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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/disp-table.el [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Dave Love
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/disp-table.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 13:54:12 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/disp-table.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/disp-table.el:
*** /dev/null   Wed Sep 10 13:54:12 2003
--- emacs/lisp/disp-table.el    Wed Sep 10 13:54:12 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,230 ----
+ ;;; disp-table.el --- functions for dealing with char tables
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1987, 1994, 1995, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Erik Naggum <address@hidden>
+ ;; Based on a previous version by Howard Gayle
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; Keywords: i18n
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (put 'display-table 'char-table-extra-slots 6)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun make-display-table ()
+   "Return a new, empty display table."
+   (make-char-table 'display-table nil))
+ (or standard-display-table
+     (setq standard-display-table (make-display-table)))
+ ;;; Display-table slot names.  The property value says which slot.
+ (put 'truncation 'display-table-slot 0)
+ (put 'wrap 'display-table-slot 1)
+ (put 'escape 'display-table-slot 2)
+ (put 'control 'display-table-slot 3)
+ (put 'selective-display 'display-table-slot 4)
+ (put 'vertical-border 'display-table-slot 5)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun display-table-slot (display-table slot)
+   "Return the value of the extra slot in DISPLAY-TABLE named SLOT.
+ SLOT may be a number from 0 to 5 inclusive, or a slot name (symbol).
+ Valid symbols are `truncation', `wrap', `escape', `control',
+ `selective-display', and `vertical-border'."
+   (let ((slot-number
+        (if (numberp slot) slot
+          (or (get slot 'display-table-slot)
+              (error "Invalid display-table slot name: %s" slot)))))
+     (char-table-extra-slot display-table slot-number)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun set-display-table-slot (display-table slot value)
+   "Set the value of the extra slot in DISPLAY-TABLE named SLOT to VALUE.
+ SLOT may be a number from 0 to 5 inclusive, or a name (symbol).
+ Valid symbols are `truncation', `wrap', `escape', `control',
+ `selective-display', and `vertical-border'."
+   (let ((slot-number
+        (if (numberp slot) slot
+          (or (get slot 'display-table-slot)
+              (error "Invalid display-table slot name: %s" slot)))))
+     (set-char-table-extra-slot display-table slot-number value)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun describe-display-table (dt)
+   "Describe the display table DT in a help buffer."
+   (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+     (princ "\nTruncation glyph: ")
+     (prin1 (display-table-slot dt 'truncation))
+     (princ "\nWrap glyph: ")
+     (prin1 (display-table-slot dt 'wrap))
+     (princ "\nEscape glyph: ")
+     (prin1 (display-table-slot dt 'escape))
+     (princ "\nCtrl glyph: ")
+     (prin1 (display-table-slot dt 'control))
+     (princ "\nSelective display glyph sequence: ")
+     (prin1 (display-table-slot dt 'selective-display))
+     (princ "\nVertical window border glyph: ")
+     (prin1 (display-table-slot dt 'vertical-border))
+     (princ "\nCharacter display glyph sequences:\n")
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer standard-output)
+       (let ((vector (make-vector 256 nil))
+           (i 0))
+       (while (< i 256)
+         (aset vector i (aref dt i))
+         (setq i (1+ i)))
+       (describe-vector vector))
+       (help-mode))
+     (print-help-return-message)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun describe-current-display-table ()
+   "Describe the display table in use in the selected window and buffer."
+   (interactive)
+   (let ((disptab (or (window-display-table (selected-window))
+                    buffer-display-table
+                    standard-display-table)))
+     (if disptab
+       (describe-display-table disptab)
+       (message "No display table"))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun standard-display-8bit (l h)
+   "Display characters in the range L to H literally."
+   (while (<= l h)
+     (if (and (>= l ?\ ) (< l 127))
+       (aset standard-display-table l nil)
+       (aset standard-display-table l (vector l)))
+     (setq l (1+ l))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun standard-display-default (l h)
+   "Display characters in the range L to H using the default notation."
+   (while (<= l h)
+     (if (and (>= l ?\ ) (characterp l))
+       (aset standard-display-table l nil))
+     (setq l (1+ l))))
+ ;; This function does NOT take terminal-dependent escape sequences.
