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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnmaildir.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnmaildir.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:12:44 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/nnmaildir.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/nnmaildir.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:47:14 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/nnmaildir.el        Thu Jul 22 16:45:51 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1627 ----
+ ;;; nnmaildir.el --- maildir backend for Gnus
+ ;; Public domain.
+ ;; Author: Paul Jarc <address@hidden>
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; Maildir format is documented at <URL:http://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html>
+ ;; and in the maildir(5) man page from qmail (available at
+ ;; <URL:http://www.qmail.org/man/man5/maildir.html>).  nnmaildir also stores
+ ;; extra information in the .nnmaildir/ directory within a maildir.
+ ;;
+ ;; Some goals of nnmaildir:
+ ;; * Everything Just Works, and correctly.  E.g., NOV data is automatically
+ ;;   regenerated when stale; no need for manually running
+ ;;   *-generate-nov-databases.
+ ;; * Perfect reliability: [C-g] will never corrupt its data in memory, and
+ ;;   SIGKILL will never corrupt its data in the filesystem.
+ ;; * Allow concurrent operation as much as possible.  If files change out
+ ;;   from under us, adapt to the changes or degrade gracefully.
+ ;; * We use the filesystem as a database, so that, e.g., it's easy to
+ ;;   manipulate marks from outside Gnus.
+ ;; * All information about a group is stored in the maildir, for easy backup,
+ ;;   copying, restoring, etc.
+ ;;
+ ;; Todo:
+ ;; * Add a hook for when moving messages from new/ to cur/, to support
+ ;;   nnmail's duplicate detection.
+ ;; * Improve generated Xrefs, so crossposts are detectable.
+ ;; * Improve code readability.
+ ;;; Code:
+ ;; eval this before editing
+ [(progn
+    (put 'nnmaildir--with-nntp-buffer 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+    (put 'nnmaildir--with-work-buffer 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+    (put 'nnmaildir--with-nov-buffer  'lisp-indent-function 0)
+    (put 'nnmaildir--with-move-buffer 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+    )
+ ]
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (require 'nnheader)
+   (require 'gnus)
+   (require 'gnus-util)
+   (require 'gnus-range)
+   (require 'gnus-start)
+   (require 'gnus-int)
+   (require 'message))
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (require 'cl)
+   (require 'nnmail))
+ (defconst nnmaildir-version "Gnus")
+ (defvar nnmaildir-article-file-name nil
+   "*The filename of the most recently requested article.  This variable is set
+ by nnmaildir-request-article.")
+ ;; The filename of the article being moved/copied:
+ (defvar nnmaildir--file nil)
+ ;; Variables to generate filenames of messages being delivered:
+ (defvar   nnmaildir--delivery-time "")
+ (defconst nnmaildir--delivery-pid (concat "P" (number-to-string (emacs-pid))))
+ (defvar   nnmaildir--delivery-count nil)
+ ;; An obarry containing symbols whose names are server names and whose values
+ ;; are servers:
+ (defvar nnmaildir--servers (make-vector 3 0))
+ ;; The current server:
+ (defvar nnmaildir--cur-server nil)
+ ;; A copy of nnmail-extra-headers
+ (defvar nnmaildir--extra nil)
+ ;; A NOV structure looks like this (must be prin1-able, so no defstruct):
+ ["subject\tfrom\tdate"
+  "references\tchars\lines"
+  "To: you\tIn-Reply-To: <address@hidden>"
+  (12345 67890)     ;; modtime of the corresponding article file
+  (to in-reply-to)] ;; contemporary value of nnmail-extra-headers
+ (defconst nnmaildir--novlen 5)
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-new (beg mid end mtime extra)
+   `(vector ,beg ,mid ,end ,mtime ,extra))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-get-beg   (nov) `(aref ,nov 0))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-get-mid   (nov) `(aref ,nov 1))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-get-end   (nov) `(aref ,nov 2))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-get-mtime (nov) `(aref ,nov 3))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-get-extra (nov) `(aref ,nov 4))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-set-beg   (nov value) `(aset ,nov 0 ,value))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-set-mid   (nov value) `(aset ,nov 1 ,value))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-set-end   (nov value) `(aset ,nov 2 ,value))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-set-mtime (nov value) `(aset ,nov 3 ,value))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-set-extra (nov value) `(aset ,nov 4 ,value))
+ (defstruct nnmaildir--art
+   (prefix nil :type string)  ;; "time.pid.host"
+   (suffix nil :type string)  ;; ":2,flags"
+   (num    nil :type natnum)  ;; article number
+   (msgid  nil :type string)  ;; "<address@hidden>"
+   (nov    nil :type vector)) ;; cached nov structure, or nil
+ (defstruct nnmaildir--grp
+   (name  nil :type string)  ;; "group.name"
+   (new   nil :type list)    ;; new/ modtime
+   (cur   nil :type list)    ;; cur/ modtime
+   (min   1   :type natnum)  ;; minimum article number
+   (count 0   :type natnum)  ;; count of articles
+   (nlist nil :type list)    ;; list of articles, ordered descending by number
+   (flist nil :type vector)  ;; obarray mapping filename prefix->article
+   (mlist nil :type vector)  ;; obarray mapping message-id->article
+   (cache nil :type vector)  ;; nov cache
+   (index nil :type natnum)  ;; index of next cache entry to replace
+   (mmth  nil :type vector)) ;; obarray mapping mark name->dir modtime
+                                       ; ("Mark Mod Time Hash")
+ (defstruct nnmaildir--srv
+   (address             nil :type string)         ;; server address string
+   (method              nil :type list)           ;; (nnmaildir "address" ...)
+   (prefix              nil :type string)         ;; "nnmaildir+address:"
+   (dir                 nil :type string)         ;; 
+   (ls                  nil :type function)       ;; directory-files function
+   (groups              nil :type vector)         ;; obarray mapping group 
+   (curgrp              nil :type nnmaildir--grp) ;; current group, or nil
+   (error               nil :type string)         ;; last error message, or nil
+   (mtime               nil :type list)           ;; modtime of dir
+   (gnm                 nil)                      ;; flag: split from 
+   (target-prefix nil :type string))        ;; symlink target prefix
+ (defun nnmaildir--expired-article (group article)
+   (setf (nnmaildir--art-nov article) nil)
+   (let ((flist  (nnmaildir--grp-flist group))
+       (mlist  (nnmaildir--grp-mlist group))
+       (min    (nnmaildir--grp-min   group))
+       (count  (1- (nnmaildir--grp-count group)))
+       (prefix (nnmaildir--art-prefix article))
+       (msgid  (nnmaildir--art-msgid  article))
+       (new-nlist nil)
+       (nlist-pre '(nil . nil))
+       nlist-post num)
+     (unless (zerop count)
+       (setq nlist-post (nnmaildir--grp-nlist group)
+           num (nnmaildir--art-num article))
+       (if (eq num (caar nlist-post))
+         (setq new-nlist (cdr nlist-post))
+       (setq new-nlist nlist-post
+             nlist-pre nlist-post
+             nlist-post (cdr nlist-post))
+       (while (/= num (caar nlist-post))
+         (setq nlist-pre nlist-post
+               nlist-post (cdr nlist-post)))
+       (setq nlist-post (cdr nlist-post))
+       (if (eq num min)
+           (setq min (caar nlist-pre)))))
+     (let ((inhibit-quit t))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-min   group) min)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-count group) count)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-nlist group) new-nlist)
+       (setcdr nlist-pre nlist-post)
+       (unintern prefix flist)
+       (unintern msgid mlist))))
+ (defun nnmaildir--nlist-art (group num)
+   (let ((entry (assq num (nnmaildir--grp-nlist group))))
+     (if entry
+       (cdr entry))))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--flist-art (list file)
+   `(symbol-value (intern-soft ,file ,list)))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--mlist-art (list msgid)
+   `(symbol-value (intern-soft ,msgid ,list)))
+ (defun nnmaildir--pgname (server gname)
+   (let ((prefix (nnmaildir--srv-prefix server)))
+     (if prefix (concat prefix gname)
+       (setq gname (gnus-group-prefixed-name gname
+                                           (nnmaildir--srv-method server)))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-prefix server) (gnus-group-real-prefix gname))
+       gname)))
+ (defun nnmaildir--param (pgname param)
+   (setq param (gnus-group-find-parameter pgname param 'allow-list))
+   (if (vectorp param) (setq param (aref param 0)))
+   (eval param))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--with-nntp-buffer (&rest body)
+   `(save-excursion
+      (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+      ,@body))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--with-work-buffer (&rest body)
+   `(save-excursion
+      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *nnmaildir work*"))
