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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/msdos/is_exec.c [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/msdos/is_exec.c [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 18:51:26 -0400

Index: emacs/msdos/is_exec.c
diff -c /dev/null emacs/msdos/is_exec.c:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 18:51:26 2003
--- emacs/msdos/is_exec.c       Tue Oct 14 18:51:23 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,225 ----
+ /* Copyright (C) 1995 DJ Delorie, see COPYING.DJ for details */
+ /* IS_EXEC.C
+  *
+  * Given a filename or a file handle, and the extension of the file,
+  * determine if the file is executable.
+  * First, the file extension is checked in case it uniquely identifies
+  * the file as either an executable or not.  Failing this, the first
+  * two bytes of the file are tested for known signatures of executable
+  * files.
+  *
+  * Copyright (c) 1994 Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden>
+  *
+  * This software may be used freely so long as this copyright notice is
+  * left intact.  There is no warranty on this software.
+  *
+  */
+ #include <libc/stubs.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <dpmi.h>
+ #include <go32.h>
+ #include <io.h>
+ #include <libc/farptrgs.h>
+ #include <libc/dosio.h>
+ extern unsigned short _djstat_flags;
+ unsigned short        _get_magic(const char *, int);
+ int                   _is_executable(const char *, int, const char *);
+ /*
+  * Read a MAGIC NUMBER from a given file.  These are the first
+  * two bytes of the file, if we look at them as an unsigned short. */
+ #define _STAT_EXEC_EXT      2   /* get execute bits from file extension? */
+ #define _STAT_EXEC_MAGIC    4   /* get execute bits from magic signature? */
+ unsigned short
+ _get_magic(const char *s, int fh)
+ {
+   __dpmi_regs          regs;
+   unsigned short       retval;
+   unsigned short       fpos_high = 0, fpos_low = 0;
+   int                  read_fail = 0;
+   /* If given a pathname, open the file. */
+   if (s)
+   {
+     int handle;
+     if((handle = _open(s,0)) == -1)
+       return 0;
+     regs.x.bx = handle;
+   }
+   /* Else file already open.  Remember its current file position
+      and move to beginning of file. */
+   else
+   {
+     regs.x.ax = 0x4201;               /* set pointer from current position */
+     regs.x.bx = fh;
+     regs.x.cx = regs.x.dx = 0;        /* move 0 bytes (i.e., stay put) */
+     __dpmi_int(0x21, &regs);
+     if (regs.x.flags & 1)
+     {
+       errno = __doserr_to_errno(regs.x.ax);
+       return 0;
+     }
+     fpos_high = regs.x.dx;    /* got current position */
+     fpos_low  = regs.x.ax;
+     regs.x.ax = 0x4200;               /* set pointer from the beginning of 
file */
+     regs.x.cx = regs.x.dx = 0;        /* move to beginning of file */
+     __dpmi_int(0x21, &regs);
+     if (regs.x.flags & 1)
+     {
+       errno = __doserr_to_errno(regs.x.ax);
+       return 0;
+     }
+   }
+   regs.x.ds = __tb_segment;
+   regs.x.dx = __tb_offset;
+   /* Read 2 bytes from the file. */
+   regs.x.ax = 0x3f00;
+   regs.x.cx = 2;
+   __dpmi_int(0x21, &regs);
+   /* We can either (1) succeed, (2) read less than 2 bytes,
+      or (3) fail to read at all.  */
+   if (regs.x.ax != 2)
+     read_fail = (regs.x.flags & 1) ? regs.x.ax : -1;
+   /* If called with filename, close the file. */
+   if (s)
+   {
+     regs.x.ax = 0x3e00;
+     __dpmi_int(0x21, &regs);
+     if (regs.x.flags & 1)
+       errno = __doserr_to_errno(regs.x.ax);
+   }
+   /* Else leave file pointer where we found it. */
+   else
+   {
+     regs.x.ax = 0x4200;               /* set pointer from the beginning of 
file */
+     regs.x.bx = fh;
+     regs.x.cx = fpos_high;
+     regs.x.dx = fpos_low;
+     __dpmi_int(0x21, &regs);
+     if (regs.x.flags & 1)
+     {
+       errno = __doserr_to_errno(regs.x.ax);
+       return 0;
+     }
+   }
+   if (read_fail == 0)
+     retval = _farpeekw(_dos_ds, __tb);
+   else
+   {
+     /* The file couldn't be read: assume non-executable.  If the file
+        *is* executable, but was passed as a file-handle, and the user
+        opened it in write-only mode, they lose...  */
+     retval = 0;
+     if (read_fail != -1)
+       errno = __doserr_to_errno(read_fail);
+   }
+   return retval;
+ }
+ /* A list of extensions which designate executable files.  These
+    are NOT tested for the magic number.  */
+ static char executables[] = "|EXE|COM|BAT|BTM|DLL|VXD|";
+ /* A list of extensions which belong to files known to NEVER be
+    executables.  These exist to minimize read()'ing files while
+    detecting executables by magic number.  You are welcome to
+    add to this list, but remember: only extensions which could
+    NEVER be present in executables should go here.  */
+ static char non_executables[] = "\
+ |E|EL|ELC\
+ |F77|FN3\
+ |GIF|GZ\
+ |JPG\
+ |O|OBJ\
+ |S|SND|SY3\
+ |VOC\
+ |XBM\
+ |Y\
+ |ZIP|ZOO|";
+ int
+ _is_executable(const char *filename, int fhandle, const char *extension)
+ {
+   if (!extension && filename)
+   {
+     const char *cp, *ep=0;
+     for (cp=filename; *cp; cp++)
+     {
+       if (*cp == '.')
+       ep = cp;
+       if (*cp == '/' || *cp == '\\' || *cp == ':')
+       ep = 0;
+     }
+     extension = ep;
+   }
+   if ((_djstat_flags & _STAT_EXEC_EXT) == 0
+       && extension
+       && *extension
+       && strlen(extension) <= ((extension[0]=='.') ? 4 : 3))
+     {
+       /* Search the list of extensions in executables[]. */
+       char tmp_buf[6], *tp = tmp_buf;
+       *tp++ = '|';
+       if (*extension == '.')
+       extension++;
+       while (*extension)
+       *tp++ = toupper (*extension++);
+       *tp++ = '|';
+       *tp = '\0';
+       if (strstr(non_executables, tmp_buf))
+         return 0;
+       else if (strstr(executables, tmp_buf))
+         return 1;
+     }
+   /* No extension, or extension doesn't define execute
+      bits unambiguously.  We are in for some dirty work.
+      Read the first two bytes of the file and see if they
+      are any of the known magic numbers which designate
+      executable files.
+      Unix-like shells, which have executable shell scripts
+      without extensions and DON'T have "#!" as their FIRST
+      TWO CHARACTERS, lose here.  Sorry, folks.  */
+   if ( (_djstat_flags & _STAT_EXEC_MAGIC) == 0 )
+     {
+       switch (_get_magic(filename, fhandle))
+         {
+           case 0x5a4d:      /* "MZ" */
+           case 0x010b:
+           case 0x014c:
+           case 0x2123:      /* "#!" */
+               return 1;
+         }
+     }
+   return 0;
+ }
+ /* arch-tag: b0965811-8c3e-4bc4-8d81-4447a3594785
+    (do not change this comment) */

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