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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/lmenu.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/lmenu.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:32:26 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/lmenu.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/lmenu.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:32:26 2003
--- emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/lmenu.el      Tue Oct 14 19:32:21 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,440 ----
+ ;;; lmenu.el --- emulate Lucid's menubar support
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Keywords: emulations obsolete
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ ;; First, emulate the Lucid menubar support in GNU Emacs 19.
+ ;; Arrange to use current-menubar to set up part of the menu bar.
+ (defvar current-menubar)
+ (setq recompute-lucid-menubar 'recompute-lucid-menubar)
+ (defun recompute-lucid-menubar ()
+   (define-key lucid-menubar-map [menu-bar]
+     (condition-case nil
+       (make-lucid-menu-keymap "menu-bar" current-menubar)
+       (error (message "Invalid data in current-menubar moved to 
+            (sit-for 1)
+            (setq lucid-failing-menubar current-menubar
+                  current-menubar nil))))
+   (setq lucid-menu-bar-dirty-flag nil))
+ (defvar lucid-menubar-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (or (assq 'current-menubar minor-mode-map-alist)
+     (setq minor-mode-map-alist
+         (cons (cons 'current-menubar lucid-menubar-map)
+               minor-mode-map-alist)))
+ ;; XEmacs compatibility
+ (defun set-menubar-dirty-flag ()
+   (force-mode-line-update)
+   (setq lucid-menu-bar-dirty-flag t))
+ (defvar add-menu-item-count 0)
+ ;; This is a variable whose value is always nil.
+ (defvar make-lucid-menu-keymap-disable nil)
+ ;; Return a menu keymap corresponding to a Lucid-style menu list
+ ;; MENU-ITEMS, and with name MENU-NAME.
+ (defun make-lucid-menu-keymap (menu-name menu-items)
+   (let ((menu (make-sparse-keymap menu-name)))
+     ;; Process items in reverse order,
+     ;; since the define-key loop reverses them again.
+     (setq menu-items (reverse menu-items))
+     (while menu-items
+       (let ((item (car menu-items))
+           command name callback)
+       (cond ((stringp item)
+              (setq command nil)
+              (setq name (if (string-match "^-+$" item) "" item)))
+             ((consp item)
+              (setq command (make-lucid-menu-keymap (car item) (cdr item)))
+              (setq name (car item)))
+             ((vectorp item)
+              (setq command (make-symbol (format "menu-function-%d"
+                                                 add-menu-item-count))
+                    add-menu-item-count (1+ add-menu-item-count)
+                    name (aref item 0)
+                    callback (aref item 1))
+              (if (symbolp callback)
+                  (fset command callback)
+                (fset command (list 'lambda () '(interactive) callback)))
+              (put command 'menu-alias t)
+              (let ((i 2))
+                (while (< i (length item))
+                  (cond
+                   ((eq (aref item i) ':active)
+                    (put command 'menu-enable
+                         (or (aref item (1+ i))
+                             'make-lucid-menu-keymap-disable))
+                    (setq i (+ 2 i)))
+                   ((eq (aref item i) ':suffix)
+                    ;; unimplemented
+                    (setq i (+ 2 i)))
+                   ((eq (aref item i) ':keys)
+                    ;; unimplemented
+                    (setq i (+ 2 i)))
+                   ((eq (aref item i) ':style)
+                    ;; unimplemented
+                    (setq i (+ 2 i)))
+                   ((eq (aref item i) ':selected)
+                    ;; unimplemented
+                    (setq i (+ 2 i)))
+                   ((and (symbolp (aref item i))
+                         (= ?: (string-to-char (symbol-name (aref item i)))))
+                    (error "Unrecognized menu item keyword: %S"
+                           (aref item i)))
+                   ((= i 2)
+                    ;; old-style format: active-p &optional suffix
+                    (put command 'menu-enable
+                         (or (aref item i) 'make-lucid-menu-keymap-disable))
+                    ;; suffix is unimplemented
+                    (setq i (length item)))
+                   (t
+                    (error "Unexpected menu item value: %S"
+                           (aref item i))))))))
+       (if (null command)
+           ;; Handle inactive strings specially--allow any number
+           ;; of identical ones.
