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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/smime.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/smime.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:11:51 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/smime.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/smime.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:47:37 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/smime.el    Thu Jul 22 16:45:51 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,644 ----
+ ;;; smime.el --- S/MIME support library
+ ;; Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Simon Josefsson <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: SMIME X.509 PEM OpenSSL
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+ ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
+ ;; option) any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; This library perform S/MIME operations from within Emacs.
+ ;;
+ ;; Functions for fetching certificates from public repositories are
+ ;; provided, currently only from DNS.  LDAP support (via EUDC) is planned.
+ ;;
+ ;; It uses OpenSSL (tested with version 0.9.5a and 0.9.6) for signing,
+ ;; encryption and decryption.
+ ;;
+ ;; Some general knowledge of S/MIME, X.509, PKCS#12, PEM etc is
+ ;; probably required to use this library in any useful way.
+ ;; Especially, don't expect this library to buy security for you.  If
+ ;; you don't understand what you are doing, you're as likely to lose
+ ;; security than gain any by using this library.
+ ;;
+ ;; This library is not intended to provide a "raw" API for S/MIME,
+ ;; PKCSx or similar, it's intended to perform common operations
+ ;; done on messages encoded in these formats.  The terminology chosen
+ ;; reflect this.
+ ;;
+ ;; The home of this file is in Gnus CVS, but also available from
+ ;; http://josefsson.org/smime.html.
+ ;;; Quick introduction:
+ ;; Get your S/MIME certificate from VeriSign or someplace.  I used
+ ;; Netscape to generate the key and certificate request and stuff, and
+ ;; Netscape can export the key into PKCS#12 format.
+ ;;
+ ;; Enter OpenSSL.  To be able to use this library, it need to have the
+ ;; SMIME key readable in PEM format.  OpenSSL is used to convert the
+ ;; key:
+ ;;
+ ;; $ openssl pkcs12 -in mykey.p12 -clcerts -nodes > mykey.pem
+ ;; ...
+ ;;
+ ;; Now, use M-x customize-variable smime-keys and add mykey.pem as
+ ;; a key.
+ ;;
+ ;; Now you should be able to sign messages!  Create a buffer and write
+ ;; something and run M-x smime-sign-buffer RET RET and you should see
+ ;; your message MIME armoured and a signature.  Encryption, M-x
+ ;; smime-encrypt-buffer, should also work.
+ ;;
+ ;; To be able to verify messages you need to build up trust with
+ ;; someone.  Perhaps you trust the CA that issued your certificate, at
+ ;; least I did, so I export it's certificates from my PKCS#12
+ ;; certificate with:
+ ;;
+ ;; $ openssl pkcs12 -in mykey.p12 -cacerts -nodes > cacert.pem
+ ;; ...
+ ;;
+ ;; Now, use M-x customize-variable smime-CAs and add cacert.pem as a
+ ;; CA certificate.
+ ;;
+ ;; You should now be able to sign messages, and even verify messages
+ ;; sent by others that use the same CA as you.
+ ;; Bugs:
+ ;;
+ ;; Don't complain that this package doesn't do encrypted PEM files,
+ ;; submit a patch instead.  I store my keys in a safe place, so I
+ ;; didn't need the encryption.  Also, programming was made easier by
+ ;; that decision.  One might think that this even influenced were I
+ ;; store my keys, and one would probably be right. :-)
+ ;;
+ ;; Update: Mathias Herberts sent the patch.  However, it uses
+ ;; environment variables to pass the password to OpenSSL, which is
+ ;; slightly insecure. Hence a new todo: use a better -passin method.
+ ;;
+ ;; Cache password for e.g. 1h
+ ;;
+ ;; Suggestions and comments are appreciated, mail me at address@hidden
+ ;; begin rant
+ ;;
+ ;; I would include pointers to introductory text on concepts used in
+ ;; this library here, but the material I've read are so horrible I
+ ;; don't want to recomend them.
+ ;;
+ ;; Why can't someone write a simple introduction to all this stuff?
+ ;; Until then, much of this resemble security by obscurity.
