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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/pop3.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/pop3.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:11:39 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/pop3.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/pop3.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:47:24 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/pop3.el     Thu Jul 22 16:45:51 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,505 ----
+ ;;; pop3.el --- Post Office Protocol (RFC 1460) interface
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
+ ;;        Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Richard L. Pieri <address@hidden>
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; Keywords: mail
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; Most of the standard Post Office Protocol version 3 (RFC 1460) commands
+ ;; are implemented.  The LIST command has not been implemented due to lack
+ ;; of actual usefulness.
+ ;; The optional POP3 command TOP has not been implemented.
+ ;; This program was inspired by Kyle E. Jones's vm-pop program.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'mail-utils)
+ (defvar pop3-maildrop (or (user-login-name) (getenv "LOGNAME") (getenv 
"USER") nil)
+   "*POP3 maildrop.")
+ (defvar pop3-mailhost (or (getenv "MAILHOST") nil)
+   "*POP3 mailhost.")
+ (defvar pop3-port 110
+   "*POP3 port.")
+ (defvar pop3-password-required t
+   "*Non-nil if a password is required when connecting to POP server.")
+ (defvar pop3-password nil
+   "*Password to use when connecting to POP server.")
+ (defvar pop3-authentication-scheme 'pass
+   "*POP3 authentication scheme.
+ Defaults to 'pass, for the standard USER/PASS authentication.  Other valid
+ values are 'apop.")
+ (defvar pop3-timestamp nil
+   "Timestamp returned when initially connected to the POP server.
+ Used for APOP authentication.")
+ (defvar pop3-read-point nil)
+ (defvar pop3-debug nil)
+ (defun pop3-movemail (&optional crashbox)
+   "Transfer contents of a maildrop to the specified CRASHBOX."
+   (or crashbox (setq crashbox (expand-file-name "~/.crashbox")))
+   (let* ((process (pop3-open-server pop3-mailhost pop3-port))
+        (crashbuf (get-buffer-create " *pop3-retr*"))
+        (n 1)
+        message-count
+        (pop3-password pop3-password)
+        )
+     ;; for debugging only
+     (if pop3-debug (switch-to-buffer (process-buffer process)))
+     ;; query for password
+     (if (and pop3-password-required (not pop3-password))
+       (setq pop3-password
+             (read-passwd (format "Password for %s: " pop3-maildrop))))
+     (cond ((equal 'apop pop3-authentication-scheme)
+          (pop3-apop process pop3-maildrop))
+         ((equal 'pass pop3-authentication-scheme)
+          (pop3-user process pop3-maildrop)
+          (pop3-pass process))
+         (t (error "Invalid POP3 authentication scheme")))
+     (setq message-count (car (pop3-stat process)))
+     (unwind-protect
+       (while (<= n message-count)
+         (message "Retrieving message %d of %d from %s..."
+                  n message-count pop3-mailhost)
+         (pop3-retr process n crashbuf)
+         (save-excursion
+           (set-buffer crashbuf)
+           (let ((coding-system-for-write 'binary))
+             (write-region (point-min) (point-max) crashbox t 'nomesg))
+           (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
+           (while (> (buffer-size) 5000)
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (forward-line 50)
+             (delete-region (point-min) (point))))
+         (pop3-dele process n)
+         (setq n (+ 1 n))
+         (if pop3-debug (sit-for 1) (sit-for 0.1))
+         )
+       (pop3-quit process))
+     (kill-buffer crashbuf)
+     )
+   t)
+ (defun pop3-get-message-count ()
+   "Return the number of messages in the maildrop."
+   (let* ((process (pop3-open-server pop3-mailhost pop3-port))
+        message-count
+        (pop3-password pop3-password)
+        )
+     ;; for debugging only
+     (if pop3-debug (switch-to-buffer (process-buffer process)))
+     ;; query for password
+     (if (and pop3-password-required (not pop3-password))
+       (setq pop3-password
+             (read-passwd (format "Password for %s: " pop3-maildrop))))
+     (cond ((equal 'apop pop3-authentication-scheme)
+          (pop3-apop process pop3-maildrop))
+         ((equal 'pass pop3-authentication-scheme)
+          (pop3-user process pop3-maildrop)
+          (pop3-pass process))
+         (t (error "Invalid POP3 authentication scheme")))
+     (setq message-count (car (pop3-stat process)))
+     (pop3-quit process)
+     message-count))
+ (defun pop3-open-server (mailhost port)
+   "Open TCP connection to MAILHOST on PORT.