+           (setcdr menu (cons (list nil name) (cdr menu)))
+         (if name
+             (define-key menu (vector (intern name)) (cons name command)))))
+       (setq menu-items (cdr menu-items)))
+     menu))
+ ;; XEmacs compatibility function
+ (defun popup-dialog-box (data)
+   "Pop up a dialog box.
+ A dialog box description is a list.
+  - The first element of the list is a string to display in the dialog box.
+  - The rest of the elements are descriptions of the dialog box's buttons.
+    Each one is a vector of three elements:
+    - The first element is the text of the button.
+    - The second element is the `callback'.
+    - The third element is t or nil, whether this button is selectable.
+ If the `callback' of a button is a symbol, then it must name a command.
+ It will be invoked with `call-interactively'.  If it is a list, then it is
+ evaluated with `eval'.
+ One (and only one) of the buttons may be nil.  This marker means that all
+ following buttons should be flushright instead of flushleft.
+ The syntax, more precisely:
+    form               :=  <something to pass to `eval'>
+    command    :=  <a symbol or string, to pass to `call-interactively'>
+    callback   :=  command | form
+    active-p   :=  <t, nil, or a form to evaluate to decide whether this
+                   button should be selectable>
+    name               :=  <string>
+    partition  :=  'nil'
+    button     :=  '['  name callback active-p ']'
+    dialog     :=  '(' name [ button ]+ [ partition [ button ]+ ] ')'"
+   (let ((name (car data))
+       (tail (cdr data))
+       converted
+       choice meaning)
+     (while tail
+       (if (null (car tail))
+         (setq converted (cons nil converted))
+       (let ((item (aref (car tail) 0))
+             (callback (aref (car tail) 1))
+             (enable (aref (car tail) 2)))
+         (setq converted
+               (cons (if enable (cons item callback) item)
+                     converted))))
+       (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+     (setq choice (x-popup-dialog t (cons name (nreverse converted))))
+     (if choice
+       (if (symbolp choice)
+           (call-interactively choice)
+         (eval choice)))))
+ ;; This is empty because the usual elements of the menu bar
+ ;; are provided by menu-bar.el instead.
+ ;; It would not make sense to duplicate them here.
+ (defconst default-menubar nil)
+ ;; XEmacs compatibility
+ (defun set-menubar (menubar)
+   "Set the default menubar to be menubar."
+   (setq-default current-menubar (copy-sequence menubar))
+   (set-menubar-dirty-flag))
+ ;; XEmacs compatibility
+ (defun set-buffer-menubar (menubar)
+   "Set the buffer-local menubar to be menubar."
+   (make-local-variable 'current-menubar)
+   (setq current-menubar (copy-sequence menubar))
+   (set-menubar-dirty-flag))
+ ;;; menu manipulation functions
+ ;; XEmacs compatibility
+ (defun find-menu-item (menubar item-path-list &optional parent)
+   "Searches MENUBAR for item given by ITEM-PATH-LIST.
+ Returns (ITEM . PARENT), where PARENT is the immediate parent of
+  the item found.
+ Signals an error if the item is not found."
+   (or parent (setq item-path-list (mapcar 'downcase item-path-list)))
+   (if (not (consp menubar))
+       nil
+     (let ((rest menubar)
+         result)
+       (while rest
+       (if (and (car rest)
+                (equal (car item-path-list)
+                       (downcase (if (vectorp (car rest))
+                                     (aref (car rest) 0)
+                                   (if (stringp (car rest))
+                                       (car rest)
+                                     (car (car rest)))))))
+           (setq result (car rest) rest nil)
+         (setq rest (cdr rest))))
+       (if (cdr item-path-list)
+         (if (consp result)
+             (find-menu-item (cdr result) (cdr item-path-list) result)
+           (if result
+               (signal 'error (list "not a submenu" result))
+             (signal 'error (list "no such submenu" (car item-path-list)))))
+       (cons result parent)))))
+ ;; XEmacs compatibility
+ (defun disable-menu-item (path)
+   "Make the named menu item be unselectable.
+ PATH is a list of strings which identify the position of the menu item in
+ the menu hierarchy.  (\"File\" \"Save\") means the menu item called \"Save\"
+ under the toplevel \"File\" menu.  (\"Menu\" \"Foo\" \"Item\") means the
+ menu item called \"Item\" under the \"Foo\" submenu of \"Menu\"."