+ ;;
+ ;; Also, I'm not going to mention anything about the wonders of
+ ;; cryptopolitics.  Oops, I just did.
+ ;;
+ ;; end rant
+ ;;; Revision history:
+ ;; 2000-06-05  initial version, committed to Gnus CVS contrib/
+ ;; 2000-10-28  retrieve certificates via DNS CERT RRs
+ ;; 2001-10-14  posted to gnu.emacs.sources
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'dig)
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (defgroup smime nil
+   "S/MIME configuration.")
+ (defcustom smime-keys nil
+   "*Map mail addresses to a file containing Certificate (and private key).
+ The file is assumed to be in PEM format. You can also associate additional
+ certificates to be sent with every message to each address."
+   :type '(repeat (list (string :tag "Mail address")
+                      (file :tag "File name")
+                      (repeat :tag "Additional certificate files"
+                              (file :tag "File name"))))
+   :group 'smime)
+ (defcustom smime-CA-directory nil
+   "*Directory containing certificates for CAs you trust.
+ Directory should contain files (in PEM format) named to the X.509
+ hash of the certificate.  This can be done using OpenSSL such as:
+ $ ln -s ca.pem `openssl x509 -noout -hash -in ca.pem`.0
+ where `ca.pem' is the file containing a PEM encoded X.509 CA
+ certificate."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "none" nil)
+                directory)
+   :group 'smime)
+ (defcustom smime-CA-file nil
+   "*Files containing certificates for CAs you trust.
+ File should contain certificates in PEM format."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "none" nil)
+                file)
+   :group 'smime)
+ (defcustom smime-certificate-directory "~/Mail/certs/"
+   "*Directory containing other people's certificates.
+ It should contain files named to the X.509 hash of the certificate,
+ and the files themself should be in PEM format."
+ ;The S/MIME library provide simple functionality for fetching
+ ;certificates into this directory, so there is no need to populate it
+ ;manually.
+   :type 'directory
+   :group 'smime)
+ (defcustom smime-openssl-program
+   (and (condition-case ()
+          (eq 0 (call-process "openssl" nil nil nil "version"))
+        (error nil))
+        "openssl")
+   "*Name of OpenSSL binary."
+   :type 'string
+   :group 'smime)
+ ;; OpenSSL option to select the encryption cipher
+ (defcustom smime-encrypt-cipher "-des3"
+   "*Cipher algorithm used for encryption."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Triple DES" "-des3")
+                (const :tag "DES"  "-des")
+                (const :tag "RC2 40 bits" "-rc2-40")
+                (const :tag "RC2 64 bits" "-rc2-64")
+                (const :tag "RC2 128 bits" "-rc2-128"))
+   :group 'smime)
+ (defcustom smime-crl-check nil
+   "*Check revocation status of signers certificate using CRLs.
+ Enabling this will have OpenSSL check the signers certificate
+ against a certificate revocation list (CRL).
+ For this to work the CRL must be up-to-date and since they are
+ normally updated quite often (ie. several times a day) you
+ probably need some tool to keep them up-to-date. Unfortunately
+ Gnus cannot do this for you.
+ The CRL should either be appended (in PEM format) to your
+ `smime-CA-file' or be located in a file (also in PEM format) in
+ your `smime-certificate-directory' named to the X.509 hash of the
+ certificate with .r0 as file name extension.
+ At least OpenSSL version 0.9.7 is required for this to work."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "No check" nil)
+                (const :tag "Check certificate" "-crl_check")
+                (const :tag "Check certificate chain" "-crl_check_all"))
+   :group 'smime)
+ (defcustom smime-dns-server nil
+   "*DNS server to query certificates from.
+ If nil, use system defaults."
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "System defaults")
+                string)
+   :group 'smime)
+ (defvar smime-details-buffer "*OpenSSL output*")
+ ;; Use mm-util?
