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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/eshell/em-rebind.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/eshell/em-rebind.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:51:50 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/eshell/em-rebind.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/eshell/em-rebind.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:51:50 2003
--- emacs/lisp/eshell/em-rebind.el      Tue Oct 14 19:51:31 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,247 ----
+ ;;; em-rebind.el --- rebind keys when point is at current input
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
+ ;; Author: John Wiegley <address@hidden>
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ (provide 'em-rebind)
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'esh-maint))
+ (defgroup eshell-rebind nil
+   "This module allows for special keybindings that only take effect
+ while the point is in a region of input text.  By default, it binds
+ C-a to move to the beginning of the input text (rather than just the
+ beginning of the line), and C-p and C-n to move through the input
+ history, C-u kills the current input text, etc.  It also, if
+ `eshell-confine-point-to-input' is non-nil, does not allow certain
+ commands to cause the point to leave the input area, such as
+ `backward-word', `previous-line', etc.  This module intends to mimic
+ the behavior of normal shells while the user editing new input text."
+   :tag "Rebind keys at input"
+   :group 'eshell-module)
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; User Variables:
+ (defcustom eshell-rebind-load-hook '(eshell-rebind-initialize)
+   "*A list of functions to call when loading `eshell-rebind'."
+   :type 'hook
+   :group 'eshell-rebind)
+ (defcustom eshell-rebind-keys-alist
+   '(([(control ?a)] . eshell-bol)
+     ([home]         . eshell-bol)
+     ([(control ?d)] . eshell-delchar-or-maybe-eof)
+     ([backspace]    . eshell-delete-backward-char)
+     ([delete]       . eshell-delete-backward-char)
+     ([(control ?w)] . backward-kill-word)
+     ([(control ?u)] . eshell-kill-input))
+   "*Bind some keys differently if point is in input text."
+   :type '(repeat (cons (vector :tag "Keys to bind"
+                              (repeat :inline t sexp))
+                      (function :tag "Command")))
+   :group 'eshell-rebind)
+ (defcustom eshell-confine-point-to-input t
+   "*If non-nil, do not allow the point to leave the current input.
+ This is more difficult to do nicely in Emacs than one might think.
+ Basically, the `point-left' attribute is added to the input text, and
+ a function is placed on that hook to take the point back to
+ `eshell-last-output-end' every time the user tries to move away.  But
+ since there are many cases in which the point _ought_ to move away
+ \(for programmatic reasons), the variable
+ `eshell-cannot-leave-input-list' defines commands which are affected
+ from this rule.  However, this list is by no means as complete as it
+ probably should be, so basically all one can hope for is that other
+ people will left the point alone in the Eshell buffer.  Sigh."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'eshell-rebind)
+ (defcustom eshell-error-if-move-away t
+   "*If non-nil, consider it an error to try to move outside current input.
+ This is default behavior of shells like bash."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'eshell-rebind)
+ (defcustom eshell-remap-previous-input t
+   "*If non-nil, remap input keybindings on previous prompts as well."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'eshell-rebind)
+ (defcustom eshell-cannot-leave-input-list
+   '(beginning-of-line-text
+     beginning-of-line
+     move-to-column
+     move-to-column-force
+     move-to-left-margin
+     move-to-tab-stop
+     forward-char
+     backward-char
+     delete-char
+     delete-backward-char
+     backward-delete-char
+     backward-delete-char-untabify
+     kill-paragraph
+     backward-kill-paragraph
+     kill-sentence
+     backward-kill-sentence
+     kill-sexp
+     backward-kill-sexp
+     kill-word
+     backward-kill-word
+     kill-region
+     forward-list
+     backward-list
+     forward-page
+     backward-page
+     forward-point
+     forward-paragraph
+     backward-paragraph
+     backward-prefix-chars
+     forward-sentence
+     backward-sentence
+     forward-sexp
+     backward-sexp
+     forward-to-indentation
+     backward-to-indentation
+     backward-up-list
+     forward-word
+     backward-word
+     forward-line
+     previous-line
+     next-line
+     forward-visible-line
+     forward-comment
+     forward-thing)
+   "*A list of commands that cannot leave the input area."