+   (let* ((menubar current-menubar)
+        (pair (find-menu-item menubar path))
+        (item (car pair))
+        (menu (cdr pair)))
+     (or item
+       (signal 'error (list (if menu "No such menu item" "No such menu")
+                            path)))
+     (if (consp item) (error "can't disable menus, only menu items"))
+     (aset item 2 nil)
+     (set-menubar-dirty-flag)
+     item))
+ ;; XEmacs compatibility
+ (defun enable-menu-item (path)
+   "Make the named menu item be selectable.
+ PATH is a list of strings which identify the position of the menu item in
+ the menu hierarchy.  (\"File\" \"Save\") means the menu item called \"Save\"
+ under the toplevel \"File\" menu.  (\"Menu\" \"Foo\" \"Item\") means the
+ menu item called \"Item\" under the \"Foo\" submenu of \"Menu\"."
+   (let* ((menubar current-menubar)
+        (pair (find-menu-item menubar path))
+        (item (car pair))
+        (menu (cdr pair)))
+     (or item
+       (signal 'error (list (if menu "No such menu item" "No such menu")
+                            path)))
+     (if (consp item) (error "%S is a menu, not a menu item" path))
+     (aset item 2 t)
+     (set-menubar-dirty-flag)
+     item))
+ (defun add-menu-item-1 (item-p menu-path item-name item-data enabled-p before)
+   (if before (setq before (downcase before)))
+   (let* ((menubar current-menubar)
+        (menu (condition-case ()
+                  (car (find-menu-item menubar menu-path))
+                (error nil)))
+        (item (if (listp menu)
+                  (car (find-menu-item (cdr menu) (list item-name)))
+                (signal 'error (list "not a submenu" menu-path)))))
+     (or menu
+       (let ((rest menu-path)
+             (so-far menubar))
+         (while rest
+ ;;;       (setq menu (car (find-menu-item (cdr so-far) (list (car rest)))))
+           (setq menu
+                 (if (eq so-far menubar)
+                     (car (find-menu-item so-far (list (car rest))))
+                   (car (find-menu-item (cdr so-far) (list (car rest))))))
+           (or menu
+               (let ((rest2 so-far))
+                 (or rest2
+                     (error "Trying to modify a menu that doesn't exist"))
+                 (while (and (cdr rest2) (car (cdr rest2)))
+                   (setq rest2 (cdr rest2)))
+                 (setcdr rest2
+                         (nconc (list (setq menu (list (car rest))))
+                                (cdr rest2)))))
+           (setq so-far menu)
+           (setq rest (cdr rest)))))
+     (or menu (setq menu menubar))
+     (if item
+       nil     ; it's already there
+       (if item-p
+         (setq item (vector item-name item-data enabled-p))
+       (setq item (cons item-name item-data)))
+       ;; if BEFORE is specified, try to add it there.
+       (if before
+         (setq before (car (find-menu-item menu (list before)))))
+       (let ((rest menu)
+           (added-before nil))
+       (while rest
+         (if (eq before (car (cdr rest)))
+             (progn
+               (setcdr rest (cons item (cdr rest)))
+               (setq rest nil added-before t))
+           (setq rest (cdr rest))))
+       (if (not added-before)
+           ;; adding before the first item on the menubar itself is harder
+           (if (and (eq menu menubar) (eq before (car menu)))
+               (setq menu (cons item menu)
+                     current-menubar menu)
+             ;; otherwise, add the item to the end.
+             (nconc menu (list item))))))
+     (if item-p
+       (progn
+         (aset item 1 item-data)
+         (aset item 2 (not (null enabled-p))))
+       (setcar item item-name)
+       (setcdr item item-data))
+     (set-menubar-dirty-flag)
+     item))
+ ;; XEmacs compatibility
+ (defun add-menu-item (menu-path item-name function enabled-p &optional before)
+   "Add a menu item to some menu, creating the menu first if necessary.
+ If the named item exists already, it is changed.
+ MENU-PATH identifies the menu under which the new menu item should be 
+  It is a list of strings; for example, (\"File\") names the top-level \"File\"
+  menu.  (\"File\" \"Foo\") names a hypothetical submenu of \"File\".
+ ITEM-NAME is the string naming the menu item to be added.
+ FUNCTION is the command to invoke when this menu item is selected.
+  If it is a symbol, then it is invoked with `call-interactively', in the same
+  way that functions bound to keys are invoked.  If it is a list, then the
+  list is simply evaluated.