+ Returns the process associated with the connection."
+   (let ((coding-system-for-read 'binary)
+       (coding-system-for-write 'binary)
+       process)
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat " trace of POP session to "
+                                            mailhost)))
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (setq pop3-read-point (point-min))
+       (setq process (open-network-stream "POP" (current-buffer) mailhost 
+       (let ((response (pop3-read-response process t)))
+       (setq pop3-timestamp
+             (substring response (or (string-match "<" response) 0)
+                        (+ 1 (or (string-match ">" response) -1)))))
+       process)))
+ ;; Support functions
+ (defun pop3-process-filter (process output)
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (insert output)))
+ (defun pop3-send-command (process command)
+     (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+ ;;    (if (= (aref command 0) ?P)
+ ;;    (insert "PASS <omitted>\r\n")
+ ;;      (insert command "\r\n"))
+     (setq pop3-read-point (point))
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (process-send-string process (concat command "\r\n"))
+     )
+ (defun pop3-read-response (process &optional return)
+   "Read the response from the server.
+ Return the response string if optional second argument is non-nil."
+   (let ((case-fold-search nil)
+       match-end)
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
+       (goto-char pop3-read-point)
+       (while (and (memq (process-status process) '(open run))
+                 (not (search-forward "\r\n" nil t)))
+       (nnheader-accept-process-output process)
+       (goto-char pop3-read-point))
+       (setq match-end (point))
+       (goto-char pop3-read-point)
+       (if (looking-at "-ERR")
+         (error (buffer-substring (point) (- match-end 2)))
+       (if (not (looking-at "+OK"))
+           (progn (setq pop3-read-point match-end) nil)
+         (setq pop3-read-point match-end)
+         (if return
+             (buffer-substring (point) match-end)
+           t)
+         )))))
+ (defun pop3-clean-region (start end)
+   (setq end (set-marker (make-marker) end))
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char start)
+     (while (and (< (point) end) (search-forward "\r\n" end t))
+       (replace-match "\n" t t))
+     (goto-char start)
+     (while (and (< (point) end) (re-search-forward "^\\." end t))
+       (replace-match "" t t)
+       (forward-char)))
+   (set-marker end nil))
+ (eval-when-compile (defvar parse-time-months))
+ ;; Copied from message-make-date.
+ (defun pop3-make-date (&optional now)
+   "Make a valid date header.
+ If NOW, use that time instead."
+   (require 'parse-time)
+   (let* ((now (or now (current-time)))
+        (zone (nth 8 (decode-time now)))
+        (sign "+"))
+     (when (< zone 0)
+       (setq sign "-")
+       (setq zone (- zone)))
+     (concat
+      (format-time-string "%d" now)
+      ;; The month name of the %b spec is locale-specific.  Pfff.
+      (format " %s "
+            (capitalize (car (rassoc (nth 4 (decode-time now))
+                                     parse-time-months))))
+      (format-time-string "%Y %H:%M:%S " now)
+      ;; We do all of this because XEmacs doesn't have the %z spec.
+      (format "%s%02d%02d" sign (/ zone 3600) (/ (% zone 3600) 60)))))
+ (defun pop3-munge-message-separator (start end)
+   "Check to see if a message separator exists.  If not, generate one."
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (narrow-to-region start end)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (if (not (or (looking-at "From .?") ; Unix mail
+                  (looking-at "\001\001\001\001\n") ; MMDF
+                  (looking-at "BABYL OPTIONS:") ; Babyl
+                  ))
+         (let* ((from (mail-strip-quoted-names (mail-fetch-field "From")))
+                (tdate (mail-fetch-field "Date"))
+                (date (split-string (or (and tdate
+                                             (not (string= "" tdate))
+                                             tdate)
+                                        (pop3-make-date))
+                                    " "))
+                (From_))
+           ;; sample date formats I have seen
+           ;; Date: Tue, 9 Jul 1996 09:04:21 -0400 (EDT)
+           ;; Date: 08 Jul 1996 23:22:24 -0400
+           ;; should be
+           ;; Tue Jul 9 09:04:21 1996
+           (setq date
+                 (cond ((not date)
+                        "Tue Jan 1 00:00:0 1900")
+                       ((string-match "[A-Z]" (nth 0 date))
+                        (format "%s %s %s %s %s"
+                                (nth 0 date) (nth 2 date) (nth 1 date)
+                                (nth 4 date) (nth 3 date)))
+                       (t
+                        ;; this really needs to be better but I don't feel
+                        ;; like writing a date to day converter.
