underline underline-p))
+ (defun set-face-inverse-video-p (face inverse-video-p &optional frame)
+   "Specify whether face FACE is in inverse video.
+ INVERSE-VIDEO-P non-nil means FACE displays explicitly in inverse video.
+ INVERSE-VIDEO-P nil means FACE explicitly is not in inverse video.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ Use `set-face-attribute' to ``unspecify'' the inverse video attribute."
+   (interactive
+    (let ((list (read-face-and-attribute :inverse-video)))
+      (list (car list) (eq (car (cdr list)) t))))
+   (set-face-attribute face frame :inverse-video inverse-video-p))
+ (defun set-face-bold-p (face bold-p &optional frame)
+   "Specify whether face FACE is bold.
+ BOLD-P non-nil means FACE should explicitly display bold.
+ BOLD-P nil means FACE should explicitly display non-bold.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ Use `set-face-attribute' or `modify-face' for finer control."
+   (if (null bold-p)
+       (make-face-unbold face frame)
+     (make-face-bold face frame)))
+ (defun set-face-italic-p (face italic-p &optional frame)
+   "Specify whether face FACE is italic.
+ ITALIC-P non-nil means FACE should explicitly display italic.
+ ITALIC-P nil means FACE should explicitly display non-italic.
+ FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
+ Use `set-face-attribute' or `modify-face' for finer control."
+   (if (null italic-p)
+       (make-face-unitalic face frame)
+     (make-face-italic face frame)))
+ (defalias 'set-face-background-pixmap 'set-face-stipple)
+ (defun invert-face (face &optional frame)
+   "Swap the foreground and background colors of FACE.
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, it means change face on all frames.
+ If FACE specifies neither foreground nor background color,
+ set its foreground and background to the background and foreground
+ of the default face.  Value is FACE."
+   (interactive (list (read-face-name "Invert face")))
+   (let ((fg (face-attribute face :foreground frame))
+       (bg (face-attribute face :background frame)))
+     (if (not (and (eq fg 'unspecified) (eq bg 'unspecified)))
+       (set-face-attribute face frame :foreground bg :background fg)
+       (set-face-attribute face frame
+                         :foreground
+                         (face-attribute 'default :background frame)
+                         :background
+                         (face-attribute 'default :foreground frame))))
+   face)
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Interactively modifying faces.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defun read-face-name (prompt &optional string-describing-default multiple)
+   "Read a face, defaulting to the face or faces on the char after point.
+ If it has a `read-face-name' property, that overrides the `face' property.
+ PROMPT describes what you will do with the face (don't end in a space).
+ STRING-DESCRIBING-DEFAULT describes what default you will use
+ if this function returns nil.
+ If MULTIPLE is non-nil, return a list of faces (possibly only one).
+ Otherwise, return a single face."
+   (let ((faceprop (or (get-char-property (point) 'read-face-name)
+                     (get-char-property (point) 'face)))
+       faces)
+     ;; Make a list of the named faces that the `face' property uses.
+     (if (listp faceprop)
+       (dolist (f faceprop)
+         (if (symbolp f)
+             (push f faces)))
+       (if (symbolp faceprop)
+         (setq faces (list faceprop))))
+     ;; If there are none, try to get a face name from the buffer.
+     (if (and (null faces)
+            (memq (intern-soft (thing-at-point 'symbol)) (face-list)))
+       (setq faces (list (intern-soft (thing-at-point 'symbol)))))
+     ;; If we only want one, and the default is more than one,
+     ;; discard the unwanted ones now.
+     (unless multiple
+       (if faces
+         (setq faces (list (car faces)))))
+     (let* ((input
+           ;; Read the input.
+           (completing-read
+            (if (or faces string-describing-default)
+                (format "%s (default %s): " prompt
+                        (if faces (mapconcat 'symbol-name faces ", ")
+                          string-describing-default))
+              (format "%s: " prompt))
+            obarray 'custom-facep t))
+          ;; Canonicalize the output.
+          (output
+           (if (equal input "")
+               faces
+             (if (stringp input)
+                 (list (intern input))
+               input))))
+       ;; Return either a list of faces or just one face.
+       (if multiple
+         output
+       (car output)))))
+ (defun face-valid-attribute-values (attribute &optional frame)
+   "Return valid values for face attribute ATTRIBUTE.
+ The optional argument FRAME is used to determine available fonts
+ and colors.  If it is nil or not specified, the selected frame is
+ used.  Value is an alist of (NAME . VALUE) if ATTRIBUTE expects a value
+ out of a set of discrete values.  Value is `integerp' if ATTRIBUTE expects
+ an integer value."
+   (let ((valid
+          (case attribute
+            (:family
+             (if window-system
+                 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons (car x) (car x)))
+                         (x-font-family-list))
+             ;; Only one font on TTYs.
+             (list (cons "default" "default"))))
+            ((:width :weight :slant :inverse-video)
+             (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons (symbol-name x) x))
+                     (internal-lisp-face-attribute-values attribute)))
+            ((:underline :overline :strike-through :box)
+             (if window-system
+                 (nconc (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons (symbol-name x) x))
+                                (internal-lisp-face-attribute-values 
+                        (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (cons c c))
+                                (x-defined-colors frame)))
+             (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons (symbol-name x) x))
+                     (internal-lisp-face-attribute-values attribute))))
+            ((:foreground :background)
+             (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (cons c c))
+                     (defined-colors frame)))
+            ((:height)
+             'integerp)
+            (:stipple
+             (and (memq window-system '(x w32 mac))
+                  (mapcar #'list
+                          (apply #'nconc
+                                 (mapcar (lambda (dir)
+                                           (and (file-readable-p dir)
+                                                (file-directory-p dir)
+                                                (directory-files dir)))
+                                         x-bitmap-file-path)))))
+            (:inherit
+             (cons '("none" . nil)
+                   (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (cons (symbol-name c) c))
+                           (face-list))))
+            (t
+             (error "Internal error")))))
+     (if (and (listp valid) (not (memq attribute '(:inherit))))
+       (nconc (list (cons "unspecified" 'unspecified)) valid)
+       valid)))
+ (defvar face-attribute-name-alist
+   '((:family . "font family")
+     (:width . "character set width")
+     (:height . "height in 1/10 pt")
+     (:weight . "weight")
+     (:slant . "slant")
+     (:underline . "underline")
+     (:overline . "overline")
+     (:strike-through . "strike-through")
+     (:box . "box")
+     (:inverse-video . "inverse-video display")
+     (:foreground . "foreground color")
+     (:background . "background color")
+     (:stipple . "background stipple")
+     (:inherit . "inheritance"))
+   "An alist of descriptive names for face attributes.
