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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:30:24 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el: 
*** emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el:    Fri Apr  4 01:20:31 2003
--- emacs/lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el     Tue Oct 14 19:30:15 2003
*** 1,10 ****
  ;;; cc-defs.el --- compile time definitions for CC Mode
! ;; Copyright (C) 1985,1987,1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
! ;; Authors:    2000- Martin Stjernholm
! ;;           1998-1999 Barry A. Warsaw and Martin Stjernholm
! ;;             1992-1997 Barry A. Warsaw
  ;;             1987 Dave Detlefs and Stewart Clamen
  ;;             1985 Richard M. Stallman
  ;; Maintainer: address@hidden
--- 1,9 ----
  ;;; cc-defs.el --- compile time definitions for CC Mode
! ;; Copyright (C) 1985,1987,1992-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
! ;; Authors:    1998- Martin Stjernholm
! ;;             1992-1999 Barry A. Warsaw
  ;;             1987 Dave Detlefs and Stewart Clamen
  ;;             1985 Richard M. Stallman
  ;; Maintainer: address@hidden
*** 31,36 ****
--- 30,38 ----
  ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; This file contains macros, defsubsts, and various other things that
+ ;; must be loaded early both during compilation and at runtime.
  ;;; Code:
*** 39,47 ****
                  (stringp byte-compile-dest-file))
             (cons (file-name-directory byte-compile-dest-file) load-path)
!     (require 'cc-bytecomp)))
! ;; cc-mode-19.el contains compatibility macros that should be used if
  ;; needed.
    (if (or (not (fboundp 'functionp))
--- 41,69 ----
                  (stringp byte-compile-dest-file))
             (cons (file-name-directory byte-compile-dest-file) load-path)
!     (load "cc-bytecomp" nil t)))
! ;; `require' in XEmacs doesn't have the third NOERROR argument.
! (condition-case nil (require 'regexp-opt) (file-error nil))
! ;; Silence the compiler.
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar c-enable-xemacs-performance-kludge-p) ; In cc-vars.el
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar c-emacs-features) ; In cc-vars.el
! (cc-bytecomp-defun buffer-syntactic-context-depth) ; XEmacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defun region-active-p)   ; XEmacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar zmacs-region-stays)       ; XEmacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar zmacs-regions)    ; XEmacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar mark-active)      ; Emacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar deactivate-mark)  ; Emacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar inhibit-point-motion-hooks) ; Emacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar parse-sexp-lookup-properties) ; Emacs 20+
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar text-property-default-nonsticky) ; Emacs 21
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar lookup-syntax-properties) ; XEmacs 21
! (cc-bytecomp-defun string-to-syntax)  ; Emacs 21
! (cc-bytecomp-defun regexp-opt-depth)  ; (X)Emacs 20+
! ;; cc-fix.el contains compatibility macros that should be used if
  ;; needed.
    (if (or (not (fboundp 'functionp))
*** 52,203 ****
                   (progn (eval '(char-after)) t)
                 (error nil)))
          (not (fboundp 'when))
!         (not (fboundp 'unless)))
!       (cc-load "cc-mode-19")))
! ;; Silence the compiler.
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar c-enable-xemacs-performance-kludge-p) ; In cc-vars.el
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar c-buffer-is-cc-mode) ; In cc-vars.el
! (cc-bytecomp-defun buffer-syntactic-context-depth) ; XEmacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defun region-active-p)   ; XEmacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar zmacs-region-stays)       ; XEmacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar zmacs-regions)    ; XEmacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defvar mark-active)      ; Emacs
! (cc-bytecomp-defun scan-lists)                ; 5 args in XEmacs, 3 in Emacs
! (require 'derived)                    ; Only necessary in Emacs
! ;;; Macros.
! ;;; Helpers for building regexps.
! (defmacro c-paren-re (re)
!   `(concat "\\(" ,re "\\)"))
! (defmacro c-identifier-re (re)
!   `(concat "\\<\\(" ,re "\\)\\>[^_]"))
  (defmacro c-point (position &optional point)
!   ;; Returns the value of certain commonly referenced POSITIONs
!   ;; relative to POINT.  The current point is used if POINT isn't
!   ;; specified.  POSITION can be one of the following symbols:
!   ;;
!   ;; bol  -- beginning of line
!   ;; eol  -- end of line
!   ;; bod  -- beginning of defun
!   ;; eod  -- end of defun
!   ;; boi  -- beginning of indentation
!   ;; ionl -- indentation of next line
!   ;; iopl -- indentation of previous line
!   ;; bonl -- beginning of next line
!   ;; eonl -- end of next line
!   ;; bopl -- beginning of previous line
!   ;; eopl -- end of previous line
!   ;;
!   ;; If the referenced position doesn't exist, the closest accessible
!   ;; point to it is returned.  This function does not modify point or
!   ;; mark.
!   `(save-excursion
!      ,(if point `(goto-char ,point))
!      ,(if (and (eq (car-safe position) 'quote)
!              (symbolp (eval position)))
!         (let ((position (eval position)))
!           (cond
!            ((eq position 'bol)  `(beginning-of-line))
!            ((eq position 'eol)  `(end-of-line))
!            ((eq position 'boi)  `(back-to-indentation))
!            ((eq position 'bod)  `(c-beginning-of-defun-1))
!            ((eq position 'bonl) `(forward-line 1))
!            ((eq position 'bopl) `(forward-line -1))
!            ((eq position 'eod)  `(c-end-of-defun-1))
!            ((eq position 'eopl) `(progn
!                                    (beginning-of-line)
!                                    (or (bobp) (backward-char))))
!            ((eq position 'eonl) `(progn
!                                    (forward-line 1)
!                                    (end-of-line)))
!            ((eq position 'iopl) `(progn
!                                    (forward-line -1)
!                                    (back-to-indentation)))
!            ((eq position 'ionl) `(progn
!                                    (forward-line 1)
!                                    (back-to-indentation)))
!            (t (error "unknown buffer position requested: %s" position))))
!       ;;(message "c-point long expansion")
!       `(let ((position ,position))
!          (cond
!           ((eq position 'bol)  (beginning-of-line))
!           ((eq position 'eol)  (end-of-line))
!           ((eq position 'boi)  (back-to-indentation))
!           ((eq position 'bod)  (c-beginning-of-defun-1))
!           ((eq position 'bonl) (forward-line 1))
!           ((eq position 'bopl) (forward-line -1))
!           ((eq position 'eod)  (c-end-of-defun-1))
!           ((eq position 'eopl) (progn
!                                  (beginning-of-line)
!                                  (or (bobp) (backward-char))))
!           ((eq position 'eonl) (progn
!                                  (forward-line 1)
!                                  (end-of-line)))
!           ((eq position 'iopl) (progn
!                                  (forward-line -1)
!                                  (back-to-indentation)))
!           ((eq position 'ionl) (progn
!                                  (forward-line 1)
!                                  (back-to-indentation)))
!           (t (error "unknown buffer position requested: %s" position)))))
!      (point)))
  (defmacro c-safe (&rest body)
    ;; safely execute BODY, return nil if an error occurred
    `(condition-case nil
         (progn ,@body)
       (error nil)))
  (put 'c-safe 'lisp-indent-function 0)
! (defmacro c-forward-sexp (&optional arg)
!   ;; like forward-sexp except
!   ;;   1. this is much stripped down from the XEmacs version
!   ;;   2. this cannot be used as a command, so we're insulated from
!   ;;      XEmacs' losing efforts to make forward-sexp more user
!   ;;      friendly
!   ;;   3. Preserves the semantics most of CC Mode is based on
!   (or arg (setq arg 1))
!   `(goto-char (or (scan-sexps (point) ,arg)
!                 ,(if (numberp arg)
!                      (if (> arg 0) `(point-max) `(point-min))
!                    `(if (> ,arg 0) (point-max) (point-min))))))
! (defmacro c-backward-sexp (&optional arg)
!   ;; See c-forward-sexp and reverse directions
!   (or arg (setq arg 1))
!   `(c-forward-sexp ,(if (numberp arg) (- arg) `(- ,arg))))
  ;; Wrappers for common scan-lists cases, mainly because it's almost
  ;; impossible to get a feel for how that function works.
! (defmacro c-up-list-forward (pos)
!   `(c-safe (scan-lists ,pos 1 1)))
! (defmacro c-up-list-backward (pos)
!   `(c-safe (scan-lists ,pos -1 1)))
! (defmacro c-down-list-forward (pos)
!   `(c-safe (scan-lists ,pos 1 -1)))
! (defmacro c-down-list-backward (pos)
!   `(c-safe (scan-lists ,pos -1 -1)))
! (defmacro c-add-syntax (symbol &optional relpos)
!   ;; a simple macro to append the syntax in symbol to the syntax list.