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (defalias 'smime-make-temp-file
+     (if (fboundp 'make-temp-file)
+       'make-temp-file
+       (lambda (prefix &optional dir-flag) ;; Simple implementation
+       (expand-file-name
+        (make-temp-name prefix)
+        (if (fboundp 'temp-directory)
+            (temp-directory)
+          temporary-file-directory))))))
+ ;; Password dialog function
+ (defun smime-ask-passphrase ()
+   "Asks the passphrase to unlock the secret key."
+   (let ((passphrase
+        (read-passwd
+         "Passphrase for secret key (RET for no passphrase): ")))
+     (if (string= passphrase "")
+       nil
+       passphrase)))
+ ;; OpenSSL wrappers.
+ (defun smime-call-openssl-region (b e buf &rest args)
+   (case (apply 'call-process-region b e smime-openssl-program nil buf nil 
+     (0 t)
+     (1 (message "OpenSSL: An error occurred parsing the command options.") 
+     (2 (message "OpenSSL: One of the input files could not be read.") nil)
+     (3 (message "OpenSSL: An error occurred creating the PKCS#7 file or when 
reading the MIME message.") nil)
+     (4 (message "OpenSSL: An error occurred decrypting or verifying the 
message.") nil)
+     (t (error "Unknown OpenSSL exitcode") nil)))
+ (defun smime-make-certfiles (certfiles)
+   (if certfiles
+       (append (list "-certfile" (expand-file-name (car certfiles)))
+             (smime-make-certfiles (cdr certfiles)))))
+ ;; Sign+encrypt region
+ (defun smime-sign-region (b e keyfile)
+   "Sign region with certified key in KEYFILE.
+ If signing fails, the buffer is not modified.  Region is assumed to
+ have proper MIME tags.  KEYFILE is expected to contain a PEM encoded
+ private key and certificate as its car, and a list of additional
+ certificates to include in its caar.  If no additional certificates is
+ included, KEYFILE may be the file containing the PEM encoded private
+ key and certificate itself."
+   (smime-new-details-buffer)
+   (let ((keyfile (or (car-safe keyfile) keyfile))
+       (certfiles (and (cdr-safe keyfile) (cadr keyfile)))
+       (buffer (generate-new-buffer (generate-new-buffer-name " *smime*")))
+       (passphrase (smime-ask-passphrase))
+       (tmpfile (smime-make-temp-file "smime")))
+     (if passphrase
+       (setenv "GNUS_SMIME_PASSPHRASE" passphrase))
+     (prog1
+       (when (prog1
+                 (apply 'smime-call-openssl-region b e (list buffer tmpfile)
+                        "smime" "-sign" "-signer" (expand-file-name keyfile)
+                        (append
+                         (smime-make-certfiles certfiles)
+                         (if passphrase
+                             (list "-passin" "env:GNUS_SMIME_PASSPHRASE"))))
+               (if passphrase
+                   (setenv "GNUS_SMIME_PASSPHRASE" "" t))
+               (with-current-buffer smime-details-buffer
+                 (insert-file-contents tmpfile)
+                 (delete-file tmpfile)))
+         (delete-region b e)
+         (insert-buffer-substring buffer)
+         (goto-char b)
+         (when (looking-at "^MIME-Version: 1.0$")
+           (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point))))
+         t)
+       (with-current-buffer smime-details-buffer
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (insert-buffer-substring buffer))
+       (kill-buffer buffer))))
+ (defun smime-encrypt-region (b e certfiles)
+   "Encrypt region for recipients specified in CERTFILES.
+ If encryption fails, the buffer is not modified.  Region is assumed to
+ have proper MIME tags.  CERTFILES is a list of filenames, each file
+ is expected to contain of a PEM encoded certificate."
+   (smime-new-details-buffer)
+   (let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer (generate-new-buffer-name " *smime*")))
+       (tmpfile (smime-make-temp-file "smime")))
+     (prog1
+       (when (prog1
+                 (apply 'smime-call-openssl-region b e (list buffer tmpfile)
+                        "smime" "-encrypt" smime-encrypt-cipher
+                        (mapcar 'expand-file-name certfiles))
+               (with-current-buffer smime-details-buffer
+                 (insert-file-contents tmpfile)
+                 (delete-file tmpfile)))
+         (delete-region b e)
+         (insert-buffer-substring buffer)
+         (goto-char b)
+         (when (looking-at "^MIME-Version: 1.0$")
+           (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point))))
+         t)
+       (with-current-buffer smime-details-buffer
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (insert-buffer-substring buffer))
+       (kill-buffer buffer))))
+ ;; Sign+encrypt buffer
+ (defun smime-sign-buffer (&optional keyfile buffer)
+   "S/MIME sign BUFFER with key in KEYFILE.