+ Each element has the form (ATTRIBUTE-NAME . DESCRIPTION) where
+ ATTRIBUTE-NAME is a face attribute name (a keyword symbol), and
+ DESCRIPTION is a descriptive name for ATTRIBUTE-NAME.")
+ (defun face-descriptive-attribute-name (attribute)
+   "Return a descriptive name for ATTRIBUTE."
+   (cdr (assq attribute face-attribute-name-alist)))
+ (defun face-read-string (face default name &optional completion-alist)
+   "Interactively read a face attribute string value.
+ FACE is the face whose attribute is read.  If non-nil, DEFAULT is the
+ default string to return if no new value is entered.  NAME is a
+ descriptive name of the attribute for prompting.  COMPLETION-ALIST is an
+ alist of valid values, if non-nil.
+ Entering nothing accepts the default string DEFAULT.
+ Value is the new attribute value."
+   ;; Capitalize NAME (we don't use `capitalize' because that capitalizes
+   ;; each word in a string separately).
+   (setq name (concat (upcase (substring name 0 1)) (substring name 1)))
+   (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
+        (value (completing-read
+                (if default
+                    (format "%s for face `%s' (default %s): "
+                            name face default)
+                  (format "%s for face `%s': " name face))
+                completion-alist)))
+     (if (equal value "") default value)))
+ (defun face-read-integer (face default name)
+   "Interactively read an integer face attribute value.
+ FACE is the face whose attribute is read.  DEFAULT is the default
+ value to return if no new value is entered.  NAME is a descriptive
+ name of the attribute for prompting.  Value is the new attribute value."
+   (let ((new-value
+        (face-read-string face
+                          (format "%s" default)
+                          name
+                          (list (cons "unspecified" 'unspecified)))))
+     (cond ((equal new-value "unspecified")
+          'unspecified)
+         ((member new-value '("unspecified-fg" "unspecified-bg"))
+          new-value)
+         (t
+          (string-to-int new-value)))))
+ (defun read-face-attribute (face attribute &optional frame)
+   "Interactively read a new value for FACE's ATTRIBUTE.
+ Optional argument FRAME nil or unspecified means read an attribute value
+ of a global face.  Value is the new attribute value."
+   (let* ((old-value (face-attribute face attribute frame))
+        (attribute-name (face-descriptive-attribute-name attribute))
+        (valid (face-valid-attribute-values attribute frame))
+        new-value)
+     ;; Represent complex attribute values as strings by printing them
+     ;; out.  Stipple can be a vector; (WIDTH HEIGHT DATA).  Box can be
+     ;; a list `(:width WIDTH :color COLOR)' or `(:width WIDTH :shadow
+     ;; SHADOW)'.
+     (when (and (or (eq attribute :stipple)
+                  (eq attribute :box))
+              (or (consp old-value)
+                  (vectorp old-value)))
+       (setq old-value (prin1-to-string old-value)))
+     (cond ((listp valid)
+          (let ((default
+                  (or (car (rassoc old-value valid))
+                      (format "%s" old-value))))
+            (setq new-value
+                  (face-read-string face default attribute-name valid))
+            (if (equal new-value default)
+                ;; Nothing changed, so don't bother with all the stuff
+                ;; below.  In particular, this avoids a non-tty color
+                ;; from being canonicalized for a tty when the user
+                ;; just uses the default.
+                (setq new-value old-value)
+              ;; Terminal frames can support colors that don't appear
+              ;; explicitly in VALID, using color approximation code
+              ;; in tty-colors.el.
+              (when (and (memq attribute '(:foreground :background))
+                         (not (memq window-system '(x w32 mac)))
+                         (not (member new-value
+                                      '("unspecified"
+                                        "unspecified-fg" "unspecified-bg"))))
+                (setq new-value (car (tty-color-desc new-value frame))))
+              (when (assoc new-value valid)
+                (setq new-value (cdr (assoc new-value valid)))))))
+         ((eq valid 'integerp)
+          (setq new-value (face-read-integer face old-value attribute-name)))
+         (t (error "Internal error")))
+     ;; Convert stipple and box value text we read back to a list or
+     ;; vector if it looks like one.  This makes the assumption that a
+     ;; pixmap file name won't start with an open-paren.
+     (when (and (or (eq attribute :stipple)
+                  (eq attribute :box))
+              (stringp new-value)
+              (string-match "^[[(]" new-value))
+       (setq new-value (read new-value)))
+     new-value))
+ (defun read-face-font (face &optional frame)
+   "Read the name of a font for FACE on FRAME.
+ If optional argument FRAME Is nil or omitted, use the selected frame."
+   (let ((completion-ignore-case t))
+     (completing-read (format "Set font attributes of face `%s' from font: " 
+                    (mapcar 'list (x-list-fonts "*" nil frame)))))
+ (defun read-all-face-attributes (face &optional frame)
+   "Interactively read all attributes for FACE.
+ If optional argument FRAME Is nil or omitted, use the selected frame.
+ Value is a property list of attribute names and new values."
+   (let (result)
+     (dolist (attribute face-attribute-name-alist result)
+       (setq result (cons (car attribute)
+                        (cons (read-face-attribute face (car attribute) frame)
+                              result))))))
+ (defun modify-face (&optional face foreground background stipple
+                             bold-p italic-p underline-p inverse-p frame)
+   "Modify attributes of faces interactively.
+ If optional argument FRAME is nil or omitted, modify the face used
+ for newly created frame, i.e. the global face.
+ For non-interactive use, `set-face-attribute' is preferred.
+ When called from elisp, if FACE is nil, all arguments but FRAME are ignored
+ and the face and its settings are obtained by querying the user."
+   (interactive)
+   (if face
+       (set-face-attribute face frame
+                         :foreground (or foreground 'unspecified)
+                         :background (or background 'unspecified)
+                         :stipple stipple
+                         :bold bold-p
+                         :italic italic-p
+                         :underline underline-p
+                         :inverse-video inverse-p)
+     (setq face (read-face-name "Modify face"))
+     (apply #'set-face-attribute face frame
+          (read-all-face-attributes face frame))))
+ (defun read-face-and-attribute (attribute &optional frame)
+   "Read face name and face attribute value.
+ ATTRIBUTE is the attribute whose new value is read.
+ FRAME nil or unspecified means read attribute value of global face.
+ Value is a list (FACE NEW-VALUE) where FACE is the face read
+ \(a symbol), and NEW-VALUE is value read."