!   ;; try to increase performance by using this macro
!   `(let ((relpos-tmp ,relpos))
!      (if relpos-tmp (setq syntactic-relpos relpos-tmp))
!      (setq syntax (cons (cons ,symbol relpos-tmp) syntax))))
  (defmacro c-benign-error (format &rest args)
    ;; Formats an error message for the echo area and dings, i.e. like
    ;; `error' but doesn't abort.
       (message ,format ,@args)
  (defmacro c-update-modeline ()
    ;; set the c-auto-hungry-string for the correct designation on the modeline
       (setq c-auto-hungry-string
           (if c-auto-newline
--- 74,561 ----
                   (progn (eval '(char-after)) t)
                 (error nil)))
          (not (fboundp 'when))
!         (not (fboundp 'unless))
!         (not (fboundp 'regexp-opt))
!         (not (cc-bytecomp-fboundp 'regexp-opt-depth))
!         (/= (regexp-opt-depth "\\(\\(\\)\\)") 2))
!       (cc-load "cc-fix")
!     (defalias 'c-regexp-opt 'regexp-opt)
!     (defalias 'c-regexp-opt-depth 'regexp-opt-depth)))
! (eval-after-load "font-lock"
!   '(if (and (not (featurep 'cc-fix)) ; only load the file once.
!             (let (font-lock-keywords)
!               (font-lock-compile-keywords '("\\<\\>"))
!             font-lock-keywords))     ; did the previous call foul this up?
!        (load "cc-fix")))
! ;; The above takes care of the delayed loading, but this is necessary
! ;; to ensure correct byte compilation.
! (eval-when-compile
!   (if (and (not (featurep 'cc-fix))
!          (progn
!            (require 'font-lock)
!            (let (font-lock-keywords)
!              (font-lock-compile-keywords '("\\<\\>"))
!              font-lock-keywords)))
!       (cc-load "cc-fix")))
! (cc-external-require 'cl)
! ;;; Variables also used at compile time.
! (defconst c-version "5.30.7"
!   "CC Mode version number.")
! (defconst c-version-sym (intern c-version))
! ;; A little more compact and faster in comparisons.
! (defvar c-buffer-is-cc-mode nil
!   "Non-nil for all buffers with a major mode derived from CC Mode.
! Otherwise, this variable is nil.  I.e. this variable is non-nil for
! `c-mode', `c++-mode', `objc-mode', `java-mode', `idl-mode',
! `pike-mode', `awk-mode', and any other non-CC Mode mode that calls
! `c-initialize-cc-mode'.  The value is the mode symbol itself
! \(i.e. `c-mode' etc) of the original CC Mode mode, or just t if it's
! not known.")
! (make-variable-buffer-local 'c-buffer-is-cc-mode)
! ;; Have to make `c-buffer-is-cc-mode' permanently local so that it
! ;; survives the initialization of the derived mode.
! (put 'c-buffer-is-cc-mode 'permanent-local t)
! ;; The following is used below during compilation.
! (eval-and-compile
!   (defvar c-inside-eval-when-compile nil)
!   (defmacro cc-eval-when-compile (&rest body)
!     "Like `progn', but evaluates the body at compile time.
! The result of the body appears to the compiler as a quoted constant.
! This variant works around bugs in `eval-when-compile' in various
! \(X)Emacs versions.  See cc-defs.el for details."
!     (if c-inside-eval-when-compile
!       ;; XEmacs 21.4.6 has a bug in `eval-when-compile' in that it
!       ;; evaluates its body at macro expansion time if it's nested
!       ;; inside another `eval-when-compile'.  So we use a dynamically
!       ;; bound variable to avoid nesting them.
!       `(progn ,@body)
!       `(eval-when-compile
!        ;; In all (X)Emacsen so far, `eval-when-compile' byte compiles
!        ;; its contents before evaluating it.  That can cause forms to
!        ;; be compiled in situations they aren't intended to be
!        ;; compiled.
!        ;;
!        ;; Example: It's not possible to defsubst a primitive, e.g. the
!        ;; following will produce an error (in any emacs flavor), since
!        ;; `nthcdr' is a primitive function that's handled specially by
!        ;; the byte compiler and thus can't be redefined:
!        ;;
!        ;;     (defsubst nthcdr (val) val)
!        ;;
!        ;; `defsubst', like `defmacro', needs to be evaluated at
!        ;; compile time, so this will produce an error during byte
!        ;; compilation.
!        ;;
!        ;; CC Mode occasionally needs to do things like this for
!        ;; cross-emacs compatibility.  It therefore uses the following
!        ;; to conditionally do a `defsubst':
!        ;;
!        ;;     (eval-when-compile
!        ;;       (if (not (fboundp 'foo))
!        ;;           (defsubst foo ...)))
!        ;;
!        ;; But `eval-when-compile' byte compiles its contents and
!        ;; _then_ evaluates it (in all current emacs versions, up to
!        ;; and including Emacs 20.6 and XEmacs 21.1 as of this
!        ;; writing).  So this will still produce an error, since the
!        ;; byte compiler will get to the defsubst anyway.  That's
!        ;; arguably a bug because the point with `eval-when-compile' is
!        ;; that it should evaluate rather than compile its contents.
!        ;;
!        ;; We get around it by expanding the body to a quoted
!        ;; constant that we eval.  That otoh introduce a problem in
!        ;; that a returned lambda expression doesn't get byte
!        ;; compiled (even if `function' is used).
!        (eval '(let ((c-inside-eval-when-compile t)) ,@body)))))
!   (put 'cc-eval-when-compile 'lisp-indent-hook 0))
! ;;; Macros.
  (defmacro c-point (position &optional point)
!   "Return the value of certain commonly referenced POSITIONs relative to 
! The current point is used if POINT isn't specified.  POSITION can be
! one of the following symbols:
! `bol'  -- beginning of line
! `eol'  -- end of line
! `bod'  -- beginning of defun
! `eod'  -- end of defun
! `boi'  -- beginning of indentation
! `ionl' -- indentation of next line
! `iopl' -- indentation of previous line
! `bonl' -- beginning of next line
! `eonl' -- end of next line
! `bopl' -- beginning of previous line
! `eopl' -- end of previous line
! If the referenced position doesn't exist, the closest accessible point
! to it is returned.  This function does not modify point or mark.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (if (eq (car-safe position) 'quote)
!       (let ((position (eval position)))
!       (cond
!        ((eq position 'bol)
!         (if (and (fboundp 'line-beginning-position) (not point))
!             `(line-beginning-position)
!           `(save-excursion
!              ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!              (beginning-of-line)
!              (point))))
!        ((eq position 'eol)
!         (if (and (fboundp 'line-end-position) (not point))
!             `(line-end-position)
!           `(save-excursion
!              ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!              (end-of-line)
!              (point))))
!        ((eq position 'boi)
!         `(save-excursion
!            ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!            (back-to-indentation)
!            (point)))
!        ((eq position 'bod)
!         `(save-excursion
!            ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!            (c-beginning-of-defun-1)
!            (point)))
!        ((eq position 'eod)
!         `(save-excursion
!            ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!            (c-end-of-defun-1)
!            (point)))
!        ((eq position 'bopl)
!         (if (and (fboundp 'line-beginning-position) (not point))
!             `(line-beginning-position 0)
!           `(save-excursion
!              ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!              (forward-line -1)
!              (point))))
!        ((eq position 'bonl)
!         (if (and (fboundp 'line-beginning-position) (not point))
!             `(line-beginning-position 2)
!           `(save-excursion
!              ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!              (forward-line 1)
!              (point))))
!        ((eq position 'eopl)
!         (if (and (fboundp 'line-end-position) (not point))
!             `(line-end-position 0)
!           `(save-excursion
!              ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!              (beginning-of-line)
!              (or (bobp) (backward-char))
!              (point))))
!        ((eq position 'eonl)
!         (if (and (fboundp 'line-end-position) (not point))
!             `(line-end-position 2)
!           `(save-excursion
!              ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!              (forward-line 1)
!              (end-of-line)
!              (point))))
!        ((eq position 'iopl)
!         `(save-excursion
!            ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!            (forward-line -1)
!            (back-to-indentation)
!            (point)))
!        ((eq position 'ionl)
!         `(save-excursion
!            ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!            (forward-line 1)
!            (back-to-indentation)
!            (point)))
!        (t (error "Unknown buffer position requested: %s" position))))
!     ;;(message "c-point long expansion")
!     `(save-excursion
!        ,@(if point `((goto-char ,point)))
!        (let ((position ,position))
!        (cond
!         ((eq position 'bol)  (beginning-of-line))
!         ((eq position 'eol)  (end-of-line))
!         ((eq position 'boi)  (back-to-indentation))
!         ((eq position 'bod)  (c-beginning-of-defun-1))
!         ((eq position 'eod)  (c-end-of-defun-1))
!         ((eq position 'bopl) (forward-line -1))
!         ((eq position 'bonl) (forward-line 1))
!         ((eq position 'eopl) (progn
!                                (beginning-of-line)
!                                (or (bobp) (backward-char))))
!         ((eq position 'eonl) (progn
!                                (forward-line 1)
!                                (end-of-line)))
!         ((eq position 'iopl) (progn
!                                (forward-line -1)
!                                (back-to-indentation)))
!         ((eq position 'ionl) (progn
!                                (forward-line 1)
!                                (back-to-indentation)))
!         (t (error "Unknown buffer position requested: %s" position))))
!        (point))))
  (defmacro c-safe (&rest body)
    ;; safely execute BODY, return nil if an error occurred
+   ;;
+   ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
    `(condition-case nil
         (progn ,@body)
       (error nil)))
  (put 'c-safe 'lisp-indent-function 0)
! ;; The following is essentially `save-buffer-state' from lazy-lock.el.
