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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnimap.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnimap.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:12:44 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/nnimap.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/nnimap.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:47:12 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/nnimap.el   Thu Jul 22 16:45:51 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1671 ----
+ ;;; nnimap.el --- imap backend for Gnus
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
+ ;;        Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Simon Josefsson <address@hidden>
+ ;;         Jim Radford <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: mail
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; Todo, major things:
+ ;;
+ ;;   o Fix Gnus to view correct number of unread/total articles in group 
+ ;;   o Fix Gnus to handle leading '.' in group names (fixed?)
+ ;;   o Finish disconnected mode (moving articles between mailboxes unplugged)
+ ;;   o Sieve
+ ;;   o MIME (partial article fetches)
+ ;;   o Split to other backends, different split rules for different
+ ;;     servers/inboxes
+ ;;
+ ;; Todo, minor things:
+ ;;
+ ;;   o Don't require half of Gnus -- backends should be standalone
+ ;;   o Verify that we don't use IMAP4rev1 specific things (RFC2060 App B)
+ ;;   o Dont uid fetch 1,* in nnimap-retrive-groups (slow)
+ ;;   o Split up big fetches (1,* header especially) in smaller chunks
+ ;;   o What do I do with gnus-newsgroup-*?
+ ;;   o Tell Gnus about new groups (how can we tell?)
+ ;;   o Respooling (fix Gnus?) (unnecessary?)
+ ;;   o Add support for the following: (if applicable)
+ ;;       request-list-newsgroups, request-regenerate
+ ;;       list-active-group,
+ ;;       request-associate-buffer, request-restore-buffer,
+ ;;   o Do The Right Thing when UIDVALIDITY changes (what's the right thing?)
+ ;;   o Support RFC2221 (Login referrals)
+ ;;   o IMAP2BIS compatibility? (RFC2061)
+ ;;   o ACAP stuff (perhaps a different project, would be nice to ACAPify
+ ;;     .newsrc.eld)
+ ;;   o What about Gnus's article editing, can we support it?  NO!
+ ;;   o Use \Draft to support the draft group??
+ ;;   o Duplicate suppression
+ ;;   o Rewrite UID SEARCH UID X as UID FETCH X (UID) for those with slow 
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'imap)
+ (require 'nnoo)
+ (require 'nnmail)
+ (require 'nnheader)
+ (require 'mm-util)
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (require 'gnus-range)
+ (require 'gnus-start)
+ (require 'gnus-int)
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (nnoo-declare nnimap)
+ (defconst nnimap-version "nnimap 1.0")
+ (defgroup nnimap nil
+   "Reading IMAP mail with Gnus."
+   :group 'gnus)
+ (defvoo nnimap-address nil
+   "Address of physical IMAP server.  If nil, use the virtual server's name.")
+ (defvoo nnimap-server-port nil
+   "Port number on physical IMAP server.
+ If nil, defaults to 993 for TLS/SSL connections and 143 otherwise.")
+ ;; Splitting variables
+ (defcustom nnimap-split-crosspost t
+   "If non-nil, do crossposting if several split methods match the mail.
+ If nil, the first match found will be used."
+   :group 'nnimap
+   :type 'boolean)
+ (defcustom nnimap-split-inbox nil
+   "Name of mailbox to split mail from.
+ Mail is read from this mailbox and split according to rules in
+ `nnimap-split-rule'.
+ This can be a string or a list of strings."
+   :group 'nnimap
+   :type '(choice (string)
+                (repeat string)))
+ (define-widget 'nnimap-strict-function 'function
+   "This widget only matches values that are functionp.
+ Warning: This means that a value that is the symbol of a not yet
+ loaded function will not match.  Use with care."
+   :match 'nnimap-strict-function-match)
+ (defun nnimap-strict-function-match (widget value)
+   "Ignoring WIDGET, match if VALUE is a function."
+   (functionp value))
+ (defcustom nnimap-split-rule nil
+   "Mail will be split according to these rules.
+ Mail is read from mailbox(es) specified in `nnimap-split-inbox'.
+ If you'd like, for instance, one mail group for mail from the
+ \"gnus-imap\" mailing list, one group for junk mail and leave
+ everything else in the incoming mailbox, you could do something like
+ this:
+ \(setq nnimap-split-rule '((\"INBOX.gnus-imap\"   \"From:.*gnus-imap\")
+                         (\"INBOX.junk\"        \"Subject:.*buy\")))
+ As you can see, `nnimap-split-rule' is a list of lists, where the
+ first element in each \"rule\" is the name of the IMAP mailbox (or the
+ symbol `junk' if you want to remove the mail), and the second is a
+ regexp that nnimap will try to match on the header to find a fit.
+ The second element can also be a function.  In that case, it will be
+ called narrowed to the headers with the first element of the rule as
+ the argument.  It should return a non-nil value if it thinks that the
+ mail belongs in that group.
+ This variable can also have a function as its value, the function will
+ be called with the headers narrowed and should return a group where it
+ thinks the article should be splitted to.  See `nnimap-split-fancy'.
+ To allow for different split rules on different virtual servers, and
+ even different split rules in different inboxes on the same server,
+ the syntax of this variable have been extended along the lines of:
+ \(setq nnimap-split-rule
+       '((\"my1server\"    (\".*\"    ((\"ding\"    \"address@hidden")
+                                 (\"junk\"    \"From:.*Simon\")))
+       (\"my2server\"    (\"INBOX\" nnimap-split-fancy))
+       (\"my[34]server\" (\".*\"    ((\"private\" \"To:.*Simon\")
+                                 (\"junk\"    my-junk-func)))))
+ The virtual server name is in fact a regexp, so that the same rules
+ may apply to several servers.  In the example, the servers
+ \"my3server\" and \"my4server\" both use the same rules.  Similarly,
+ the inbox string is also a regexp.  The actual splitting rules are as
+ before, either a function, or a list with group/regexp or
+ group/function elements."
+   :group 'nnimap
+   :type '(choice :tag "Rule type"
+                (repeat :menu-tag "Single-server"
+                        :tag "Single-server list"
+                        (list (string :tag "Mailbox")
+                              (choice :tag "Predicate"
+                                      (regexp :tag "A regexp")
+                                      (nnimap-strict-function :tag "A 
+                (choice :menu-tag "A function"
+                        :tag "A function"
+                        (function-item nnimap-split-fancy)
+                        (function-item nnmail-split-fancy)
+                        (nnimap-strict-function :tag "User-defined function"))
+                (repeat :menu-tag "Multi-server (extended)"
+                        :tag "Multi-server list"
+                        (list (regexp :tag "Server regexp")
+                              (list (regexp :tag "Incoming Mailbox regexp")
+                                    (repeat :tag "Rules for matching server(s) 
and mailbox(es)"
+                                            (list (string :tag "Destination 
+                                                  (choice :tag "Predicate"
+                                                          (regexp :tag "A 
(nnimap-strict-function :tag "A Function")))))))))
+ (defcustom nnimap-split-predicate "UNSEEN UNDELETED"
+   "The predicate used to find articles to split.
+ If you use another IMAP client to peek on articles but always would
+ like nnimap to split them once it's started, you could change this to
+ \"UNDELETED\". Other available predicates are available in
+ RFC2060 section 6.4.4."
+   :group 'nnimap
+   :type 'string)
+ (defcustom nnimap-split-fancy nil
+   "Like the variable `nnmail-split-fancy'."
+   :group 'nnimap
+   :type 'sexp)
+ (defvar nnimap-split-download-body-default nil
+   "Internal variable with default value for `nnimap-split-download-body'.")
+ (defcustom nnimap-split-download-body 'default
+   "Whether to download entire articles during splitting.
+ This is generally not required, and will slow things down considerably.
+ You may need it if you want to use an advanced splitting function that
+ analyses the body before splitting the article.
+ If this variable is nil, bodies will not be downloaded; if this
+ variable is the symbol `default' the default behaviour is
+ used (which currently is nil, unless you use a statistical
+ spam.el test); if this variable is another non-nil value bodies
+ will be downloaded."
+   :group 'nnimap
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Let system decide" deault)
+                boolean))
+ ;; Performance / bug workaround variables
+ (defcustom nnimap-close-asynchronous t
+   "Close mailboxes asynchronously in `nnimap-close-group'.
+ This means that errors cought by nnimap when closing the mailbox will
+ not prevent Gnus from updating the group status, which may be harmful.
+ However, it increases speed."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'nnimap)
+ (defcustom nnimap-dont-close t
+   "Never close mailboxes.