+   (cond ((eq attribute :font)
+        (let* ((prompt "Set font-related attributes of face")
+               (face (read-face-name prompt))
+               (font (read-face-font face frame)))
+          (list face font)))
+       (t
+        (let* ((attribute-name (face-descriptive-attribute-name attribute))
+               (prompt (format "Set %s of face" attribute-name))
+               (face (read-face-name prompt))
+               (new-value (read-face-attribute face attribute frame)))
+          (list face new-value)))))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Listing faces.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defvar list-faces-sample-text
+   "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+   "*Text string to display as the sample text for `list-faces-display'.")
+ ;; The name list-faces would be more consistent, but let's avoid a
+ ;; conflict with Lucid, which uses that name differently.
+ (defvar help-xref-stack)
+ (defun list-faces-display ()
+   "List all faces, using the same sample text in each.
+ The sample text is a string that comes from the variable
+ `list-faces-sample-text'."
+   (interactive)
+   (let ((faces (sort (face-list) #'string-lessp))
+       (face nil)
+       (frame (selected-frame))
+       disp-frame window face-name)
+     (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Faces*"
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer standard-output)
+       (setq truncate-lines t)
+       (insert
+        (substitute-command-keys
+         (concat
+          "Use "
+          (if (display-mouse-p) "\\[help-follow-mouse] or ")
+          "\\[help-follow] on a face name to customize it\n"
+          "or on its sample text for a description of the face.\n\n")))
+       (setq help-xref-stack nil)
+       (while faces
+         (setq face (car faces))
+         (setq faces (cdr faces))
+         (setq face-name (symbol-name face))
+         (insert (format "%25s " face-name))
+         ;; Hyperlink to a customization buffer for the face.  Using
+         ;; the help xref mechanism may not be the best way.
+         (save-excursion
+           (save-match-data
+             (search-backward face-name)
+             (help-xref-button 0 'help-customize-face face)))
+         (let ((beg (point))
+               (line-beg (line-beginning-position)))
+           (insert list-faces-sample-text)
+           ;; Hyperlink to a help buffer for the face.
+           (save-excursion
+             (save-match-data
+               (search-backward list-faces-sample-text)
+               (help-xref-button 0 'help-face face)))
+           (insert "\n")
+           (put-text-property beg (1- (point)) 'face face)
+           ;; Make all face commands default to the proper face
+           ;; anywhere in the line.
+           (put-text-property line-beg (1- (point)) 'read-face-name face)
+           ;; If the sample text has multiple lines, line up all of them.
+           (goto-char beg)
+           (forward-line 1)
+           (while (not (eobp))
+             (insert "                          ")
+             (forward-line 1))))
+       (goto-char (point-min)))
+       (print-help-return-message))
+     ;; If the *Faces* buffer appears in a different frame,
+     ;; copy all the face definitions from FRAME,
+     ;; so that the display will reflect the frame that was selected.
+     (setq window (get-buffer-window (get-buffer "*Faces*") t))
+     (setq disp-frame (if window (window-frame window)
+                      (car (frame-list))))
+     (or (eq frame disp-frame)
+       (let ((faces (face-list)))
+         (while faces
+           (copy-face (car faces) (car faces) frame disp-frame)
+           (setq faces (cdr faces)))))))
+ (defun describe-face (face &optional frame)
+   "Display the properties of face FACE on FRAME.
+ Interactively, FACE defaults to the faces of the character after point
+ and FRAME defaults to the selected frame.
+ If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
+ If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame."
+   (interactive (list (read-face-name "Describe face" "= `default' face" t)))
+   (let* ((attrs '((:family . "Family")
+                 (:width . "Width")
+                 (:height . "Height")
+                 (:weight . "Weight")
+                 (:slant . "Slant")
+                 (:foreground . "Foreground")
+                 (:background . "Background")
+                 (:underline . "Underline")
+                 (:overline . "Overline")
+                 (:strike-through . "Strike-through")
+                 (:box . "Box")
+                 (:inverse-video . "Inverse")
+                 (:stipple . "Stipple")
+                 (:font . "Font")
+                 (:fontset . "Fontset")
+                 (:inherit . "Inherit")))
+       (max-width (apply #'max (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (length (cdr x)))
+                                       attrs))))
+     (help-setup-xref (list #'describe-face face) (interactive-p))
+     (unless face
+       (setq face 'default))
+     (if (not (listp face))
+       (setq face (list face)))
+     (with-output-to-temp-buffer (help-buffer)
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer standard-output)
+       (dolist (f face)
+         (insert "Face: " (symbol-name f))
+         (if (not (facep f))
+             (insert "   undefined face.\n")
+           (let ((customize-label "customize this face"))
+             (princ (concat " (" customize-label ")\n"))
+             (insert "Documentation: "
+                     (or (face-documentation f)
+                         "Not documented as a face.")
+                     "\n\n")
+             (with-current-buffer standard-output
+               (save-excursion
+                 (re-search-backward
+                  (concat "\\(" customize-label "\\)") nil t)
+                 (help-xref-button 1 'help-customize-face f)))
+             (dolist (a attrs)
+               (let ((attr (face-attribute f (car a) frame)))
+                 (insert (make-string (- max-width (length (cdr a))) ?\ )
+                         (cdr a) ": " (format "%s" attr) "\n")))))
+         (terpri)))
+       (print-help-return-message))))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Face specifications (defface).
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;; Parameter FRAME Is kept for call compatibility to with previous
+ ;; face implementation.
+ (defun face-attr-construct (face &optional frame)
+   "Return a defface-style attribute list for FACE on FRAME.
+ Value is a property list of pairs ATTRIBUTE VALUE for all specified
+ face attributes of FACE where ATTRIBUTE is the attribute name and
+ VALUE is the specified value of that attribute."
+   (let (result)
+     (dolist (entry face-attribute-name-alist result)
+       (let* ((attribute (car entry))
+            (value (face-attribute face attribute)))
+       (unless (eq value 'unspecified)
+         (setq result (nconc (list attribute value) result)))))))
+ (defun face-spec-set-match-display (display frame)
+   "Non-nil if DISPLAY matches FRAME.
+ DISPLAY is part of a spec such as can be used in `defface'.
+ If FRAME is nil, the current FRAME is used."
+   (let* ((conjuncts display)
+        conjunct req options
+        ;; t means we have succeeded against all the conjuncts in
+        ;; DISPLAY that have been tested so far.
+        (match t))
+     (if (eq conjuncts t)
+       (setq conjuncts nil))
+     (while (and conjuncts match)
+       (setq conjunct (car conjuncts)
+           conjuncts (cdr conjuncts)
+           req (car conjunct)
+           options (cdr conjunct)
+           match (cond ((eq req 'type)
+                        (or (memq window-system options)
+                            ;; FIXME: This should be revisited to use
+                            ;; display-graphic-p, provided that the
+                            ;; color selection depends on the number
+                            ;; of supported colors, and all defface's
+                            ;; are changed to look at number of colors
+                            ;; instead of (type graphic) etc.