+      ,@body))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--with-nov-buffer (&rest body)
+   `(save-excursion
+      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *nnmaildir nov*"))
+      ,@body))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--with-move-buffer (&rest body)
+   `(save-excursion
+      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *nnmaildir move*"))
+      ,@body))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--subdir (dir subdir)
+   `(file-name-as-directory (concat ,dir ,subdir)))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir (srv-dir gname)
+   `(nnmaildir--subdir ,srv-dir ,gname))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--tmp       (dir) `(nnmaildir--subdir ,dir "tmp"))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--new       (dir) `(nnmaildir--subdir ,dir "new"))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--cur       (dir) `(nnmaildir--subdir ,dir "cur"))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nndir     (dir) `(nnmaildir--subdir ,dir ".nnmaildir"))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--nov-dir   (dir) `(nnmaildir--subdir ,dir "nov"))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--marks-dir (dir) `(nnmaildir--subdir ,dir "marks"))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--num-dir   (dir) `(nnmaildir--subdir ,dir "num"))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--num-file  (dir) `(concat ,dir ":"))
+ (defmacro nnmaildir--unlink (file-arg)
+   `(let ((file ,file-arg))
+      (if (file-attributes file) (delete-file file))))
+ (defun nnmaildir--mkdir (dir)
+   (or (file-exists-p (file-name-as-directory dir))
+       (make-directory-internal (directory-file-name dir))))
+ (defun nnmaildir--delete-dir-files (dir ls)
+   (when (file-attributes dir)
+     (mapcar 'delete-file (funcall ls dir 'full "\\`[^.]" 'nosort))
+     (delete-directory dir)))
+ (defun nnmaildir--group-maxnum (server group)
+   (if (zerop (nnmaildir--grp-count group)) 0
+     (let ((x (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir server)
+                                   (nnmaildir--grp-name group))))
+       (setq x (nnmaildir--nndir x)
+           x (nnmaildir--num-dir x)
+           x (nnmaildir--num-file x)
+           x (file-attributes x))
+       (if x (1- (nth 1 x)) 0))))
+ ;; Make the given server, if non-nil, be the current server.  Then make the
+ ;; given group, if non-nil, be the current group of the current server.  Then
+ ;; return the group object for the current group.
+ (defun nnmaildir--prepare (server group)
+   (let (x groups)
+     (catch 'return
+       (if (null server)
+         (unless (setq server nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           (throw 'return nil))
+       (unless (setq server (intern-soft server nnmaildir--servers))
+         (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq server (symbol-value server)
+             nnmaildir--cur-server server))
+       (unless (setq groups (nnmaildir--srv-groups server))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (unless (nnmaildir--srv-method server)
+       (setq x (concat "nnmaildir:" (nnmaildir--srv-address server))
+             x (gnus-server-to-method x))
+       (unless x (throw 'return nil))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-method server) x))
+       (if (null group)
+         (unless (setq group (nnmaildir--srv-curgrp server))
+           (throw 'return nil))
+       (unless (setq group (intern-soft group groups))
+         (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq group (symbol-value group)))
+       group)))
+ (defun nnmaildir--tab-to-space (string)
+   (let ((pos 0))
+     (while (string-match "\t" string pos)
+       (aset string (match-beginning 0) ? )
+       (setq pos (match-end 0))))
+   string)
+ (defun nnmaildir--update-nov (server group article)
+   (let ((nnheader-file-coding-system 'binary)
+       (srv-dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir server))
+       (storage-version 1) ;; [version article-number msgid [...nov...]]
+       dir gname pgname msgdir prefix suffix file attr mtime novdir novfile
+       nov msgid nov-beg nov-mid nov-end field val old-extra num numdir
+       deactivate-mark)
+     (catch 'return
+       (setq gname (nnmaildir--grp-name group)
+           pgname (nnmaildir--pgname server gname)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir srv-dir gname)
+           msgdir (if (nnmaildir--param pgname 'read-only)
+                      (nnmaildir--new dir) (nnmaildir--cur dir))
+           prefix (nnmaildir--art-prefix article)
+           suffix (nnmaildir--art-suffix article)
+           file (concat msgdir prefix suffix)
+           attr (file-attributes file))
+       (unless attr
+       (nnmaildir--expired-article group article)
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq mtime (nth 5 attr)
+           attr (nth 7 attr)
+           nov (nnmaildir--art-nov article)
+           dir (nnmaildir--nndir dir)
+           novdir (nnmaildir--nov-dir dir)
+           novfile (concat novdir prefix))
+       (unless (equal nnmaildir--extra nnmail-extra-headers)
+       (setq nnmaildir--extra (copy-sequence nnmail-extra-headers)))
+       (nnmaildir--with-nov-buffer
+       ;; First we'll check for already-parsed NOV data.
+       (cond ((not (file-exists-p novfile))
+              ;; The NOV file doesn't exist; we have to parse the message.
+              (setq nov nil))
+             ((not nov)
+              ;; The file exists, but the data isn't in memory; read the file.
+              (erase-buffer)
+              (nnheader-insert-file-contents novfile)
+              (setq nov (read (current-buffer)))
+              (if (not (and (vectorp nov)
+                            (/= 0 (length nov))
+                            (equal storage-version (aref nov 0))))
+                  ;; This NOV data seems to be in the wrong format.
+                  (setq nov nil)
+                (unless (nnmaildir--art-num   article)
+                  (setf (nnmaildir--art-num   article) (aref nov 1)))
+                (unless (nnmaildir--art-msgid article)
+                  (setf (nnmaildir--art-msgid article) (aref nov 2)))
+                (setq nov (aref nov 3)))))
+       ;; Now check whether the already-parsed data (if we have any) is
+       ;; usable: if the message has been edited or if nnmail-extra-headers
+       ;; has been augmented since this data was parsed from the message,
+       ;; then we have to reparse.  Otherwise it's up-to-date.
+       (when (and nov (equal mtime (nnmaildir--nov-get-mtime nov)))
+         ;; The timestamp matches.  Now check nnmail-extra-headers.
+         (setq old-extra (nnmaildir--nov-get-extra nov))
+         (when (equal nnmaildir--extra old-extra) ;; common case
+           ;; Save memory; use a single copy of the list value.
+           (nnmaildir--nov-set-extra nov nnmaildir--extra)
+           (throw 'return nov))
+         ;; They're not equal, but maybe the new is a subset of the old.
+         (if (null nnmaildir--extra)
+             ;; The empty set is a subset of every set.
+             (throw 'return nov))
+         (if (not (memq nil (mapcar (lambda (e) (memq e old-extra))
+                                    nnmaildir--extra)))
+             (throw 'return nov)))
+       ;; Parse the NOV data out of the message.
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+       (insert "\n")
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (save-restriction
+         (if (search-forward "\n\n" nil 'noerror)
+             (progn
+               (setq nov-mid (count-lines (point) (point-max)))
+               (narrow-to-region (point-min) (1- (point))))
+           (setq nov-mid 0))
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (delete-char 1)
+         (setq nov (nnheader-parse-naked-head)
+               field (or (mail-header-lines nov) 0)))
+       (unless (or (zerop field) (nnmaildir--param pgname 'distrust-Lines:))
+         (setq nov-mid field))
+       (setq nov-mid (number-to-string nov-mid)
+             nov-mid (concat (number-to-string attr) "\t" nov-mid))
+       (save-match-data
+         (setq field (or (mail-header-references nov) ""))
+         (nnmaildir--tab-to-space field)
+         (setq nov-mid (concat field "\t" nov-mid)
+               nov-beg (mapconcat
+                         (lambda (f) (nnmaildir--tab-to-space (or f "")))
+                         (list (mail-header-subject nov)
+                               (mail-header-from nov)
+                               (mail-header-date nov)) "\t")
+               nov-end (mapconcat
+                         (lambda (extra)
+                           (setq field (symbol-name (car extra))
+                                 val (cdr extra))
+                           (nnmaildir--tab-to-space field)
+                           (nnmaildir--tab-to-space val)
+                           (concat field ": " val))
+                         (mail-header-extra nov) "\t")))
+       (setq msgid (mail-header-id nov))
+       (if (or (null msgid) (nnheader-fake-message-id-p msgid))
+           (setq msgid (concat "<" prefix "@nnmaildir>")))
+       (nnmaildir--tab-to-space msgid)
+       ;; The data is parsed; create an nnmaildir NOV structure.