! ;; It ought to be a standard macro.
! (defmacro c-save-buffer-state (varlist &rest body)
!   "Bind variables according to VARLIST (in `let*' style) and eval BODY,
! then restore the buffer state under the assumption that no significant
! modification has been made.  A change is considered significant if it
! affects the buffer text in any way that isn't completely restored
! again.  Changes in text properties like `face' or `syntax-table' are
! considered insignificant.  This macro allows text properties to be
! changed, even in a read-only buffer.
! The return value is the value of the last form in BODY."
!   `(let* ((modified (buffer-modified-p)) (buffer-undo-list t)
!         (inhibit-read-only t) (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
!         before-change-functions after-change-functions
!         deactivate-mark
!         ,@varlist)
!      (prog1 (progn ,@body)
!        (and (not modified)
!           (buffer-modified-p)
!           (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))))
! (put 'c-save-buffer-state 'lisp-indent-function 1)
! (defmacro c-forward-syntactic-ws (&optional limit)
!   "Forward skip over syntactic whitespace.
! Syntactic whitespace is defined as whitespace characters, comments,
! and preprocessor directives.  However if point starts inside a comment
! or preprocessor directive, the content of it is not treated as
! whitespace.
! LIMIT sets an upper limit of the forward movement, if specified.  If
! LIMIT or the end of the buffer is reached inside a comment or
! preprocessor directive, the point will be left there.
! Note that this function might do hidden buffer changes.  See the
! comment at the start of cc-engine.el for more info."
!   (if limit
!       `(save-restriction
!        (narrow-to-region (point-min) (or ,limit (point-max)))
!        (c-forward-sws))
!     '(c-forward-sws)))
! (defmacro c-backward-syntactic-ws (&optional limit)
!   "Backward skip over syntactic whitespace.
! Syntactic whitespace is defined as whitespace characters, comments,
! and preprocessor directives.  However if point starts inside a comment
! or preprocessor directive, the content of it is not treated as
! whitespace.
! LIMIT sets a lower limit of the backward movement, if specified.  If
! LIMIT is reached inside a line comment or preprocessor directive then
! the point is moved into it past the whitespace at the end.
! Note that this function might do hidden buffer changes.  See the
! comment at the start of cc-engine.el for more info."
!   (if limit
!       `(save-restriction
!        (narrow-to-region (or ,limit (point-min)) (point-max))
!        (c-backward-sws))
!     '(c-backward-sws)))
! (defmacro c-forward-sexp (&optional count)
!   "Move forward across COUNT balanced expressions.
! A negative COUNT means move backward.  Signal an error if the move
! fails for any reason.
! This is like `forward-sexp' except that it isn't interactive and does
! not do any user friendly adjustments of the point and that it isn't
! susceptible to user configurations such as disabling of signals in
! certain situations.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (or count (setq count 1))
!   `(goto-char (or (scan-sexps (point) ,count)
!                 ,(if (numberp count)
!                      (if (> count 0) `(point-max) `(point-min))
!                    `(if (> ,count 0) (point-max) (point-min))))))
! (defmacro c-backward-sexp (&optional count)
!   "See `c-forward-sexp' and reverse directions."
!   (or count (setq count 1))
!   `(c-forward-sexp ,(if (numberp count) (- count) `(- ,count))))
! (defmacro c-safe-scan-lists (from count depth)
!   "Like `scan-lists' but returns nil instead of signalling errors.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (if (featurep 'xemacs)
!       `(scan-lists ,from ,count ,depth nil t)
!     `(c-safe (scan-lists ,from ,count ,depth))))
  ;; Wrappers for common scan-lists cases, mainly because it's almost
  ;; impossible to get a feel for how that function works.
! (defmacro c-up-list-forward (&optional pos)
!   "Return the first position after the list sexp containing POS,
! or nil if no such position exists.  The point is used if POS is left out.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   `(c-safe-scan-lists ,(or pos `(point)) 1 1))
! (defmacro c-up-list-backward (&optional pos)
!   "Return the position of the start of the list sexp containing POS,
! or nil if no such position exists.  The point is used if POS is left out.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   `(c-safe-scan-lists ,(or pos `(point)) -1 1))
! (defmacro c-down-list-forward (&optional pos)
!   "Return the first position inside the first list sexp after POS,
! or nil if no such position exists.  The point is used if POS is left out.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   `(c-safe-scan-lists ,(or pos `(point)) 1 -1))
! (defmacro c-down-list-backward (&optional pos)
!   "Return the last position inside the last list sexp before POS,
! or nil if no such position exists.  The point is used if POS is left out.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   `(c-safe-scan-lists ,(or pos `(point)) -1 -1))
! (defmacro c-go-up-list-forward (&optional pos)
!   "Move the point to the first position after the list sexp containing POS,
! or the point if POS is left out.  Return t if such a position exists,
! otherwise nil is returned and the point isn't moved.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   `(c-safe (goto-char (scan-lists ,(or pos `(point)) 1 1)) t))
! (defmacro c-go-up-list-backward (&optional pos)
!   "Move the point to the position of the start of the list sexp containing 
! or the point if POS is left out.  Return t if such a position exists,
! otherwise nil is returned and the point isn't moved.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   `(c-safe (goto-char (scan-lists ,(or pos `(point)) -1 1)) t))
! (defmacro c-go-down-list-forward (&optional pos)
!   "Move the point to the first position inside the first list sexp after POS,
! or the point if POS is left out.  Return t if such a position exists,
! otherwise nil is returned and the point isn't moved.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   `(c-safe (goto-char (scan-lists ,(or pos `(point)) 1 -1)) t))
! (defmacro c-go-down-list-backward (&optional pos)
!   "Move the point to the last position inside the last list sexp before POS,
! or the point if POS is left out.  Return t if such a position exists,
! otherwise nil is returned and the point isn't moved.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   `(c-safe (goto-char (scan-lists ,(or pos `(point)) -1 -1)) t))
! (defmacro c-beginning-of-defun-1 ()
!   ;; Wrapper around beginning-of-defun.
!   ;;
!   ;; NOTE: This function should contain the only explicit use of
!   ;; beginning-of-defun in CC Mode.  Eventually something better than
!   ;; b-o-d will be available and this should be the only place the
!   ;; code needs to change.  Everything else should use
!   ;; (c-beginning-of-defun-1)
!   ;;
!   ;; This is really a bit too large to be a macro but that isn't a
!   ;; problem as long as it only is used in one place in
!   ;; `c-parse-state'.
!   ;;
!   ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
!   `(progn
!      (if (and ,(cc-bytecomp-fboundp 'buffer-syntactic-context-depth)
!             c-enable-xemacs-performance-kludge-p)
!        ,(when (cc-bytecomp-fboundp 'buffer-syntactic-context-depth)
!           ;; XEmacs only.  This can improve the performance of
!           ;; c-parse-state to between 3 and 60 times faster when
!           ;; braces are hung.  It can also degrade performance by
!           ;; about as much when braces are not hung.
!           '(let (pos)
!              (while (not pos)
!                (save-restriction
!                  (widen)
!                  (setq pos (c-safe-scan-lists
!                             (point) -1 (buffer-syntactic-context-depth))))
!                (cond
!                 ((bobp) (setq pos (point-min)))
!                 ((not pos)
!                  (let ((distance (skip-chars-backward "^{")))
!                    ;; unbalanced parenthesis, while illegal C code,
!                    ;; shouldn't cause an infloop!  See unbal.c
!                    (when (zerop distance)
!                      ;; Punt!
!                      (beginning-of-defun)
!                      (setq pos (point)))))
!                 ((= pos 0))
!                 ((not (eq (char-after pos) ?{))
!                  (goto-char pos)
!                  (setq pos nil))
!                 ))
!              (goto-char pos)))
!        ;; Emacs, which doesn't have buffer-syntactic-context-depth
!        (beginning-of-defun))
!      ;; if defun-prompt-regexp is non-nil, b-o-d won't leave us at the
!      ;; open brace.
!      (and defun-prompt-regexp
!         (looking-at defun-prompt-regexp)
!         (goto-char (match-end 0)))))
  (defmacro c-benign-error (format &rest args)
    ;; Formats an error message for the echo area and dings, i.e. like
    ;; `error' but doesn't abort.