+   :type '(repeat function)
+   :group 'eshell-rebind)
+ ;; Internal Variables:
+ (defvar eshell-input-keymap)
+ (defvar eshell-previous-point)
+ (defvar eshell-lock-keymap)
+ ;;; Functions:
+ (defun eshell-rebind-initialize ()
+   "Initialize the inputing code."
+   (unless eshell-non-interactive-p
+     (add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook 'eshell-setup-input-keymap nil t)
+     (make-local-variable 'eshell-previous-point)
+     (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'eshell-save-previous-point nil t)
+     (make-local-variable 'overriding-local-map)
+     (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'eshell-rebind-input-map nil t)
+     (set (make-local-variable 'eshell-lock-keymap) nil)
+     (define-key eshell-command-map [(meta ?l)] 'eshell-lock-local-map)))
+ (defun eshell-lock-local-map (&optional arg)
+   "Lock or unlock the current local keymap.
+ Within a prefix arg, set the local keymap to its normal value, and
+ lock it at that."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (if (or arg (not eshell-lock-keymap))
+       (progn
+       (use-local-map eshell-mode-map)
+       (setq eshell-lock-keymap t)
+       (message "Local keymap locked in normal mode"))
+     (use-local-map eshell-input-keymap)
+     (setq eshell-lock-keymap nil)
+     (message "Local keymap unlocked: obey context")))
+ (defun eshell-save-previous-point ()
+   "Save the location of point before the next command is run."
+   (setq eshell-previous-point (point)))
+ (defsubst eshell-point-within-input-p (pos)
+   "Test whether POS is within an input range."
+   (let (begin)
+     (or (and (>= pos eshell-last-output-end)
+            eshell-last-output-end)
+       (and eshell-remap-previous-input
+            (setq begin
+                  (save-excursion
+                    (eshell-bol)
+                    (and (not (bolp)) (point))))
+            (>= pos begin)
+            (<= pos (line-end-position))
+            begin))))
+ (defun eshell-rebind-input-map ()
+   "Rebind the input keymap based on the location of the cursor."
+   (ignore-errors
+     (unless eshell-lock-keymap
+       (if (eshell-point-within-input-p (point))
+         (use-local-map eshell-input-keymap)
+       (let (begin)
+         (if (and eshell-confine-point-to-input
+                  (setq begin
+                        (eshell-point-within-input-p eshell-previous-point))
+                  (memq this-command eshell-cannot-leave-input-list))
+             (progn
+               (use-local-map eshell-input-keymap)
+               (goto-char begin)
+               (if (and eshell-error-if-move-away
+                        (not (eq this-command 'kill-region)))
+                   (beep)))
+           (use-local-map eshell-mode-map)))))))
+ (defun eshell-setup-input-keymap ()
+   "Setup the input keymap to be used during input editing."
+   (make-local-variable 'eshell-input-keymap)
+   (setq eshell-input-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
+   (set-keymap-parent eshell-input-keymap eshell-mode-map)
+   (let ((bindings eshell-rebind-keys-alist))
+     (while bindings
+       (define-key eshell-input-keymap (caar bindings)
+       (cdar bindings))
+       (setq bindings (cdr bindings)))))
+ (defun eshell-delete-backward-char (n &optional killflag)
+   "Delete the last character, unless it's part of the output."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let ((count (prefix-numeric-value n)))
+     (if (eshell-point-within-input-p (- (point) count))
+       (delete-backward-char count n)
+       (beep))))
+ (defun eshell-delchar-or-maybe-eof (arg)
+   "Delete ARG characters forward or send an EOF to subprocess.
+ Sends an EOF only if point is at the end of the buffer and there is no
+ input."
+   (interactive "p")
+   (let ((proc (eshell-interactive-process)))
+     (if (eobp)
+       (cond
+        ((/= (point) eshell-last-output-end)
+         (beep))
+        (proc
+         (process-send-eof))
+        (t
+         (eshell-life-is-too-much)))
+       (eshell-delete-backward-char (- arg)))))
+ ;;; Code:
+ ;;; arch-tag: 76d84f12-cc56-4d67-9b7d-c6b44ad20530
+ ;;; em-rebind.el ends here

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