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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/pgg.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/pgg.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:11:51 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/pgg.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/pgg.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:47:24 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/pgg.el      Thu Jul 22 16:45:51 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,468 ----
+ ;;; pgg.el --- glue for the various PGP implementations.
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Daiki Ueno <address@hidden>
+ ;; Created: 1999/10/28
+ ;; Keywords: PGP
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'pgg-def)
+ (require 'pgg-parse)
+ (autoload 'run-at-time "timer")
+ ;; Don't merge these two `eval-when-compile's.
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (require 'cl))
+ ;; Fixme: This would be better done with an autoload for
+ ;; `url-insert-file-contents', and the url stuff rationalized.
+ ;; (`locate-library' can say whether the url code is available.)
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (ignore-errors
+     (require 'w3)
+     (require 'url)))
+ ;;; @ utility functions
+ ;;;
+ (defvar pgg-fetch-key-function (if (fboundp 'url-insert-file-contents)
+                                  (function pgg-fetch-key-with-w3)))
+ (defun pgg-invoke (func scheme &rest args)
+   (progn
+     (require (intern (format "pgg-%s" scheme)))
+     (apply 'funcall (intern (format "pgg-%s-%s" scheme func)) args)))
+ (put 'pgg-save-coding-system 'lisp-indent-function 2)
+ (defmacro pgg-save-coding-system (start end &rest body)
+   `(if (interactive-p)
+        (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
+        (with-temp-buffer
+          (let (buffer-undo-list)
+            (insert-buffer-substring buffer ,start ,end)
+            (encode-coding-region (point-min)(point-max)
+                                  buffer-file-coding-system)
+            (prog1 (save-excursion ,@body)
+              (push nil buffer-undo-list)
+              (ignore-errors (undo))))))
+      (save-restriction
+        (narrow-to-region ,start ,end)
+        ,@body)))
+ (defun pgg-temp-buffer-show-function (buffer)
+   (let ((window (or (get-buffer-window buffer 'visible)
+                   (split-window-vertically))))
+     (set-window-buffer window buffer)
+     (shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer window)))
+ (defun pgg-display-output-buffer (start end status)
+   (if status
+       (progn
+       (delete-region start end)
+       (insert-buffer-substring pgg-output-buffer)
+       (decode-coding-region start (point) buffer-file-coding-system))
+     (let ((temp-buffer-show-function
+          (function pgg-temp-buffer-show-function)))
+       (with-output-to-temp-buffer pgg-echo-buffer
+       (set-buffer standard-output)
+       (insert-buffer-substring pgg-errors-buffer)))))
+ (defvar pgg-passphrase-cache (make-vector 7 0))
+ (defun pgg-read-passphrase (prompt &optional key)
+   (or (and pgg-cache-passphrase
+          key (setq key (pgg-truncate-key-identifier key))
+          (symbol-value (intern-soft key pgg-passphrase-cache)))
+       (read-passwd prompt)))
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (defvar itimer-process)
+   (defvar itimer-timer)
+   (autoload 'delete-itimer "itimer")
+   (autoload 'itimer-driver-start "itimer")
+   (autoload 'itimer-value "itimer")
+   (autoload 'set-itimer-function "itimer")
+   (autoload 'set-itimer-function-arguments "itimer")
+   (autoload 'set-itimer-restart "itimer")
+   (autoload 'start-itimer "itimer"))
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (defalias
+     'pgg-run-at-time
+     (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+       (if (condition-case nil
+               (progn
+                 (unless (or itimer-process itimer-timer)
+                   (itimer-driver-start))
+                 ;; Check whether there is a bug to which the difference of
+                 ;; the present time and the time when the itimer driver was
+                 ;; woken up is subtracted from the initial itimer value.
+                 (let* ((inhibit-quit t)
+                        (ctime (current-time))
+                        (itimer-timer-last-wakeup
+                         (prog1
+                             ctime
+                           (setcar ctime (1- (car ctime)))))
+                        (itimer-list nil)
+                        (itimer (start-itimer "pgg-run-at-time" 'ignore 5)))
+                   (sleep-for 0.1) ;; Accept the timeout interrupt.
+                   (prog1
+                       (> (itimer-value itimer) 0)
+                     (delete-itimer itimer))))
+             (error nil))
+           (lambda (time repeat function &rest args)
+             "Emulating function run as `run-at-time'.