+   ;;
+   ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
       (message ,format ,@args)
  (defmacro c-update-modeline ()
    ;; set the c-auto-hungry-string for the correct designation on the modeline
+   ;;
+   ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
       (setq c-auto-hungry-string
           (if c-auto-newline
*** 208,213 ****
--- 566,573 ----
  (defmacro c-with-syntax-table (table &rest code)
    ;; Temporarily switches to the specified syntax table in a failsafe
    ;; way to execute code.
+   ;;
+   ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
    `(let ((c-with-syntax-table-orig-table (syntax-table)))
*** 219,237 ****
  (defmacro c-skip-ws-forward (&optional limit)
    "Skip over any whitespace following point.
  This function skips over horizontal and vertical whitespace and line
! continuations."
    (if limit
!       `(let ((-limit- (or ,limit (point-max))))
         (while (progn
                  ;; skip-syntax-* doesn't count \n as whitespace..
!                 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r\f" -limit-)
                  (when (and (eq (char-after) ?\\)
!                            (< (point) -limit-))
                    (or (eolp)
                        (progn (backward-char) nil))))))
      '(while (progn
!             (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r\f")
              (when (eq (char-after) ?\\)
                (or (eolp)
--- 579,599 ----
  (defmacro c-skip-ws-forward (&optional limit)
    "Skip over any whitespace following point.
  This function skips over horizontal and vertical whitespace and line
! continuations.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
    (if limit
!       `(let ((limit (or ,limit (point-max))))
         (while (progn
                  ;; skip-syntax-* doesn't count \n as whitespace..
!                 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r\f\v" limit)
                  (when (and (eq (char-after) ?\\)
!                            (< (point) limit))
                    (or (eolp)
                        (progn (backward-char) nil))))))
      '(while (progn
!             (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r\f\v")
              (when (eq (char-after) ?\\)
                (or (eolp)
*** 240,270 ****
  (defmacro c-skip-ws-backward (&optional limit)
    "Skip over any whitespace preceding point.
  This function skips over horizontal and vertical whitespace and line
! continuations."
    (if limit
!       `(let ((-limit- (or ,limit (point-min))))
         (while (progn
                  ;; skip-syntax-* doesn't count \n as whitespace..
!                 (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\r\f" -limit-)
                  (and (eolp)
                       (eq (char-before) ?\\)
!                      (> (point) -limit-)))
      '(while (progn
!             (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\r\f")
              (and (eolp)
                   (eq (char-before) ?\\)))
  ;; Make edebug understand the macros.
  (eval-after-load "edebug"
!      (def-edebug-spec c-paren-re t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-identifier-re t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-point ([&or symbolp form] &optional form))
       (def-edebug-spec c-safe t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-forward-sexp (&optional [&or numberp form]))
!      (def-edebug-spec c-backward-sexp (&optional [&or numberp form]))
       (def-edebug-spec c-up-list-forward t)
       (def-edebug-spec c-up-list-backward t)
       (def-edebug-spec c-down-list-forward t)
--- 602,795 ----
  (defmacro c-skip-ws-backward (&optional limit)
    "Skip over any whitespace preceding point.
  This function skips over horizontal and vertical whitespace and line
! continuations.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
    (if limit
!       `(let ((limit (or ,limit (point-min))))
         (while (progn
                  ;; skip-syntax-* doesn't count \n as whitespace..
!                 (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\r\f\v" limit)
                  (and (eolp)
                       (eq (char-before) ?\\)
!                      (> (point) limit)))
      '(while (progn
!             (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\r\f\v")
              (and (eolp)
                   (eq (char-before) ?\\)))
+ (defmacro c-major-mode-is (mode)
+   "Return non-nil if the current CC Mode major mode is MODE.
+ MODE is either a mode symbol or a list of mode symbols.
+ This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
+   (if (eq (car-safe mode) 'quote)
+       (let ((mode (eval mode)))
+       (if (listp mode)
+           `(memq c-buffer-is-cc-mode ',mode)
+         `(eq c-buffer-is-cc-mode ',mode)))
+     `(let ((mode ,mode))
+        (if (listp mode)
+          (memq c-buffer-is-cc-mode mode)
+        (eq c-buffer-is-cc-mode mode)))))
+ (defmacro c-parse-sexp-lookup-properties ()
+   ;; Return the value of the variable that says whether the
+   ;; syntax-table property affects the sexp routines.  Always return
+   ;; nil in (X)Emacsen without support for that.
+   ;;
+   ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
+   (cond ((cc-bytecomp-boundp 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties)
+        `parse-sexp-lookup-properties)
+       ((cc-bytecomp-boundp 'lookup-syntax-properties)
+        `lookup-syntax-properties)
+       (t nil)))
+ ;; Macros/functions to handle so-called "char properties", which are
+ ;; properties set on a single character and that never spreads to any
+ ;; other characters.
+ (eval-and-compile
+   ;; Constant used at compile time to decide whether or not to use
+   ;; XEmacs extents.  Check all the extent functions we'll use since
+   ;; some packages might add compatibility aliases for some of them in
+   ;; Emacs.
+   (defconst c-use-extents (and (cc-bytecomp-fboundp 'extent-at)
+                              (cc-bytecomp-fboundp 'set-extent-property)
+                              (cc-bytecomp-fboundp 'set-extent-properties)
+                              (cc-bytecomp-fboundp 'make-extent)
+                              (cc-bytecomp-fboundp 'extent-property)
+                              (cc-bytecomp-fboundp 'delete-extent)
+                              (cc-bytecomp-fboundp 'map-extents))))
+ ;; `c-put-char-property' is complex enough in XEmacs and Emacs < 21 to
+ ;; make it a function.
+ (defalias 'c-put-char-property-fun
+   (cc-eval-when-compile
+     (cond (c-use-extents
+          ;; XEmacs.
+          (byte-compile
+           (lambda (pos property value)
+             (let ((ext (extent-at pos nil property)))
+               (if ext
+                   (set-extent-property ext property value)
+                 (set-extent-properties (make-extent pos (1+ pos))
+                                        (cons property
+                                              (cons value
+                                                    '(start-open t
+                                                      end-open t)))))))))
+         ((not (cc-bytecomp-boundp 'text-property-default-nonsticky))
+          ;; In Emacs < 21 we have to mess with the `rear-nonsticky' property.
+          (byte-compile
+           (lambda (pos property value)
+             (put-text-property pos (1+ pos) property value)
+             (let ((prop (get-text-property pos 'rear-nonsticky)))
+               (or (memq property prop)
+                   (put-text-property pos (1+ pos)
+                                      'rear-nonsticky
+                                      (cons property prop))))))))))
+ (cc-bytecomp-defun c-put-char-property-fun) ; Make it known below.
+ (defmacro c-put-char-property (pos property value)
+   ;; Put the given property with the given value on the character at
+   ;; POS and make it front and rear nonsticky, or start and end open
+   ;; in XEmacs vocabulary.  If the character already has the given
+   ;; property then the value is replaced, and the behavior is
+   ;; undefined if that property has been put by some other function.
+   ;; PROPERTY is assumed to be constant.
+   ;;
+   ;; If there's a `text-property-default-nonsticky' variable (Emacs
+   ;; 21) then it's assumed that the property is present on it.
+   (setq property (eval property))
+   (if (or c-use-extents
+         (not (cc-bytecomp-boundp 'text-property-default-nonsticky)))
+       ;; XEmacs and Emacs < 21.
+       `(c-put-char-property-fun ,pos ',property ,value)
+     ;; In Emacs 21 we got the `rear-nonsticky' property covered
+     ;; by `text-property-default-nonsticky'.
+     `(let ((-pos- ,pos))
+        (put-text-property -pos- (1+ -pos-) ',property ,value))))
+ (defmacro c-get-char-property (pos property)
+   ;; Get the value of the given property on the character at POS if
+   ;; it's been put there by `c-put-char-property'.  PROPERTY is
+   ;; assumed to be constant.
+   (setq property (eval property))
+   (if c-use-extents
+       ;; XEmacs.
+       `(let ((ext (extent-at ,pos nil ',property)))
+        (if ext (extent-property ext ',property)))
+     ;; Emacs.
+     `(get-text-property ,pos ',property)))
+ ;; `c-clear-char-property' is complex enough in Emacs < 21 to make it
+ ;; a function, since we have to mess with the `rear-nonsticky' property.
+ (defalias 'c-clear-char-property-fun
+   (cc-eval-when-compile
+     (unless (or c-use-extents
+               (cc-bytecomp-boundp 'text-property-default-nonsticky))
+       (byte-compile
+        (lambda (pos property)
+        (when (get-text-property pos property)
+          (remove-text-properties pos (1+ pos) (list property nil))
+          (put-text-property pos (1+ pos)
+                             'rear-nonsticky
+                             (delq property (get-text-property
+                                             pos 'rear-nonsticky)))))))))
+ (cc-bytecomp-defun c-clear-char-property-fun) ; Make it known below.