+       (setq nov (nnmaildir--nov-new nov-beg nov-mid nov-end mtime
+                                     nnmaildir--extra)
+             num (nnmaildir--art-num article))
+       (unless num
+         ;; Allocate a new article number.
+         (erase-buffer)
+         (setq numdir (nnmaildir--num-dir dir)
+               file (nnmaildir--num-file numdir)
+               num -1)
+         (nnmaildir--mkdir numdir)
+         (write-region "" nil file nil 'no-message)
+         (while file
+           ;; Get the number of links to file.
+           (setq attr (nth 1 (file-attributes file)))
+           (if (= attr num)
+               ;; We've already tried this number, in the previous loop
+               ;; iteration, and failed.
+               (signal 'error `("Corrupt internal nnmaildir data" ,numdir)))
+           ;; If attr is 123, try to link file to "123".  This atomically
+           ;; increases the link count and creates the "123" link, failing
+           ;; if that link was already created by another Gnus, just after
+           ;; we stat()ed file.
+           (condition-case nil
+               (progn
+                 (add-name-to-file file (concat numdir (format "%x" attr)))
+                 (setq file nil)) ;; Stop looping.
+             (file-already-exists nil))
+           (setq num attr))
+         (setf (nnmaildir--art-num article) num))
+       ;; Store this new NOV data in a file
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (prin1 (vector storage-version num msgid nov) (current-buffer))
+       (setq file (concat novfile ":"))
+       (nnmaildir--unlink file)
+       (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file nil 'no-message nil 'excl))
+       (rename-file file novfile 'replace)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--art-msgid article) msgid)
+       nov)))
+ (defun nnmaildir--cache-nov (group article nov)
+   (let ((cache (nnmaildir--grp-cache group))
+       (index (nnmaildir--grp-index group))
+       goner)
+     (unless (nnmaildir--art-nov article)
+       (setq goner (aref cache index))
+       (if goner (setf (nnmaildir--art-nov goner) nil))
+       (aset cache index article)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-index group) (% (1+ index) (length cache))))
+     (setf (nnmaildir--art-nov article) nov)))
+ (defun nnmaildir--grp-add-art (server group article)
+   (let ((nov (nnmaildir--update-nov server group article))
+       count num min nlist nlist-cdr insert-nlist)
+     (when nov
+       (setq count (1+ (nnmaildir--grp-count group))
+           num (nnmaildir--art-num article)
+           min (if (= count 1) num
+                 (min num (nnmaildir--grp-min group)))
+           nlist (nnmaildir--grp-nlist group))
+       (if (or (null nlist) (> num (caar nlist)))
+         (setq nlist (cons (cons num article) nlist))
+       (setq insert-nlist t
+             nlist-cdr (cdr nlist))
+       (while (and nlist-cdr (< num (caar nlist-cdr)))
+         (setq nlist nlist-cdr
+               nlist-cdr (cdr nlist))))
+       (let ((inhibit-quit t))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-count group) count)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-min group) min)
+       (if insert-nlist
+           (setcdr nlist (cons (cons num article) nlist-cdr))
+         (setf (nnmaildir--grp-nlist group) nlist))
+       (set (intern (nnmaildir--art-prefix article)
+                    (nnmaildir--grp-flist group))
+            article)
+       (set (intern (nnmaildir--art-msgid article)
+                    (nnmaildir--grp-mlist group))
+            article)
+       (set (intern (nnmaildir--grp-name group)
+                    (nnmaildir--srv-groups server))
+            group))
+       (nnmaildir--cache-nov group article nov)
+       t)))
+ (defun nnmaildir--group-ls (server pgname)
+   (or (nnmaildir--param pgname 'directory-files)
+       (nnmaildir--srv-ls server)))
+ (defun nnmaildir-article-number-to-file-name
+   (number group-name server-address-string)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare server-address-string group-name))
+       article dir pgname)
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       ;; The given group or server does not exist.
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq article (nnmaildir--nlist-art group number))
+       (unless article
+       ;; The given article number does not exist in this group.
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq pgname (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server group-name)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir dir group-name)
+           dir (if (nnmaildir--param pgname 'read-only)
+                   (nnmaildir--new dir) (nnmaildir--cur dir)))
+       (concat dir (nnmaildir--art-prefix article)
+             (nnmaildir--art-suffix article)))))
+ (defun nnmaildir-article-number-to-base-name
+   (number group-name server-address-string)
+   (let ((x (nnmaildir--prepare server-address-string group-name)))
+     (when x
+       (setq x (nnmaildir--nlist-art x number))
+       (and x (cons (nnmaildir--art-prefix x)
+                  (nnmaildir--art-suffix x))))))
+ (defun nnmaildir-base-name-to-article-number
+   (base-name group-name server-address-string)
+   (let ((x (nnmaildir--prepare server-address-string group-name)))
+     (when x
+       (setq x (nnmaildir--grp-flist x)
+           x (nnmaildir--flist-art x base-name))
+       (and x (nnmaildir--art-num x)))))
+ (defun nnmaildir--nlist-iterate (nlist ranges func)
+   (let (entry high low nlist2)
+     (if (eq ranges 'all)
+       (setq ranges `((1 . ,(caar nlist)))))
+     (while ranges
+       (setq entry (car ranges) ranges (cdr ranges))
+       (while (and ranges (eq entry (car ranges)))
+       (setq ranges (cdr ranges))) ;; skip duplicates
+       (if (numberp entry)
+         (setq low entry
+               high entry)
+       (setq low (car entry)
+             high (cdr entry)))
+       (setq nlist2 nlist) ;; Don't assume any sorting of ranges
+       (catch 'iterate-loop
+       (while nlist2
+         (if (<= (caar nlist2) high) (throw 'iterate-loop nil))
+         (setq nlist2 (cdr nlist2))))
+       (catch 'iterate-loop
+       (while nlist2
+         (setq entry (car nlist2) nlist2 (cdr nlist2))
+         (if (< (car entry) low) (throw 'iterate-loop nil))
+         (funcall func (cdr entry)))))))
+ (defun nnmaildir--up2-1 (n)
+   (if (zerop n) 1 (1- (lsh 1 (1+ (logb n))))))
+ (defun nnmaildir--system-name ()
+   (gnus-replace-in-string
+    (gnus-replace-in-string
+     (gnus-replace-in-string
+      (system-name)
+      "\\\\" "\\134" 'literal)
+     "/" "\\057" 'literal)
+    ":" "\\072" 'literal))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-type (group &optional article)
+   'mail)
+ (defun nnmaildir-status-message (&optional server)
+   (nnmaildir--prepare server nil)
+   (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server))
+ (defun nnmaildir-server-opened (&optional server)
+   (and nnmaildir--cur-server
+        (if server
+          (string-equal server (nnmaildir--srv-address nnmaildir--cur-server))
+        t)
+        (nnmaildir--srv-groups nnmaildir--cur-server)
+        t))
+ (defun nnmaildir-open-server (server &optional defs)
+   (let ((x server)
+       dir size)
+     (catch 'return
+       (setq server (intern-soft x nnmaildir--servers))
+       (if server
+         (and (setq server (symbol-value server))
+              (nnmaildir--srv-groups server)
+              (setq nnmaildir--cur-server server)
+              (throw 'return t))
+       (setq server (make-nnmaildir--srv :address x))
+       (let ((inhibit-quit t))
+         (set (intern x nnmaildir--servers) server)))
+       (setq dir (assq 'directory defs))
+       (unless dir
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error server)
+             "You must set \"directory\" in the select method")
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq dir (cadr dir)
+           dir (eval dir)
+           dir (expand-file-name dir)
+           dir (file-name-as-directory dir))
+       (unless (file-exists-p dir)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error server) (concat "No such directory: " dir))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-dir server) dir)
+       (setq x (assq 'directory-files defs))
+       (if (null x)
+         (setq x (if nnheader-directory-files-is-safe 'directory-files
+                   'nnheader-directory-files-safe))
+       (setq x (cadr x))
+       (unless (functionp x)
+         (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error server)
+               (concat "Not a function: " (prin1-to-string x)))
+         (throw 'return nil)))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-ls server) x)
+       (setq size (length (funcall x dir nil "\\`[^.]" 'nosort))
+           size (nnmaildir--up2-1 size))
+       (and (setq x (assq 'get-new-mail defs))
+          (setq x (cdr x))
+          (car x)
+          (setf (nnmaildir--srv-gnm server) t)
+          (require 'nnmail))
+       (setq x (assq 'target-prefix defs))
+       (if x
+         (progn
+           (setq x (cadr x)
+                 x (eval x))
+           (setf (nnmaildir--srv-target-prefix server) x))
+       (setq x (assq 'create-directory defs))
+       (if x
+           (progn
+             (setq x (cadr x)
+                   x (eval x)
+                   x (file-name-as-directory x))
+             (setf (nnmaildir--srv-target-prefix server) x))
+         (setf (nnmaildir--srv-target-prefix server) "")))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-groups server) (make-vector size 0))