+ ;; For that, you need to go through create-glyph.  Use one of the
+ ;; other functions below, or roll your own.
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun standard-display-ascii (c s)
+   "Display character C using printable string S."
+   (aset standard-display-table c (vconcat s)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun standard-display-g1 (c sc)
+   "Display character C as character SC in the g1 character set.
+ This function assumes that your terminal uses the SO/SI characters;
+ it is meaningless for an X frame."
+   (if (memq window-system '(x w32))
+       (error "Cannot use string glyphs in a windowing system"))
+   (aset standard-display-table c
+       (vector (create-glyph (concat "\016" (char-to-string sc) "\017")))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun standard-display-graphic (c gc)
+   "Display character C as character GC in graphics character set.
+ This function assumes VT100-compatible escapes; it is meaningless for an
+ X frame."
+   (if (memq window-system '(x w32))
+       (error "Cannot use string glyphs in a windowing system"))
+   (aset standard-display-table c
+       (vector (create-glyph (concat "\e(0" (char-to-string gc) "\e(B")))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun standard-display-underline (c uc)
+   "Display character C as character UC plus underlining."
+   (aset standard-display-table c
+       (vector
+        (if window-system
+            (logior uc (lsh (face-id 'underline) 19))
+          (create-glyph (concat "\e[4m" (char-to-string uc) "\e[m"))))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun create-glyph (string)
+   "Allocate a glyph code to display by sending STRING to the terminal."
+   (if (= (length glyph-table) 65536)
+       (error "No free glyph codes remain"))
+   ;; Don't use slots that correspond to ASCII characters.
+   (if (= (length glyph-table) 32)
+       (setq glyph-table (vconcat glyph-table (make-vector 224 nil))))
+   (setq glyph-table (vconcat glyph-table (list string)))
+   (1- (length glyph-table)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun standard-display-european (arg)
+   "Semi-obsolete way to toggle display of ISO 8859 European characters.
+ This function is semi-obsolete; if you want to do your editing with
+ unibyte characters, it is better to `set-language-environment' coupled
+ with either the `--unibyte' option or the EMACS_UNIBYTE environment
+ variable, or else customize `enable-multibyte-characters'.
+ With prefix argument, this command enables European character display
+ if arg is positive, disables it otherwise.  Otherwise, it toggles
+ European character display.
+ When this mode is enabled, characters in the range of 160 to 255
+ display not as octal escapes, but as accented characters.  Codes 146
+ and 160 display as apostrophe and space, even though they are not the
+ ASCII codes for apostrophe and space.
+ Enabling European character display with this command noninteractively
+ from Lisp code also selects Latin-1 as the language environment, and
+ selects unibyte mode for all Emacs buffers \(both existing buffers and
+ those created subsequently).  This provides increased compatibility
+ for users who call this function in `.emacs'."
+   (if (or (<= (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)
+         (and (null arg)
+              (char-table-p standard-display-table)
+              ;; Test 161, because 160 displays as a space.
+              (equal (aref standard-display-table 161) [161])))
+       (progn
+       (standard-display-default 160 255)
+       (unless (or (memq window-system '(x w32)))
+         (and (terminal-coding-system)
+              (set-terminal-coding-system nil))))
+     ;; Turn off multibyte chars for more compatibility.
+     (setq-default enable-multibyte-characters nil)
+     ;; Switch to Latin-1 language environment
+     ;; unless some other has been specified.
+     (if (equal current-language-environment "English")
+       (set-language-environment "latin-1"))
+     (unless (or noninteractive (memq window-system '(x w32)))
+       ;; Send those codes literally to a character-based terminal.
+       ;; If we are using single-byte characters,
+       ;; it doesn't matter which coding system we use.
+       (set-terminal-coding-system
+        (let ((c (intern (downcase current-language-environment))))
+        (if (coding-system-p c) c 'latin-1))))
+     (standard-display-european-internal)))
+ (provide 'disp-table)
+ ;;; disp-table.el ends here

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