+ (defmacro c-clear-char-property (pos property)
+   ;; Remove the given property on the character at POS if it's been put
+   ;; there by `c-put-char-property'.  PROPERTY is assumed to be
+   ;; constant.
+   (setq property (eval property))
+   (cond (c-use-extents
+        ;; XEmacs.
+        `(let ((ext (extent-at ,pos nil ',property)))
+           (if ext (delete-extent ext))))
+       ((cc-bytecomp-boundp 'text-property-default-nonsticky)
+        ;; In Emacs 21 we got the `rear-nonsticky' property covered
+        ;; by `text-property-default-nonsticky'.
+        `(let ((pos ,pos))
+           (remove-text-properties pos (1+ pos)
+                                   '(,property nil))))
+       (t
+        ;; Emacs < 21.
+        `(c-clear-char-property-fun ,pos ',property))))
+ (defmacro c-clear-char-properties (from to property)
+   ;; Remove all the occurences of the given property in the given
+   ;; region that has been put with `c-put-char-property'.  PROPERTY is
+   ;; assumed to be constant.
+   ;;
+   ;; Note that this function does not clean up the property from the
+   ;; lists of the `rear-nonsticky' properties in the region, if such
+   ;; are used.  Thus it should not be used for common properties like
+   ;; `syntax-table'.
+   (setq property (eval property))
+   (if c-use-extents
+       ;; XEmacs.
+       `(map-extents (lambda (ext ignored)
+                     (delete-extent ext))
+                   nil ,from ,to nil nil ',property)
+     ;; Emacs.
+     `(remove-text-properties ,from ,to '(,property nil))))
  ;; Make edebug understand the macros.
  (eval-after-load "edebug"
!      (def-edebug-spec c-point t)
       (def-edebug-spec c-safe t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-save-buffer-state let*)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-forward-syntactic-ws t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-backward-syntactic-ws t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-forward-sexp t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-backward-sexp t)
       (def-edebug-spec c-up-list-forward t)
       (def-edebug-spec c-up-list-backward t)
       (def-edebug-spec c-down-list-forward t)
*** 274,333 ****
       (def-edebug-spec c-benign-error t)
       (def-edebug-spec c-with-syntax-table t)
       (def-edebug-spec c-skip-ws-forward t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-skip-ws-backward t)))
! ;;; Inline functions.
  ;; Note: All these after the macros, to be on safe side in avoiding
  ;; bugs where macros are defined too late.  These bugs often only show
  ;; when the files are compiled in a certain order within the same
  ;; session.
- (defsubst c-beginning-of-defun-1 ()
-   ;; Wrapper around beginning-of-defun.
-   ;;
-   ;; NOTE: This function should contain the only explicit use of
-   ;; beginning-of-defun in CC Mode.  Eventually something better than
-   ;; b-o-d will be available and this should be the only place the
-   ;; code needs to change.  Everything else should use
-   ;; (c-beginning-of-defun-1)
-   (if (and (fboundp 'buffer-syntactic-context-depth)
-          c-enable-xemacs-performance-kludge-p)
-       ;; XEmacs only.  This can improve the performance of
-       ;; c-parse-state to between 3 and 60 times faster when
-       ;; braces are hung.  It can also degrade performance by
-       ;; about as much when braces are not hung.
-       (let (pos)
-       (while (not pos)
-         (save-restriction
-           (widen)
-           (setq pos (scan-lists (point) -1
-                                 (buffer-syntactic-context-depth)
-                                 nil t)))
-         (cond
-          ((bobp) (setq pos (point-min)))
-          ((not pos)
-           (let ((distance (skip-chars-backward "^{")))
-             ;; unbalanced parenthesis, while illegal C code,
-             ;; shouldn't cause an infloop!  See unbal.c
-             (when (zerop distance)
-               ;; Punt!
-               (beginning-of-defun)
-               (setq pos (point)))))
-          ((= pos 0))
-          ((not (eq (char-after pos) ?{))
-           (goto-char pos)
-           (setq pos nil))
-          ))
-       (goto-char pos))
-     ;; Emacs, which doesn't have buffer-syntactic-context-depth
-     (beginning-of-defun))
-   ;; if defun-prompt-regexp is non-nil, b-o-d won't leave us at the
-   ;; open brace.
-   (and defun-prompt-regexp
-        (looking-at defun-prompt-regexp)
-        (goto-char (match-end 0))))
  (defsubst c-end-of-defun-1 ()
    ;; Replacement for end-of-defun that use c-beginning-of-defun-1.
    (let ((start (point)))
--- 799,820 ----
       (def-edebug-spec c-benign-error t)
       (def-edebug-spec c-with-syntax-table t)
       (def-edebug-spec c-skip-ws-forward t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-skip-ws-backward t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-major-mode-is t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-put-char-property t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-get-char-property t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-clear-char-property t)
!      (def-edebug-spec c-clear-char-properties t)
!      (def-edebug-spec cc-eval-when-compile t)))
! ;;; Functions.
  ;; Note: All these after the macros, to be on safe side in avoiding
  ;; bugs where macros are defined too late.  These bugs often only show
  ;; when the files are compiled in a certain order within the same
  ;; session.
  (defsubst c-end-of-defun-1 ()
    ;; Replacement for end-of-defun that use c-beginning-of-defun-1.
    (let ((start (point)))
*** 341,349 ****
--- 828,856 ----
      (if (< (point) start)
        (goto-char (point-max)))))
+ (defconst c-<-as-paren-syntax '(4 . ?>))
+ (defsubst c-mark-<-as-paren (pos)
+   ;; Mark the "<" character at POS as an sexp list opener using the
+   ;; syntax-table property.  Note that Emacs 19 and XEmacs <= 20
+   ;; doesn't support syntax properties, so this function might not
+   ;; have any effect.
+   (c-put-char-property pos 'syntax-table c-<-as-paren-syntax))
+ (defconst c->-as-paren-syntax '(5 . ?<))
+ (defsubst c-mark->-as-paren (pos)
+   ;; Mark the ">" character at POS as an sexp list closer using the
+   ;; syntax-table property.  Note that Emacs 19 and XEmacs <= 20
+   ;; doesn't support syntax properties, so this function might not
+   ;; have any effect.
+   (c-put-char-property pos 'syntax-table c->-as-paren-syntax))
  (defsubst c-intersect-lists (list alist)
    ;; return the element of ALIST that matches the first element found
    ;; in LIST.  Uses assq.
+   ;;
+   ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
    (let (match)
      (while (and list
                (not (setq match (assq (car list) alist))))
*** 353,381 ****
  (defsubst c-lookup-lists (list alist1 alist2)
    ;; first, find the first entry from LIST that is present in ALIST1,
    ;; then find the entry in ALIST2 for that entry.
    (assq (car (c-intersect-lists list alist1)) alist2))
! (defsubst c-langelem-col (langelem &optional preserve-point)
!   ;; convenience routine to return the column of langelem's relpos.
!   ;; Leaves point at the relpos unless preserve-point is non-nil.
!   (if (cdr langelem)
!       (let ((here (point)))
!       (goto-char (cdr langelem))
!       (prog1 (current-column)
!         (if preserve-point
!             (goto-char here))
!         ))
!     0))
  (defsubst c-keep-region-active ()
    ;; Do whatever is necessary to keep the region active in XEmacs.
    ;; This is not needed for Emacs.
    (and (boundp 'zmacs-region-stays)
         (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
  (defsubst c-region-is-active-p ()
    ;; Return t when the region is active.  The determination of region
    ;; activeness is different in both Emacs and XEmacs.
     ;; XEmacs
     ((and (fboundp 'region-active-p)
--- 860,934 ----
  (defsubst c-lookup-lists (list alist1 alist2)
    ;; first, find the first entry from LIST that is present in ALIST1,
    ;; then find the entry in ALIST2 for that entry.
+   ;;
+   ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
    (assq (car (c-intersect-lists list alist1)) alist2))
! (defsubst c-langelem-sym (langelem)
!   "Return the syntactic symbol in LANGELEM.
! LANGELEM is a syntactic element, i.e. either a cons cell on the
! \"old\" form given as the first argument to lineup functions or a list
! on the \"new\" form as used in `c-syntactic-element'.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (car langelem))
! (defsubst c-langelem-pos (langelem)
!   "Return the (primary) anchor position in LANGELEM, or nil if there is none.
! LANGELEM is a syntactic element, i.e. either a cons cell on the
! \"old\" form given as the first argument to lineup functions or a list
! on the \"new\" form as used in `c-syntactic-element'.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (if (consp (cdr langelem))
!       (car-safe (cdr langelem))
!     (cdr langelem)))
! (defun c-langelem-col (langelem &optional preserve-point)
!   "Return the column of the (primary) anchor position in LANGELEM.
! Leave point at that position unless PRESERVE-POINT is non-nil.