+                            (and (null window-system)
+                                 (memq 'tty options))
+                            (and (memq 'motif options)
+                                 (featurep 'motif))
+                            (and (memq 'lucid options)
+                                 (featurep 'x-toolkit)
+                                 (not (featurep 'motif)))
+                            (and (memq 'x-toolkit options)
+                                 (featurep 'x-toolkit))))
+                       ((eq req 'class)
+                        (memq (frame-parameter frame 'display-type) options))
+                       ((eq req 'background)
+                        (memq (frame-parameter frame 'background-mode)
+                              options))
+                       ((eq req 'supports)
+                        (display-supports-face-attributes-p options frame))
+                       (t (error "Unknown req `%S' with options `%S'"
+                                 req options)))))
+     match))
+ (defun face-spec-choose (spec &optional frame)
+   "Choose the proper attributes for FRAME, out of SPEC.
+ If SPEC is nil, return nil."
+   (unless frame
+     (setq frame (selected-frame)))
+   (let ((tail spec)
+       result all)
+     (while tail
+       (let* ((entry (pop tail))
+            (display (car entry))
+            (attrs (cdr entry)))
+       (when (face-spec-set-match-display display frame)
+         (setq result (if (null (cdr attrs)) ;; was (listp (car attrs))
+                          ;; Old-style entry, the attribute list is the
+                          ;; first element.
+                          (car attrs)
+                        attrs))
+         (if (eq display t)
+             (setq all result result nil)
+           (setq tail nil)))))
+     (if all (append result all) result)))
+ (defun face-spec-reset-face (face &optional frame)
+   "Reset all attributes of FACE on FRAME to unspecified."
+   (let ((attrs face-attribute-name-alist))
+     (while attrs
+       (let ((attr-and-name (car attrs)))
+       (set-face-attribute face frame (car attr-and-name) 'unspecified))
+       (setq attrs (cdr attrs)))))
+ (defun face-spec-set (face spec &optional frame)
+   "Set FACE's attributes according to the first matching entry in SPEC.
+ FRAME is the frame whose frame-local face is set.  FRAME nil means
+ do it on all frames.  See `defface' for information about SPEC.
+ If SPEC is nil, do nothing."
+   (let ((attrs (face-spec-choose spec frame)))
+     (when attrs
+       (face-spec-reset-face face frame))
+     (while attrs
+       (let ((attribute (car attrs))
+           (value (car (cdr attrs))))
+       ;; Support some old-style attribute names and values.
+       (case attribute
+         (:bold (setq attribute :weight value (if value 'bold 'normal)))
+         (:italic (setq attribute :slant value (if value 'italic 'normal)))
+         ((:foreground :background)
+          ;; Compatibility with 20.x.  Some bogus face specs seem to
+          ;; exist containing things like `:foreground nil'.
+          (if (null value) (setq value 'unspecified)))
+         (t (unless (assq attribute face-x-resources)
+              (setq attribute nil))))
+       (when attribute
+         (set-face-attribute face frame attribute value)))
+       (setq attrs (cdr (cdr attrs)))))
+   ;; When we reset the face based on its spec, then it is unmodified
+   ;; as far as Custom is concerned.
+   (if (null frame)
+       (put face 'face-modified nil)))
+ (defun face-attr-match-p (face attrs &optional frame)
+   "Return t if attributes of FACE match values in plist ATTRS.
+ Optional parameter FRAME is the frame whose definition of FACE
+ is used.  If nil or omitted, use the selected frame."
+   (unless frame
+     (setq frame (selected-frame)))
+   (let ((list face-attribute-name-alist)
+       (match t))
+     (while (and match (not (null list)))
+       (let* ((attr (car (car list)))
+            (specified-value
+             (if (plist-member attrs attr)
+                 (plist-get attrs attr)
+               'unspecified))
+            (value-now (face-attribute face attr frame)))
+       (setq match (equal specified-value value-now))
+       (setq list (cdr list))))
+     match))
+ (defun face-spec-match-p (face spec &optional frame)
+   "Return t if FACE, on FRAME, matches what SPEC says it should look like."
+   (face-attr-match-p face (face-spec-choose spec frame) frame))
+ (defsubst face-default-spec (face)
+   "Return the default face-spec for FACE, ignoring any user customization.
+ If there is no default for FACE, return nil."
+   (get face 'face-defface-spec))
+ (defsubst face-user-default-spec (face)
+   "Return the user's customized face-spec for FACE, or the default if none.
+ If there is neither a user setting nor a default for FACE, return nil."
+   (or (get face 'saved-face)
+       (face-default-spec face)))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Frame-type independent color support.
+ ;;; We keep the old x-* names as aliases for back-compatibility.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defun defined-colors (&optional frame)
+   "Return a list of colors supported for a particular frame.
+ The argument FRAME specifies which frame to try.
+ The value may be different for frames on different display types.
+ If FRAME doesn't support colors, the value is nil."
+   (if (memq (framep (or frame (selected-frame))) '(x w32 mac))
+       (xw-defined-colors frame)
+     (mapcar 'car (tty-color-alist frame))))
+ (defalias 'x-defined-colors 'defined-colors)
+ (defun color-defined-p (color &optional frame)
+   "Return non-nil if color COLOR is supported on frame FRAME.
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
+ If COLOR is the symbol `unspecified' or one of the strings
+ \"unspecified-fg\" or \"unspecified-bg\", the value is nil."
+   (if (member color '(unspecified "unspecified-bg" "unspecified-fg"))
+       nil
+     (if (member (framep (or frame (selected-frame))) '(x w32 mac))
+       (xw-color-defined-p color frame)
+       (numberp (tty-color-translate color frame)))))
+ (defalias 'x-color-defined-p 'color-defined-p)
+ (defun color-values (color &optional frame)
+   "Return a description of the color named COLOR on frame FRAME.
+ The value is a list of integer RGB values--\(RED GREEN BLUE\).
+ These values appear to range from 0 65535; white is \(65535 65535 65535\).
+ If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
+ If FRAME cannot display COLOR, the value is nil.
+ If COLOR is the symbol `unspecified' or one of the strings
+ \"unspecified-fg\" or \"unspecified-bg\", the value is nil."
+   (if (member color '(unspecified "unspecified-fg" "unspecified-bg"))
+       nil
+     (if (memq (framep (or frame (selected-frame))) '(x w32 mac))
+       (xw-color-values color frame)
+       (tty-color-values color frame))))
+ (defalias 'x-color-values 'color-values)
+ (defun display-color-p (&optional display)
+   "Return t if DISPLAY supports color.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display."