+ KEYFILE should contain a PEM encoded key and certificate."
+   (interactive)
+   (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
+     (smime-sign-region
+      (point-min) (point-max)
+      (if keyfile
+        keyfile
+        (smime-get-key-with-certs-by-email
+       (completing-read
+        (concat "Sign using which key? "
+                (if smime-keys (concat "(default " (caar smime-keys) ") ")
+                  ""))
+        smime-keys nil nil (car-safe (car-safe smime-keys))))))))
+ (defun smime-encrypt-buffer (&optional certfiles buffer)
+   "S/MIME encrypt BUFFER for recipients specified in CERTFILES.
+ CERTFILES is a list of filenames, each file is expected to consist of
+ a PEM encoded key and certificate.  Uses current buffer if BUFFER is
+ nil."
+   (interactive)
+   (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
+     (smime-encrypt-region
+      (point-min) (point-max)
+      (or certfiles
+        (list (read-file-name "Recipient's S/MIME certificate: "
+                              smime-certificate-directory nil))))))
+ ;; Verify+decrypt region
+ (defun smime-verify-region (b e)
+   "Verify S/MIME message in region between B and E.
+ Returns non-nil on success.
+ Any details (stdout and stderr) are left in the buffer specified by
+ `smime-details-buffer'."
+   (smime-new-details-buffer)
+   (let ((CAs (append (if smime-CA-file
+                        (list "-CAfile"
+                              (expand-file-name smime-CA-file)))
+                    (if smime-CA-directory
+                        (list "-CApath"
+                              (expand-file-name smime-CA-directory))))))
+     (unless CAs
+       (error "No CA configured"))
+     (if smime-crl-check
+       (add-to-list 'CAs smime-crl-check))
+     (if (apply 'smime-call-openssl-region b e (list smime-details-buffer t)
+              "smime" "-verify" "-out" "/dev/null" CAs)
+       t
+       (insert-buffer-substring smime-details-buffer)
+       nil)))
+ (defun smime-noverify-region (b e)
+   "Verify integrity of S/MIME message in region between B and E.
+ Returns non-nil on success.
+ Any details (stdout and stderr) are left in the buffer specified by
+ `smime-details-buffer'."
+   (smime-new-details-buffer)
+   (if (apply 'smime-call-openssl-region b e (list smime-details-buffer t)
+            "smime" "-verify" "-noverify" "-out" '("/dev/null"))
+       t
+     (insert-buffer-substring smime-details-buffer)
+     nil))
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (defvar from))
+ (defun smime-decrypt-region (b e keyfile)
+   "Decrypt S/MIME message in region between B and E with key in KEYFILE.
+ On success, replaces region with decrypted data and return non-nil.
+ Any details (stderr on success, stdout and stderr on error) are left
+ in the buffer specified by `smime-details-buffer'."
+   (smime-new-details-buffer)
+   (let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer (generate-new-buffer-name " *smime*")))
+       CAs (passphrase (smime-ask-passphrase))
+       (tmpfile (smime-make-temp-file "smime")))
+     (if passphrase
+       (setenv "GNUS_SMIME_PASSPHRASE" passphrase))
+     (if (prog1
+           (apply 'smime-call-openssl-region b e
+                  (list buffer tmpfile)
+                  "smime" "-decrypt" "-recip" (expand-file-name keyfile)
+                  (if passphrase
+                      (list "-passin" "env:GNUS_SMIME_PASSPHRASE")))
+         (if passphrase
+             (setenv "GNUS_SMIME_PASSPHRASE" "" t))
+         (with-current-buffer smime-details-buffer
+           (insert-file-contents tmpfile)
+           (delete-file tmpfile)))
+       (progn
+         (delete-region b e)
+         (when (boundp 'from)
+           ;; `from' is dynamically bound in mm-dissect.