! LANGELEM is a syntactic element, i.e. either a cons cell on the
! \"old\" form given as the first argument to lineup functions or a list
! on the \"new\" form as used in `c-syntactic-element'.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (let ((pos (c-langelem-pos langelem))
!       (here (point)))
!     (if pos
!       (progn
!         (goto-char pos)
!         (prog1 (current-column)
!           (if preserve-point
!               (goto-char here))))
!       0)))
! (defsubst c-langelem-2nd-pos (langelem)
!   "Return the secondary position in LANGELEM, or nil if there is none.
! LANGELEM is a syntactic element, typically on the \"new\" form as used
! in `c-syntactic-element'.  It may be on the \"old\" form that is used
! as the first argument to lineup functions, but then the returned value
! always will be nil.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (car-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe langelem))))
  (defsubst c-keep-region-active ()
    ;; Do whatever is necessary to keep the region active in XEmacs.
    ;; This is not needed for Emacs.
+   ;;
+   ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
    (and (boundp 'zmacs-region-stays)
         (setq zmacs-region-stays t)))
  (defsubst c-region-is-active-p ()
    ;; Return t when the region is active.  The determination of region
    ;; activeness is different in both Emacs and XEmacs.
+   ;;
+   ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
     ;; XEmacs
     ((and (fboundp 'region-active-p)
*** 387,396 ****
     ;; fallback; shouldn't get here
     (t (mark t))))
! (defsubst c-major-mode-is (mode)
!   (eq c-buffer-is-cc-mode mode))
  (cc-provide 'cc-defs)
  ;;; cc-defs.el ends here
--- 940,1568 ----
     ;; fallback; shouldn't get here
     (t (mark t))))
! (put 'c-mode    'c-mode-prefix "c-")
! (put 'c++-mode  'c-mode-prefix "c++-")
! (put 'objc-mode 'c-mode-prefix "objc-")
! (put 'java-mode 'c-mode-prefix "java-")
! (put 'idl-mode  'c-mode-prefix "idl-")
! (put 'pike-mode 'c-mode-prefix "pike-")
! (put 'awk-mode  'c-mode-prefix "awk-")
! (defsubst c-mode-symbol (suffix)
!   "Prefix the current mode prefix (e.g. \"c-\") to SUFFIX and return
! the corresponding symbol.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (or c-buffer-is-cc-mode
!       (error "Not inside a CC Mode based mode"))
!   (let ((mode-prefix (get c-buffer-is-cc-mode 'c-mode-prefix)))
!     (or mode-prefix
!       (error "%S has no mode prefix known to `c-mode-symbol'"
!              c-buffer-is-cc-mode))
!     (intern (concat mode-prefix suffix))))
! (defsubst c-mode-var (suffix)
!   "Prefix the current mode prefix (e.g. \"c-\") to SUFFIX and return
! the value of the variable with that name.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (symbol-value (c-mode-symbol suffix)))
! (defsubst c-mode-is-new-awk-p ()
!   ;; Is the current mode the "new" awk mode?  It is important for
!   ;; (e.g.) the cc-engine functions do distinguish between the old and
!   ;; new awk-modes.
!   (and (c-major-mode-is 'awk-mode)
!        (memq 'syntax-properties c-emacs-features)))
! (defsubst c-got-face-at (pos faces)
!   "Return non-nil if position POS in the current buffer has any of the
! faces in the list FACES.
! This function does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (let ((pos-faces (get-text-property pos 'face)))
!     (if (consp pos-faces)
!       (progn
!         (while (and pos-faces
!                     (not (memq (car pos-faces) faces)))
!           (setq pos-faces (cdr pos-faces)))
!         pos-faces)
!       (memq pos-faces faces))))
! (defsubst c-face-name-p (facename)
!   ;; Return t if FACENAME is the name of a face.  This method is
!   ;; necessary since facep in XEmacs only returns t for the actual
!   ;; face objects (while it's only their names that are used just
!   ;; about anywhere else) without providing a predicate that tests
!   ;; face names.
!   ;;
!   ;; This function does not do any hidden buffer changes.
!   (memq facename (face-list)))
! (defun c-make-keywords-re (adorn list &optional mode)
!   "Make a regexp that matches all the strings the list.
! Duplicates in the list are removed.  The regexp may contain zero or
! more submatch expressions.
! If ADORN is non-nil there will be at least one submatch and the first
! matches the whole keyword, and the regexp will also not match a prefix
! of any identifier.  Adorned regexps cannot be appended.  The language
! variable `c-nonsymbol-key' is used to make the adornment.  The
! optional MODE specifies the language to get it in.  The default is the
! current language (taken from `c-buffer-is-cc-mode')."
!   (let (unique)
!     (dolist (elt list)
!       (unless (member elt unique)
!       (push elt unique)))
!     (setq list unique))
!   (if list
!       (let ((re (c-regexp-opt list)))
!       ;; Add our own grouping parenthesis around re instead of
!       ;; passing adorn to `regexp-opt', since in XEmacs it makes the
!       ;; top level grouping "shy".
!       (if adorn
!           (concat "\\(" re "\\)"
!                   "\\("
!                   (c-get-lang-constant 'c-nonsymbol-key nil mode)
!                   "\\|$\\)")
!         re))
!     ;; Produce a regexp that matches nothing.
!     (if adorn
!       "\\(\\<\\>\\)"
!       "\\<\\>")))
! (put 'c-make-keywords-re 'lisp-indent-function 1)
! ;;; Some helper constants.
! ;; If the regexp engine supports POSIX char classes (e.g. Emacs 21)
! ;; then we can use them to handle extended charsets correctly.
! (if (string-match "[[:alpha:]]" "a")  ; Can't use c-emacs-features here.
!     (progn
!       (defconst c-alpha "[:alpha:]")
!       (defconst c-alnum "[:alnum:]")
!       (defconst c-digit "[:digit:]")
!       (defconst c-upper "[:upper:]")
!       (defconst c-lower "[:lower:]"))
!   (defconst c-alpha "a-zA-Z")
!   (defconst c-alnum "a-zA-Z0-9")
!   (defconst c-digit "0-9")
!   (defconst c-upper "A-Z")
!   (defconst c-lower "a-z"))
! ;;; System for handling language dependent constants.
! ;; This is used to set various language dependent data in a flexible
! ;; way: Language constants can be built from the values of other
! ;; language constants, also those for other languages.  They can also
! ;; process the values of other language constants uniformly across all
! ;; the languages.  E.g. one language constant can list all the type
! ;; keywords in each language, and another can build a regexp for each
! ;; language from those lists without code duplication.
! ;;
! ;; Language constants are defined with `c-lang-defconst', and their
! ;; value forms (referred to as source definitions) are evaluated only
! ;; on demand when requested for a particular language with
! ;; `c-lang-const'.  It's therefore possible to refer to the values of
! ;; constants defined later in the file, or in another file, just as
! ;; long as all the relevant `c-lang-defconst' have been loaded when
! ;; `c-lang-const' is actually evaluated from somewhere else.
! ;;
! ;; `c-lang-const' forms are also evaluated at compile time and
! ;; replaced with the values they produce.  Thus there's no overhead
! ;; for this system when compiled code is used - only the values
! ;; actually used in the code are present, and the file(s) containing
! ;; the `c-lang-defconst' forms don't need to be loaded at all then.
! ;; There are however safeguards to make sure that they can be loaded
! ;; to get the source definitions for the values if there's a mismatch
! ;; in compiled versions, or if `c-lang-const' is used uncompiled.
! ;;
! ;; Note that the source definitions in a `c-lang-defconst' form are
! ;; compiled into the .elc file where it stands; there's no need to
! ;; load the source file to get it.
! ;;
! ;; See cc-langs.el for more details about how this system is deployed
! ;; in CC Mode, and how the associated language variable system
! ;; (`c-lang-defvar') works.  That file also contains a lot of
! ;; examples.
! (defun c-add-language (mode base-mode)
!   "Declare a new language in the language dependent variable system.
! This is intended to be used by modes that inherit CC Mode to add new
! languages.  It should be used at the top level before any calls to
! `c-lang-defconst'.  MODE is the mode name symbol for the new language,
! and BASE-MODE is the mode name symbol for the language in CC Mode that
! is to be the template for the new mode.
! The exact effect of BASE-MODE is to make all language constants that
! haven't got a setting in the new language fall back to their values in
! BASE-MODE.  It does not have any effect outside the language constant
! system."
!   (unless (string-match "\\`\\(.*-\\)mode\\'" (symbol-name mode))
!     (error "The mode name symbol `%s' must end with \"-mode\"" mode))
!   (put mode 'c-mode-prefix (match-string 1 (symbol-name mode)))
!   (unless (get base-mode 'c-mode-prefix)
!     (error "Unknown base mode `%s'" base-mode)
!     (put mode 'c-fallback-mode base-mode)))
! (defvar c-lang-constants (make-vector 151 0))
! ;; This obarray is a cache to keep track of the language constants
! ;; defined by `c-lang-defconst' and the evaluated values returned by
! ;; `c-lang-const'.  It's mostly used at compile time but it's not
! ;; stored in compiled files.