+   (if (memq (framep-on-display display) '(x w32 mac))
+       (xw-display-color-p display)
+     (tty-display-color-p display)))
+ (defalias 'x-display-color-p 'display-color-p)
+ (defun display-grayscale-p (&optional display)
+   "Return non-nil if frames on DISPLAY can display shades of gray."
+   (let ((frame-type (framep-on-display display)))
+     (cond
+      ((memq frame-type '(x w32 mac))
+       (x-display-grayscale-p display))
+      (t
+       (> (tty-color-gray-shades display) 2)))))
+ (defun display-supports-face-attributes-p (attributes &optional display)
+   "Return non-nil if all the face attributes in ATTRIBUTES are supported.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY can be a display name, a frame, or
+ nil (meaning the selected frame's display)
+ The definition of `supported' is somewhat heuristic, but basically means
+ that a face containing all the attributes in ATTRIBUTES, when merged
+ with the default face for display, can be represented in a way that's
+  (1) different in appearance than the default face, and
+  (2) `close in spirit' to what the attributes specify, if not exact.
+ Point (2) implies that a `:weight black' attribute will be satisfied by
+ any display that can display bold, and a `:foreground \"yellow\"' as long
+ as it can display a yellowish color, but `:slant italic' will _not_ be
+ satisfied by the tty display code's automatic substitution of a `dim'
+ face for italic."
+   (let ((frame
+        (if (framep display)
+            display
+          (car (frames-on-display-list display)))))
+     ;; For now, we assume that non-tty displays can support everything.
+     ;; Later, we should add the ability to query about specific fonts,
+     ;; colors, etc.
+     (or (memq (framep frame) '(x w32 mac))
+       (tty-supports-face-attributes-p attributes frame))))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Background mode.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defcustom frame-background-mode nil
+   "*The brightness of the background.
+ Set this to the symbol `dark' if your background color is dark, `light' if
+ your background is light, or nil (default) if you want Emacs to
+ examine the brightness for you.  Don't set this variable with `setq';
+ this won't have the expected effect."
+   :group 'faces
+   :set #'(lambda (var value)
+          (set-default var value)
+          (mapc 'frame-set-background-mode (frame-list)))
+   :initialize 'custom-initialize-changed
+   :type '(choice (choice-item dark)
+                (choice-item light)
+                (choice-item :tag "default" nil)))
+ (defun frame-set-background-mode (frame)
+   "Set up display-dependent faces on FRAME.
+ Display-dependent faces are those which have different definitions
+ according to the `background-mode' and `display-type' frame parameters."
+   (let* ((bg-resource
+         (and window-system
+              (x-get-resource "backgroundMode" "BackgroundMode")))
+        (bg-color (frame-parameter frame 'background-color))
+        (bg-mode
+         (cond (frame-background-mode)
+               (bg-resource
+                (intern (downcase bg-resource)))
+               ((and (null window-system) (null bg-color))
+                ;; No way to determine this automatically (?).
+                'dark)
+               ;; Unspecified frame background color can only happen
+               ;; on tty's.
+               ((member bg-color '(unspecified "unspecified-bg"))
+                'dark)
+               ((equal bg-color "unspecified-fg") ; inverted colors
+                'light)
+               ((>= (apply '+ (x-color-values bg-color frame))
+                   ;; Just looking at the screen, colors whose
+                   ;; values add up to .6 of the white total
+                   ;; still look dark to me.
+                   (* (apply '+ (x-color-values "white" frame)) .6))
+                'light)
+               (t 'dark)))
+        (display-type
+         (cond ((null window-system)
+                (if (tty-display-color-p frame) 'color 'mono))
+               ((x-display-color-p frame)
+                'color)
+               ((x-display-grayscale-p frame)
+                'grayscale)
+               (t 'mono)))
+        (old-bg-mode
+         (frame-parameter frame 'background-mode))
+        (old-display-type
+         (frame-parameter frame 'display-type)))
+     (unless (and (eq bg-mode old-bg-mode) (eq display-type old-display-type))
+       (let ((locally-modified-faces nil))
+       ;; Before modifying the frame parameters, we collect a list of
+       ;; faces that don't match what their face-spec says they should
+       ;; look like; we then avoid changing these faces below.  A
+       ;; negative list is used on the assumption that most faces will
+       ;; be unmodified, so we can avoid consing in the common case.
+       (dolist (face (face-list))
+         (when (not (face-spec-match-p face
+                                       (face-user-default-spec face)
+                                       (selected-frame)))
+           (push face locally-modified-faces)))
+       ;; Now change to the new frame parameters
+       (modify-frame-parameters frame
+                                (list (cons 'background-mode bg-mode)
+                                      (cons 'display-type display-type)))
+       ;; For all named faces, choose face specs matching the new frame
+       ;; parameters, unless they have been locally modified.
+       (dolist (face (face-list))
+         (unless (memq face locally-modified-faces)
+           (face-spec-set face (face-user-default-spec face) frame)))))))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Frame creation.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defun x-handle-named-frame-geometry (parameters)
+   "Add geometry parameters for a named frame to parameter list PARAMETERS.
+ Value is the new parameter list."
+   (let* ((name (or (cdr (assq 'name parameters))
+                  (cdr (assq 'name default-frame-alist))))
+        (x-resource-name name)
+        (res-geometry (if name (x-get-resource "geometry" "Geometry"))))
+     (when res-geometry
+       (let ((parsed (x-parse-geometry res-geometry)))
+       ;; If the resource specifies a position, call the position
+       ;; and size "user-specified".
+       (when (or (assq 'top parsed)
+                 (assq 'left parsed))
+         (setq parsed (append '((user-position . t) (user-size . t)) parsed)))
+       ;; Put the geometry parameters at the end.  Copy
+       ;; default-frame-alist so that they go after it.
+       (setq parameters (append parameters default-frame-alist parsed))))
+     parameters))
+ (defun x-handle-reverse-video (frame parameters)
+   "Handle the reverse-video frame parameter and X resource.
+ `x-create-frame' does not handle this one."