+           (insert "From: " from "\n"))
+         (insert-buffer-substring buffer)
+         (kill-buffer buffer)
+         t)
+       (with-current-buffer smime-details-buffer
+       (insert-buffer-substring buffer))
+       (kill-buffer buffer)
+       (delete-region b e)
+       (insert-buffer-substring smime-details-buffer)
+       nil)))
+ ;; Verify+Decrypt buffer
+ (defun smime-verify-buffer (&optional buffer)
+   "Verify integrity of S/MIME message in BUFFER.
+ Uses current buffer if BUFFER is nil. Returns non-nil on success.
+ Any details (stdout and stderr) are left in the buffer specified by
+ `smime-details-buffer'."
+   (interactive)
+   (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
+     (smime-verify-region (point-min) (point-max))))
+ (defun smime-noverify-buffer (&optional buffer)
+   "Verify integrity of S/MIME message in BUFFER.
+ Does NOT verify validity of certificate (only message integrity).
+ Uses current buffer if BUFFER is nil. Returns non-nil on success.
+ Any details (stdout and stderr) are left in the buffer specified by
+ `smime-details-buffer'."
+   (interactive)
+   (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
+     (smime-noverify-region (point-min) (point-max))))
+ (defun smime-decrypt-buffer (&optional buffer keyfile)
+   "Decrypt S/MIME message in BUFFER using KEYFILE.
+ Uses current buffer if BUFFER is nil, and query user of KEYFILE if it's nil.
+ On success, replaces data in buffer and return non-nil.
+ Any details (stderr on success, stdout and stderr on error) are left
+ in the buffer specified by `smime-details-buffer'."
+   (interactive)
+   (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
+     (smime-decrypt-region
+      (point-min) (point-max)
+      (expand-file-name
+       (or keyfile
+         (smime-get-key-by-email
+          (completing-read
+           (concat "Decipher using which key? "
+                   (if smime-keys (concat "(default " (caar smime-keys) ") ")
+                     ""))
+           smime-keys nil nil (car-safe (car-safe smime-keys)))))))))
+ ;; Various operations
+ (defun smime-new-details-buffer ()
+   (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create smime-details-buffer)
+     (erase-buffer)))
+ (defun smime-pkcs7-region (b e)
+   "Convert S/MIME message between points B and E into a PKCS7 message."
+   (smime-new-details-buffer)
+   (when (smime-call-openssl-region b e smime-details-buffer "smime" "-pk7out")
+     (delete-region b e)
+     (insert-buffer-substring smime-details-buffer)
+     t))
+ (defun smime-pkcs7-certificates-region (b e)
+   "Extract any certificates enclosed in PKCS7 message between points B and E."
+   (smime-new-details-buffer)
+   (when (smime-call-openssl-region
+        b e smime-details-buffer "pkcs7" "-print_certs" "-text")
+     (delete-region b e)
+     (insert-buffer-substring smime-details-buffer)
+     t))
+ (defun smime-pkcs7-email-region (b e)
+   "Get email addresses contained in certificate between points B and E.
+ A string or a list of strings is returned."
+   (smime-new-details-buffer)
+   (when (smime-call-openssl-region
+        b e smime-details-buffer "x509" "-email" "-noout")
+     (delete-region b e)
+     (insert-buffer-substring smime-details-buffer)
+     t))
+ ;; Utility functions
+ (defun smime-get-certfiles (keyfile keys)
+   (if keys
+       (let ((curkey (car keys))
+           (otherkeys (cdr keys)))
+       (if (string= keyfile (cadr curkey))
+           (caddr curkey)
+         (smime-get-certfiles keyfile otherkeys)))))
+ ;; Use mm-util?
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (defalias 'smime-point-at-eol
+     (if (fboundp 'point-at-eol)
+       'point-at-eol
+       'line-end-position)))
+ (defun smime-buffer-as-string-region (b e)
+   "Return each line in region between B and E as a list of strings."