+ This increases the speed of closing mailboxes (quiting group) but may
+ decrease the speed of selecting another mailbox later.  Re-selecting
+ the same mailbox will be faster though."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'nnimap)
+ (defcustom nnimap-retrieve-groups-asynchronous t
+   "Send asynchronous STATUS commands for each mailbox before checking mail.
+ If you have mailboxes that rarely receives mail, this speeds up new
+ mail checking.  It works by first sending STATUS commands for each
+ mailbox, and then only checking groups which has a modified UIDNEXT
+ more carefully for new mail.
+ In summary, the default is O((1-p)*k+p*n) and changing it to nil makes
+ it O(n).  If p is small, then the default is probably faster."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'nnimap)
+ (defvoo nnimap-need-unselect-to-notice-new-mail nil
+   "Unselect mailboxes before looking for new mail in them.
+ Some servers seem to need this under some circumstances.")
+ ;; Authorization / Privacy variables
+ (defvoo nnimap-auth-method nil
+   "Obsolete.")
+ (defvoo nnimap-stream nil
+   "How nnimap will connect to the server.
+ The default, nil, will try to use the \"best\" method the server can
+ handle.
+ Change this if
+ 1) you want to connect with TLS/SSL.  The TLS/SSL integration
+    with IMAP is suboptimal so you'll have to tell it
+    specifically.
+ 2) your server is more capable than your environment -- i.e. your
+    server accept Kerberos login's but you haven't installed the
+    `imtest' program or your machine isn't configured for Kerberos.
+ Possible choices: gssapi, kerberos4, starttls, tls, ssl, network, shell.
+ See also `imap-streams' and `imap-stream-alist'.")
+ (defvoo nnimap-authenticator nil
+   "How nnimap authenticate itself to the server.
+ The default, nil, will try to use the \"best\" method the server can
+ handle.
+ There is only one reason for fiddling with this variable, and that is
+ if your server is more capable than your environment -- i.e. you
+ connect to a server that accept Kerberos login's but you haven't
+ installed the `imtest' program or your machine isn't configured for
+ Kerberos.
+ Possible choices: gssapi, kerberos4, digest-md5, cram-md5, login, anonymous.
+ See also `imap-authenticators' and `imap-authenticator-alist'")
+ (defvoo nnimap-directory (nnheader-concat gnus-directory "overview/")
+   "Directory to keep NOV cache files for nnimap groups.
+ See also `nnimap-nov-file-name'.")
+ (defvoo nnimap-nov-file-name "nnimap."
+   "NOV cache base filename.
+ The group name and `nnimap-nov-file-name-suffix' will be appended.  A
+ typical complete file name would be
+ ~/News/overview/nnimap.pdc.INBOX.ding.nov, or
+ ~/News/overview/nnimap/pdc/INBOX/ding/nov if
+ `nnmail-use-long-file-names' is nil")
+ (defvoo nnimap-nov-file-name-suffix ".novcache"
+   "Suffix for NOV cache base filename.")
+ (defvoo nnimap-nov-is-evil gnus-agent
+   "If non-nil, never generate or use a local nov database for this backend.
+ Using nov databases should speed up header fetching considerably.
+ However, it will invoke a UID SEARCH UID command on the server, and
+ some servers implement this command inefficiently by opening each and
+ every message in the group, thus making it quite slow.
+ Unlike other backends, you do not need to take special care if you
+ flip this variable.")
+ (defvoo nnimap-expunge-on-close 'always ; 'ask, 'never
+   "Whether to expunge a group when it is closed.
+ When a IMAP group with articles marked for deletion is closed, this
+ variable determine if nnimap should actually remove the articles or
+ not.
+ If always, nnimap always perform a expunge when closing the group.
+ If never, nnimap never expunges articles marked for deletion.
+ If ask, nnimap will ask you if you wish to expunge marked articles.
+ When setting this variable to `never', you can only expunge articles
+ by using `G x' (gnus-group-nnimap-expunge) from the Group buffer.")
+ (defvoo nnimap-list-pattern "*"
+   "A string LIMIT or list of strings with mailbox wildcards used to limit 
available groups.
+ See below for available wildcards.
+ The LIMIT string can be a cons cell (REFERENCE . LIMIT), where
+ REFERENCE will be passed as the first parameter to LIST/LSUB.  The
+ semantics of this are server specific, on the University of Washington
+ server you can specify a directory.
+ Example:
+  '(\"INBOX\" \"mail/*\" (\"~friend/mail/\" . \"list/*\"))
+ There are two wildcards * and %. * matches everything, % matches
+ everything in the current hierarchy.")
+ (defvoo nnimap-news-groups nil
+   "IMAP support a news-like mode, also known as bulletin board mode,
+ where replies is sent via IMAP instead of SMTP.
+ This variable should contain a regexp matching groups where you wish
+ replies to be stored to the mailbox directly.
+ Example:
+   '(\"^[^I][^N][^B][^O][^X].*$\")
+ This will match all groups not beginning with \"INBOX\".
+ Note that there is nothing technically different between mail-like and
+ news-like mailboxes.  If you wish to have a group with todo items or
+ similar which you wouldn't want to set up a mailing list for, you can
+ use this to make replies go directly to the group.")
+ (defvoo nnimap-expunge-search-string "UID %s NOT SINCE %s"
+   "IMAP search command to use for articles that are to be expired.
+ The first %s is replaced by a UID set of articles to search on,
+ and the second %s is replaced by a date criterium.
+ One useful (and perhaps the only useful) value to change this to would
+ be `UID %s NOT SENTSINCE %s' to make nnimap use the Date: header
+ instead of the internal date of messages.  See section 6.4.4 of RFC
+ 2060 for more information on valid strings.")
+ (defvoo nnimap-importantize-dormant t
+   "If non-nil, mark \"dormant\" articles as \"ticked\" for other IMAP clients.
+ Note that within Gnus, dormant articles will still (only) be
+ marked as ticked.  This is to make \"dormant\" articles stand out,
+ just like \"ticked\" articles, in other IMAP clients.")
+ (defvoo nnimap-server-address nil
+   "Obsolete.  Use `nnimap-address'.")
+ (defcustom nnimap-authinfo-file "~/.authinfo"
+   "Authorization information for IMAP servers.  In .netrc format."
+   :type
+   '(choice file
+          (repeat :tag "Entries"
+                  :menu-tag "Inline"
+                  (list :format "%v"
+                        :value ("" ("login" . "") ("password" . ""))
+                        (string :tag "Host")
+                        (checklist :inline t
+                                   (cons :format "%v"
+                                         (const :format "" "login")
+                                         (string :format "Login: %v"))
+                                   (cons :format "%v"
+                                         (const :format "" "password")
+                                         (string :format "Password: %v")))))))
+ (defcustom nnimap-prune-cache t
+   "If non-nil, nnimap check whether articles still exist on server before 
using data stored in NOV cache."
+   :type 'boolean)
+ (defvar nnimap-request-list-method 'imap-mailbox-list
+   "Method to use to request a list of all folders from the server.
+ If this is 'imap-mailbox-lsub, then use a server-side subscription list to
+ restrict visible folders.")
+ (defcustom nnimap-debug nil
+   "If non-nil, random debug spews are placed in *nnimap-debug* buffer."
+   :group 'nnimap
+   :type 'boolean)
+ ;; Internal variables:
+ (defvar nnimap-debug-buffer "*nnimap-debug*")
+ (defvar nnimap-mailbox-info (gnus-make-hashtable 997))
+ (defvar nnimap-current-move-server nil)
+ (defvar nnimap-current-move-group nil)
+ (defvar nnimap-current-move-article nil)
+ (defvar nnimap-length)
+ (defvar nnimap-progress-chars '(?| ?/ ?- ?\\))
+ (defvar nnimap-progress-how-often 20)
+ (defvar nnimap-counter)
+ (defvar nnimap-server-buffer-alist nil)       ;; Map server name to buffers.
+ (defvar nnimap-current-server nil) ;; Current server
+ (defvar nnimap-server-buffer nil) ;; Current servers' buffer
+ (nnoo-define-basics nnimap)
+ ;; Utility functions:
+ (defsubst nnimap-get-server-buffer (server)
+   "Return buffer for SERVER, if nil use current server."
+   (cadr (assoc (or server nnimap-current-server) nnimap-server-buffer-alist)))
+ (defun nnimap-possibly-change-server (server)
+   "Return buffer for SERVER, changing the current server as a side-effect.
+ If SERVER is nil, uses the current server."
+   (setq nnimap-current-server (or server nnimap-current-server)
+       nnimap-server-buffer (nnimap-get-server-buffer nnimap-current-server)))
+ (defun nnimap-verify-uidvalidity (group server)
+   "Verify stored uidvalidity match current one in GROUP on SERVER."