! ;;
! ;; The obarray contains all the language constants as symbols.  The
! ;; value cells hold the evaluated values as alists where each car is
! ;; the mode name symbol and the corresponding cdr is the evaluated
! ;; value in that mode.  The property lists hold the source definitions
! ;; and other miscellaneous data.  The obarray might also contain
! ;; various other symbols, but those don't have any variable bindings.
! (defvar c-lang-const-expansion nil)
! (defvar c-langs-are-parametric nil)
! (defsubst c-get-current-file ()
!   ;; Return the base name of the current file.
!   (let ((file (cond
!              (load-in-progress
!               ;; Being loaded.
!               load-file-name)
!              ((and (boundp 'byte-compile-dest-file)
!                    (stringp byte-compile-dest-file))
!               ;; Being compiled.
!               byte-compile-dest-file)
!              (t
!               ;; Being evaluated interactively.
!               (buffer-file-name)))))
!     (and file
!        (file-name-sans-extension
!         (file-name-nondirectory file)))))
! (defmacro c-lang-defconst-eval-immediately (form)
!   "Can be used inside a VAL in `c-lang-defconst' to evaluate FORM
! immediately, i.e. at the same time as the `c-lang-defconst' form
! itself is evaluated."
!   ;; Evaluate at macro expansion time, i.e. in the
!   ;; `cl-macroexpand-all' inside `c-lang-defconst'.
!   (eval form))
! (defmacro c-lang-defconst (name &rest args)
!   "Set the language specific values of the language constant NAME.
! The second argument can be an optional docstring.  The rest of the
! arguments are one or more repetitions of LANG VAL where LANG specifies
! the language(s) that VAL applies to.  LANG is the name of the
! language, i.e. the mode name without the \"-mode\" suffix, or a list
! of such language names, or `t' for all languages.  VAL is a form to
! evaluate to get the value.
! If LANG isn't `t' or one of the core languages in CC Mode, it must
! have been declared with `c-add-language'.
! Neither NAME, LANG nor VAL are evaluated directly - they should not be
! quoted.  `c-lang-defconst-eval-immediately' can however be used inside
! VAL to evaluate parts of it directly.
! When VAL is evaluated for some language, that language is temporarily
! made current so that `c-lang-const' without an explicit language can
! be used inside VAL to refer to the value of a language constant in the
! same language.  That is particularly useful if LANG is `t'.
! VAL is not evaluated right away but rather when the value is requested
! with `c-lang-const'.  Thus it's possible to use `c-lang-const' inside
! VAL to refer to language constants that haven't been defined yet.
! However, if the definition of a language constant is in another file
! then that file must be loaded \(at compile time) before it's safe to
! reference the constant.
! The assignments in ARGS are processed in sequence like `setq', so
! \(c-lang-const NAME) may be used inside a VAL to refer to the last
! assigned value to this language constant, or a value that it has
! gotten in another earlier loaded file.
! To work well with repeated loads and interactive reevaluation, only
! one `c-lang-defconst' for each NAME is permitted per file.  If there
! already is one it will be completely replaced; the value in the
! earlier definition will not affect `c-lang-const' on the same
! constant.  A file is identified by its base name.
! This macro does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (let* ((sym (intern (symbol-name name) c-lang-constants))
!        ;; Make `c-lang-const' expand to a straightforward call to
!        ;; `c-get-lang-constant' in `cl-macroexpand-all' below.
!        ;;
!        ;; (The default behavior, i.e. to expand to a call inside
!        ;; `eval-when-compile' should be equivalent, since that macro
!        ;; should only expand to its content if it's used inside a
!        ;; form that's already evaluated at compile time.  It's
!        ;; however necessary to use our cover macro
!        ;; `cc-eval-when-compile' due to bugs in `eval-when-compile',
!        ;; and it expands to a bulkier form that in this case only is
!        ;; unnecessary garbage that we don't want to store in the
!        ;; language constant source definitions.)
!        (c-lang-const-expansion 'call)
!        (c-langs-are-parametric t)
!        bindings
!        pre-files)
!     (or (symbolp name)
!       (error "Not a symbol: %s" name))
!     (when (stringp (car-safe args))
!       ;; The docstring is hardly used anywhere since there's no normal
!       ;; symbol to attach it to.  It's primarily for getting the right
!       ;; format in the source.
!       (put sym 'variable-documentation (car args))
!       (setq args (cdr args)))
!     (or args
!       (error "No assignments in `c-lang-defconst' for %s" name))
!     ;; Rework ARGS to an association list to make it easier to handle.
!     ;; It's reversed at the same time to make it easier to implement
!     ;; the demand-driven (i.e. reversed) evaluation in `c-lang-const'.
!     (while args
!       (let ((assigned-mode
!            (cond ((eq (car args) t) t)
!                  ((symbolp (car args))
!                   (list (intern (concat (symbol-name (car args))
!                                         "-mode"))))
!                  ((listp (car args))
!                   (mapcar (lambda (lang)
!                             (or (symbolp lang)
!                                 (error "Not a list of symbols: %s"
!                                        (car args)))
!                             (intern (concat (symbol-name lang)
!                                             "-mode")))
!                           (car args)))
!                  (t (error "Not a symbol or a list of symbols: %s"
!                            (car args)))))
!           val)
!       (or (cdr args)
!           (error "No value for %s" (car args)))
!       (setq args (cdr args)
!             val (car args))
!       ;; Emacs has a weird bug where it seems to fail to read
!       ;; backquote lists from byte compiled files correctly (,@
!       ;; forms, to be specific), so make sure the bindings in the
!       ;; expansion below doesn't contain any backquote stuff.
!       ;; (XEmacs handles it correctly and doesn't need this for that
!       ;; reason, but we also use this expansion handle
!       ;; `c-lang-defconst-eval-immediately' and to register
!       ;; dependencies on the `c-lang-const's in VAL.)
!       (setq val (cl-macroexpand-all val))
!       (setq bindings (cons (cons assigned-mode val) bindings)
!             args (cdr args))))
!     ;; Compile in the other files that have provided source
!     ;; definitions for this symbol, to make sure the order in the
!     ;; `source' property is correct even when files are loaded out of
!     ;; order.
!     (setq pre-files (nreverse
!                    ;; Reverse to get the right load order.
!                    (mapcar 'car (get sym 'source))))
!     `(eval-and-compile
!        (c-define-lang-constant ',name ',bindings
!                              ,@(and pre-files `(',pre-files))))))
! (put 'c-lang-defconst 'lisp-indent-function 1)
! (eval-after-load "edebug"
!   '(def-edebug-spec c-lang-defconst
!      (&define name [&optional stringp] [&rest sexp def-form])))
! (defun c-define-lang-constant (name bindings &optional pre-files)
!   ;; Used by `c-lang-defconst'.  This function does not do any hidden
!   ;; buffer changes.
!   (let* ((sym (intern (symbol-name name) c-lang-constants))
!        (source (get sym 'source))
!        (file (intern
!               (or (c-get-current-file)
!                   (error "`c-lang-defconst' must be used in a file"))))
!        (elem (assq file source)))
!     ;;(when (cdr-safe elem)
!     ;;  (message "Language constant %s redefined in %S" name file))
!     ;; Note that the order in the source alist is relevant.  Like how
!     ;; `c-lang-defconst' reverses the bindings, this reverses the
!     ;; order between files so that the last to evaluate comes first.
!     (unless elem
!       (while pre-files
!       (unless (assq (car pre-files) source)
!         (setq source (cons (list (car pre-files)) source)))
!       (setq pre-files (cdr pre-files)))
!       (put sym 'source (cons (setq elem (list file)) source)))
!     (setcdr elem bindings)
!     ;; Bind the symbol as a variable, or clear any earlier evaluated
!     ;; value it has.
!     (set sym nil)
!     ;; Clear the evaluated values that depend on this source.
!     (let ((agenda (get sym 'dependents))
!         (visited (make-vector 101 0))
!         ptr)
!       (while agenda
!       (setq sym (car agenda)
!             agenda (cdr agenda))
!       (intern (symbol-name sym) visited)
!       (set sym nil)
!       (setq ptr (get sym 'dependents))
!       (while ptr
!         (setq sym (car ptr)
!               ptr (cdr ptr))
!         (unless (intern-soft (symbol-name sym) visited)
!           (setq agenda (cons sym agenda))))))
!     name))
! (defmacro c-lang-const (name &optional lang)
!   "Get the mode specific value of the language constant NAME in language LANG.
! LANG is the name of the language, i.e. the mode name without the
! \"-mode\" suffix.  If used inside `c-lang-defconst' or
! `c-lang-defvar', LANG may be left out to refer to the current
! language.  NAME and LANG are not evaluated so they should not be
! quoted.
! This macro does not do any hidden buffer changes."