+                        (format "Sun %s %s %s %s"
+                                (nth 1 date) (nth 0 date)
+                                (nth 3 date) (nth 2 date)))
+                       ))
+           (setq From_ (format "\nFrom %s  %s\n" from date))
+           (while (string-match "," From_)
+             (setq From_ (concat (substring From_ 0 (match-beginning 0))
+                                 (substring From_ (match-end 0)))))
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (insert From_)
+           (if (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
+               nil
+             (goto-char (point-max))
+             (insert "\n"))
+           (narrow-to-region (point) (point-max))
+           (let ((size (- (point-max) (point-min))))
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (widen)
+             (forward-line -1)
+             (insert (format "Content-Length: %s\n" size)))
+           )))))
+ ;; The Command Set
+ (defun pop3-user (process user)
+   "Send USER information to POP3 server."
+   (pop3-send-command process (format "USER %s" user))
+   (let ((response (pop3-read-response process t)))
+     (if (not (and response (string-match "+OK" response)))
+       (error (format "USER %s not valid" user)))))
+ (defun pop3-pass (process)
+   "Send authentication information to the server."
+   (pop3-send-command process (format "PASS %s" pop3-password))
+   (let ((response (pop3-read-response process t)))
+     (if (not (and response (string-match "+OK" response)))
+       (pop3-quit process))))
+ (defun pop3-apop (process user)
+   "Send alternate authentication information to the server."
+   (let ((pass pop3-password))
+     (if (and pop3-password-required (not pass))
+       (setq pass
+             (read-passwd (format "Password for %s: " pop3-maildrop))))
+     (if pass
+       (let ((hash (pop3-md5 (concat pop3-timestamp pass))))
+         (pop3-send-command process (format "APOP %s %s" user hash))
+         (let ((response (pop3-read-response process t)))
+           (if (not (and response (string-match "+OK" response)))
+               (pop3-quit process)))))
+     ))
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (if (fboundp 'md5)
+       (defalias 'pop3-md5 'md5)
+     (defvar pop3-md5-program "md5"
+       "*Program to encode its input in MD5.")
+     (defun pop3-md5 (string)
+       (with-temp-buffer
+       (insert string)
+       (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
+                            pop3-md5-program
+                            t (current-buffer) nil)
+       ;; The meaningful output is the first 32 characters.
+       ;; Don't return the newline that follows them!
+       (buffer-substring (point-min) (+ 32 (point-min)))))))
+ (defun pop3-stat (process)
+   "Return the number of messages in the maildrop and the maildrop's size."
+   (pop3-send-command process "STAT")
+   (let ((response (pop3-read-response process t)))
+     (list (string-to-int (nth 1 (split-string response " ")))
+         (string-to-int (nth 2 (split-string response " "))))
+     ))
+ (defun pop3-list (process &optional msg)
+   "Scan listing of available messages.
+ This function currently does nothing.")
+ (defun pop3-retr (process msg crashbuf)
+   "Retrieve message-id MSG to buffer CRASHBUF."
+   (pop3-send-command process (format "RETR %s" msg))
+   (pop3-read-response process)
+   (let ((start pop3-read-point) end)
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
+       (while (not (re-search-forward "^\\.\r\n" nil t))
+       ;; Fixme: Shouldn't depend on nnheader.
+       (nnheader-accept-process-output process)
+       ;; address@hidden ... to save wear and tear on the heap
+       ;; uncommented because the condensed version below is a problem for
+       ;; some.
+       (if (> (buffer-size)  20000) (sleep-for 1))
+       (if (> (buffer-size)  50000) (sleep-for 1))
+       (if (> (buffer-size) 100000) (sleep-for 1))
+       (if (> (buffer-size) 200000) (sleep-for 1))
+       (if (> (buffer-size) 500000) (sleep-for 1))
+       ;; address@hidden
+       ;; condensed into:
+       ;; (sometimes causes problems for really large messages.)