+ TIME should be nil meaning now, or a number of seconds from now.
+ Return an itimer object which can be used in either `delete-itimer'
+ or `cancel-timer'."
+             (apply #'start-itimer "pgg-run-at-time"
+                    function (if time (max time 1e-9) 1e-9)
+                    repeat nil t args))
+         (lambda (time repeat function &rest args)
+           "Emulating function run as `run-at-time' in the right way.
+ TIME should be nil meaning now, or a number of seconds from now.
+ Return an itimer object which can be used in either `delete-itimer'
+ or `cancel-timer'."
+           (let ((itimers (list nil)))
+             (setcar
+              itimers
+              (apply #'start-itimer "pgg-run-at-time"
+                     (lambda (itimers repeat function &rest args)
+                       (let ((itimer (car itimers)))
+                         (if repeat
+                             (progn
+                               (set-itimer-function
+                                itimer
+                                (lambda (itimer repeat function &rest args)
+                                  (set-itimer-restart itimer repeat)
+                                  (set-itimer-function itimer function)
+                                  (set-itimer-function-arguments itimer args)
+                                  (apply function args)))
+                               (set-itimer-function-arguments
+                                itimer
+                                (append (list itimer repeat function) args)))
+                           (set-itimer-function
+                            itimer
+                            (lambda (itimer function &rest args)
+                              (delete-itimer itimer)
+                              (apply function args)))
+                           (set-itimer-function-arguments
+                            itimer
+                            (append (list itimer function) args)))))
+                     1e-9 (if time (max time 1e-9) 1e-9)
+                     nil t itimers repeat function args)))))
+       'run-at-time)))
+ (defun pgg-add-passphrase-cache (key passphrase)
+   (setq key (pgg-truncate-key-identifier key))
+   (set (intern key pgg-passphrase-cache)
+        passphrase)
+   (pgg-run-at-time pgg-passphrase-cache-expiry nil
+                  #'pgg-remove-passphrase-cache
+                  key))
+ (defun pgg-remove-passphrase-cache (key)
+   (let ((passphrase (symbol-value (intern-soft key pgg-passphrase-cache))))
+     (when passphrase
+       (fillarray passphrase ?_)
+       (unintern key pgg-passphrase-cache))))
+ (defmacro pgg-convert-lbt-region (start end lbt)
+   `(let ((pgg-conversion-end (set-marker (make-marker) ,end)))
+      (goto-char ,start)
+      (case ,lbt
+        (CRLF
+       (while (progn
+                (end-of-line)
+                (> (marker-position pgg-conversion-end) (point)))
+         (insert "\r")
+         (forward-line 1)))
+        (LF
+       (while (re-search-forward "\r$" pgg-conversion-end t)
+         (replace-match ""))))))
+ (put 'pgg-as-lbt 'lisp-indent-function 3)
+ (defmacro pgg-as-lbt (start end lbt &rest body)
+   `(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+        buffer-read-only
+        buffer-undo-list)
+      (pgg-convert-lbt-region ,start ,end ,lbt)
+      (let ((,end (point)))
+        ,@body)
+      (push nil buffer-undo-list)
+      (ignore-errors (undo))))
+ (put 'pgg-process-when-success 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+ (defmacro pgg-process-when-success (&rest body)
+   `(with-current-buffer pgg-output-buffer
+      (if (zerop (buffer-size)) nil ,@body t)))
+ (defalias 'pgg-make-temp-file
+   (if (fboundp 'make-temp-file)
+       'make-temp-file
+     (lambda (prefix &optional dir-flag)
+       (let ((file (expand-file-name
+                  (make-temp-name prefix)
+                  (if (fboundp 'temp-directory)
+                      (temp-directory)
+                    temporary-file-directory))))
+       (if dir-flag
+           (make-directory file))
+       file))))
+ ;;; @ interface functions
+ ;;;
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun pgg-encrypt-region (start end rcpts &optional sign)
+   "Encrypt the current region between START and END for RCPTS.
+ If optional argument SIGN is non-nil, do a combined sign and encrypt."