+   (let* ((gnusgroup (gnus-group-prefixed-name
+                    group (gnus-server-to-method
+                           (format "nnimap:%s" server))))
+        (new-uidvalidity (imap-mailbox-get 'uidvalidity))
+        (old-uidvalidity (gnus-group-get-parameter gnusgroup 'uidvalidity))
+        (dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name nnimap-directory)))
+        (nameuid (nnheader-translate-file-chars
+                  (concat nnimap-nov-file-name
+                          (if (equal server "")
+                              "unnamed"
+                            server) "." group "." old-uidvalidity
+                          nnimap-nov-file-name-suffix) t))
+        (file (if (or nnmail-use-long-file-names
+                      (file-exists-p (expand-file-name nameuid dir)))
+                  (expand-file-name nameuid dir)
+                (expand-file-name
+                 (mm-encode-coding-string
+                  (nnheader-replace-chars-in-string nameuid ?. ?/)
+                  nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+                 dir))))
+     (if old-uidvalidity
+       (if (not (equal old-uidvalidity new-uidvalidity))
+           ;; uidvalidity clash
+           (gnus-delete-file file)
+         (gnus-group-set-parameter gnusgroup 'uidvalidity new-uidvalidity)
+         t)
+       (gnus-group-add-parameter gnusgroup (cons 'uidvalidity new-uidvalidity))
+       t)))
+ (defun nnimap-before-find-minmax-bugworkaround ()
+   "Function called before iterating through mailboxes with
+ `nnimap-find-minmax-uid'."
+   (when nnimap-need-unselect-to-notice-new-mail
+     ;; XXX this is for UoW imapd problem, it doesn't notice new mail in
+     ;; currently selected mailbox without a re-select/examine.
+     (or (null (imap-current-mailbox nnimap-server-buffer))
+       (imap-mailbox-unselect nnimap-server-buffer))))
+ (defun nnimap-find-minmax-uid (group &optional examine)
+   "Find lowest and highest active article number in GROUP.
+ If EXAMINE is non-nil the group is selected read-only."
+   (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+     (when (or (string= group (imap-current-mailbox))
+             (imap-mailbox-select group examine))
+       (let (minuid maxuid)
+       (when (> (imap-mailbox-get 'exists) 0)
+         (imap-fetch "1,*" "UID" nil 'nouidfetch)
+         (imap-message-map (lambda (uid Uid)
+                             (setq minuid (if minuid (min minuid uid) uid)
+                                   maxuid (if maxuid (max maxuid uid) uid)))
+                           'UID))
+       (list (imap-mailbox-get 'exists) minuid maxuid)))))
+ (defun nnimap-possibly-change-group (group &optional server)
+   "Make GROUP the current group, and SERVER the current server."
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+       (if (or (null group) (imap-current-mailbox-p group))
+         imap-current-mailbox
+       (if (imap-mailbox-select group)
+           (if (or (nnimap-verify-uidvalidity
+                    group (or server nnimap-current-server))
+                   (zerop (imap-mailbox-get 'exists group))
+                   t ;; for OGnus to see if ignoring uidvalidity
+                   ;; changes has any bad effects.
+                   (yes-or-no-p
+                    (format
+                     "nnimap: Group %s is not uidvalid.  Continue? " group)))
+               imap-current-mailbox
+             (imap-mailbox-unselect)
+             (error "nnimap: Group %s is not uid-valid" group))
+         (nnheader-report 'nnimap (imap-error-text)))))))
+ (defun nnimap-replace-whitespace (string)
+   "Return STRING with all whitespace replaced with space."
+   (when string
+     (while (string-match "[\r\n\t]+" string)
+       (setq string (replace-match " " t t string)))
+     string))
+ ;; Required backend functions
+ (defun nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress ()
+   "Hook to insert NOV line for current article into `nntp-server-buffer'."
+   (and (numberp nnmail-large-newsgroup)
+        (zerop (% (incf nnimap-counter) nnimap-progress-how-often))
+        (> nnimap-length nnmail-large-newsgroup)
+        (nnheader-message 6 "nnimap: Retrieving headers... %c"
+                        (nth (/ (% nnimap-counter
+                                   (* (length nnimap-progress-chars)
+                                      nnimap-progress-how-often))
+                                nnimap-progress-how-often)
+                             nnimap-progress-chars)))
+   (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer
+     (let (headers lines chars uid mbx)
+       (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+       (setq uid imap-current-message
+             mbx imap-current-mailbox
+             headers (nnimap-demule
+                      (if (imap-capability 'IMAP4rev1)
+                          ;; xxx don't just use car? alist doesn't contain
+                          ;; anything else now, but it might...
+                          (nth 2 (car (imap-message-get uid 'BODYDETAIL)))
+                        (imap-message-get uid 'RFC822.HEADER)))
+             lines (imap-body-lines (imap-message-body imap-current-message))
+             chars (imap-message-get imap-current-message 'RFC822.SIZE)))
+       (nnheader-insert-nov
+        (with-temp-buffer
+        (buffer-disable-undo)
+        (insert headers)
+        (let ((head (nnheader-parse-naked-head)))
+          (mail-header-set-number head uid)
+          (mail-header-set-chars head chars)
+          (mail-header-set-lines head lines)
+          (mail-header-set-xref
+           head (format "%s %s:%d" (system-name) mbx uid))
+          head))))))
+ (defun nnimap-retrieve-which-headers (articles fetch-old)
+   "Get a range of articles to fetch based on ARTICLES and FETCH-OLD."
+   (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+     (if (numberp (car-safe articles))
+       (imap-search
+        (concat "UID "
+                (imap-range-to-message-set
+                 (gnus-compress-sequence
+                  (append (gnus-uncompress-sequence
+                           (and fetch-old
+                                (cons (if (numberp fetch-old)
+                                          (max 1 (- (car articles) fetch-old))
+                                        1)
+                                      (1- (car articles)))))
+                          articles)))))
+       (mapcar (lambda (msgid)
+               (imap-search
+                (format "HEADER Message-Id \"%s\"" msgid)))
+             articles))))
+ (defun nnimap-group-overview-filename (group server)
+   "Make file name for GROUP on SERVER."
+   (let* ((dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name nnimap-directory)))
+        (uidvalidity (gnus-group-get-parameter
+                      (gnus-group-prefixed-name
+                       group (gnus-server-to-method
+                              (format "nnimap:%s" server)))
+                      'uidvalidity))
+        (name (nnheader-translate-file-chars
+               (concat nnimap-nov-file-name
+                       (if (equal server "")
+                           "unnamed"
+                         server) "." group nnimap-nov-file-name-suffix) t))
+        (nameuid (nnheader-translate-file-chars
+                  (concat nnimap-nov-file-name
+                          (if (equal server "")
+                              "unnamed"
+                            server) "." group "." uidvalidity
+                          nnimap-nov-file-name-suffix) t))
+        (oldfile (if (or nnmail-use-long-file-names
+                         (file-exists-p (expand-file-name name dir)))
+                     (expand-file-name name dir)
+                   (expand-file-name
+                    (mm-encode-coding-string
+                     (nnheader-replace-chars-in-string name ?. ?/)
+                     nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+                    dir)))
+        (newfile (if (or nnmail-use-long-file-names
+                         (file-exists-p (expand-file-name nameuid dir)))
+                     (expand-file-name nameuid dir)
+                   (expand-file-name
+                    (mm-encode-coding-string
+                     (nnheader-replace-chars-in-string nameuid ?. ?/)
+                     nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+                    dir))))
+     (when (and (file-exists-p oldfile) (not (file-exists-p newfile)))
+       (message "nnimap: Upgrading novcache filename...")