+   (when (cdr (or (assq 'reverse parameters)
+                (assq 'reverse default-frame-alist)
+                (let ((resource (x-get-resource "reverseVideo"
+                                                "ReverseVideo")))
+                  (if resource
+                      (cons nil (member (downcase resource)
+                                        '("on" "true")))))))
+       (let* ((params (frame-parameters frame))
+            (bg (cdr (assq 'foreground-color params)))
+            (fg (cdr (assq 'background-color params))))
+       (modify-frame-parameters frame
+                                (list (cons 'foreground-color fg)
+                                      (cons 'background-color bg)))
+       (if (equal bg (cdr (assq 'border-color params)))
+           (modify-frame-parameters frame
+                                    (list (cons 'border-color fg))))
+       (if (equal bg (cdr (assq 'mouse-color params)))
+           (modify-frame-parameters frame
+                                    (list (cons 'mouse-color fg))))
+       (if (equal bg (cdr (assq 'cursor-color params)))
+           (modify-frame-parameters frame
+                                    (list (cons 'cursor-color fg)))))))
+ (defun x-create-frame-with-faces (&optional parameters)
+   "Create a frame from optional frame parameters PARAMETERS.
+ Parameters not specified by PARAMETERS are taken from
+ `default-frame-alist'.  If PARAMETERS specify a frame name,
+ handle X geometry resources for that name.  If either PARAMETERS
+ or `default-frame-alist' contains a `reverse' parameter, or
+ the X resource ``reverseVideo'' is present, handle that.
+ Value is the new frame created."
+   (setq parameters (x-handle-named-frame-geometry parameters))
+   (let ((visibility-spec (assq 'visibility parameters))
+       (frame-list (frame-list))
+       (frame (x-create-frame (cons '(visibility . nil) parameters)))
+       success)
+     (unwind-protect
+       (progn
+         (x-handle-reverse-video frame parameters)
+         (frame-set-background-mode frame)
+         (face-set-after-frame-default frame)
+         (if (or (null frame-list) (null visibility-spec))
+             (make-frame-visible frame)
+           (modify-frame-parameters frame (list visibility-spec)))
+         (setq success t))
+       (unless success
+       (delete-frame frame)))
+     frame))
+ (defun face-set-after-frame-default (frame)
+   "Set frame-local faces of FRAME from face specs and resources.
+ Initialize colors of certain faces from frame parameters."
+   (if (face-attribute 'default :font t)
+       (set-face-attribute 'default frame :font
+                         (face-attribute 'default :font t))
+     (set-face-attribute 'default frame :family
+                       (face-attribute 'default :family t))
+     (set-face-attribute 'default frame :height
+                       (face-attribute 'default :height t))
+     (set-face-attribute 'default frame :slant
+                       (face-attribute 'default :slant t))
+     (set-face-attribute 'default frame :weight
+                       (face-attribute 'default :weight t))
+     (set-face-attribute 'default frame :width
+                       (face-attribute 'default :width t)))
+   (dolist (face (face-list))
+     ;; Don't let frame creation fail because of an invalid face spec.
+     (condition-case ()
+       (when (not (equal face 'default))
+         (face-spec-set face (face-user-default-spec face) frame)
+         (internal-merge-in-global-face face frame)
+         (when (and (memq window-system '(x w32 mac))
+                    (or (not (boundp 'inhibit-default-face-x-resources))
+                        (not (eq face 'default))))
+           (make-face-x-resource-internal face frame)))
+       (error nil)))
+   ;; Initialize attributes from frame parameters.
+   (let ((params '((foreground-color default :foreground)
+                 (background-color default :background)
+                 (border-color border :background)
+                 (cursor-color cursor :background)
+                 (scroll-bar-foreground scroll-bar :foreground)
+                 (scroll-bar-background scroll-bar :background)
+                 (mouse-color mouse :background))))
+     (dolist (param params)
+       (let ((frame-param (frame-parameter frame (nth 0 param)))
+           (face (nth 1 param))
+           (attr (nth 2 param)))
+       (when (and frame-param
+                  ;; Don't override face attributes explicitly
+                  ;; specified for new frames.
+                  (eq (face-attribute face attr t) 'unspecified))
+         (set-face-attribute face frame attr frame-param))))))
+ (defun tty-handle-reverse-video (frame parameters)
+   "Handle the reverse-video frame parameter for terminal frames."
+   (when (cdr (or (assq 'reverse parameters)
+                (assq 'reverse default-frame-alist)))
+     (let* ((params (frame-parameters frame))
+          (bg (cdr (assq 'foreground-color params)))
+          (fg (cdr (assq 'background-color params))))
+       (modify-frame-parameters frame
+                              (list (cons 'foreground-color fg)
+                                    (cons 'background-color bg)))
+       (if (equal bg (cdr (assq 'mouse-color params)))
+         (modify-frame-parameters frame
+                                  (list (cons 'mouse-color fg))))
+       (if (equal bg (cdr (assq 'cursor-color params)))
+         (modify-frame-parameters frame
+                                  (list (cons 'cursor-color fg)))))))
+ (defun tty-create-frame-with-faces (&optional parameters)
+   "Create a frame from optional frame parameters PARAMETERS.
+ Parameters not specified by PARAMETERS are taken from
+ `default-frame-alist'.  If either PARAMETERS or `default-frame-alist'
+ contains a `reverse' parameter, handle that.  Value is the new frame
+ created."
+   (let ((frame (make-terminal-frame parameters))
+       success)
+     (unwind-protect
+       (progn
+         (tty-handle-reverse-video frame (frame-parameters frame))
+         (frame-set-background-mode frame)
+         (face-set-after-frame-default frame)
+         (setq success t))
+       (unless success
+       (delete-frame frame)))
+     frame))
+ ;; Called from C function init_display to initialize faces of the
+ ;; dumped terminal frame on startup.
+ (defun tty-set-up-initial-frame-faces ()
+   (let ((frame (selected-frame)))
+     (frame-set-background-mode frame)
+     (face-set-after-frame-default frame)))
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Compatiblity with 20.2
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;; Update a frame's faces when we change its default font.
+ (defalias 'frame-update-faces 'ignore)
+ (make-obsolete 'frame-update-faces "no longer necessary." "21.1")
+ ;; Update the colors of FACE, after FRAME's own colors have been
+ ;; changed.
+ (defalias 'frame-update-face-colors 'frame-set-background-mode)
+ (make-obsolete 'frame-update-face-colors 'frame-set-background-mode "21.1")
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Standard faces.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ (defgroup basic-faces nil
+   "The standard faces of Emacs."
+   :group 'faces)
+ (defface default
+   '((t nil))
+   "Basic default face."
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface mode-line
+   '((((type x w32 mac) (class color))
+      :box (:line-width -1 :style released-button)
+      :background "grey75" :foreground "black")
+     (t
+      :inverse-video t))
+   "Basic mode line face for selected window."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'modeline
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface mode-line-inactive
+   '((t
+      :inherit mode-line)
+     (((type x w32 mac) (background light) (class color))
+      :weight light
+      :box (:line-width -1 :color "grey75" :style nil)
+      :foreground "grey20" :background "grey90")
+     (((type x w32 mac) (background dark) (class color))
+      :weight light
+      :box (:line-width -1 :color "grey40" :style nil)
+      :foreground "grey80" :background "grey30"))
+   "Basic mode line face for non-selected windows."
