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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/vmsproc.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/vmsproc.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:52:38 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/vmsproc.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/vmsproc.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:52:38 2003
--- emacs/lisp/vmsproc.el       Tue Oct 14 19:51:28 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,149 ----
+ ;;; vmsproc.el --- run asynchronous VMS subprocesses under Emacs
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1986 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Mukesh Prasad
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; Keywords: vms
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (defvar display-subprocess-window nil
+   "If non-nil, the subprocess window is displayed whenever input is 
+ (defvar command-prefix-string "$ "
+   "String to insert to distinguish commands entered by user.")
+ (defvar subprocess-running nil)
+ (defvar command-mode-map nil)
+ (if command-mode-map
+     nil
+   (setq command-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+   (define-key command-mode-map "\C-m" 'command-send-input)
+   (define-key command-mode-map "\C-u" 'command-kill-line))
+ (defun subprocess-input (name str)
+   "Handles input from a subprocess.  Called by Emacs."
+   (if display-subprocess-window
+       (display-buffer subprocess-buf))
+   (let ((old-buffer (current-buffer)))
+     (set-buffer subprocess-buf)
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (insert str)
+     (insert ?\n)
+     (set-buffer old-buffer)))
+ (defun subprocess-exit (name)
+   "Called by Emacs upon subprocess exit."
+   (setq subprocess-running nil))
+ (defun start-subprocess ()
+   "Spawns an asynchronous subprocess with output redirected to
+ the buffer *COMMAND*.  Within this buffer, use C-m to send
+ the last line to the subprocess or to bring another line to
+ the end."
+   (if subprocess-running
+       (return t))
+   (setq subprocess-buf (get-buffer-create "*COMMAND*"))
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer subprocess-buf)
+     (use-local-map command-mode-map))
+   (setq subprocess-running (spawn-subprocess 1 'subprocess-input
+                                            'subprocess-exit))
+   ;; Initialize subprocess so it doesn't panic and die upon
+   ;; encountering the first error.
+   (and subprocess-running
+        (send-command-to-subprocess 1 "ON SEVERE_ERROR THEN CONTINUE")))
+ (defun subprocess-command-to-buffer (command buffer)
+   "Execute COMMAND and redirect output into BUFFER."
+   (let (cmd args)
+     (setq cmd (substring command 0 (string-match " " command)))
+     (setq args (substring command (string-match " " command)))
+     (call-process cmd nil buffer nil "*dcl*" args)))
+ ;BUGS: only the output up to the end of the first image activation is trapped.
+ ;  (if (not subprocess-running)
+ ;      (start-subprocess))
+ ;  (save-excursion
+ ;    (set-buffer buffer)
+ ;    (let ((output-filename (concat "SYS$SCRATCH:OUTPUT-FOR-"
+ ;                                (getenv "USER") ".LISTING")))
+ ;      (while (file-exists-p output-filename)
+ ;     (delete-file output-filename))
+ ;      (define-logical-name "SYS$OUTPUT" (concat output-filename "-NEW"))
+ ;      (send-command-to-subprocess 1 command)
+ ;      (send-command-to-subprocess 1 (concat
+ ;                                  "RENAME " output-filename
+ ;                                  "-NEW " output-filename))
+ ;      (while (not (file-exists-p output-filename))
+ ;     (sleep-for 1))
+ ;      (define-logical-name "SYS$OUTPUT" nil)
+ ;      (insert-file output-filename)
+ ;      (delete-file output-filename))))
+ (defun subprocess-command ()
+   "Starts asynchronous subprocess if not running and switches to its window."
+   (interactive)
+   (if (not subprocess-running)
+       (start-subprocess))
+   (and subprocess-running
+        (progn (pop-to-buffer subprocess-buf) (goto-char (point-max)))))
+ (defun command-send-input ()
+   "If at last line of buffer, sends the current line to
+ the spawned subprocess.  Otherwise brings back current
+ line to the last line for resubmission."
+   (interactive)
+   (beginning-of-line)
+   (let ((current-line (buffer-substring (point)
+                                         (progn (end-of-line) (point)))))
+     (if (eobp)
+       (progn
+         (if (not subprocess-running)
+             (start-subprocess))
+         (if subprocess-running
+             (progn
+               (beginning-of-line)
+               (send-command-to-subprocess 1 current-line)
+               (if command-prefix-string
+                   (progn (beginning-of-line) (insert command-prefix-string)))
+               (next-line 1))))
+       ;; else -- if not at last line in buffer
+       (end-of-buffer)
+       (backward-char)
+       (next-line 1)
+       (if (string-equal command-prefix-string
+                       (substring current-line 0 (length 
+         (insert (substring current-line (length command-prefix-string)))
+       (insert current-line)))))
+ (defun command-kill-line()
+   "Kills the current line.  Used in command mode."
+   (interactive)
+   (beginning-of-line)
+   (kill-line))
+ (define-key esc-map "$" 'subprocess-command)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 600b2512-f903-4887-bcd2-e76b306f5b66
+ ;;; vmsproc.el ends here

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