+   (interactive
+    (list (region-beginning)(region-end)
+        (split-string (read-string "Recipients: ") "[ \t,]+")))
+   (let ((status
+        (pgg-save-coding-system start end
+          (pgg-invoke "encrypt-region" (or pgg-scheme pgg-default-scheme)
+                      (point-min) (point-max) rcpts sign))))
+     (when (interactive-p)
+       (pgg-display-output-buffer start end status))
+     status))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun pgg-encrypt (rcpts &optional sign start end)
+   "Encrypt the current buffer for RCPTS.
+ If optional argument SIGN is non-nil, do a combined sign and encrypt.
+ If optional arguments START and END are specified, only encrypt within
+ the region."
+   (interactive (list (split-string (read-string "Recipients: ") "[ \t,]+")))
+   (let* ((start (or start (point-min)))
+        (end (or end (point-max)))
+        (status (pgg-encrypt-region start end rcpts sign)))
+     (when (interactive-p)
+       (pgg-display-output-buffer start end status))
+     status))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun pgg-decrypt-region (start end)
+   "Decrypt the current region between START and END."
+   (interactive "r")
+   (let* ((buf (current-buffer))
+        (status
+         (pgg-save-coding-system start end
+           (pgg-invoke "decrypt-region" (or pgg-scheme pgg-default-scheme)
+                       (point-min) (point-max)))))
+     (when (interactive-p)
+       (pgg-display-output-buffer start end status))
+     status))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun pgg-decrypt (&optional start end)
+   "Decrypt the current buffer.
+ If optional arguments START and END are specified, only decrypt within
+ the region."
+   (interactive "")
+   (let* ((start (or start (point-min)))
+        (end (or end (point-max)))
+        (status (pgg-decrypt-region start end)))
+     (when (interactive-p)
+       (pgg-display-output-buffer start end status))
+     status))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun pgg-sign-region (start end &optional cleartext)
+   "Make the signature from text between START and END.
+ If the optional 3rd argument CLEARTEXT is non-nil, it does not create
+ a detached signature.
+ If this function is called interactively, CLEARTEXT is enabled
+ and the the output is displayed."
+   (interactive "r")
+   (let ((status (pgg-save-coding-system start end
+                 (pgg-invoke "sign-region" (or pgg-scheme pgg-default-scheme)
+                             (point-min) (point-max)
+                             (or (interactive-p) cleartext)))))
+     (when (interactive-p)
+       (pgg-display-output-buffer start end status))
+     status))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun pgg-sign (&optional cleartext start end)
+   "Sign the current buffer.
+ If the optional argument CLEARTEXT is non-nil, it does not create a
+ detached signature.
+ If optional arguments START and END are specified, only sign data
+ within the region.
+ If this function is called interactively, CLEARTEXT is enabled
+ and the the output is displayed."
+   (interactive "")
+   (let* ((start (or start (point-min)))
+        (end (or end (point-max)))
+        (status (pgg-sign-region start end (or (interactive-p) cleartext))))
+     (when (interactive-p)
+       (pgg-display-output-buffer start end status))
+     status))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun pgg-verify-region (start end &optional signature fetch)
+   "Verify the current region between START and END.
+ If the optional 3rd argument SIGNATURE is non-nil, it is treated as
+ the detached signature of the current region.
+ If the optional 4th argument FETCH is non-nil, we attempt to fetch the
+ signer's public key from `pgg-default-keyserver-address'."
+   (interactive "r")
+   (let* ((packet
+         (if (null signature) nil
+           (with-temp-buffer
+             (buffer-disable-undo)
+             (if (fboundp 'set-buffer-multibyte)
+                 (set-buffer-multibyte nil))
+             (insert-file-contents signature)
+             (cdr (assq 2 (pgg-decode-armor-region
+                           (point-min)(point-max)))))))
+        (key (cdr (assq 'key-identifier packet)))
+        status keyserver)
+     (and (stringp key)
+        pgg-query-keyserver
+        (setq key (concat "0x" (pgg-truncate-key-identifier key)))
+        (null (pgg-lookup-key key))
+        (or fetch (interactive-p))
+        (y-or-n-p (format "Key %s not found; attempt to fetch? " key))
+        (setq keyserver
+              (or (cdr (assq 'preferred-key-server packet))
+                  pgg-default-keyserver-address))
+        (pgg-fetch-key keyserver key))
+     (setq status 
+         (pgg-save-coding-system start end
+           (pgg-invoke "verify-region" (or pgg-scheme pgg-default-scheme)
+                       (point-min) (point-max) signature)))
+     (when (interactive-p)
+       (let ((temp-buffer-show-function
+            (function pgg-temp-buffer-show-function)))
+       (with-output-to-temp-buffer pgg-echo-buffer
+         (set-buffer standard-output)
+         (insert-buffer-substring (if status pgg-output-buffer
+                                    pgg-errors-buffer)))))
+     status))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun pgg-verify (&optional signature fetch start end)
+   "Verify the current buffer.