+       (sit-for 1)
+       (gnus-make-directory (file-name-directory newfile))
+       (unless (ignore-errors (rename-file oldfile newfile) t)
+       (if (ignore-errors (copy-file oldfile newfile) t)
+           (delete-file oldfile)
+         (error "Can't rename `%s' to `%s'" oldfile newfile))))
+     newfile))
+ (defun nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-file (group server)
+   (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer
+     (let ((nov (nnimap-group-overview-filename group server)))
+       (when (file-exists-p nov)
+       (mm-insert-file-contents nov)
+       (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+       (let ((min (ignore-errors (goto-char (point-min))
+                                 (read (current-buffer))))
+             (max (ignore-errors (goto-char (point-max))
+                                 (forward-line -1)
+                                 (read (current-buffer)))))
+         (if (and (numberp min) (numberp max))
+             (cons min max)
+           ;; junk, remove it, it's saved later
+           (erase-buffer)
+           nil))))))
+ (defun nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server (articles group server)
+   (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+     (let ((imap-fetch-data-hook '(nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress))
+         (nnimap-length (gnus-range-length articles))
+         (nnimap-counter 0))
+       (imap-fetch (imap-range-to-message-set articles)
+                 (concat "(UID RFC822.SIZE BODY "
+                         (let ((headers
+                                (append '(Subject From Date Message-Id
+                                                  References In-Reply-To Xref)
+                                        (copy-sequence
+                                         nnmail-extra-headers))))
+                           (if (imap-capability 'IMAP4rev1)
+                               (format "BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS %s])" headers)
+                             (format "RFC822.HEADER.LINES %s)" headers)))))
+       (and (numberp nnmail-large-newsgroup)
+          (> nnimap-length nnmail-large-newsgroup)
+          (nnheader-message 6 "nnimap: Retrieving headers...done")))))
+ (defun nnimap-dont-use-nov-p (group server)
+   (or gnus-nov-is-evil nnimap-nov-is-evil
+       (unless (and (gnus-make-directory
+                   (file-name-directory
+                    (nnimap-group-overview-filename group server)))
+                  (file-writable-p
+                   (nnimap-group-overview-filename group server)))
+       (message "nnimap: Nov cache not writable, %s"
+                (nnimap-group-overview-filename group server)))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-retrieve-headers (articles &optional group server fetch-old)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-group group server)
+     (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (if (nnimap-dont-use-nov-p group server)
+         (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server
+          (gnus-compress-sequence articles) group server)
+       (let (uids cached low high)
+         (when (setq uids (nnimap-retrieve-which-headers articles fetch-old)
+                     low (car uids)
+                     high (car (last uids)))
+           (if (setq cached (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-file group server))
+               (progn
+                 ;; fetch articles with uids before cache block
+                 (when (< low (car cached))
+                   (goto-char (point-min))
+                   (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server
+                    (cons low (1- (car cached))) group server))
+                 ;; fetch articles with uids after cache block
+                 (when (> high (cdr cached))
+                   (goto-char (point-max))
+                   (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server
+                    (cons (1+ (cdr cached)) high) group server))
+                 (when nnimap-prune-cache
+                   ;; remove nov's for articles which has expired on server
+                   (goto-char (point-min))
+                   (dolist (uid (gnus-set-difference articles uids))
+                     (when (re-search-forward (format "^%d\t" uid) nil t)
+                       (gnus-delete-line)))))
+             ;; nothing cached, fetch whole range from server
+             (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server
+              (cons low high) group server))
+           (when (buffer-modified-p)
+             (nnmail-write-region
+              (point-min) (point-max)
+              (nnimap-group-overview-filename group server) nil 'nomesg))
+           (nnheader-nov-delete-outside-range low high))))
+       'nov)))
+ (defun nnimap-open-connection (server)
+   (if (not (imap-open nnimap-address nnimap-server-port nnimap-stream
+                     nnimap-authenticator nnimap-server-buffer))
+       (nnheader-report 'nnimap "Can't open connection to server %s" server)
+     (unless (or (imap-capability 'IMAP4 nnimap-server-buffer)
+               (imap-capability 'IMAP4rev1 nnimap-server-buffer))
+       (imap-close nnimap-server-buffer)
+       (nnheader-report 'nnimap "Server %s is not IMAP4 compliant" server))
+     (let* ((list (gnus-parse-netrc nnimap-authinfo-file))
+          (port (if nnimap-server-port
+                    (int-to-string nnimap-server-port)
+                  "imap"))
+          (alist (or (gnus-netrc-machine list server port "imap")
+                     (gnus-netrc-machine list
+                                         (or nnimap-server-address
+                                             nnimap-address)
+                                         port "imap")))
+          (user (gnus-netrc-get alist "login"))
+          (passwd (gnus-netrc-get alist "password")))
+       (if (imap-authenticate user passwd nnimap-server-buffer)
+         (prog1
+             (push (list server nnimap-server-buffer)
+                   nnimap-server-buffer-alist)
+           (nnimap-possibly-change-server server))
+       (imap-close nnimap-server-buffer)
+       (kill-buffer nnimap-server-buffer)
+       (nnheader-report 'nnimap "Could not authenticate to %s" server)))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-open-server (server &optional defs)
+   (nnheader-init-server-buffer)
+   (if (nnimap-server-opened server)
+       t
+     (unless (assq 'nnimap-server-buffer defs)
+       (push (list 'nnimap-server-buffer (concat " *nnimap* " server)) defs))
+     ;; translate `nnimap-server-address' to `nnimap-address' in defs
+     ;; for people that configured nnimap with a very old version
+     (unless (assq 'nnimap-address defs)
+       (if (assq 'nnimap-server-address defs)
+         (push (list 'nnimap-address
+                     (cadr (assq 'nnimap-server-address defs))) defs)
+       (push (list 'nnimap-address server) defs)))
+     (nnoo-change-server 'nnimap server defs)
+     (or nnimap-server-buffer
+       (setq nnimap-server-buffer (cadr (assq 'nnimap-server-buffer defs))))
+     (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create nnimap-server-buffer)
+       (nnoo-change-server 'nnimap server defs))
+     (or (and nnimap-server-buffer
+            (imap-opened nnimap-server-buffer)
+            (if (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+                  (memq imap-state '(auth select examine)))
+                t
+              (imap-close nnimap-server-buffer)
+              (nnimap-open-connection server)))
+       (nnimap-open-connection server))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-server-opened (&optional server)
+   "Whether SERVER is opened.
+ If SERVER is the current virtual server, and the connection to the
+ physical server is alive, this function return a non-nil value.  If
+ SERVER is nil, it is treated as the current server."
+   ;; clean up autologouts??
+   (and (or server nnimap-current-server)
+        (nnoo-server-opened 'nnimap (or server nnimap-current-server))
+        (imap-opened (nnimap-get-server-buffer server))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-close-server (&optional server)
+   "Close connection to server and free all resources connected to it.
+ Return nil if the server couldn't be closed for some reason."
+   (let ((server (or server nnimap-current-server)))
+     (when (or (nnimap-server-opened server)
+             (imap-opened (nnimap-get-server-buffer server)))
+       (imap-close (nnimap-get-server-buffer server))
+       (kill-buffer (nnimap-get-server-buffer server))
+       (setq nnimap-server-buffer nil
+           nnimap-current-server nil
+           nnimap-server-buffer-alist
+           (delq server nnimap-server-buffer-alist)))
+     (nnoo-close-server 'nnimap server)))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-close ()
+   "Close connection to all servers and free all resources that the backend 
have reserved.
+ All buffers that have been created by that
+ backend should be killed.  (Not the nntp-server-buffer, though.) This
+ function is generally only called when Gnus is shutting down."
+   (mapcar (lambda (server) (nnimap-close-server (car server)))
+         nnimap-server-buffer-alist)
+   (setq nnimap-server-buffer-alist nil))
+ (deffoo nnimap-status-message (&optional server)
+   "This function returns the last error message from server."
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (nnoo-status-message 'nnimap server)))
+ (defun nnimap-demule (string)
+   (funcall (if (and (fboundp 'string-as-multibyte)
+                   (subrp (symbol-function 'string-as-multibyte)))
+              'string-as-multibyte
+            'identity)
+          (or string "")))
+ (defun nnimap-make-callback (article gnus-callback buffer)
+   "Return a callback function."
+   `(lambda () 
+      (nnimap-callback ,article ,gnus-callback ,buffer)))
+ (defun nnimap-callback (article gnus-callback buffer)
+   (when (eq article (imap-current-message))
+     (remove-hook 'imap-fetch-data-hook
+                (nnimap-make-callback article gnus-callback buffer))
+     (with-current-buffer buffer
+       (insert
+        (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+        (nnimap-demule
+         (if (imap-capability 'IMAP4rev1)
+             ;; xxx don't just use car? alist doesn't contain
+             ;; anything else now, but it might...
+             (nth 2 (car (imap-message-get article 'BODYDETAIL)))
+           (imap-message-get article 'RFC822)))))
+       (nnheader-ms-strip-cr)
+       (funcall gnus-callback t))))
+ (defun nnimap-request-article-part (article part prop &optional
+                                           group server to-buffer detail)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-group group server)
+     (let ((article (if (stringp article)
+                      (car-safe (imap-search
+                                 (format "HEADER Message-Id \"%s\"" article)
+                                 nnimap-server-buffer))
+                    article)))
+       (when article
+       (gnus-message 10 "nnimap: Fetching (part of) article %d from %s..."