+       (setq nnmaildir--cur-server server)
+       t)))
+ (defun nnmaildir--parse-filename (file)
+   (let ((prefix (car file))
+       timestamp len)
+     (if (string-match "\\`\\([0-9]+\\)\\(\\..*\\)\\'" prefix)
+       (progn
+         (setq timestamp (concat "0000" (match-string 1 prefix))
+               len (- (length timestamp) 4))
+         (vector (string-to-number (substring timestamp 0 len))
+                 (string-to-number (substring timestamp len))
+                 (match-string 2 prefix)
+                 file))
+       file)))
+ (defun nnmaildir--sort-files (a b)
+   (catch 'return
+     (if (consp a)
+       (throw 'return (and (consp b) (string-lessp (car a) (car b)))))
+     (if (consp b) (throw 'return t))
+     (if (< (aref a 0) (aref b 0)) (throw 'return t))
+     (if (> (aref a 0) (aref b 0)) (throw 'return nil))
+     (if (< (aref a 1) (aref b 1)) (throw 'return t))
+     (if (> (aref a 1) (aref b 1)) (throw 'return nil))
+     (string-lessp (aref a 2) (aref b 2))))
+ (defun nnmaildir--scan (gname scan-msgs groups method srv-dir srv-ls)
+   (catch 'return
+     (let ((36h-ago (- (car (current-time)) 2))
+         absdir nndir tdir ndir cdir nattr cattr isnew pgname read-only ls
+         files num dir flist group x)
+       (setq absdir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir srv-dir gname)
+           nndir (nnmaildir--nndir absdir))
+       (unless (file-exists-p absdir)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "No such directory: " absdir))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq tdir (nnmaildir--tmp absdir)
+           ndir (nnmaildir--new absdir)
+           cdir (nnmaildir--cur absdir)
+           nattr (file-attributes ndir)
+           cattr (file-attributes cdir))
+       (unless (and (file-exists-p tdir) nattr cattr)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "Not a maildir: " absdir))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq group (nnmaildir--prepare nil gname)
+           pgname (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server gname))
+       (if group
+         (setq isnew nil)
+       (setq isnew t
+             group (make-nnmaildir--grp :name gname :index 0))
+       (nnmaildir--mkdir nndir)
+       (nnmaildir--mkdir (nnmaildir--nov-dir   nndir))
+       (nnmaildir--mkdir (nnmaildir--marks-dir nndir))
+       (write-region "" nil (concat nndir "markfile") nil 'no-message))
+       (setq read-only (nnmaildir--param pgname 'read-only)
+           ls (or (nnmaildir--param pgname 'directory-files) srv-ls))
+       (unless read-only
+       (setq x (nth 11 (file-attributes tdir)))
+       (unless (and (= x (nth 11 nattr)) (= x (nth 11 cattr)))
+         (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+               (concat "Maildir spans filesystems: " absdir))
+         (throw 'return nil))
+       (mapcar
+        (lambda (file)
+          (setq x (file-attributes file))
+          (if (or (> (cadr x) 1) (< (car (nth 4 x)) 36h-ago))
+              (delete-file file)))
+        (funcall ls tdir 'full "\\`[^.]" 'nosort)))
+       (or scan-msgs
+         isnew
+         (throw 'return t))
+       (setq nattr (nth 5 nattr))
+       (if (equal nattr (nnmaildir--grp-new group))
+         (setq nattr nil))
+       (if read-only (setq dir (and (or isnew nattr) ndir))
+       (when (or isnew nattr)
+         (mapcar
+          (lambda (file)
+            (let ((path (concat ndir file)))
+              (and (time-less-p (nth 5 (file-attributes path)) (current-time))
+                   (rename-file path (concat cdir file ":2,")))))
+          (funcall ls ndir nil "\\`[^.]" 'nosort))
+         (setf (nnmaildir--grp-new group) nattr))
+       (setq cattr (nth 5 (file-attributes cdir)))
+       (if (equal cattr (nnmaildir--grp-cur group))
+           (setq cattr nil))
+       (setq dir (and (or isnew cattr) cdir)))
+       (unless dir (throw 'return t))
+       (setq files (funcall ls dir nil "\\`[^.]" 'nosort)
+           files (save-match-data
+                   (mapcar
+                    (lambda (f)
+                      (string-match "\\`\\([^:]*\\)\\(\\(:.*\\)?\\)\\'" f)
+                      (cons (match-string 1 f) (match-string 2 f)))
+                    files)))
+       (when isnew
+       (setq num (nnmaildir--up2-1 (length files)))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-flist group) (make-vector num 0))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-mlist group) (make-vector num 0))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-mmth group) (make-vector 1 0))
+       (setq num (nnmaildir--param pgname 'nov-cache-size))
+       (if (numberp num) (if (< num 1) (setq num 1))
+         (setq num 16
+               cdir (nnmaildir--marks-dir nndir)
+               ndir (nnmaildir--subdir cdir "tick")
+               cdir (nnmaildir--subdir cdir "read"))
+         (mapcar
+          (lambda (file)
+            (setq file (car file))
+            (if (or (not (file-exists-p (concat cdir file)))
+                    (file-exists-p (concat ndir file)))
+                (setq num (1+ num))))
+          files))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-cache group) (make-vector num nil))
+         (let ((inhibit-quit t))
+           (set (intern gname groups) group))
+       (or scan-msgs (throw 'return t)))
+       (setq flist (nnmaildir--grp-flist group)
+           files (mapcar
+                  (lambda (file)
+                    (and (null (nnmaildir--flist-art flist (car file)))
+                         file))
+                  files)
+           files (delq nil files)
+           files (mapcar 'nnmaildir--parse-filename files)
+           files (sort files 'nnmaildir--sort-files))
+       (mapcar
+        (lambda (file)
+        (setq file (if (consp file) file (aref file 3))
+              x (make-nnmaildir--art :prefix (car file) :suffix (cdr file)))
+        (nnmaildir--grp-add-art nnmaildir--cur-server group x))
+        files)
+       (if read-only (setf (nnmaildir--grp-new group) nattr)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-cur group) cattr)))
+     t))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-scan (&optional scan-group server)
+   (let ((coding-system-for-write nnheader-file-coding-system)
+       (buffer-file-coding-system nil)
+       (file-coding-system-alist nil)
+       (nnmaildir-get-new-mail t)
+       (nnmaildir-group-alist nil)
+       (nnmaildir-active-file nil)
+       x srv-ls srv-dir method groups target-prefix group dirs grp-dir seen
+       deactivate-mark)
+     (nnmaildir--prepare server nil)
+     (setq srv-ls (nnmaildir--srv-ls nnmaildir--cur-server)
+         srv-dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+         method (nnmaildir--srv-method nnmaildir--cur-server)
+         groups (nnmaildir--srv-groups nnmaildir--cur-server)
+         target-prefix (nnmaildir--srv-target-prefix nnmaildir--cur-server))
+     (nnmaildir--with-work-buffer
+       (save-match-data
+       (if (stringp scan-group)
+           (if (nnmaildir--scan scan-group t groups method srv-dir srv-ls)
+               (if (nnmaildir--srv-gnm nnmaildir--cur-server)
+                   (nnmail-get-new-mail 'nnmaildir nil nil scan-group))
+             (unintern scan-group groups))
+         (setq x (nth 5 (file-attributes srv-dir))
+               scan-group (null scan-group))
+         (if (equal x (nnmaildir--srv-mtime nnmaildir--cur-server))
+             (if scan-group
+                 (mapatoms (lambda (sym)
+                             (nnmaildir--scan (symbol-name sym) t groups
+                                              method srv-dir srv-ls))
+                           groups))
+           (setq dirs (funcall srv-ls srv-dir nil "\\`[^.]" 'nosort)
+                 dirs (if (zerop (length target-prefix))
+                          dirs
+                        (gnus-remove-if
+                         (lambda (dir)
+                           (and (>= (length dir) (length target-prefix))
+                                (string= (substring dir 0
+                                                    (length target-prefix))
+                                         target-prefix)))
+                         dirs))
+                 seen (nnmaildir--up2-1 (length dirs))
+                 seen (make-vector seen 0))
+           (mapcar
+            (lambda (grp-dir)
+              (if (nnmaildir--scan grp-dir scan-group groups method srv-dir
+                                   srv-ls)
+                  (intern grp-dir seen)))
+            dirs)
+           (setq x nil)
+           (mapatoms (lambda (group)
+                       (setq group (symbol-name group))
+                       (unless (intern-soft group seen)
+                         (setq x (cons group x))))
+                     groups)
+           (mapcar (lambda (grp) (unintern grp groups)) x)
+           (setf (nnmaildir--srv-mtime nnmaildir--cur-server)
+                 (nth 5 (file-attributes srv-dir))))
+         (and scan-group
+              (nnmaildir--srv-gnm nnmaildir--cur-server)
+              (nnmail-get-new-mail 'nnmaildir nil nil))))))
+   t)
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-list (&optional server)
+   (nnmaildir-request-scan 'find-new-groups server)
+   (let (pgname ro deactivate-mark)
+     (nnmaildir--prepare server nil)
+     (nnmaildir--with-nntp-buffer
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (mapatoms (lambda (group)
+                 (setq pgname (symbol-name group)
+                       pgname (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server pgname)