!   (or (symbolp name)
!       (error "Not a symbol: %s" name))
!   (or (symbolp lang)
!       (error "Not a symbol: %s" lang))
!   (let ((sym (intern (symbol-name name) c-lang-constants))
!       mode source-files args)
!     (if lang
!       (progn
!         (setq mode (intern (concat (symbol-name lang) "-mode")))
!         (unless (get mode 'c-mode-prefix)
!           (error
!            "Unknown language %S since it got no `c-mode-prefix' property"
!            (symbol-name lang))))
!       (if c-buffer-is-cc-mode
!         (setq lang c-buffer-is-cc-mode)
!       (or c-langs-are-parametric
!           (error
!            "`c-lang-const' requires a literal language in this context"))))
!     (if (eq c-lang-const-expansion 'immediate)
!       ;; No need to find out the source file(s) when we evaluate
!       ;; immediately since all the info is already there in the
!       ;; `source' property.
!       `',(c-get-lang-constant name nil mode)
!       (let ((file (c-get-current-file)))
!       (if file (setq file (intern file)))
!       ;; Get the source file(s) that must be loaded to get the value
!       ;; of the constant.  If the symbol isn't defined yet we assume
!       ;; that its definition will come later in this file, and thus
!       ;; are no file dependencies needed.
!       (setq source-files (nreverse
!                           ;; Reverse to get the right load order.
!                           (apply 'nconc
!                                  (mapcar (lambda (elem)
!                                            (if (eq file (car elem))
!                                                nil ; Exclude our own file.
!                                              (list (car elem))))
!                                          (get sym 'source))))))
!       ;; Spend some effort to make a compact call to
!       ;; `c-get-lang-constant' since it will be compiled in.
!       (setq args (and mode `(',mode)))
!       (if (or source-files args)
!         (setq args (cons (and source-files `',source-files)
!                          args)))
!       (if (or (eq c-lang-const-expansion 'call)
!             load-in-progress
!             (not (boundp 'byte-compile-dest-file))
!             (not (stringp byte-compile-dest-file)))
!         ;; Either a straight call is requested in the context, or
!         ;; we're not being byte compiled so the compile time stuff
!         ;; below is unnecessary.
!         `(c-get-lang-constant ',name ,@args)
!       ;; Being compiled.  If the loading and compiling version is
!       ;; the same we use a value that is evaluated at compile time,
!       ;; otherwise it's evaluated at runtime.
!       `(if (eq c-version-sym ',c-version-sym)
!            (cc-eval-when-compile
!              (c-get-lang-constant ',name ,@args))
!          (c-get-lang-constant ',name ,@args))))))
! (defvar c-lang-constants-under-evaluation nil)
! (defun c-get-lang-constant (name &optional source-files mode)
!   ;; Used by `c-lang-const'.  This function does not do any hidden
!   ;; buffer changes.
!   (or mode
!       (setq mode c-buffer-is-cc-mode)
!       (error "No current language"))
!   (let* ((sym (intern (symbol-name name) c-lang-constants))
!        (source (get sym 'source))
!        elem
!        (eval-in-sym (and c-lang-constants-under-evaluation
!                          (caar c-lang-constants-under-evaluation))))
!     ;; Record the dependencies between this symbol and the one we're
!     ;; being evaluated in.
!     (when eval-in-sym
!       (or (memq eval-in-sym (get sym 'dependents))
!         (put sym 'dependents (cons eval-in-sym (get sym 'dependents)))))
!     ;; Make sure the source files have entries on the `source'
!     ;; property so that loading will take place when necessary.
!     (while source-files
!       (unless (assq (car source-files) source)
!       (put sym 'source
!            (setq source (cons (list (car source-files)) source)))
!       ;; Might pull in more definitions which affect the value.  The
!       ;; clearing of dependent values etc is done when the
!       ;; definition is encountered during the load; this is just to
!       ;; jump past the check for a cached value below.
!       (set sym nil))
!       (setq source-files (cdr source-files)))
!     (if (and (boundp sym)
!            (setq elem (assq mode (symbol-value sym))))
!       (cdr elem)
!       ;; Check if an evaluation of this symbol is already underway.
!       ;; In that case we just continue with the "assignment" before
!       ;; the one currently being evaluated, thereby creating the
!       ;; illusion if a `setq'-like sequence of assignments.
!       (let* ((c-buffer-is-cc-mode mode)
!            (source-pos
!             (or (assq sym c-lang-constants-under-evaluation)
!                 (cons sym (vector source nil))))
!            ;; Append `c-lang-constants-under-evaluation' even if an
!            ;; earlier entry is found.  It's only necessary to get
!            ;; the recording of dependencies above correct.
!            (c-lang-constants-under-evaluation
!             (cons source-pos c-lang-constants-under-evaluation))
!            (fallback (get mode 'c-fallback-mode))
!            value
!            ;; Make sure the recursion limits aren't very low
!            ;; since the `c-lang-const' dependencies can go deep.
!            (max-specpdl-size (max max-specpdl-size 3000))
!            (max-lisp-eval-depth (max max-lisp-eval-depth 1000)))
!       (if (if fallback
!               (let ((backup-source-pos (copy-sequence (cdr source-pos))))
!                 (and
!                  ;; First try the original mode but don't accept an
!                  ;; entry matching all languages since the fallback
!                  ;; mode might have an explicit entry before that.
!                  (eq (setq value (c-find-assignment-for-mode
!                                   (cdr source-pos) mode nil name))
!                      c-lang-constants)
!                  ;; Try again with the fallback mode from the
!                  ;; original position.  Note that
!                  ;; `c-buffer-is-cc-mode' still is the real mode if
!                  ;; language parameterization takes place.
!                  (eq (setq value (c-find-assignment-for-mode
!                                   (setcdr source-pos backup-source-pos)
!                                   fallback t name))
!                      c-lang-constants)))
!             ;; A simple lookup with no fallback mode.
!             (eq (setq value (c-find-assignment-for-mode
!                              (cdr source-pos) mode t name))
!                 c-lang-constants))
!           (error
!            "`%s' got no (prior) value in %s (might be a cyclic reference)"
!            name mode))
!       (condition-case err
!           (setq value (eval value))
!         (error
!          ;; Print a message to aid in locating the error.  We don't
!          ;; print the error itself since that will be done later by
!          ;; some caller higher up.
!          (message "Eval error in the `c-lang-defconst' for `%s' in %s:"
!                   sym mode)
!          (makunbound sym)
!          (signal (car err) (cdr err))))
!       (set sym (cons (cons mode value) (symbol-value sym)))
!       value))))
! (defun c-find-assignment-for-mode (source-pos mode match-any-lang name)
!   ;; Find the first assignment entry that applies to MODE at or after
!   ;; SOURCE-POS.  If MATCH-ANY-LANG is non-nil, entries with `t' as
!   ;; the language list are considered to match, otherwise they don't.
!   ;; On return SOURCE-POS is updated to point to the next assignment
!   ;; after the returned one.  If no assignment is found,
!   ;; `c-lang-constants' is returned as a magic value.
!   ;;
!   ;; SOURCE-POS is a vector that points out a specific assignment in
!   ;; the double alist that's used in the `source' property.  The first
!   ;; element is the position in the top alist which is indexed with
!   ;; the source files, and the second element is the position in the
!   ;; nested bindings alist.
!   ;;
!   ;; NAME is only used for error messages.
!   (catch 'found
!     (let ((file-entry (elt source-pos 0))
!         (assignment-entry (elt source-pos 1))
!         assignment)
!       (while (if assignment-entry
!                t
!              ;; Handled the last assignment from one file, begin on the
!              ;; next.  Due to the check in `c-lang-defconst', we know
!              ;; there's at least one.
!              (when file-entry
!                (unless (aset source-pos 1
!                              (setq assignment-entry (cdar file-entry)))
!                  ;; The file containing the source definitions has not
!                  ;; been loaded.
!                  (let ((file (symbol-name (caar file-entry)))
!                        (c-lang-constants-under-evaluation nil))
!                    ;;(message (concat "Loading %s to get the source "
!                    ;;                 "value for language constant %s")
!                    ;;         file name)
!                    (load file))
!                  (unless (setq assignment-entry (cdar file-entry))
!                    ;; The load didn't fill in the source for the
!                    ;; constant as expected.  The situation is
!                    ;; probably that a derived mode was written for
!                    ;; and compiled with another version of CC Mode,
!                    ;; and the requested constant isn't in the
!                    ;; currently loaded one.  Put in a dummy
!                    ;; assignment that matches no language.
!                    (setcdr (car file-entry)
!                            (setq assignment-entry (list (list nil))))))
!                (aset source-pos 0 (setq file-entry (cdr file-entry)))
!                t))
!       (setq assignment (car assignment-entry))
!       (aset source-pos 1
!             (setq assignment-entry (cdr assignment-entry)))
!       (when (if (listp (car assignment))
!                 (memq mode (car assignment))
!               match-any-lang)
!         (throw 'found (cdr assignment))))
!       c-lang-constants)))
  (cc-provide 'cc-defs)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 3bb2629d-dd84-4ff0-ad39-584be0fe3cda
  ;;; cc-defs.el ends here

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