+                     article (or group imap-current-mailbox
+                                 gnus-newsgroup-name))
+       (if (not nnheader-callback-function)
+           (with-current-buffer (or to-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+             (erase-buffer)
+             (let ((data (imap-fetch article part prop nil
+                                     nnimap-server-buffer)))
+               (insert (nnimap-demule (if detail
+                                          (nth 2 (car data))
+                                        data))))
+             (nnheader-ms-strip-cr)
+             (gnus-message
+              10 "nnimap: Fetching (part of) article %d from %s...done"
+              article (or group imap-current-mailbox gnus-newsgroup-name))
+             (if (bobp)
+                 (nnheader-report 'nnimap "No such article %d in %s: %s"
+                                  article (or group imap-current-mailbox
+                                              gnus-newsgroup-name)
+                                  (imap-error-text nnimap-server-buffer))
+               (cons group article)))
+         (add-hook 'imap-fetch-data-hook
+                   (nnimap-make-callback article 
+                                         nnheader-callback-function 
+                                         nntp-server-buffer))
+         (imap-fetch-asynch article part nil nnimap-server-buffer)
+         (cons group article))))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-asynchronous-p ()
+   t)
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-article (article &optional group server to-buffer)
+   (if (imap-capability 'IMAP4rev1 nnimap-server-buffer)
+       (nnimap-request-article-part
+        article "BODY.PEEK[]" 'BODYDETAIL group server to-buffer 'detail)
+     (nnimap-request-article-part
+      article "RFC822.PEEK" 'RFC822 group server to-buffer)))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-head (article &optional group server to-buffer)
+   (if (imap-capability 'IMAP4rev1 nnimap-server-buffer)
+       (nnimap-request-article-part
+        article "BODY.PEEK[HEADER]" 'BODYDETAIL group server to-buffer 'detail)
+     (nnimap-request-article-part
+      article "RFC822.HEADER" 'RFC822.HEADER group server to-buffer)))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-body (article &optional group server to-buffer)
+   (if (imap-capability 'IMAP4rev1 nnimap-server-buffer)
+       (nnimap-request-article-part
+        article "BODY.PEEK[TEXT]" 'BODYDETAIL group server to-buffer 'detail)
+     (nnimap-request-article-part
+      article "RFC822.TEXT.PEEK" 'RFC822.TEXT group server to-buffer)))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-group (group &optional server fast)
+   (nnimap-request-update-info-internal
+    group
+    (gnus-get-info (gnus-group-prefixed-name
+                  group (gnus-server-to-method (format "nnimap:%s" server))))
+    server)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-group group server)
+     (nnimap-before-find-minmax-bugworkaround)
+     (let (info)
+       (cond (fast group)
+           ((null (setq info (nnimap-find-minmax-uid group t)))
+            (nnheader-report 'nnimap "Could not get active info for %s"
+                             group))
+           (t
+            (nnheader-insert "211 %d %d %d %s\n" (or (nth 0 info) 0)
+                             (max 1 (or (nth 1 info) 1))
+                             (or (nth 2 info) 0) group)
+            (nnheader-report 'nnimap "Group %s selected" group)
+            t)))))
+ (defun nnimap-update-unseen (group &optional server)
+   "Update the unseen count in `nnimap-mailbox-info'."
+   (gnus-sethash
+    (gnus-group-prefixed-name group server)
+    (let ((old (gnus-gethash-safe (gnus-group-prefixed-name group server) 
+                                nnimap-mailbox-info)))
+      (list (nth 0 old) (nth 1 old)
+          (imap-mailbox-status group 'unseen nnimap-server-buffer)
+          (nth 3 old)))
+    nnimap-mailbox-info))
+ (defun nnimap-close-group (group &optional server)
+   (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+     (when (and (imap-opened)
+              (nnimap-possibly-change-group group server))
+       (nnimap-update-unseen group server)
+       (case nnimap-expunge-on-close
+       (always (progn
+                 (imap-mailbox-expunge nnimap-close-asynchronous)
+                 (unless nnimap-dont-close
+                   (imap-mailbox-close nnimap-close-asynchronous))))
+       (ask (if (and (imap-search "DELETED")
+                     (gnus-y-or-n-p (format "Expunge articles in group `%s'? "
+                                            imap-current-mailbox)))
+                (progn
+                  (imap-mailbox-expunge nnimap-close-asynchronous)
+                  (unless nnimap-dont-close
+                    (imap-mailbox-close nnimap-close-asynchronous)))
+              (imap-mailbox-unselect)))
+       (t (imap-mailbox-unselect)))
+       (not imap-current-mailbox))))
+ (defun nnimap-pattern-to-list-arguments (pattern)
+   (mapcar (lambda (p)
+           (cons (car-safe p) (or (cdr-safe p) p)))
+         (if (and (listp pattern)
+                  (listp (cdr pattern)))
+             pattern
+           (list pattern))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-list (&optional server)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer
+       (erase-buffer))
+     (gnus-message 5 "nnimap: Generating active list%s..."
+                 (if (> (length server) 0) (concat " for " server) ""))
+     (nnimap-before-find-minmax-bugworkaround)
+     (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+       (dolist (pattern (nnimap-pattern-to-list-arguments nnimap-list-pattern))
+       (dolist (mbx (funcall nnimap-request-list-method
+                             (cdr pattern) (car pattern)))
+         (or (member "\\NoSelect" (imap-mailbox-get 'list-flags mbx))
+             (let ((info (nnimap-find-minmax-uid mbx 'examine)))
+               (when info
+                 (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer
+                   (insert (format "\"%s\" %d %d y\n"
+                                   mbx (or (nth 2 info) 0)
+                                   (max 1 (or (nth 1 info) 1)))))))))))
+     (gnus-message 5 "nnimap: Generating active list%s...done"
+                 (if (> (length server) 0) (concat " for " server) ""))
+     t))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-post (&optional server)
+   (let ((success t))
+     (dolist (mbx (message-unquote-tokens
+                 (message-tokenize-header
+                  (message-fetch-field "Newsgroups") ", ")) success)
+       (let ((to-newsgroup (gnus-group-prefixed-name mbx gnus-command-method)))
+       (or (gnus-active to-newsgroup)
+           (gnus-activate-group to-newsgroup)
+           (if (gnus-y-or-n-p (format "No such group: %s.  Create it? "
+                                      to-newsgroup))
+               (or (and (gnus-request-create-group
+                         to-newsgroup gnus-command-method)
+                        (gnus-activate-group to-newsgroup nil nil
+                                             gnus-command-method))
+                   (error "Couldn't create group %s" to-newsgroup)))
+           (error "No such group: %s" to-newsgroup))
+       (unless (nnimap-request-accept-article mbx (nth 1 gnus-command-method))
+         (setq success nil))))))
+ ;; Optional backend functions
+ (defun nnimap-string-lessp-numerical (s1 s2)
+   "Return t if first arg string is less than second in numerical order."
+   (cond ((string= s1 s2)
+        nil)
+       ((> (length s1) (length s2))
+        nil)
+       ((< (length s1) (length s2))
+        t)
+       ((< (string-to-number (substring s1 0 1))
+           (string-to-number (substring s2 0 1)))
+        t)
+       ((> (string-to-number (substring s1 0 1))
+           (string-to-number (substring s2 0 1)))
+        nil)
+       (t
+        (nnimap-string-lessp-numerical (substring s1 1) (substring s2 1)))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-retrieve-groups (groups &optional server)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (gnus-message 5 "nnimap: Checking mailboxes...")