+                       group (symbol-value group)
+                       ro (nnmaildir--param pgname 'read-only))
+                 (insert (nnmaildir--grp-name group) " ")
+                   (princ (nnmaildir--group-maxnum nnmaildir--cur-server group)
+                        nntp-server-buffer)
+                 (insert " ")
+                   (princ (nnmaildir--grp-min group) nntp-server-buffer)
+                 (insert " " (if ro "n" "y") "\n"))
+               (nnmaildir--srv-groups nnmaildir--cur-server))))
+   t)
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-newgroups (date &optional server)
+   (nnmaildir-request-list server))
+ (defun nnmaildir-retrieve-groups (groups &optional server)
+   (let (group deactivate-mark)
+     (nnmaildir--prepare server nil)
+     (nnmaildir--with-nntp-buffer
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (mapcar
+        (lambda (gname)
+        (setq group (nnmaildir--prepare nil gname))
+        (if (null group) (insert "411 no such news group\n")
+          (insert "211 ")
+          (princ (nnmaildir--grp-count group) nntp-server-buffer)
+          (insert " ")
+          (princ (nnmaildir--grp-min   group) nntp-server-buffer)
+          (insert " ")
+          (princ (nnmaildir--group-maxnum nnmaildir--cur-server group)
+                 nntp-server-buffer)
+          (insert " " gname "\n")))
+        groups)))
+   'group)
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-update-info (gname info &optional server)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare server gname))
+       pgname flist always-marks never-marks old-marks dotfile num dir
+       markdirs marks mark ranges markdir article read end new-marks ls
+       old-mmth new-mmth mtime mark-sym existing missing deactivate-mark)
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "No such group: " gname))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq gname (nnmaildir--grp-name group)
+           pgname (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server gname)
+           flist (nnmaildir--grp-flist group))
+       (when (zerop (nnmaildir--grp-count group))
+       (gnus-info-set-read info nil)
+       (gnus-info-set-marks info nil 'extend)
+       (throw 'return info))
+       (setq old-marks (cons 'read (gnus-info-read info))
+           old-marks (cons old-marks (gnus-info-marks info))
+           always-marks (nnmaildir--param pgname 'always-marks)
+           never-marks (nnmaildir--param pgname 'never-marks)
+           existing (nnmaildir--grp-nlist group)
+           existing (mapcar 'car existing)
+           existing (nreverse existing)
+           existing (gnus-compress-sequence existing 'always-list)
+           missing (list (cons 1 (nnmaildir--group-maxnum
+                                  nnmaildir--cur-server group)))
+           missing (gnus-range-difference missing existing)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir dir gname)
+           dir (nnmaildir--nndir dir)
+           dir (nnmaildir--marks-dir dir)
+             ls (nnmaildir--group-ls nnmaildir--cur-server pgname)
+           markdirs (funcall ls dir nil "\\`[^.]" 'nosort)
+           new-mmth (nnmaildir--up2-1 (length markdirs))
+           new-mmth (make-vector new-mmth 0)
+           old-mmth (nnmaildir--grp-mmth group))
+       (mapcar
+        (lambda (mark)
+        (setq markdir (nnmaildir--subdir dir mark)
+              mark-sym (intern mark)
+              ranges nil)
+        (catch 'got-ranges
+          (if (memq mark-sym never-marks) (throw 'got-ranges nil))
+          (when (memq mark-sym always-marks)
+            (setq ranges existing)
+            (throw 'got-ranges nil))
+          (setq mtime (nth 5 (file-attributes markdir)))
+          (set (intern mark new-mmth) mtime)
+          (when (equal mtime (symbol-value (intern-soft mark old-mmth)))
+            (setq ranges (assq mark-sym old-marks))
+            (if ranges (setq ranges (cdr ranges)))
+            (throw 'got-ranges nil))
+          (mapcar
+           (lambda (prefix)
+             (setq article (nnmaildir--flist-art flist prefix))
+             (if article
+                 (setq ranges
+                       (gnus-add-to-range ranges
+                                          `(,(nnmaildir--art-num article))))))
+           (funcall ls markdir nil "\\`[^.]" 'nosort)))
+        (if (eq mark-sym 'read) (setq read ranges)
+          (if ranges (setq marks (cons (cons mark-sym ranges) marks)))))
+        markdirs)
+       (gnus-info-set-read info (gnus-range-add read missing))
+       (gnus-info-set-marks info marks 'extend)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-mmth group) new-mmth)
+       info)))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-group (gname &optional server fast)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare server gname))
+       deactivate-mark)
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       ;; (insert "411 no such news group\n")
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "No such group: " gname))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-curgrp nnmaildir--cur-server) group)
+       (if fast (throw 'return t))
+       (nnmaildir--with-nntp-buffer
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (insert "211 ")
+       (princ (nnmaildir--grp-count group) nntp-server-buffer)
+       (insert " ")
+       (princ (nnmaildir--grp-min   group) nntp-server-buffer)
+       (insert " ")
+       (princ (nnmaildir--group-maxnum nnmaildir--cur-server group)
+              nntp-server-buffer)
+       (insert " " gname "\n")
+       t))))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-create-group (gname &optional server args)
+   (nnmaildir--prepare server nil)
+   (catch 'return
+     (let ((target-prefix (nnmaildir--srv-target-prefix nnmaildir--cur-server))
+         srv-dir dir groups)
+       (when (zerop (length gname))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             "Invalid (empty) group name")
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (when (eq (aref "." 0) (aref gname 0))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             "Group names may not start with \".\"")
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (when (save-match-data (string-match "[\0/\t]" gname))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "Illegal characters (null, tab, or /) in group name: "
+                     gname))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq groups (nnmaildir--srv-groups nnmaildir--cur-server))
+       (when (intern-soft gname groups)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "Group already exists: " gname))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq srv-dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server))
+       (if (file-name-absolute-p target-prefix)
+         (setq dir (expand-file-name target-prefix))
+       (setq dir srv-dir
+             dir (file-truename dir)
+             dir (concat dir target-prefix)))
+       (setq dir (nnmaildir--subdir dir gname))
+       (nnmaildir--mkdir dir)
+       (nnmaildir--mkdir (nnmaildir--tmp dir))
+       (nnmaildir--mkdir (nnmaildir--new dir))
+       (nnmaildir--mkdir (nnmaildir--cur dir))
+       (unless (string= target-prefix "")
+       (make-symbolic-link (concat target-prefix gname)
+                           (concat srv-dir gname)))
+       (nnmaildir-request-scan 'find-new-groups))))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-rename-group (gname new-name &optional server)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare server gname))
+       (coding-system-for-write nnheader-file-coding-system)
+       (buffer-file-coding-system nil)
+       (file-coding-system-alist nil)
+       srv-dir x groups)
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "No such group: " gname))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (when (zerop (length new-name))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             "Invalid (empty) group name")
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (when (eq (aref "." 0) (aref new-name 0))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             "Group names may not start with \".\"")
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (when (save-match-data (string-match "[\0/\t]" new-name))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "Illegal characters (null, tab, or /) in group name: "
+                     new-name))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (if (string-equal gname new-name) (throw 'return t))
+       (when (intern-soft new-name
+                        (nnmaildir--srv-groups nnmaildir--cur-server))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "Group already exists: " new-name))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq srv-dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server))
+       (condition-case err
+         (rename-file (concat srv-dir gname)
+                      (concat srv-dir new-name))
+       (error
+        (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+              (concat "Error renaming link: " (prin1-to-string err)))
+        (throw 'return nil)))
+       (setq x (nnmaildir--srv-groups nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           groups (make-vector (length x) 0))
+       (mapatoms (lambda (sym)
+                 (unless (eq (symbol-value sym) group)
+                   (set (intern (symbol-name sym) groups)
+                        (symbol-value sym))))
+               x)
+       (setq group (copy-sequence group))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--grp-name group) new-name)