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char b)
+     (let (res)
+       (while (< (point) e)
+       (let ((str (buffer-substring (point) (smime-point-at-eol))))
+         (unless (string= "" str)
+           (push str res)))
+       (forward-line))
+       res)))
+ ;; Find certificates
+ (defun smime-mail-to-domain (mailaddr)
+   (if (string-match "@" mailaddr)
+       (replace-match "." 'fixedcase 'literal mailaddr)
+     mailaddr))
+ (defun smime-cert-by-dns (mail)
+   (let* ((dig-dns-server smime-dns-server)
+        (digbuf (dig-invoke (smime-mail-to-domain mail) "cert" nil nil "+vc"))
+        (retbuf (generate-new-buffer (format "*certificate for %s*" mail)))
+        (certrr (with-current-buffer digbuf
+                  (dig-extract-rr (smime-mail-to-domain mail) "cert")))
+        (cert (and certrr (dig-rr-get-pkix-cert certrr))))
+       (if cert
+         (with-current-buffer retbuf
+           (insert "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n")
+           (let ((i 0) (len (length cert)))
+             (while (> (- len 64) i)
+               (insert (substring cert i (+ i 64)) "\n")
+               (setq i (+ i 64)))
+             (insert (substring cert i len) "\n"))
+           (insert "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"))
+       (kill-buffer retbuf)
+       (setq retbuf nil))
+       (kill-buffer digbuf)
+       retbuf))
+ ;; User interface.
+ (defvar smime-buffer "*SMIME*")
+ (defvar smime-mode-map nil)
+ (put 'smime-mode 'mode-class 'special)
+ (unless smime-mode-map
+   (setq smime-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+   (suppress-keymap smime-mode-map)
+   (define-key smime-mode-map "q" 'smime-exit)
+   (define-key smime-mode-map "f" 'smime-certificate-info))
+ (defun smime-mode ()
+   "Major mode for browsing, viewing and fetching certificates.
+ All normal editing commands are switched off.
+ \\<smime-mode-map>
+ The following commands are available:
+ \\{smime-mode-map}"
+   (interactive)
+   (kill-all-local-variables)
+   (setq major-mode 'smime-mode)
+   (setq mode-name "SMIME")
+   (setq mode-line-process nil)
+   (use-local-map smime-mode-map)
+   (buffer-disable-undo)
+   (setq truncate-lines t)
+   (setq buffer-read-only t))
+ (defun smime-certificate-info (certfile)
+   (interactive "fCertificate file: ")
+   (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create (format "*certificate %s*" certfile))))
+     (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+     (erase-buffer)
+     (call-process smime-openssl-program nil buffer 'display
+                 "x509" "-in" (expand-file-name certfile) "-text")
+     (fundamental-mode)
+     (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+     (toggle-read-only t)
+     (goto-char (point-min))))
+ (defun smime-draw-buffer ()
+   (with-current-buffer smime-buffer
+     (let (buffer-read-only)
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (insert "\nYour keys:\n")
+       (dolist (key smime-keys)
+       (insert
+        (format "\t\t%s: %s\n" (car key) (cadr key))))
+       (insert "\nTrusted Certificate Authoritys:\n")
+       (insert "\nKnown Certificates:\n"))))
+ (defun smime ()
+   "Go to the SMIME buffer."
+   (interactive)
+   (unless (get-buffer smime-buffer)
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (get-buffer-create smime-buffer))
+       (smime-mode)))
+   (smime-draw-buffer)
+   (switch-to-buffer smime-buffer))
+ (defun smime-exit ()
+   "Quit the S/MIME buffer."
+   (interactive)
+   (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ ;; Other functions
+ (defun smime-get-key-by-email (email)
+   (cadr (assoc email smime-keys)))
+ (defun smime-get-key-with-certs-by-email (email)
+   (cdr (assoc email smime-keys)))
+ (provide 'smime)
+ ;;; arch-tag: e3f9b938-5085-4510-8a11-6625269c9a9e
+ ;;; smime.el ends here

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