+     (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (nnimap-before-find-minmax-bugworkaround)
+       (let (asyncgroups slowgroups)
+       (if (null nnimap-retrieve-groups-asynchronous)
+           (setq slowgroups groups)
+         (dolist (group groups)
+           (gnus-message 9 "nnimap: Quickly checking mailbox %s" group)
+           (add-to-list (if (gnus-gethash-safe
+                             (gnus-group-prefixed-name group server)
+                             nnimap-mailbox-info)
+                            'asyncgroups
+                          'slowgroups)
+                        (list group (imap-mailbox-status-asynch
+                                     group '(uidvalidity uidnext unseen) 
+                                     nnimap-server-buffer))))
+         (dolist (asyncgroup asyncgroups)
+           (let ((group (nth 0 asyncgroup))
+                 (tag   (nth 1 asyncgroup))
+                 new old)
+             (when (imap-ok-p (imap-wait-for-tag tag nnimap-server-buffer))
+               (if (or (not (string=
+                             (nth 0 (gnus-gethash (gnus-group-prefixed-name
+                                                   group server)
+                                                  nnimap-mailbox-info))
+                             (imap-mailbox-get 'uidvalidity group 
+                                               nnimap-server-buffer)))
+                       (not (string=
+                             (nth 1 (gnus-gethash (gnus-group-prefixed-name
+                                                   group server)
+                                                  nnimap-mailbox-info))
+                             (imap-mailbox-get 'uidnext group
+                                               nnimap-server-buffer))))
+                   (push (list group) slowgroups)
+                 (insert (nth 3 (gnus-gethash (gnus-group-prefixed-name
+                                               group server)
+                                              nnimap-mailbox-info))))))))
+       (dolist (group slowgroups)
+         (if nnimap-retrieve-groups-asynchronous
+             (setq group (car group)))
+         (gnus-message 7 "nnimap: Mailbox %s modified" group)
+         (imap-mailbox-put 'uidnext nil group nnimap-server-buffer)
+         (or (member "\\NoSelect" (imap-mailbox-get 'list-flags group
+                                                    nnimap-server-buffer))
+             (let* ((info (nnimap-find-minmax-uid group 'examine))
+                    (str (format "\"%s\" %d %d y\n" group
+                                 (or (nth 2 info) 0)
+                                 (max 1 (or (nth 1 info) 1)))))
+               (when (> (or (imap-mailbox-get 'recent group
+                                              nnimap-server-buffer) 0)
+                        0)
+                 (push (list (cons group 0)) nnmail-split-history))
+               (insert str)
+               (when nnimap-retrieve-groups-asynchronous
+                 (gnus-sethash
+                  (gnus-group-prefixed-name group server)
+                  (list (or (imap-mailbox-get
+                             'uidvalidity group nnimap-server-buffer)
+                            (imap-mailbox-status
+                             group 'uidvalidity nnimap-server-buffer))
+                        (or (imap-mailbox-get
+                             'uidnext group nnimap-server-buffer)
+                            (imap-mailbox-status
+                             group 'uidnext nnimap-server-buffer))
+                        (or (imap-mailbox-get
+                             'unseen group nnimap-server-buffer)
+                            (imap-mailbox-status
+                             group 'unseen nnimap-server-buffer))
+                        str)
+                  nnimap-mailbox-info)))))))
+     (gnus-message 5 "nnimap: Checking mailboxes...done")
+     'active))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-update-info-internal (group info &optional server)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-group group server)
+     (when info ;; xxx what does this mean? should we create a info?
+       (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+       (gnus-message 5 "nnimap: Updating info for %s..."
+                     (gnus-info-group info))
+       (when (nnimap-mark-permanent-p 'read)
+         (let (seen unseen)
+           ;; read info could contain articles marked unread by other
+           ;; imap clients!  we correct this
+           (setq seen (gnus-uncompress-range (gnus-info-read info))
+                 unseen (imap-search "UNSEEN UNDELETED")
+                 seen (gnus-set-difference seen unseen)
+                 ;; seen might lack articles marked as read by other
+                 ;; imap clients! we correct this
+                 seen (append seen (imap-search "SEEN"))
+                 ;; remove dupes
+                 seen (sort seen '<)
+                 seen (gnus-compress-sequence seen t)
+                 ;; we can't return '(1) since this isn't a "list of ranges",
+                 ;; and we can't return '((1)) since g-list-of-unread-articles
+                 ;; is buggy so we return '((1 . 1)).
+                 seen (if (and (integerp (car seen))
+                               (null (cdr seen)))
+                          (list (cons (car seen) (car seen)))
+                        seen))
+           (gnus-info-set-read info seen)))
+       (mapcar (lambda (pred)
+                 (when (or (eq (cdr pred) 'recent)
+                           (and (nnimap-mark-permanent-p (cdr pred))
+                                (member (nnimap-mark-to-flag (cdr pred))
+                                        (imap-mailbox-get 'flags))))
+                   (gnus-info-set-marks
+                    info
+                    (gnus-update-alist-soft
+                     (cdr pred)
+                     (gnus-compress-sequence
+                      (imap-search (nnimap-mark-to-predicate (cdr pred))))
+                     (gnus-info-marks info))
+                    t)))
+               gnus-article-mark-lists)
+       (when nnimap-importantize-dormant
+         ;; nnimap mark dormant article as ticked too (for other clients)
+         ;; so we remove that mark for gnus since we support dormant
+         (gnus-info-set-marks
+          info
+          (gnus-update-alist-soft
+           'tick
+           (gnus-remove-from-range
+            (cdr-safe (assoc 'tick (gnus-info-marks info)))
+            (cdr-safe (assoc 'dormant (gnus-info-marks info))))
+           (gnus-info-marks info))
+          t))
+       (gnus-message 5 "nnimap: Updating info for %s...done"
+                     (gnus-info-group info))
+       info))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-type (group &optional article)
+   (if (and nnimap-news-groups (string-match nnimap-news-groups group))
+       'news
+     'mail))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-set-mark (group actions &optional server)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-group group server)
+     (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+       (let (action)
+       (gnus-message 7 "nnimap: Setting marks in %s..." group)
+       (while (setq action (pop actions))
+         (let ((range (nth 0 action))
+               (what  (nth 1 action))
+               (cmdmarks (nth 2 action))
+               marks)
+           ;; bookmark can't be stored (not list/range
+           (setq cmdmarks (delq 'bookmark cmdmarks))
+           ;; killed can't be stored (not list/range
+           (setq cmdmarks (delq 'killed cmdmarks))
+           ;; unsent are for nndraft groups only
+           (setq cmdmarks (delq 'unsent cmdmarks))
+           ;; cache flags are pointless on the server
+           (setq cmdmarks (delq 'cache cmdmarks))
+           ;; seen flags are local to each gnus
+           (setq cmdmarks (delq 'seen cmdmarks))
+           ;; recent marks can't be set
+           (setq cmdmarks (delq 'recent cmdmarks))
+           (when nnimap-importantize-dormant
+             ;; flag dormant articles as ticked
+             (if (memq 'dormant cmdmarks)
+                 (setq cmdmarks (cons 'tick cmdmarks))))
+           ;; remove stuff we are forbidden to store
+           (mapcar (lambda (mark)
+                     (if (imap-message-flag-permanent-p
+                          (nnimap-mark-to-flag mark))
+                         (setq marks (cons mark marks))))
+                   cmdmarks)
+           (when (and range marks)
+             (cond ((eq what 'del)
+                    (imap-message-flags-del
+                     (imap-range-to-message-set range)
+                     (nnimap-mark-to-flag marks nil t)))
+                   ((eq what 'add)
+                    (imap-message-flags-add
+                     (imap-range-to-message-set range)
+                     (nnimap-mark-to-flag marks nil t)))
+                   ((eq what 'set)
+                    (imap-message-flags-set
+                     (imap-range-to-message-set range)
+                     (nnimap-mark-to-flag marks nil t)))))))
+       (gnus-message 7 "nnimap: Setting marks in %s...done" group))))
+   nil)
+ (defun nnimap-split-fancy ()
+   "Like the function `nnmail-split-fancy', but uses `nnimap-split-fancy'."
+   (let ((nnmail-split-fancy nnimap-split-fancy))
+     (nnmail-split-fancy)))
+ (defun nnimap-split-to-groups (rules)
+   ;; tries to match all rules in nnimap-split-rule against content of
+   ;; nntp-server-buffer, returns a list of groups that matched.
+   (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer
+     ;; Fold continuation lines.
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (while (re-search-forward "\\(\r?\n[ \t]+\\)+" nil t)
+       (replace-match " " t t))
+     (if (functionp rules)
+       (funcall rules)
+       (let (to-groups regrepp)
+       (catch 'split-done
+         (dolist (rule rules to-groups)
+           (let ((group (car rule))
+                 (regexp (cadr rule)))
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (when (and (if (stringp regexp)
+                            (progn
+                              (if (not (stringp group))
+                                  (setq group (eval group))
+                                (setq regrepp
+                                      (string-match "\\\\[0-9&]" group)))
+                              (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
+                          (funcall regexp group))
+                        ;; Don't enter the article into the same group twice.