+       (set (intern new-name groups) group)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-groups nnmaildir--cur-server) groups)
+       t)))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-delete-group (gname force &optional server)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare server gname))
+       pgname grp-dir target dir ls deactivate-mark)
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "No such group: " gname))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq gname (nnmaildir--grp-name group)
+           pgname (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server gname)
+           grp-dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           target (car (file-attributes (concat grp-dir gname)))
+           grp-dir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir grp-dir gname))
+       (unless (or force (stringp target))
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "Not a symlink: " gname))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (if (eq group (nnmaildir--srv-curgrp nnmaildir--cur-server))
+         (setf (nnmaildir--srv-curgrp nnmaildir--cur-server) nil))
+       (unintern gname (nnmaildir--srv-groups nnmaildir--cur-server))
+       (if (not force)
+         (progn
+           (setq grp-dir (directory-file-name grp-dir))
+           (nnmaildir--unlink grp-dir))
+       (setq ls (nnmaildir--group-ls nnmaildir--cur-server pgname))
+       (if (nnmaildir--param pgname 'read-only)
+           (progn (delete-directory  (nnmaildir--tmp grp-dir))
+                  (nnmaildir--unlink (nnmaildir--new grp-dir))
+                  (delete-directory  (nnmaildir--cur grp-dir)))
+         (nnmaildir--delete-dir-files (nnmaildir--tmp grp-dir) ls)
+         (nnmaildir--delete-dir-files (nnmaildir--new grp-dir) ls)
+         (nnmaildir--delete-dir-files (nnmaildir--cur grp-dir) ls))
+       (setq dir (nnmaildir--nndir grp-dir))
+       (mapcar (lambda (subdir) (nnmaildir--delete-dir-files subdir ls))
+               `(,(nnmaildir--nov-dir dir) ,(nnmaildir--num-dir dir)
+                 ,@(funcall ls (nnmaildir--marks-dir dir) 'full "\\`[^.]"
+                            'nosort)))
+       (setq dir (nnmaildir--nndir grp-dir))
+       (nnmaildir--unlink (concat dir "markfile"))
+       (nnmaildir--unlink (concat dir "markfile{new}"))
+       (delete-directory (nnmaildir--marks-dir dir))
+       (delete-directory dir)
+       (if (not (stringp target))
+           (delete-directory grp-dir)
+         (setq grp-dir (directory-file-name grp-dir)
+               dir target)
+         (unless (eq (aref "/" 0) (aref dir 0))
+           (setq dir (concat (file-truename
+                              (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server))
+                             dir)))
+         (delete-directory dir)
+         (nnmaildir--unlink grp-dir)))
+       t)))
+ (defun nnmaildir-retrieve-headers (articles &optional gname server fetch-old)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare server gname))
+       srv-dir dir nlist mlist article num start stop nov nlist2 insert-nov
+       deactivate-mark)
+     (setq insert-nov
+         (lambda (article)
+           (setq nov (nnmaildir--update-nov nnmaildir--cur-server group
+                                            article))
+           (when nov
+             (nnmaildir--cache-nov group article nov)
+             (setq num (nnmaildir--art-num article))
+             (princ num nntp-server-buffer)
+             (insert "\t" (nnmaildir--nov-get-beg nov) "\t"
+                     (nnmaildir--art-msgid article) "\t"
+                     (nnmaildir--nov-get-mid nov) "\tXref: nnmaildir "
+                     gname ":")
+             (princ num nntp-server-buffer)
+             (insert "\t" (nnmaildir--nov-get-end nov) "\n"))))
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (if gname (concat "No such group: " gname) "No current group"))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (nnmaildir--with-nntp-buffer
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (setq mlist (nnmaildir--grp-mlist group)
+             nlist (nnmaildir--grp-nlist group)
+             gname (nnmaildir--grp-name group)
+             srv-dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             dir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir srv-dir gname))
+       (cond
+        ((null nlist))
+        ((and fetch-old (not (numberp fetch-old)))
+         (nnmaildir--nlist-iterate nlist 'all insert-nov))
+        ((null articles))
+        ((stringp (car articles))
+         (mapcar
+          (lambda (msgid)
+            (setq article (nnmaildir--mlist-art mlist msgid))
+            (if article (funcall insert-nov article)))
+          articles))
+        (t
+         (if fetch-old
+             ;; Assume the article range list is sorted ascending
+             (setq stop (car articles)
+                   start (car (last articles))
+                   stop  (if (numberp stop)  stop  (car stop))
+                   start (if (numberp start) start (cdr start))
+                   stop (- stop fetch-old)
+                   stop (if (< stop 1) 1 stop)
+                   articles (list (cons stop start))))
+         (nnmaildir--nlist-iterate nlist articles insert-nov)))
+       (sort-numeric-fields 1 (point-min) (point-max))
+       'nov))))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-article (num-msgid &optional gname server to-buffer)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare server gname))
+       (case-fold-search t)
+       list article dir pgname deactivate-mark)
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (if gname (concat "No such group: " gname) "No current group"))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (if (numberp num-msgid)
+         (setq article (nnmaildir--nlist-art group num-msgid))
+       (setq list (nnmaildir--grp-mlist group)
+             article (nnmaildir--mlist-art list num-msgid))
+       (if article (setq num-msgid (nnmaildir--art-num article))
+         (catch 'found
+           (mapatoms
+               (lambda (group-sym)
+                 (setq group (symbol-value group-sym)
+                       list (nnmaildir--grp-mlist group)
+                       article (nnmaildir--mlist-art list num-msgid))
+                 (when article
+                   (setq num-msgid (nnmaildir--art-num article))
+                   (throw 'found nil)))
+               (nnmaildir--srv-groups nnmaildir--cur-server))))
+       (unless article
+         (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server) "No such article")
+         (throw 'return nil)))
+       (setq gname (nnmaildir--grp-name group)
+           pgname (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server gname)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir dir gname)
+           dir (if (nnmaildir--param pgname 'read-only)
+                   (nnmaildir--new dir) (nnmaildir--cur dir))
+           nnmaildir-article-file-name
+           (concat dir
+                   (nnmaildir--art-prefix article)
+                   (nnmaildir--art-suffix article)))
+       (unless (file-exists-p nnmaildir-article-file-name)
+       (nnmaildir--expired-article group article)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             "Article has expired")
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (or to-buffer nntp-server-buffer))
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (nnheader-insert-file-contents nnmaildir-article-file-name))
+       (cons gname num-msgid))))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-post (&optional server)
+   (let (message-required-mail-headers)
+     (funcall message-send-mail-function)))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-replace-article (number gname buffer)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare nil gname))
+       (coding-system-for-write nnheader-file-coding-system)
+       (buffer-file-coding-system nil)
+       (file-coding-system-alist nil)
+       dir file article suffix tmpfile deactivate-mark)
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "No such group: " gname))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (when (nnmaildir--param (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server gname)
+                             'read-only)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "Read-only group: " group))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir dir gname)
+           article (nnmaildir--nlist-art group number))
+       (unless article
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "No such article: " (number-to-string number)))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq suffix (nnmaildir--art-suffix article)
+           file (nnmaildir--art-prefix article)
+           tmpfile (concat (nnmaildir--tmp dir) file))
+       (when (file-exists-p tmpfile)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "File exists: " tmpfile))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer buffer)
+       (write-region (point-min) (point-max) tmpfile nil 'no-message nil
+                     'excl))
+       (unix-sync) ;; no fsync :(
+       (rename-file tmpfile (concat (nnmaildir--cur dir) file suffix) 'replace)
+       t)))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-move-article (article gname server accept-form
+                                              &optional last)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare server gname))
+       pgname suffix result nnmaildir--file deactivate-mark)