+ ;     (if (> (buffer-size) 20000) (sleep-for (/ (buffer-size) 20000)))
+       (goto-char start))
+       (setq pop3-read-point (point-marker))
+ ;; this code does not seem to work for some POP servers...
+ ;; and I cannot figure out why not.
+ ;      (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+ ;      (backward-char 2)
+ ;      (if (not (looking-at "\r\n"))
+ ;       (insert "\r\n"))
+ ;      (re-search-forward "\\.\r\n")
+       (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+       (setq end (point-marker))
+       (pop3-clean-region start end)
+       (pop3-munge-message-separator start end)
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer crashbuf)
+       (erase-buffer))
+       (copy-to-buffer crashbuf start end)
+       (delete-region start end)
+       )))
+ (defun pop3-dele (process msg)
+   "Mark message-id MSG as deleted."
+   (pop3-send-command process (format "DELE %s" msg))
+   (pop3-read-response process))
+ (defun pop3-noop (process msg)
+   "No-operation."
+   (pop3-send-command process "NOOP")
+   (pop3-read-response process))
+ (defun pop3-last (process)
+   "Return highest accessed message-id number for the session."
+   (pop3-send-command process "LAST")
+   (let ((response (pop3-read-response process t)))
+     (string-to-int (nth 1 (split-string response " ")))
+     ))
+ (defun pop3-rset (process)
+   "Remove all delete marks from current maildrop."
+   (pop3-send-command process "RSET")
+   (pop3-read-response process))
+ (defun pop3-quit (process)
+   "Close connection to POP3 server.
+ Tell server to remove all messages marked as deleted, unlock the maildrop,
+ and close the connection."
+   (pop3-send-command process "QUIT")
+   (pop3-read-response process t)
+   (if process
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (delete-process process))))
+ ;; Summary of POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) commands and responses
+ ;; Initial TCP connection
+ ;; Arguments: none
+ ;; Restrictions: none
+ ;; Possible responses:
+ ;;  +OK [POP3 server ready]
+ ;; USER name
+ ;; Arguments: a server specific user-id (required)
+ ;; Restrictions: authorization state [after unsuccessful USER or PASS
+ ;; Possible responses:
+ ;;  +OK [valid user-id]
+ ;;  -ERR [invalid user-id]
+ ;; PASS string
+ ;; Arguments: a server/user-id specific password (required)
+ ;; Restrictions: authorization state, after successful USER
+ ;; Possible responses:
+ ;;  +OK [maildrop locked and ready]
+ ;;  -ERR [invalid password]
+ ;;  -ERR [unable to lock maildrop]
+ ;; STAT
+ ;; Arguments: none
+ ;; Restrictions: transaction state
+ ;; Possible responses:
+ ;;  +OK nn mm [# of messages, size of maildrop]
+ ;; LIST [msg]
+ ;; Arguments: a message-id (optional)
+ ;; Restrictions: transaction state; msg must not be deleted
+ ;; Possible responses:
+ ;;  +OK [scan listing follows]
+ ;;  -ERR [no such message]
+ ;; RETR msg
+ ;; Arguments: a message-id (required)
+ ;; Restrictions: transaction state; msg must not be deleted
+ ;; Possible responses:
+ ;;  +OK [message contents follow]
+ ;;  -ERR [no such message]
+ ;; DELE msg
+ ;; Arguments: a message-id (required)
+ ;; Restrictions: transaction state; msg must not be deleted
+ ;; Possible responses:
+ ;;  +OK [message deleted]
+ ;;  -ERR [no such message]
+ ;; NOOP
+ ;; Arguments: none
+ ;; Restrictions: transaction state
+ ;; Possible responses:
+ ;;  +OK
+ ;; LAST
+ ;; Arguments: none
+ ;; Restrictions: transaction state
+ ;; Possible responses:
+ ;;  +OK nn [highest numbered message accessed]
+ ;; RSET
+ ;; Arguments: none
+ ;; Restrictions: transaction state
+ ;; Possible responses:
+ ;;  +OK [all delete marks removed]
+ ;; QUIT
+ ;; Arguments: none
+ ;; Restrictions: none
+ ;; Possible responses:
+ ;;  +OK [TCP connection closed]
+ (provide 'pop3)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 2facc142-1d74-498e-82af-4659b64cac12
+ ;;; pop3.el ends here

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