+                        (not (assoc group to-groups)))
+               (push (if regrepp
+                         (nnmail-expand-newtext group)
+                       group)
+                     to-groups)
+               (or nnimap-split-crosspost
+                   (throw 'split-done to-groups))))))))))
+ (defun nnimap-assoc-match (key alist)
+   (let (element)
+     (while (and alist (not element))
+       (if (string-match (car (car alist)) key)
+         (setq element (car alist)))
+       (setq alist (cdr alist)))
+     element))
+ (defun nnimap-split-find-rule (server inbox)
+   (if (and (listp nnimap-split-rule) (listp (car nnimap-split-rule))
+          (list (cdar nnimap-split-rule)) (listp (cadar nnimap-split-rule)))
+       ;; extended format
+       (cadr (nnimap-assoc-match inbox (cdr (nnimap-assoc-match
+                                           server nnimap-split-rule))))
+     nnimap-split-rule))
+ (defun nnimap-split-find-inbox (server)
+   (if (listp nnimap-split-inbox)
+       nnimap-split-inbox
+     (list nnimap-split-inbox)))
+ (defun nnimap-split-articles (&optional group server)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+       (let (rule inbox removeorig (inboxes (nnimap-split-find-inbox server)))
+       ;; iterate over inboxes
+       (while (and (setq inbox (pop inboxes))
+                   (nnimap-possibly-change-group inbox)) ;; SELECT
+         ;; find split rule for this server / inbox
+         (when (setq rule (nnimap-split-find-rule server inbox))
+           ;; iterate over articles
+           (dolist (article (imap-search nnimap-split-predicate))
+             (when (if (if (eq nnimap-split-download-body 'default)
+                           nnimap-split-download-body-default
+                         nnimap-split-download-body)
+                       (and (nnimap-request-article article)
+                            (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer 
+                     (nnimap-request-head article))
+               ;; copy article to right group(s)
+               (setq removeorig nil)
+               (dolist (to-group (nnimap-split-to-groups rule))
+                 (cond ((eq to-group 'junk)
+                        (message "IMAP split removed %s:%s:%d" server inbox
+                                 article)
+                        (setq removeorig t))
+                       ((imap-message-copy (number-to-string article)
+                                           to-group nil 'nocopyuid)
+                        (message "IMAP split moved %s:%s:%d to %s" server
+                                 inbox article to-group)
+                        (setq removeorig t)
+                        (when nnmail-cache-accepted-message-ids
+                          (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer
+                            (let (msgid)
+                              (and (setq msgid
+                                         (nnmail-fetch-field "message-id"))
+                                   (nnmail-cache-insert msgid 
+                                                        to-group
+                                                        (nnmail-fetch-field 
+                        ;; Add the group-art list to the history list.
+                        (push (list (cons to-group 0)) nnmail-split-history))
+                       (t
+                        (message "IMAP split failed to move %s:%s:%d to %s"
+                                 server inbox article to-group))))
+               (if (if (eq nnimap-split-download-body 'default)
+                       nnimap-split-download-body-default
+                     nnimap-split-download-body)
+                   (widen))
+               ;; remove article if it was successfully copied somewhere
+               (and removeorig
+                    (imap-message-flags-add (format "%d" article)
+                                            "\\Seen \\Deleted")))))
+         (when (imap-mailbox-select inbox) ;; just in case
+           ;; todo: UID EXPUNGE (if available) to remove splitted articles
+           (imap-mailbox-expunge)
+           (imap-mailbox-close)))
+       (when nnmail-cache-accepted-message-ids
+         (nnmail-cache-close))
+       t))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-scan (&optional group server)
+   (nnimap-split-articles group server))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-newgroups (date &optional server)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer
+       (gnus-message 5 "nnimap: Listing subscribed mailboxes%s%s..."
+                   (if (> (length server) 0) " on " "") server)
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (nnimap-before-find-minmax-bugworkaround)
+       (dolist (pattern (nnimap-pattern-to-list-arguments
+                       nnimap-list-pattern))
+       (dolist (mbx (imap-mailbox-lsub (cdr pattern) (car pattern) nil
+                                       nnimap-server-buffer))
+         (or (catch 'found
+               (dolist (mailbox (imap-mailbox-get 'list-flags mbx
+                                                  nnimap-server-buffer))
+                 (if (string= (downcase mailbox) "\\noselect")
+                     (throw 'found t)))
+               nil)
+             (let ((info (nnimap-find-minmax-uid mbx 'examine)))
+               (when info
+                 (insert (format "\"%s\" %d %d y\n"
+                                 mbx (or (nth 2 info) 0)
+                                 (max 1 (or (nth 1 info) 1)))))))))
+       (gnus-message 5 "nnimap: Listing subscribed mailboxes%s%s...done"
+                   (if (> (length server) 0) " on " "") server))
+     t))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-create-group (group &optional server args)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (or (imap-mailbox-status group 'uidvalidity nnimap-server-buffer)
+       (imap-mailbox-create group nnimap-server-buffer)
+       (nnheader-report 'nnimap "%S"
+                        (imap-error-text nnimap-server-buffer)))))
+ (defun nnimap-time-substract (time1 time2)
+   "Return TIME for TIME1 - TIME2."
+   (let* ((ms (- (car time1) (car time2)))
+        (ls (- (nth 1 time1) (nth 1 time2))))
+     (if (< ls 0)
+       (list (- ms 1) (+ (expt 2 16) ls))
+       (list ms ls))))
+ (defun nnimap-date-days-ago (daysago)
+   "Return date, in format \"3-Aug-1998\", for DAYSAGO days ago."
+   (let* ((time (nnimap-time-substract (current-time) (days-to-time daysago)))
+        (date (format-time-string
+               (format "%%d-%s-%%Y"
+                       (capitalize (car (rassoc (nth 4 (decode-time time))
+                                                parse-time-months))))
+               time)))
+     (if (eq ?0 (string-to-char date))
+       (substring date 1)
+       date)))
+ (defun nnimap-request-expire-articles-progress ()
+   (gnus-message 5 "nnimap: Marking article %d for deletion..."
+               imap-current-message))
+ (defun nnimap-expiry-target (arts group server)
+   (unless (eq nnmail-expiry-target 'delete)
+     (with-temp-buffer
+       (dolist (art arts)
+       (nnimap-request-article art group server (current-buffer))
+       ;; hints for optimization in `nnimap-request-accept-article'
+       (let ((nnimap-current-move-article art)
+             (nnimap-current-move-group group)
+             (nnimap-current-move-server server))
+         (nnmail-expiry-target-group nnmail-expiry-target group))))
+     ;; It is not clear if `nnmail-expiry-target' somehow cause the
+     ;; current group to be changed or not, so we make sure here.
+     (nnimap-possibly-change-group group server)))
+ ;; Notice that we don't actually delete anything, we just mark them deleted.
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-expire-articles (articles group &optional server force)
+   (let ((artseq (gnus-compress-sequence articles)))
+     (when (and artseq (nnimap-possibly-change-group group server))
+       (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+       (let ((days (or (and nnmail-expiry-wait-function
+                            (funcall nnmail-expiry-wait-function group))
+                       nnmail-expiry-wait)))
+         (cond ((or force (eq days 'immediate))
+                (let ((oldarts (imap-search
+                                (concat "UID " 
+                                        (imap-range-to-message-set artseq)))))
+                  (when oldarts
+                    (nnimap-expiry-target oldarts group server)
+                    (when (imap-message-flags-add
+                           (imap-range-to-message-set 
+                            (gnus-compress-sequence oldarts)) "\\Deleted")
+                      (setq articles (gnus-set-difference
+                                      articles oldarts))))))
+               ((numberp days)
+                (let ((oldarts (imap-search
+                                (format nnimap-expunge-search-string
+                                        (imap-range-to-message-set artseq)
+                                        (nnimap-date-days-ago days))))
+                      (imap-fetch-data-hook
+                       '(nnimap-request-expire-articles-progress)))
+                  (when oldarts
+                    (nnimap-expiry-target oldarts group server)
+                    (when (imap-message-flags-add
+                           (imap-range-to-message-set 
+                            (gnus-compress-sequence oldarts)) "\\Deleted")
+                      (setq articles (gnus-set-difference 
+                                      articles oldarts)))))))))))
+   ;; return articles not deleted
+   articles)
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-move-article (article group server
+                                            accept-form &optional last)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (save-excursion
+       (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *nnimap move*"))
+           (nnimap-current-move-article article)
+           (nnimap-current-move-group group)
+           (nnimap-current-move-server nnimap-current-server)
+           result)
+       (and (nnimap-request-article article group server)
+            (save-excursion
+              (set-buffer buf)
+              (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
+              (insert-buffer-substring nntp-server-buffer)
+              (setq result (eval accept-form))
+              (kill-buffer buf)
+              result)
+            (imap-message-flags-add
+             (imap-range-to-message-set (list article))
+             "\\Deleted" 'silent nnimap-server-buffer))
+       result))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-accept-article (group &optional server last)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (let (uid)
+       (if (setq uid
+               (if (string= nnimap-current-server nnimap-current-move-server)
+                   ;; moving article within same server, speed it up...