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "No such group: " gname))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq gname (nnmaildir--grp-name group)
+           pgname (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server gname)
+           article (nnmaildir--nlist-art group article))
+       (unless article
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server) "No such article")
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq suffix (nnmaildir--art-suffix article)
+           nnmaildir--file (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           nnmaildir--file (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir nnmaildir--file gname)
+           nnmaildir--file (if (nnmaildir--param pgname 'read-only)
+                               (nnmaildir--new nnmaildir--file)
+                             (nnmaildir--cur nnmaildir--file))
+           nnmaildir--file (concat nnmaildir--file
+                                   (nnmaildir--art-prefix article)
+                                   suffix))
+       (unless (file-exists-p nnmaildir--file)
+       (nnmaildir--expired-article group article)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             "Article has expired")
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (nnmaildir--with-move-buffer
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (nnheader-insert-file-contents nnmaildir--file)
+       (setq result (eval accept-form)))
+       (unless (or (null result) (nnmaildir--param pgname 'read-only))
+       (nnmaildir--unlink nnmaildir--file)
+       (nnmaildir--expired-article group article))
+       result)))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-accept-article (gname &optional server last)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare server gname))
+       (coding-system-for-write nnheader-file-coding-system)
+       (buffer-file-coding-system nil)
+       (file-coding-system-alist nil)
+       srv-dir dir file time tmpfile curfile 24h article)
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "No such group: " gname))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq gname (nnmaildir--grp-name group))
+       (when (nnmaildir--param (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server gname)
+                             'read-only)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "Read-only group: " gname))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq srv-dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir srv-dir gname)
+           time (current-time)
+           file (format-time-string "%s." time))
+       (unless (string-equal nnmaildir--delivery-time file)
+       (setq nnmaildir--delivery-time file
+             nnmaildir--delivery-count 0))
+       (when (and (consp (cdr time))
+                (consp (cddr time)))
+       (setq file (concat file "M" (number-to-string (caddr time)))))
+       (setq file (concat file nnmaildir--delivery-pid)
+           file (concat file "Q" (number-to-string nnmaildir--delivery-count))
+           file (concat file "." (nnmaildir--system-name))
+           tmpfile (concat (nnmaildir--tmp dir) file)
+           curfile (concat (nnmaildir--cur dir) file ":2,"))
+       (when (file-exists-p tmpfile)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "File exists: " tmpfile))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (when (file-exists-p curfile)
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "File exists: " curfile))
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq nnmaildir--delivery-count (1+ nnmaildir--delivery-count)
+           24h (run-with-timer 86400 nil
+                               (lambda ()
+                                 (nnmaildir--unlink tmpfile)
+                                 (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error
+                                         nnmaildir--cur-server)
+                                       "24-hour timer expired")
+                                 (throw 'return nil))))
+       (condition-case nil
+         (add-name-to-file nnmaildir--file tmpfile)
+       (error
+        (write-region (point-min) (point-max) tmpfile nil 'no-message nil
+                      'excl)
+        (unix-sync))) ;; no fsync :(
+       (cancel-timer 24h)
+       (condition-case err
+         (add-name-to-file tmpfile curfile)
+       (error
+        (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+              (concat "Error linking: " (prin1-to-string err)))
+        (nnmaildir--unlink tmpfile)
+        (throw 'return nil)))
+       (nnmaildir--unlink tmpfile)
+       (setq article (make-nnmaildir--art :prefix file :suffix ":2,"))
+       (if (nnmaildir--grp-add-art nnmaildir--cur-server group article)
+         (cons gname (nnmaildir--art-num article))))))
+ (defun nnmaildir-save-mail (group-art)
+   (catch 'return
+     (unless group-art
+       (throw 'return nil))
+     (let (ga gname x groups nnmaildir--file deactivate-mark)
+       (save-excursion
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (save-match-data
+         (while (looking-at "From ")
+           (replace-match "X-From-Line: ")
+           (forward-line 1))))
+       (setq groups (nnmaildir--srv-groups nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           ga (car group-art) group-art (cdr group-art)
+           gname (car ga))
+       (or (intern-soft gname groups)
+         (nnmaildir-request-create-group gname)
+         (throw 'return nil)) ;; not that nnmail bothers to check :(
+       (unless (nnmaildir-request-accept-article gname)
+       (throw 'return nil))
+       (setq nnmaildir--file (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           nnmaildir--file (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir nnmaildir--file gname)
+           x (nnmaildir--prepare nil gname)
+           x (nnmaildir--grp-nlist x)
+           x (cdar x)
+           nnmaildir--file (concat nnmaildir--file
+                                   (nnmaildir--art-prefix x)
+                                   (nnmaildir--art-suffix x)))
+       (delq nil
+           (mapcar
+            (lambda (ga)
+              (setq gname (car ga))
+              (and (or (intern-soft gname groups)
+                       (nnmaildir-request-create-group gname))
+                   (nnmaildir-request-accept-article gname)
+                   ga))
+            group-art)))))
+ (defun nnmaildir-active-number (gname)
+   0)
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-expire-articles (ranges &optional gname server force)
+   (let ((no-force (not force))
+       (group (nnmaildir--prepare server gname))
+       pgname time boundary bound-iter high low target dir nlist nlist2
+       stop article didnt nnmaildir--file nnmaildir-article-file-name
+       deactivate-mark)
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (if gname (concat "No such group: " gname) "No current group"))
+       (throw 'return (gnus-uncompress-range ranges)))
+       (setq gname (nnmaildir--grp-name group)
+           pgname (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server gname))
+       (if (nnmaildir--param pgname 'read-only)
+         (throw 'return (gnus-uncompress-range ranges)))
+       (setq time (nnmaildir--param pgname 'expire-age))
+       (unless time
+       (setq time (or (and nnmail-expiry-wait-function
+                           (funcall nnmail-expiry-wait-function gname))
+                      nnmail-expiry-wait))
+       (if (eq time 'immediate)
+           (setq time 0)
+         (if (numberp time)
+             (setq time (* time 86400)))))
+       (when no-force
+       (unless (integerp time) ;; handle 'never
+         (throw 'return (gnus-uncompress-range ranges)))
+       (setq boundary (current-time)
+             high (- (car boundary) (/ time 65536))
+             low (- (cadr boundary) (% time 65536)))
+       (if (< low 0)
+           (setq low (+ low 65536)
+                 high (1- high)))
+       (setcar (cdr boundary) low)
+       (setcar boundary high))
+       (setq dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir dir gname)
+           dir (nnmaildir--cur dir)
+           nlist (nnmaildir--grp-nlist group)
+           ranges (reverse ranges))
+       (nnmaildir--with-move-buffer
+       (nnmaildir--nlist-iterate
+        nlist ranges
+        (lambda (article)
+          (setq nnmaildir--file (nnmaildir--art-prefix article)
+                nnmaildir--file (concat dir nnmaildir--file
+                                        (nnmaildir--art-suffix article))
+                time (file-attributes nnmaildir--file))
+          (cond
+           ((null time)
+            (nnmaildir--expired-article group article))
+           ((and no-force
+                 (progn
+                   (setq time (nth 5 time)
+                         bound-iter boundary)
+                   (while (and bound-iter time
+                               (= (car bound-iter) (car time)))
+                     (setq bound-iter (cdr bound-iter)
+                           time (cdr time)))
+                   (and bound-iter time
+                        (car-less-than-car bound-iter time))))
+            (setq didnt (cons (nnmaildir--art-num article) didnt)))
+           (t
+            (setq nnmaildir-article-file-name nnmaildir--file
+                  target (if force nil
+                           (save-excursion
+                             (save-restriction
+                               (nnmaildir--param pgname 'expire-group)))))
+            (when (and (stringp target)
+                       (not (string-equal target pgname))) ;; Move it.