+ ENABLED-P controls whether the item is selectable or not.
+ BEFORE, if provided, is the name of a menu item before which this item should
+  be added, if this item is not on the menu already.  If the item is already
+  present, it will not be moved."
+   (or menu-path (error "must specify a menu path"))
+   (or item-name (error "must specify an item name"))
+   (add-menu-item-1 t menu-path item-name function enabled-p before))
+ ;; XEmacs compatibility
+ (defun delete-menu-item (path)
+   "Remove the named menu item from the menu hierarchy.
+ PATH is a list of strings which identify the position of the menu item in
+ the menu hierarchy.  (\"File\" \"Save\") means the menu item called \"Save\"
+ under the toplevel \"File\" menu.  (\"Menu\" \"Foo\" \"Item\") means the
+ menu item called \"Item\" under the \"Foo\" submenu of \"Menu\"."
+   (let* ((menubar current-menubar)
+        (pair (find-menu-item menubar path))
+        (item (car pair))
+        (menu (or (cdr pair) menubar)))
+     (if (not item)
+       nil
+       ;; the menubar is the only special case, because other menus begin
+       ;; with their name.
+       (if (eq menu current-menubar)
+         (setq current-menubar (delq item menu))
+       (delq item menu))
+       (set-menubar-dirty-flag)
+       item)))
+ ;; XEmacs compatibility
+ (defun relabel-menu-item (path new-name)
+   "Change the string of the specified menu item.
+ PATH is a list of strings which identify the position of the menu item in
+ the menu hierarchy.  (\"File\" \"Save\") means the menu item called \"Save\"
+ under the toplevel \"File\" menu.  (\"Menu\" \"Foo\" \"Item\") means the
+ menu item called \"Item\" under the \"Foo\" submenu of \"Menu\".
+ NEW-NAME is the string that the menu item will be printed as from now on."
+   (or (stringp new-name)
+       (setq new-name (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'stringp new-name))))
+   (let* ((menubar current-menubar)
+        (pair (find-menu-item menubar path))
+        (item (car pair))
+        (menu (cdr pair)))
+     (or item
+       (signal 'error (list (if menu "No such menu item" "No such menu")
+                            path)))
+     (if (and (consp item)
+            (stringp (car item)))
+       (setcar item new-name)
+       (aset item 0 new-name))
+     (set-menubar-dirty-flag)
+     item))
+ ;; XEmacs compatibility
+ (defun add-menu (menu-path menu-name menu-items &optional before)
+   "Add a menu to the menubar or one of its submenus.
+ If the named menu exists already, it is changed.
+ MENU-PATH identifies the menu under which the new menu should be inserted.
+  It is a list of strings; for example, (\"File\") names the top-level \"File\"
+  menu.  (\"File\" \"Foo\") names a hypothetical submenu of \"File\".
+  If MENU-PATH is nil, then the menu will be added to the menubar itself.
+ MENU-NAME is the string naming the menu to be added.
+ MENU-ITEMS is a list of menu item descriptions.
+  Each menu item should be a vector of three elements:
+    - a string, the name of the menu item;
+    - a symbol naming a command, or a form to evaluate;
+    - and a form whose value determines whether this item is selectable.
+ BEFORE, if provided, is the name of a menu before which this menu should
+  be added, if this menu is not on its parent already.  If the menu is already
+  present, it will not be moved."
+   (or menu-name (error "must specify a menu name"))
+   (or menu-items (error "must specify some menu items"))
+   (add-menu-item-1 nil menu-path menu-name menu-items t before))
+ (defvar put-buffer-names-in-file-menu t)
+ ;; Don't unconditionally enable menu bars; leave that up to the user.
+ ;;(let ((frames (frame-list)))
+ ;;  (while frames
+ ;;    (modify-frame-parameters (car frames) '((menu-bar-lines . 1)))
+ ;;    (setq frames (cdr frames))))
+ ;;(or (assq 'menu-bar-lines default-frame-alist)
+ ;;    (setq default-frame-alist
+ ;;      (cons '(menu-bar-lines . 1) default-frame-alist)))
+ (set-menubar default-menubar)
+ (provide 'lmenu)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 7051c396-2837-435a-ae11-b2d2e2af8fc1
+ ;;; lmenu.el ends here

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