+                   (and (nnimap-possibly-change-group
+                         nnimap-current-move-group)
+                        (imap-message-copy (number-to-string
+                                            nnimap-current-move-article)
+                                           group 'dontcreate nil
+                                           nnimap-server-buffer))
+                 (with-current-buffer (current-buffer)
+                   (goto-char (point-min))
+                   ;; remove any 'From blabla' lines, some IMAP servers
+                   ;; reject the entire message otherwise.
+                   (when (looking-at "^From[^:]")
+                     (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line) (point))))
+                   ;; turn into rfc822 format (\r\n eol's)
+                   (while (search-forward "\n" nil t)
+                     (replace-match "\r\n"))
+                   (when nnmail-cache-accepted-message-ids
+                     (nnmail-cache-insert (nnmail-fetch-field "message-id")
+                                          group
+                                          (nnmail-fetch-field "subject"))))
+                 (when (and last nnmail-cache-accepted-message-ids)
+                   (nnmail-cache-close))
+                 ;; this 'or' is for Cyrus server bug
+                 (or (null (imap-current-mailbox nnimap-server-buffer))
+                     (imap-mailbox-unselect nnimap-server-buffer))
+                 (imap-message-append group (current-buffer) nil nil
+                                      nnimap-server-buffer)))
+         (cons group (nth 1 uid))
+       (nnheader-report 'nnimap (imap-error-text nnimap-server-buffer))))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-delete-group (group force &optional server)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+       (if force
+         (or (null (imap-mailbox-status group 'uidvalidity))
+             (imap-mailbox-delete group))
+       ;; UNSUBSCRIBE?
+       t))))
+ (deffoo nnimap-request-rename-group (group new-name &optional server)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (imap-mailbox-rename group new-name nnimap-server-buffer)))
+ (defun nnimap-expunge (mailbox server)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-group mailbox server)
+     (imap-mailbox-expunge nil nnimap-server-buffer)))
+ (defun nnimap-acl-get (mailbox server)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+     (and (imap-capability 'ACL nnimap-server-buffer)
+        (imap-mailbox-acl-get mailbox nnimap-server-buffer))))
+ (defun nnimap-acl-edit (mailbox method old-acls new-acls)
+   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server (cadr method))
+     (unless (imap-capability 'ACL nnimap-server-buffer)
+       (error "Your server does not support ACL editing"))
+     (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+       ;; delete all removed identifiers
+       (mapcar (lambda (old-acl)
+               (unless (assoc (car old-acl) new-acls)
+                 (or (imap-mailbox-acl-delete (car old-acl) mailbox)
+                     (error "Can't delete ACL for %s" (car old-acl)))))
+             old-acls)
+       ;; set all changed acl's
+       (mapcar (lambda (new-acl)
+               (let ((new-rights (cdr new-acl))
+                     (old-rights (cdr (assoc (car new-acl) old-acls))))
+                 (unless (and old-rights new-rights
+                              (string= old-rights new-rights))
+                   (or (imap-mailbox-acl-set (car new-acl) new-rights mailbox)
+                       (error "Can't set ACL for %s to %s" (car new-acl)
+                              new-rights)))))
+             new-acls)
+       t)))
+ ;;; Internal functions
+ ;;
+ ;; This is confusing.
+ ;;
+ ;; mark      => read, tick, draft, reply etc
+ ;; flag      => "\\Seen", "\\Flagged", "\\Draft", "gnus-expire" etc
+ ;; predicate => "SEEN", "FLAGGED", "DRAFT", "KEYWORD gnus-expire" etc
+ ;;
+ ;; Mark should not really contain 'read since it's not a "mark" in the Gnus
+ ;; world, but we cheat.  Mark == gnus-article-mark-lists + '(read . read).
+ ;;
+ (defconst nnimap-mark-to-predicate-alist
+   (mapcar
+    (lambda (pair)                     ; cdr is the mark
+      (or (assoc (cdr pair)
+               '((read . "SEEN")
+                 (tick . "FLAGGED")
+                 (draft . "DRAFT")
+                 (recent . "RECENT")
+                 (reply . "ANSWERED")))
+        (cons (cdr pair)
+              (format "KEYWORD gnus-%s" (symbol-name (cdr pair))))))
+    (cons '(read . read) gnus-article-mark-lists)))
+ (defun nnimap-mark-to-predicate (pred)
+   "Convert a Gnus mark (a symbol such as read, tick, expire) to a IMAP 
+ This is a string such as \"SEEN\", \"FLAGGED\", \"KEYWORD gnus-expire\",
+ to be used within a IMAP SEARCH query."
+   (cdr (assq pred nnimap-mark-to-predicate-alist)))
+ (defconst nnimap-mark-to-flag-alist
+   (mapcar
+    (lambda (pair)
+      (or (assoc (cdr pair)
+               '((read . "\\Seen")
+                 (tick . "\\Flagged")
+                 (draft . "\\Draft")
+                 (recent . "\\Recent")
+                 (reply . "\\Answered")))
+        (cons (cdr pair)
+              (format "gnus-%s" (symbol-name (cdr pair))))))
+    (cons '(read . read) gnus-article-mark-lists)))
+ (defun nnimap-mark-to-flag-1 (preds)
+   (if (and (not (null preds)) (listp preds))
+       (cons (nnimap-mark-to-flag (car preds))
+           (nnimap-mark-to-flag (cdr preds)))
+     (cdr (assoc preds nnimap-mark-to-flag-alist))))
+ (defun nnimap-mark-to-flag (preds &optional always-list make-string)
+   "Convert a Gnus mark (a symbol such as read, tick, expire) to a IMAP flag.
+ This is a string such as \"\\Seen\", \"\\Flagged\", \"gnus-expire\", to
+ be used in a STORE FLAGS command."
+   (let ((result (nnimap-mark-to-flag-1 preds)))
+     (setq result (if (and (or make-string always-list)
+                         (not (listp result)))
+                    (list result)
+                  result))
+     (if make-string
+       (mapconcat (lambda (flag)
+                    (if (listp flag)
+                        (mapconcat 'identity flag " ")
+                      flag))
+                  result " ")
+       result)))
+ (defun nnimap-mark-permanent-p (mark &optional group)
+   "Return t iff MARK can be permanently (between IMAP sessions) saved on 
articles, in GROUP."
+   (imap-message-flag-permanent-p (nnimap-mark-to-flag mark)))
+ (when nnimap-debug
+   (require 'trace)
+   (buffer-disable-undo (get-buffer-create nnimap-debug-buffer))
+   (mapcar (lambda (f) (trace-function-background f nnimap-debug-buffer))
+         '(
+           nnimap-possibly-change-server
+           nnimap-verify-uidvalidity
+           nnimap-find-minmax-uid
+           nnimap-before-find-minmax-bugworkaround
+           nnimap-possibly-change-group
+           ;;nnimap-replace-whitespace
+           nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress
+           nnimap-retrieve-which-headers
+           nnimap-group-overview-filename
+           nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-file
+           nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server
+           nnimap-retrieve-headers
+           nnimap-open-connection
+           nnimap-open-server
+           nnimap-server-opened
+           nnimap-close-server
+           nnimap-request-close
+           nnimap-status-message
+           ;;nnimap-demule
+           nnimap-request-article-part
+           nnimap-request-article
+           nnimap-request-head
+           nnimap-request-body
+           nnimap-request-group
+           nnimap-close-group
+           nnimap-pattern-to-list-arguments
+           nnimap-request-list
+           nnimap-request-post
+           nnimap-retrieve-groups
+           nnimap-request-update-info-internal
+           nnimap-request-type
+           nnimap-request-set-mark
+           nnimap-split-to-groups
+           nnimap-split-find-rule
+           nnimap-split-find-inbox
+           nnimap-split-articles
+           nnimap-request-scan
+           nnimap-request-newgroups
+           nnimap-request-create-group
+           nnimap-time-substract
+           nnimap-date-days-ago
+           nnimap-request-expire-articles-progress
+           nnimap-request-expire-articles
+           nnimap-request-move-article
+           nnimap-request-accept-article
+           nnimap-request-delete-group
+           nnimap-request-rename-group
+           gnus-group-nnimap-expunge
+           gnus-group-nnimap-edit-acl
+           gnus-group-nnimap-edit-acl-done
+           nnimap-group-mode-hook
+           nnimap-mark-to-predicate
+           nnimap-mark-to-flag-1
+           nnimap-mark-to-flag
+           nnimap-mark-permanent-p
+           )))
+ (provide 'nnimap)
+ ;; arch-tag: 2b001f20-3ff9-4094-a0ad-46807c1ba70b
+ ;;; nnimap.el ends here

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