+   :version "21.4"
+   :group 'modeline
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ ;; Make `modeline' an alias for `mode-line', for compatibility.
+ (put 'modeline 'face-alias 'mode-line)
+ (put 'modeline-inactive 'face-alias 'mode-line-inactive)
+ (defface header-line
+   '((((type tty))
+      ;; This used to be `:inverse-video t', but that doesn't look very
+      ;; good when combined with inverse-video mode-lines and multiple
+      ;; windows.  Underlining looks better, and is more consistent with
+      ;; the window-system face variants, which deemphasize the
+      ;; header-line in relation to the mode-line face.  If a terminal
+      ;; can't underline, then the header-line will end up without any
+      ;; highlighting; this may be too confusing in general, although it
+      ;; happens to look good with the only current use of header-lines,
+      ;; the info browser. XXX
+      :underline t)
+     (((class color grayscale) (background light))
+      :background "grey90" :foreground "grey20"
+      :box nil
+      :inherit mode-line)
+     (((class color grayscale) (background dark))
+      :background "grey20" :foreground "grey90"
+      :box nil
+      :inherit mode-line)
+     (((class mono) (background light))
+      :background "white" :foreground "black"
+      :inverse-video nil
+      :box nil
+      :underline t
+      :inherit mode-line)
+     (((class mono) (background dark))
+      :background "black" :foreground "white"
+      :inverse-video nil
+      :box nil
+      :underline t
+      :inherit mode-line))
+   "Basic header-line face."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface tool-bar
+   '((((type x w32 mac) (class color))
+      :box (:line-width 1 :style released-button)
+      :background "grey75" :foreground "black")
+     (((type x) (class mono))
+      :box (:line-width 1 :style released-button)
+      :background "grey" :foreground "black")
+     (t
+      ()))
+   "Basic tool-bar face."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface minibuffer-prompt '((((background dark)) :foreground "cyan")
+                            (((type pc)) :foreground "magenta")
+                            (t :foreground "dark blue"))
+   "Face for minibuffer prompts."
+   :version "21.4"
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (setq minibuffer-prompt-properties
+       (append minibuffer-prompt-properties (list 'face 'minibuffer-prompt)))
+ (defface region
+   '((((type tty) (class color))
+      :background "blue" :foreground "white")
+     (((type tty) (class mono))
+      :inverse-video t)
+     (((class color) (background dark))
+      :background "blue3")
+     (((class color) (background light))
+      :background "lightgoldenrod2")
+     (t :background "gray"))
+   "Basic face for highlighting the region."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface fringe
+   '((((class color) (background light))
+      :background "grey95")
+     (((class color) (background dark))
+      :background "grey10")
+     (t
+      :background "gray"))
+   "Basic face for the fringes to the left and right of windows under X."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'frames
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface scroll-bar '()
+   "Basic face for the scroll bar colors under X."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'frames
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface menu
+   '((((type tty))
+      :inverse-video t)
+     (((type x-toolkit))
+      )
+     (t
+      :inverse-video t))
+   "Basic face for the font and colors of the menu bar and popup menus."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'menu
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface border '()
+   "Basic face for the frame border under X."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'frames
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface cursor '()
+   "Basic face for the cursor color under X."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'cursor
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface mouse '()
+   "Basic face for the mouse color under X."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'mouse
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface bold '((t :weight bold))
+   "Basic bold face."
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface italic
+   '((((supports :slant italic))
+      :slant italic)
+     (((supports :underline t))
+      :underline t)
+     (t
+      ;; default to italic, even it doesn't appear to be supported,
+      ;; because in some cases the display engine will do it's own
+      ;; workaround (to `dim' on ttys)
+      :slant italic))
+   "Basic italic font."
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface bold-italic '((t :weight bold :slant italic))
+   "Basic bold-italic face."
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface underline '((t :underline t))
+   "Basic underlined face."
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface highlight
+   '((((type tty) (class color))
+      :background "green" :foreground "black")
+     (((class color) (background light))
+      :background "darkseagreen2")
+     (((class color) (background dark))
+      :background "darkolivegreen")
+     (t :inverse-video t))
+   "Basic face for highlighting."
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface secondary-selection
+   '((((type tty) (class color))
+      :background "cyan" :foreground "black")
+     (((class color) (background light))
+      :background "yellow")
+     (((class color) (background dark))
+      :background "SkyBlue4")
+     (t :inverse-video t))
+   "Basic face for displaying the secondary selection."
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface fixed-pitch '((t :family "courier"))
+   "The basic fixed-pitch face."
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface variable-pitch '((t :family "helv"))
+   "The basic variable-pitch face."
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ (defface trailing-whitespace
+   '((((class color) (background light))
+      :background "red")
+     (((class color) (background dark))
+      :background "red")
+     (t :inverse-video t))
+   "Basic face for highlighting trailing whitespace."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'font-lock                   ; like `show-trailing-whitespace'
+   :group 'basic-faces)
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;;; Manipulating font names.
+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+ ;; This is here for compatibilty with Emacs 20.2.  For example,
+ ;; international/fontset.el uses x-resolve-font-name.  The following
+ ;; functions are not used in the face implementation itself.
+ (defvar x-font-regexp nil)
+ (defvar x-font-regexp-head nil)
+ (defvar x-font-regexp-weight nil)
+ (defvar x-font-regexp-slant nil)
+ (defconst x-font-regexp-weight-subnum 1)
+ (defconst x-font-regexp-slant-subnum 2)
+ (defconst x-font-regexp-swidth-subnum 3)
+ (defconst x-font-regexp-adstyle-subnum 4)
+ ;;; Regexps matching font names in "Host Portable Character Representation."
+ ;;;
+ (let ((-              "[-?]")