+ If the optional argument SIGNATURE is non-nil, it is treated as
+ the detached signature of the current region.
+ If the optional argument FETCH is non-nil, we attempt to fetch the
+ signer's public key from `pgg-default-keyserver-address'.
+ If optional arguments START and END are specified, only verify data
+ within the region."
+   (interactive "")
+   (let* ((start (or start (point-min)))
+        (end (or end (point-max)))
+        (status (pgg-verify-region start end signature fetch)))
+     (when (interactive-p)
+       (let ((temp-buffer-show-function
+            (function pgg-temp-buffer-show-function)))
+       (with-output-to-temp-buffer pgg-echo-buffer
+         (set-buffer standard-output)
+         (insert-buffer-substring (if status pgg-output-buffer
+                                    pgg-errors-buffer)))))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun pgg-insert-key ()
+   "Insert the ASCII armored public key."
+   (interactive)
+   (pgg-invoke "insert-key" (or pgg-scheme pgg-default-scheme)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun pgg-snarf-keys-region (start end)
+   "Import public keys in the current region between START and END."
+   (interactive "r")
+   (pgg-save-coding-system start end
+     (pgg-invoke "snarf-keys-region" (or pgg-scheme pgg-default-scheme)
+               start end)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun pgg-snarf-keys ()
+   "Import public keys in the current buffer."
+   (interactive "")
+   (pgg-snarf-keys-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (defun pgg-lookup-key (string &optional type)
+   (pgg-invoke "lookup-key" (or pgg-scheme pgg-default-scheme) string type))
+ (defvar pgg-insert-url-function  (function pgg-insert-url-with-w3))
+ (defun pgg-insert-url-with-w3 (url)
+   (ignore-errors
+     (require 'w3)
+     (require 'url)
+     (let (buffer-file-name)
+       (url-insert-file-contents url))))
+ (defvar pgg-insert-url-extra-arguments nil)
+ (defvar pgg-insert-url-program nil)
+ (defun pgg-insert-url-with-program (url)
+   (let ((args (copy-sequence pgg-insert-url-extra-arguments))
+       process)
+     (insert
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (setq process
+            (apply #'start-process " *PGG url*" (current-buffer)
+                   pgg-insert-url-program (nconc args (list url))))
+        (set-process-sentinel process #'ignore)
+        (while (eq 'run (process-status process))
+        (accept-process-output process 5))
+        (delete-process process)
+        (if (and process (eq 'run (process-status process)))
+          (interrupt-process process))
+        (buffer-string)))))
+ (defun pgg-fetch-key (keyserver key)
+   "Attempt to fetch a KEY from KEYSERVER for addition to PGP or GnuPG 
+   (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create pgg-output-buffer)
+     (buffer-disable-undo)
+     (erase-buffer)
+     (let ((proto (if (string-match "^[a-zA-Z\\+\\.\\\\-]+:" keyserver)
+                    (substring keyserver 0 (1- (match-end 0))))))
+       (save-excursion
+       (funcall pgg-insert-url-function
+                (if proto keyserver
+                  (format "http://%s:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=%s";
+                          keyserver key))))
+       (when (re-search-forward "^-+BEGIN" nil 'last)
+       (delete-region (point-min) (match-beginning 0))
+       (when (re-search-forward "^-+END" nil t)
+         (delete-region (progn (end-of-line) (point))
+                        (point-max)))
+       (insert "\n")
+       (with-temp-buffer
+         (insert-buffer-substring pgg-output-buffer)
+         (pgg-snarf-keys-region (point-min)(point-max)))))))
+ (provide 'pgg)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 9cc705dd-1e6a-4c90-8dce-c3561f9a2cf4
+ ;;; pgg.el ends here

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