+              (erase-buffer)
+              (nnheader-insert-file-contents nnmaildir--file)
+              (gnus-request-accept-article target nil nil 'no-encode))
+            (if (equal target pgname)
+                ;; Leave it here.
+                (setq didnt (cons (nnmaildir--art-num article) didnt))
+              (nnmaildir--unlink nnmaildir--file)
+              (nnmaildir--expired-article group article))))))
+       (erase-buffer))
+       didnt)))
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-set-mark (gname actions &optional server)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare server gname))
+       (coding-system-for-write nnheader-file-coding-system)
+       (buffer-file-coding-system nil)
+       (file-coding-system-alist nil)
+       del-mark del-action add-action set-action marksdir markfile nlist
+       ranges begin end article all-marks todo-marks did-marks mdir mfile
+       pgname ls permarkfile deactivate-mark)
+     (setq del-mark
+         (lambda (mark)
+           (setq mfile (nnmaildir--subdir marksdir (symbol-name mark))
+                 mfile (concat mfile (nnmaildir--art-prefix article)))
+           (nnmaildir--unlink mfile))
+         del-action (lambda (article) (mapcar del-mark todo-marks))
+         add-action
+         (lambda (article)
+           (mapcar
+            (lambda (mark)
+              (setq mdir (nnmaildir--subdir marksdir (symbol-name mark))
+                    permarkfile (concat mdir ":")
+                    mfile (concat mdir (nnmaildir--art-prefix article)))
+              (unless (memq mark did-marks)
+                (setq did-marks (cons mark did-marks))
+                (nnmaildir--mkdir mdir)
+                (unless (file-attributes permarkfile)
+                  (condition-case nil
+                      (add-name-to-file markfile permarkfile)
+                    (file-error
+                     ;; AFS can't make hard links in separate directories
+                     (write-region "" nil permarkfile nil 'no-message)))))
+              (unless (file-exists-p mfile)
+                (add-name-to-file permarkfile mfile)))
+            todo-marks))
+         set-action (lambda (article)
+                      (funcall add-action)
+                      (mapcar (lambda (mark)
+                                (unless (memq mark todo-marks)
+                                  (funcall del-mark mark)))
+                              all-marks)))
+     (catch 'return
+       (unless group
+       (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+             (concat "No such group: " gname))
+       (mapcar (lambda (action)
+                 (setq ranges (gnus-range-add ranges (car action))))
+               actions)
+       (throw 'return ranges))
+       (setq nlist (nnmaildir--grp-nlist group)
+           marksdir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           marksdir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir marksdir gname)
+           marksdir (nnmaildir--nndir marksdir)
+           markfile (concat marksdir "markfile")
+           marksdir (nnmaildir--marks-dir marksdir)
+           gname (nnmaildir--grp-name group)
+             pgname (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server gname)
+             ls (nnmaildir--group-ls nnmaildir--cur-server pgname)
+           all-marks (funcall ls marksdir nil "\\`[^.]" 'nosort)
+           all-marks (mapcar 'intern all-marks))
+       (mapcar
+        (lambda (action)
+        (setq ranges (car action)
+              todo-marks (caddr action))
+        (mapcar (lambda (mark) (add-to-list 'all-marks mark)) todo-marks)
+        (if (numberp (cdr ranges)) (setq ranges (list ranges)))
+        (nnmaildir--nlist-iterate nlist ranges
+                                  (cond ((eq 'del (cadr action)) del-action)
+                                        ((eq 'add (cadr action)) add-action)
+                                        (t set-action))))
+        actions)
+       nil)))
+ (defun nnmaildir-close-group (gname &optional server)
+   (let ((group (nnmaildir--prepare server gname))
+       pgname ls dir msgdir files flist dirs)
+     (if (null group)
+       (progn
+         (setf (nnmaildir--srv-error nnmaildir--cur-server)
+               (concat "No such group: " gname))
+         nil)
+       (setq pgname (nnmaildir--pgname nnmaildir--cur-server gname)
+           ls (nnmaildir--group-ls nnmaildir--cur-server pgname)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srv-dir nnmaildir--cur-server)
+           dir (nnmaildir--srvgrp-dir dir gname)
+           msgdir (if (nnmaildir--param pgname 'read-only)
+                      (nnmaildir--new dir) (nnmaildir--cur dir))
+           dir (nnmaildir--nndir dir)
+           dirs (cons (nnmaildir--nov-dir dir)
+                      (funcall ls (nnmaildir--marks-dir dir) 'full "\\`[^.]"
+                               'nosort))
+           dirs (mapcar
+                 (lambda (dir)
+                   (cons dir (funcall ls dir nil "\\`[^.]" 'nosort)))
+                 dirs)
+           files (funcall ls msgdir nil "\\`[^.]" 'nosort)
+           flist (nnmaildir--up2-1 (length files))
+           flist (make-vector flist 0))
+       (save-match-data
+       (mapcar
+        (lambda (file)
+          (string-match "\\`\\([^:]*\\)\\(:.*\\)?\\'" file)
+          (intern (match-string 1 file) flist))
+        files))
+       (mapcar
+        (lambda (dir)
+        (setq files (cdr dir)
+              dir (file-name-as-directory (car dir)))
+        (mapcar
+         (lambda (file)
+           (unless (or (intern-soft file flist) (string= file ":"))
+             (setq file (concat dir file))
+             (delete-file file)))
+         files))
+        dirs)
+       t)))
+ (defun nnmaildir-close-server (&optional server)
+   (let (flist ls dirs dir files file x)
+     (nnmaildir--prepare server nil)
+     (when nnmaildir--cur-server
+       (setq server nnmaildir--cur-server
+           nnmaildir--cur-server nil)
+       (unintern (nnmaildir--srv-address server) nnmaildir--servers)))
+   t)
+ (defun nnmaildir-request-close ()
+   (let (servers buffer)
+     (mapatoms (lambda (server)
+               (setq servers (cons (symbol-name server) servers)))
+             nnmaildir--servers)
+     (mapcar 'nnmaildir-close-server servers)
+     (setq buffer (get-buffer " *nnmaildir work*"))
+     (if buffer (kill-buffer buffer))
+     (setq buffer (get-buffer " *nnmaildir nov*"))
+     (if buffer (kill-buffer buffer))
+     (setq buffer (get-buffer " *nnmaildir move*"))
+     (if buffer (kill-buffer buffer)))
+   t)
+ (provide 'nnmaildir)
+ ;; Local Variables:
+ ;; indent-tabs-mode: t
+ ;; fill-column: 77
+ ;; End:
+ ;;; arch-tag: 0c4e44cd-dfde-4040-888e-5597ec771849
+ ;;; nnmaildir.el ends here

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