+       (foundry                "[^-]+")
+       (family                 "[^-]+")
+       (weight         "\\(bold\\|demibold\\|medium\\)")               ; 1
+ ;     (weight\?               "\\(\\*\\|bold\\|demibold\\|medium\\|\\)")      
; 1
+       (weight\?               "\\([^-]*\\)")                                  
; 1
+       (slant          "\\([ior]\\)")                                  ; 2
+ ;     (slant\?                "\\([ior?*]?\\)")                               
; 2
+       (slant\?                "\\([^-]?\\)")                                  
; 2
+ ;     (swidth         "\\(\\*\\|normal\\|semicondensed\\|\\)")        ; 3
+       (swidth         "\\([^-]*\\)")                                  ; 3
+ ;     (adstyle                "\\(\\*\\|sans\\|\\)")                          
; 4
+       (adstyle                "\\([^-]*\\)")                                  
; 4
+       (pixelsize      "[0-9]+")
+       (pointsize      "[0-9][0-9]+")
+       (resx           "[0-9][0-9]+")
+       (resy           "[0-9][0-9]+")
+       (spacing                "[cmp?*]")
+       (avgwidth               "[0-9]+")
+       (registry               "[^-]+")
+       (encoding               "[^-]+")
+       )
+   (setq x-font-regexp
+       (concat "\\`\\*?[-?*]"
+               foundry - family - weight\? - slant\? - swidth - adstyle -
+               pixelsize - pointsize - resx - resy - spacing - avgwidth -
+               registry - encoding "\\*?\\'"
+               ))
+   (setq x-font-regexp-head
+       (concat "\\`[-?*]" foundry - family - weight\? - slant\?
+               "\\([-*?]\\|\\'\\)"))
+   (setq x-font-regexp-slant (concat - slant -))
+   (setq x-font-regexp-weight (concat - weight -))
+   nil)
+ (defun x-resolve-font-name (pattern &optional face frame)
+   "Return a font name matching PATTERN.
+ All wildcards in PATTERN are instantiated.
+ If PATTERN is nil, return the name of the frame's base font, which never
+ contains wildcards.
+ Given optional arguments FACE and FRAME, return a font which is
+ also the same size as FACE on FRAME, or fail."
+   (or (symbolp face)
+       (setq face (face-name face)))
+   (and (eq frame t)
+        (setq frame nil))
+   (if pattern
+       ;; Note that x-list-fonts has code to handle a face with nil as its 
+       (let ((fonts (x-list-fonts pattern face frame 1)))
+       (or fonts
+           (if face
+               (if (string-match "\\*" pattern)
+                   (if (null (face-font face))
+                       (error "No matching fonts are the same height as the 
frame default font")
+                     (error "No matching fonts are the same height as face 
`%s'" face))
+                 (if (null (face-font face))
+                     (error "Height of font `%s' doesn't match the frame 
default font"
+                            pattern)
+                   (error "Height of font `%s' doesn't match face `%s'"
+                          pattern face)))
+             (error "No fonts match `%s'" pattern)))
+       (car fonts))
+     (cdr (assq 'font (frame-parameters (selected-frame))))))
+ (defun x-frob-font-weight (font which)
+   (let ((case-fold-search t))
+     (cond ((string-match x-font-regexp font)
+          (concat (substring font 0
+                             (match-beginning x-font-regexp-weight-subnum))
+                  which
+                  (substring font (match-end x-font-regexp-weight-subnum)
+                             (match-beginning x-font-regexp-adstyle-subnum))
+                  ;; Replace the ADD_STYLE_NAME field with *
+                  ;; because the info in it may not be the same
+                  ;; for related fonts.
+                  "*"
+                  (substring font (match-end x-font-regexp-adstyle-subnum))))
+         ((string-match x-font-regexp-head font)
+          (concat (substring font 0 (match-beginning 1)) which
+                  (substring font (match-end 1))))
+         ((string-match x-font-regexp-weight font)
+          (concat (substring font 0 (match-beginning 1)) which
+                  (substring font (match-end 1)))))))
+ (make-obsolete 'x-frob-font-weight 'make-face-... "21.1")
+ (defun x-frob-font-slant (font which)
+   (let ((case-fold-search t))
+     (cond ((string-match x-font-regexp font)
+          (concat (substring font 0
+                             (match-beginning x-font-regexp-slant-subnum))
+                  which
+                  (substring font (match-end x-font-regexp-slant-subnum)
+                             (match-beginning x-font-regexp-adstyle-subnum))
+                  ;; Replace the ADD_STYLE_NAME field with *
+                  ;; because the info in it may not be the same
+                  ;; for related fonts.
+                  "*"
+                  (substring font (match-end x-font-regexp-adstyle-subnum))))
+         ((string-match x-font-regexp-head font)
+          (concat (substring font 0 (match-beginning 2)) which
+                  (substring font (match-end 2))))
+         ((string-match x-font-regexp-slant font)
+          (concat (substring font 0 (match-beginning 1)) which
+                  (substring font (match-end 1)))))))
+ (make-obsolete 'x-frob-font-slant 'make-face-... "21.1")
+ ;; These aliases are here so that we don't get warnings about obsolete
+ ;; functions from the byte compiler.
+ (defalias 'internal-frob-font-weight 'x-frob-font-weight)
+ (defalias 'internal-frob-font-slant 'x-frob-font-slant)
+ (defun x-make-font-bold (font)
+   "Given an X font specification, make a bold version of it.
+ If that can't be done, return nil."
+   (internal-frob-font-weight font "bold"))
+ (make-obsolete 'x-make-font-bold 'make-face-bold "21.1")
+ (defun x-make-font-demibold (font)
+   "Given an X font specification, make a demibold version of it.
+ If that can't be done, return nil."
+   (internal-frob-font-weight font "demibold"))
+ (make-obsolete 'x-make-font-demibold 'make-face-bold "21.1")
+ (defun x-make-font-unbold (font)
+   "Given an X font specification, make a non-bold version of it.
+ If that can't be done, return nil."
+   (internal-frob-font-weight font "medium"))
+ (make-obsolete 'x-make-font-unbold 'make-face-unbold "21.1")
+ (defun x-make-font-italic (font)
+   "Given an X font specification, make an italic version of it.
+ If that can't be done, return nil."
+   (internal-frob-font-slant font "i"))
+ (make-obsolete 'x-make-font-italic 'make-face-italic "21.1")
+ (defun x-make-font-oblique (font) ; you say tomayto...
+   "Given an X font specification, make an oblique version of it.
+ If that can't be done, return nil."
+   (internal-frob-font-slant font "o"))
+ (make-obsolete 'x-make-font-oblique 'make-face-italic "21.1")
+ (defun x-make-font-unitalic (font)
+   "Given an X font specification, make a non-italic version of it.
+ If that can't be done, return nil."
+   (internal-frob-font-slant font "r"))
+ (make-obsolete 'x-make-font-unitalic 'make-face-unitalic "21.1")
+ (defun x-make-font-bold-italic (font)
+   "Given an X font specification, make a bold and italic version of it.
+ If that can't be done, return nil."
+   (and (setq font (internal-frob-font-weight font "bold"))
+        (internal-frob-font-slant font "i")))
+ (make-obsolete 'x-make-font-bold-italic 'make-face-bold-italic "21.1")
+ (provide 'faces)
+ ;;; faces.el ends here

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